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Confessed rapist gets 45 days. Judge "14 year old victim wasn't as innocent due to sexual history.

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posted on May, 3 2014 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: iosolomon
a reply to: Meee32

You seem to care about the rights of a rapist over that of a woman... THAT is what makes you a sicko...

I really do not understand why people are having such a tough time understanding my words. This isn't rocket science.

The rapist was prosecuted and sentenced. Sure, some victims might want to see their rapist stoned to death. Are you saying that we should allow the victim to have her rapist stoned to death because otherwise we would be "guilty" of caring about the rights of the rapist over that of the victim's? That IS exactly what you are saying.

What does the Constitution have to do with this? Well, people on here are calling me barbaric, backwards-thinking, disgusting, disturbing, and now you, "sicko." The Constitution IS the Law of the Land that this crime occurred in. Therefore, I will defend the Constitution, and the rights of the rapist.

Again, you people really need to read more carefully. I am not saying that rapists should be allowed to rape. I am not downplaying the trauma of the victim. All I am saying is that I am NOT a sicko for defending the Constitution. If you really think so, then go and change your Constitution. Simple, no?

Now, is there anyone else who needs me to further educate them about human rights?

The "sentence" he got is no sentence at all... That is the problem here, stoning could be good, but the US has other forms of death penalty... The punishment should fit the crime, you seem to think rape is no big deal and requires a 90 days sentence... You can't be right in the head or maybe you are a rapist and that is why you would defend them?

I See no other reason for your pathetic sentence... I won't be conversing with you any further as your views are ridiculously out of line...

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Meee32

I See no other reason for your pathetic sentence... I won't be conversing with you any further as your views are ridiculously out of line...

How about the reason I just told you? To Honor the Constitution...

45 days, 250 hours of community service, and 5 years probation sounds like a reasonable sentence to me. This was NOT a cold-blooded rape where he threw her against her will. Did you read the article?

The punishment should fit the crime. I would ask, "What do you think he should get?" but you are not going to reply to me.

It is ironic and unfortunate that you think my views are ridiculous out-of-line. Like I said, if you have a problem with the "due process" clause of the United States Constitution, then you need to CHANGE it. Simple, no?

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: boncho
I haven't read over every post, but the few I did read makes me wonder if anyone actually read the full article?

The girl had texted Young asking him to spend time with her; the girl had agreed to have sex with him but just didn’t want to at school; medical records show the girl had three sexual partners and had given birth to a baby; and Young was barely 18 at the time.

She and Young testified last week at his trial that she had told Young “stop” and “no” numerous times before and during the attack at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, where both were students.

oung pleaded guilty to raping the girl in a music practice room at the school when he was 18. The girl testified that the two had discussed sex but all she wanted to do was kiss.

So this happened while they were both in school. The girl wanted to have sex with him, but not in the music room at the school (or so she says.)

Kind of sounds like one of those "choosing not to consent after the fact." She still went into the music room, or stayed in there with him while others were gone, claiming she only "wanted to kiss." But, most girls (especially ones that are sexually active) know where things end up...

That being said, she says she said "no" and "stop" and he either continued or was engaged in during that. In the end he takes responsibility and admits to it.

A lot of people say "no" and 'stop" but it's more like, "Oh this is bad, we shouldn't do this here...etc"

We really don't know if it's like that or, "NO!" "STOP!" the latter of course being clear and obvious. Myself, I have said "no" and "stop" plenty of times to my girlfriend when I'm not in the mood, but after a minute or two of her not giving up I usually go along with it...

That being said, this kind of thing is not, -Dude hanging out in the bushes pouncing on a schoolgirl-, it sound much more ambiguous, and given the circumstances and perhaps the age and other factors, the judge may be making the right call. The line in the sand for rape sometimes gets really, really washed out.

In this case, the kid took responsibility, the girl gets recognition, and he goes on to pay back society with his light sentence, probation and community service. Sending him away for 20 years doesn't seem like it would benefit society or make it better for anyone involved.

Young testified last week that he had a job that was to begin this week. But he did not give any details except to say his boss knew about his legal troubles. He also testified that he is engaged and his fiancée is pregnant. They plan to get married on her birthday in November.

Since the incident he's gotten married and he's employed. He doesn't sound like threat or fit the profile of some habitual rapist.

Conclusion: Given the facts, and most importantly the complete lack of, making any kind of concrete judgement on this case is silly. And if it really ignites your emotions, it's because you read too many headlines without reading the body.

