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There is NO SUCH THING As a Dissapearing Plane in the 21st Century.

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posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: RoScoLaz

Yes does appear that each stage of this event was carefully choreographed...


posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 01:42 AM
They can track things with great accuracy.. if they know about them in advance. Once they are off the grid so to speak, not so much. They really don't have a magical system to track the heat signature of everything on the planet no matter where it is.

For all the technological advances made, I think people still greatly overestimate exactly what we are able to do. Of course, on this site, people think HAARP is super-weapon that can cause earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, can take airplanes down from the sky, create holograms, and superheat our atmosphere causing climate-change. So I guess it shouldn't surprise me people think that we should be proactively tracking close to 200 million square miles on this planet at all times.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: [post=17853900]Gemini

well thats a pretty huge stretch by any standard. Plenty of things happen in the same area that are unrelated. So there is literally nothing at all that made you think that, you just thought you'd put it out there?

I dont understand how some peoples brains work...

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 02:09 AM

originally posted by: BeReasonable
a reply to: [post=17853900]Gemini

well thats a pretty huge stretch by any standard. Plenty of things happen in the same area that are unrelated. So there is literally nothing at all that made you think that, you just thought you'd put it out there?

I dont understand how some peoples brains work...

What is? That in this day and age 2 disasters in the same vicinity and timed one after the other may or may not be related?

If you cant understand how peoples brains work, try using your own and build a model from there...


posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 02:29 AM

originally posted by: Donkey_Dean
a reply to: openminded2011

Lots of systems had to be disabled for this to have happened.

This plane was also said to have flown between two major US air bases. Deigo Garcia, and Xmouth. I won't even mention Rottnest down by Perth Australia.

Rottnest? Rottnest is not a US base and does not have an airstrip that could land a 777, just south of Rottnest is Garden Is which IS a navy base, but again it has no large enough airstrip for a 777. Also these islands are just off the coast of a major city, some of us would have noticed a 777.

Exmouth, or Harold E Holt airbase was a possibility I considered early on as an emergency landing destination, but I swing more heavily to DG. Less tourists to ask: "Whats that plane doing out there amongst the termite mounds?"

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 02:51 AM
Whilst not within the realms of impossibility, I seriously doubt there is any connection between the ferry sinking the and planes disappearance.

The ferry sinking, imo, was what it was, a terrible accident resulting from negligence.

The plane on the other hand is more curious. I doubt there is any conspiracy on a global scale regarding it. The Malaysians may know a bit more and are hesitant to release the information for fear of looking incompetent, and / or admitting pilot error which may or may not have been the result of some mental issues in regards to the flight staff.

All evidence seems to suggest it came down in the ocean, however I do feel that, at this stage, there is insufficient evidence that it was hijacked and either still crashed into the ocean, or flown to one of the known "hostile" countries for later use.

The problem is the sheer vastness of the area they need to search, and the window that the plane came down. It doesn't take a genius to work out the sheer scale of what is involved in working out that final resting place, should it exist.

Even if it turns out (which it appears to be) that the Malaysian military tracked the aircraft once civilian radars lost it, it still leaves a huge area to be searched. If it did indeed land in the ocean the tide could have pushed / pulled it anywhere over that large area.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: yorkshirelad

I still think whatever happened was too ple have opinions that are wrong.

And you should really bear that in mind when you post. He made a valid point, he wasn't saying the batteries died right on their expirey. What he said was the pings occurred in a time period that took the extra battery life into consideration.

I think the reason they bothered with pings etc was, as pointed out, the pings would mean that everyone believed the plane crashed. Without them more people would be open to the idea of it having landed somewhere.

Let's face it, all this conjecture going on, surely we all have to agree one of two things happened...

Scenario A sees the plane, whether at the hands of someone or through some tragic error, crash somewhere (this includes fires, hijackers, crew involvement, accidentally shot down and all that milarky)

Scenario B is where someone (group, country, organisation, whatever) who has the the ability, resources and most importantly (and perhaps chillingly) motive, to carry this off, ghosted the plane.

I can't help wondering if the time between the planes disappearing act and the pings was long enough to remove the black box and dump it there. That is of course it was the black box and not whale locator beacons...

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 03:14 AM
This time, "somethig gone terribly wrong and bad"....

