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Elite German Special Forces Unit Ready to Storm Slavyansk to Release OSCE Observers

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posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:44 PM
Elite German Special Forces Unit Ready to Storm Slavyansk to Release OSCE Observers

Florian Hahn, German Bundestag deputy from the CDU party, suggested sending German Special Forces to free German citizens (three military observers and an interpreter) – members of the German-led OSCE team of inspectors detained by the self-defense forces in the eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk.

He urged the authorities to consider this option in case and only in case there is a sudden threat to their lives, German newspaper Bild reports. According to the publication Kommando Spezialkrafte (Special Forces Command, or KSK), that comprises about 1,100 well-trained and highly-skilled soldiers handpicked from the army and police, is the best German Special Forces have to offer.

The elite military unit has reportedly been put on alert. KSK soldiers are experts in hostage release and had previously conducted operations in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and most recently in Afghanistan. Decorated by the NATO, the USA and its affiliates KSK special forces have been in great demand in counter-terrorism operations, notably in the Balkans and Middle East. It will take KSK a couple of hours to get to eastern Ukraine. Bild notes that Ukrainian Special Forces are not up to the task of releasing the OSCE military observers. High-ranking Ukrainian official told the newspaper on condition of anonymity: “A lot of our soldiers are not ready to fire at people. Special op can only be conducted with foreign assistance.”

The decision on whether to carry out such an operation can be made by the emergency response center, that includes German Ministry of Defense, the Federal Foreign Office, the German Chancellery. An international team of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe comprising eight military observers was detained in the eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk by the self-defence forces last week on Friday, April 25. On Sunday they were displayed during a press-conference, all unhurt and in good health.

Vyacheslav Ponomarev, the people’s mayor of Slavyansk, said four Germans, one Pole, one Czech, one Swede and one Dane were detained because they failed to provide the true purpose for their visit. He also said that inspectors were not our hostages but guests.

The German government condemned the Slavyansk self-defense for taking the observers hostage and showing them at a press-conference and has also called for their immediate release. German authorities urged Russia to intervene and assist with setting the OSCE inspectors free.
Well this was kept relatively quiet. I can't see this happening though but if those OSCE monitors do get harmed, I expect some sort of retaliation from their respective countries. If the German's play by Russia's rules that means they have the right to protect German speaking people in Slavyansk...and the rest of Ukraine...
edit on 1-5-2014 by ProfessorT because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: ProfessorT

He urged the authorities to consider this option in case and only in case there is a sudden threat to their lives


It will take KSK a couple of hours to get to eastern Ukraine.

So, sabre rattling and pretty useless then.

"A sudden threat to life" is unfortunately...sudden. Sudden is usually much, much faster than "a couple of hours".

Keeps the tension up though eh?

If the German's play by Russia's rules that means they have the right to protect German speaking people in Slavyansk...and the rest of Ukraine...

Yeah, sure..uncannily similar to Russia's right to protect Russian speaking people in Slavyansk..and the rest of Ukraine too, except the numbers involved...3 or 4 individuals against what...Millions of ethnic Russians?

I'd say that gives Russia more right to intercede of behalf of their people.
edit on 1-5-2014 by MysterX because: added info

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: MysterX

Yeah dont try to show them how daft they are, they dont seem to care...

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:33 PM
Someones an idiot for mentioning it in public as the last thing you will want to do is get the guards extra twitchy with their guns wondering when a dozen guys are going to come bursting in

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:33 PM
A parlamentarian from the back seat makes a suggestion and the biggest scandal newspaper makes a big story out of it. Probably that right winged guy from the Christian Socialist Union not even believed in this possibility himself, but just wanted some attention for the comming elections for the EU parliament this month.

While Germans are detained our ex-chancellor Schröder celebrated his birthday with Putin in St. Petersburg. After Angela Merkel had announced sanctions against Russia, she gave her okay for two big gas deals with Gazprom and Mikael Friedman from Russia.

I don't see the KSK rush to Ukraine and put some oil into the fire.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:51 PM
I suppose using German special forces will really test Russia's metal.

If they do go in, we'll definitely get to see how serious the Russian position is. And if it is just extremists rather than Russian led operations, then this could be the best move, anyway.
edit on 1-5-2014 by DAZ21 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 01:55 PM
I have to say that if that type of action has to happen, I would like to see what the
Elite Germans can do.