Ba!!! I am in agreement with the Shill master again!
I tried to point out that people were letting their emotions rule their judgements in another thread just yeasterday. They knew nothing of the facts, it was all "I can only imagine what he's like" type of stuff.
You are pointing out more or less the same in this thread, and so far (while I'm typing) they have all ignored your rather sensible post.
This place is too diluted!

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: blackthorne

It appears that most of the posters agree that this was a ridiculous sentencing considering the crime committed....all but at least one and I'm sure anyone following this thread knows who this one in particular poster is.

I propose we just move on from arguing with said poster and continue to discuss this issue without involving our opinions of his.

He has a right to his opinions as do we. We may not all agree with him but, there's no sense in wasting anymore time and energy as it seems to be getting absolutely no where.

Just a suggestion.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: blackthorne
what the heck is with judges and rape sentencing lately? this is disgusting. just because the girl had a child and did not cry out or resist enough, this FEMALE judge gives her rapist, who CONFESSED, only 45 days in jail! if this punk did this to my daughter, he would become a eunuch!

Maybe some of these judges lack the kind of "first hand experience" which would otherwise give the a better prospective on the severity of the cases brought before them.
Of course, some of these female judges are "not attractive" enough to get said experience.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 03:58 PM
Fact of the matter is: the guy raped the girl, guy confessed, girl "may" have consented to it at first, but, in the eyes of the system in question you cannot rationally consent to sex until the age of 16. She was 14 at the time and the guy was 18. In American society a child under the age of 16 is not viewed as having an adult mindset to be able to make rational adult decisions. The guy was 18 and legally an adult. He made a decision to lay his hands on an underage female and confessed to it.

The sentence seems, to most, an unjust one. Regardless of morals or his constitutional rights, the law states that any sexual conduct with a person underage is to be punished to the full extent of the law. The 45 day sentence is not the full extent. what about teachers (and there are cases all of the time where teachers are committing sexual acts with underage students of all ages) that molest children (on school property) and they receive years in prison and have to register as a sex offender.

"Oh, but he confessed" does that make it any better? Furthermore going off an older post, if the teacher in question molests/ rapes your child does that mean you fail as a parent cause a person you have placed your trust and child's safety in commits such a heinous act? The guy got off light when he confessed. Disagree if you must but whats good for the goose is good for the gander!

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

I read the article, and I read where she said no, regardless if she "led him on" she is entitled to change her mind. This is the core of my argument:

“It is a deterrent to all survivors when you see a very lenient sentence like this passed down,” Villareal told WFAA. “It sends a devastating message to survivors of sexual assault. That victim’s family definitely didn’t feel like there was justice for her and for other survivors of sexual assault.”

The problem I had with the other poster was the comment that "rape victims need to take responsibility for their actions" among other things.

As a survivor of a sexual assault as a child, I'm offended by the responsibility comment. Should I have been more responsible at 5-8 years old when a family members boyfriend decided to take advantage of me? According to the other poster I'm a "slut." That's my problem with yesterday.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: Jennyfrenzy
I'm offended by the responsibility comment. According to the other poster I'm a "slut." That's my problem with yesterday.

I don't think, at this point, I would take much of anything that one says seriously. Bless his little heart.

Am I God?


posted on May, 3 2014 @ 04:14 PM
I gotta say the intro thread is a fascinatingly hilarious read. funny comments. funny comments.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 04:24 PM
Yep, the issue is that this was a forced act after the girl said no. The perp confessed. Victim blaming is not necessary.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: LadyJae

I don't think, at this point, I would take much of anything that one says seriously. Bless his little heart.

Am I God?

yeah I completeley lost all interest with the I am king solomon thread.
oh well my thoughts go out to this little girl hope she gets her due. I know i would be fighting hard for some repercussions if it happens to my little girls. I go out for vigilante justice with a side of sodomy.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 04:36 PM
Two points, quite unrelated to this exact case probably..... But.

(1) The word Rape is now so over used to describe some borderline behavior from multiple parties. It seems to have lost some of its sting. Am I right here.

Watering down a topic, blurring the lines and expanding it is counter-intuitive. Good way to "normalize it "

(2) In the past most fairy tales were designed to scare the crap our of people. Little girls, little boys and Woman specifically. To make them situation-ally aware and yes the Bogy-Man is real, and he has a knife.

I think as a society we have relaxed too soon. It is NOT safe even on your own front lawn.

In my opinion. Woman are 100 years away from not having to look over their shoulder every minute of their life. And that is just the western world.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 04:56 PM
Here is a good question......