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: GeminiSky
We can have all the systems we want but as long as we have the human factor it will sometimes fail. It was just one of the millions of flights, when something does go wrong its because of human factor. I know of many systems that have backups for backups so when a backup fails no one cares much, then much later the last backup fails but still no one cares then the system fails and there is a cover up by the people who decided not to fix the backup. Things happen all the time becouse back ups are not fixed you just dont hear about it.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 04:39 AM
HI there

Here we have 23 professionals, 20 of which work for “freescale Semiconductor” who specialises in EVERYTHING that went “missing”:

IBM executive Philip Wood, 50, originally from Texas, was one of three Americans on the plane.
Another passenger on the way to a new job was mechanical engineer Paul Weeks from New Zealand.
Dr Yuchen Li recently finished his doctoral engineering degree from Cambridge University.

Also on the plane were 20 staff members from a US technology company, Freescale Semiconductor, which makes powerful microchips for industries, including defence. Twelve employees were from Malaysia and eight were from China.
Microcontrollers Processors Analog & Power Management RF Sensors Parametric Search Hardware Development Tools Software Development Tools Run-time Software Software Store Documentation Applications Samples Training & EventsTechnical Service Requests

To me it sounds like any tech company would have lots to gain from abducting these people on board.. maybe they got tony stark in a cave somewhere?

then there is something that hardly anyone is ever aware of....

The Dragon’s Triangle:
"Pacific Bermuda Triangle", is a region of the Pacific around Miyake Island, about 100 km south of Tokyo. The Devil's sea is one of 12 Vile Vortices, originally plotted by Ivan T. Sanderson.[1] The size and area varies with the report (the only reports stem from the 1950s), with various reports placing it 110 kilometres (68 mi) from an unspecified part of Japan's east coast, 480 kilometres (300 mi) from the coast, and even near Iwo Jima, 1,200 kilometres (750 mi) from the coast.(Kusche:259-260)
This area is said to be a danger zone on Japanese maps, according to Charles Berlitz's books The Bermuda Triangle (1974) and The Dragon's Triangle (1989). He states that in the peacetime years between 1952-54 Japan lost 5 military vessels with crews lost totalling over 700 people and that the Japanese government sent a research vessel with over 100 scientists on board to study the Devil's Sea, and that this ship too vanished; and finally that the area was officially declared a danger zone.

Considering... the plane could be in a paralell universe

too many if's, but's and why's for this story. the sad fact is nobody will know until its too late. I personally believe that someone knows where it is.. and one of these days when nobody is looking for it anymore and this whole story is as stale as 911, then BOOM!!! MH370 loaded with nukes flies into a random airspace.

we need to find out who will have the most to gain from 20 engineers' skills... 95% says they will have the plane and the people.

either that or they are all uner the sea.... down where its wetter life is much better, take it from me!!! there were soldiers onboard the flight therefore any act of terrorism is ruled out.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 06:07 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: GeminiSky

Again, yes, I agree with you but that flight data thing of all flights surely cannot be live but predicted times, based entirely upon the flight schedule not the actual movement of the plane.

Of course, there must has been multiple tracking of that plane or this modern world is getting to be pretty damned scary with what we are told, expect and what really happens.

Makes you wonder how many missiles we have setting in silos that will go "Fizzz, pop," and not budge an inch if the button is every pushed.

"Fizz, pop?" If they even get that far.

An acquaintance was hitchhiking back in the days when only specialists had computers. A smartly dressed man gave him a lift and brought up the subject of nuclear war. "I suppose the thought of nuclear war worries you?" My acquaintance answered "Yes". "Don't worry." Said the smartly dressed man. "I'm a computer programmer for the military. We're not stupid, we don't want a nuclear war. What they don't know is, when they press the red button a series of puzzles come up on the screen. If they manage to solve all of them the missiles are launched. But we set the puzzles and we're cleverer than they are."

Keeping on subject this means don't trust the claimed efficiency of electronic gizmos and gadgets.
edit on 28 4 2014 by Kester because: punctuation

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: GeminiSky
a reply to: F4guy

Please show the source stating that the option was not ordered by the airline. Also I would like to know how air traffic control is able to track airplanes WORLDWIDE. Thanks.