It would be a true test of Russia's ability to take on a better force than what they face now.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: anon72

u know in the old days when Power actually meant something,, for instance,
Mr. Stalin would say,, or better yet,, Czar Nicky,, as Queen Victoria used too call him,,

"Close the borders, all Countries, City's and villages, Loyal too the King, and the MotherLand that is Russia."

and viola,, entire Countries,, surrounded.

Think small, well.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 02:36 PM
KSK is extremely good at what the do. SAS and American seals have said very good things about them.

If they do get sent in they will get the job done. KSK may even be slightly better than the SAS. Although once sf get to certain level they are all pretty much equal. But SKS is top notch

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 07:36 PM
As long as they dont have the alfas (with a little setup prepped by the vympels) waiting for them there... I guess the ksk will do ok...

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 08:03 PM
Makes you wonder why Moscow wanted them capture from carrying out there work... It's like Putin doesn't want merkle to find out the truth

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 08:19 PM

The German Bundestag deputy, Florian Hahn, has called for KSK German Special Forces to be sent to eastern Ukraine to free the German Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) inspectors kidnapped by pro-Russian separatists.

The elite military unit has been put on alert after three German military observers and an interpreter were detained in the eastern Ukrainian city of Slaviansk. The team of eight observers was paraded at a press conference last week to show that all remain unharmed.

Things are about to get a bit sketchy.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: Maxatoria

Absolutely. If they were going in they would do it unannounced.

"He urged the authorities to consider this option in case and only in case there is a sudden threat to their lives"- See more at:
This also reeks to high they're gonna get an Early Warning System that says Hey guys, they're getting ready to kill the hostages...time to go in now....that's not how you do it if you want survivors.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: Maxatoria
Someones an idiot for mentioning it in public as the last thing you will want to do is get the guards extra twitchy with their guns wondering when a dozen guys are going to come bursting in

Yeah, exactly. WTF? So much for the element of surprise. Jesus. That's kind of a big deal, I would imagine, especially in hostage scenarios.

Might as well get on a big megaphone and shout, "Hey, we're coming in now! Through the windows and also the front and back doors!. Ready,.....set........".

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: ProfessorT

Not surprising. From everything I've read, and that's a lot, the German government was the primary force behind the Ukrainian coup (with a US go ahead and auxiliary support). Here we go... This is the kind of thing that is a trigger for war.

And the vast majority of the US population doesn't even know a coup took place that kicked all this off.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: ProfessorT

Well, we all know that politicians can make all kinds of suggestions and statements, but it really doesn't mean anything unless those directly in power back it and authorize it.

I don't see this happening either, at least not publicly. They might do something eventually if they're pushed, but I don't think anyone will know about it until after the fact.

They are well within their rights to. These people are being held captive, as prisoners, by armed men. If Russia wants to claim they have the right to act to defend Russian speakers in any country even when there is absolutely no evidence that they are under any kind of threat, then every other country can certainly act to protect their own citizens when they ARE CLEARLY under threat.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: pirhanna
a reply to: ProfessorT

Not surprising. From everything I've read, and that's a lot, the German government was the primary force behind the Ukrainian coup (with a US go ahead and auxiliary support). Here we go... This is the kind of thing that is a trigger for war.

And the vast majority of the US population doesn't even know a coup took place that kicked all this off.

And you have evidence of this?

No? What a shock.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 08:22 AM
There is plenty of evidence on this site alone.and you chose to ignore it

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 09:20 AM
Tass said it too
It would no doubt be the wests vaunted unseen hand,it was quite popular from us in the 50s-80s down south.
Russia isn't going to be allowed to expand again without a fight. Putin ordered HIS forces into a neighboring country in sterile uniforms ,he WILL recall them or the west will fight...minus the US of course our government is dysfunctional in the extreme. They are waiting for a shooting war to draft..which is also being prepared for the ladies as well.

posted on May, 2 2014 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: pirhanna
a reply to: ProfessorT

Not surprising. From everything I've read, and that's a lot, the German government was the primary force behind the Ukrainian coup (with a US go ahead and auxiliary support). Here we go... This is the kind of thing that is a trigger for war.

And the vast majority of the US population doesn't even know a coup took place that kicked all this off.

coup? can anyone get reliable information on this?....the EU can't even get together themselves to formulate a united front. you expect the American people to be up to speed on accurate intelligence, when we have a problem trying to keep up on information pertaining to our own government?'s up to the Ukraine people and the rest of Europe to deal with this, instead of waiting for the US to act. it's bad enough when the average American is seen as some rich, dumb-ass, evil doer, when they go to some other country.

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