How many Men and Woman would be left if ALL humans ( both sexes ) involved in statutory rape throughout history just ceased to exists after said sex.

To clarify.... All underage sex.

Everyone fears the thought police. But you know what. It would shut a lot of people up real fast.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: Jennyfrenzy
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

I read the article, and I read where she said no, regardless if she "led him on" she is entitled to change her mind. This is the core of my argument:

“It is a deterrent to all survivors when you see a very lenient sentence like this passed down,” Villareal told WFAA. “It sends a devastating message to survivors of sexual assault. That victim’s family definitely didn’t feel like there was justice for her and for other survivors of sexual assault.”

The problem I had with the other poster was the comment that "rape victims need to take responsibility for their actions" among other things.

As a survivor of a sexual assault as a child, I'm offended by the responsibility comment. Should I have been more responsible at 5-8 years old when a family members boyfriend decided to take advantage of me? According to the other poster I'm a "slut." That's my problem with yesterday.

Believe took all I had in me to not respond to that horrible statement. I'm also a survivor (not a victim) of rape and have discussed this, although rarely so, in other threads. That is exactly why I couldn't respond to such an ignorant mind set. Being raped does not make me a slut nor you! Just because I was sexually active before my attack does not make me a slut and does not diminish the pain I endured both physically, mentally and emotionally.

His ignorance was exactly why I wouldn't respond to him personally and why I suggested that we just continue discussing the issue without responding to his opinions because nothing said to him will change his mind nor opinion. It is a waste of time. He is absolutely entitled to his opinions of course, I just felt that too much energy was being wasted.

I'm sorry about what happened to you...from the bottom of my heart I'm truly sorry. I hope things have got a little easier for you and if you ever feel like venting...feel free to message me anytime.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 05:07 PM
She probably did say "no" and "stop", they just forgot the word in the middle of those two, which was "don't". lol.

I don't really get the whole calling this guy a pedophile thing I mean hes 18 shes 14, they're both teenagers wtf. I don't know why there's some weird cut off date at the age of 18. 17 years old, dumb ass kid who cant make your own decisions. 18 years old, you're an adult now so apparently you're much more qualified to do everything under the sun than you were YESTERDAY when you were a 17 yo dip# kid. Makes absolutely no sense.

Every dude here knows he's seen some chick he thought was hot, THEN he found out how old she was... And he still thought she was hot he just felt bad about thinking it.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: LadyJae

originally posted by: Jennyfrenzy
I'm offended by the responsibility comment. According to the other poster I'm a "slut." That's my problem with yesterday.

I don't think, at this point, I would take much of anything that one says seriously. Bless his little heart.

Am I God?


Bless his little heart indeed!

I like your style and see what you did there

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: DilligafMisfit
I gotta say the intro thread is a fascinatingly hilarious read. funny comments. funny comments.


That was AWESOME stuff!

I particularly like the post from Trueman.

"I read the list...You've never been a woman"

Quite fitting to his remarks in this tread.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: Bundy
She probably did say "no" and "stop", they just forgot the word in the middle of those two, which was "don't". lol.

I don't really get the whole calling this guy a pedophile thing I mean hes 18 shes 14, they're both teenagers wtf. I don't know why there's some weird cut off date at the age of 18. 17 years old, dumb ass kid who cant make your own decisions. 18 years old, you're an adult now so apparently you're much more qualified to do everything under the sun than you were YESTERDAY when you were a 17 yo dip# kid. Makes absolutely no sense.

Every dude here knows he's seen some chick he thought was hot, THEN he found out how old she was... And he still thought she was hot he just felt bad about thinking it.

I can understand all you posted with the exception of your first ignorant sentence. Really? And then you lol at the end.

It's really not funny at all. You actually made a bit of sense after that but, it lost all value to me after I read through your first sentence.

God! Sometimes I just wish I was born a man because it really sucks being a woman in a man's world.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 05:38 PM
"Sometimes I just wish I was born a man because it really sucks being a woman in a man's world."

You have come to the right place. There are a whole lot of threads on reincarnation........ you might find some tips.

But be careful what you wish for. Being a male means automatically being labeled a rapist by some people.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: Bundy
No and stop should get the point across, you're speculating about the "don't." Honestly rape isn't funny and shouldn't be made light of, really it shouldn't.

She probably did say "no" and "stop", they just forgot the word in the middle of those two, which was "don't". lol.

This isn't a statutory rape case:

Every dude here knows he's seen some chick he thought was hot, THEN he found out how old she was... And he still thought she was hot he just felt bad about thinking it.

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