Air traffic control is absolutely NOT able to track planes WORLDWIDE! I'm a medically retired Air Force Captain and 13B (Air Battle Manager) FYI. I was in charge of personnel called Air Control & Warning Technicians (AC&W) or Air Force 1C5 career field. These technicians as well as Air Battle Managers) view radar data far greater than ATC radar... far more sophisticated than ATC radar. The AN/TPS-75 has an unclassified range of roughly 250-300 NM. The ATC radars are only roughly 20 NM but more precisely determine location and are more strategically placed to prevent lapse in covered airspace. The AN.TPS-75 is a mobile radar, designed to be packed up, shipped, and stood up within a moment's instance along with Control Reporting Center (CRC) AC&W Technicials and Air Battle Managers in the instance of war.

My point is, if ATC could see everything, there would be absolutely no need for these Air Force career fields. Nor would there be a need for AWACS (a flying radar that I was also trained in before being assigned to a CRC). Please do some research, or at least join the Air Force if you want absolute knowledge of how radar works and the capabilities of them. Please do not spit thought vomit randomly clouding the heads of other people. What you've said here is nonsense and the only thing that I want to make sure people are clear of. THERE IS NO ABSOLUTE GLOBAL RADAR COVERAGE... PERIOD. Satellite, and everything else you've thought up... maybe... but I'm not trained in those fields so I cannot and will not comment there.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 07:29 AM
A plane crash would have been detected by seismic sensors. There was one seismic event around the time and place of the disappearance but it was dismissed as normal geological activity. I would love to hear whether there was any notable activity in the area where they're searching. I would bet no.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 07:38 AM
agreed.. that plane was either shot down or "kidnapped".. all those patent holders on one plane..hmmmm

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 07:47 AM
There are known unknowns. There are unknown knowns. Then, there are unknown unknowns.

I agree that 300 people and a huge plane disappearing these days is hard to figure. I don't think it was a black hole or aliens, but I have my suspicions about Diego Garcia, China or maybe even Australia. This may be the modern-day equivalency of Amelia Earhart.

I agree with the poster above too; A lot of patent holders--important, smart people were on that plane. It wasn't just normal, everyday travelers.
edit on 28-4-2014 by Fylgje because: forgot to add something

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 08:00 AM
I'll add my 2 cents into this massive thread.

Personally, I think it was just simply destroyed in mid air, by either a bomb on board or an outside influence. Either way, I don't think we are going to find this plane, at least in one piece. There is data showing where it was last see on radar, and that's all we are given, something sudden and catastrophic happened.
The question to me is. Do people know what happened and are just trying to figure out HOW to explain what happened to avoid legal issues to come for the next 50 some odd years? There were a lot of wealthy people on that plane, and smart people as well, families will fight tooth and nail if they found out the truth.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 08:27 AM
There are many questions to why this happened, and who is responsible. With any tragedy, it always becomes a witch hunt and the blood lust will not end until the perpetrator is found. A common technique in finding the motive for any crime is following the money.

Now we can all remember 9/11 and how a select number of people applied put options on American Airlines and United Airlines stocks shortly before the planes were "hijacked". So it would be worth researching what trends happened with Malaysian Airlines stocks in the days before the incident.

I have come across a few articles claiming that there were 4 members on the plane that had a significant share in stocks for a company called Freescale Semiconductor. Researching the company brings up the name Blackstone Group upon which Jacob Rothschild is a member and stock holder. Also the infamous Carlyle group has vested interest in Freescale Semiconductor and some further research is needed there.

They were quick to try and blame immigrants who stole passports, or bought stolen passports. Classic propaganda with no real motive.

The pilots came under fire too, but they were just typical guys who liked to woo good looking women by showing off the plane. Who wouldn't do the same in their position? There was no motive for these guys to pull off a stunt like this.

Now I pondered the idea of remote controlling of the plane. Look up "DEFCON 20: Hacker + Airplanes" where a very informative lecture is given by Brad "Renderman" Haines. Renderman explains how most of the FAA data and signals are vulnerable to digital attack, with little to no encryption. With top level hacking skills, one could potentially take over the plane remotely, depressurize the cabin, rendering everyone unconscious, turn the plane in an odd direction so people are looking in the wrong place, and safely land the plane at an unknown location.

All my ideas are simply the result of media skepticism. Whenever I hear a headline news story I have to question what the real motives are, and never do I trust an official story. But the truth of the matter is, we may never know what happened to the plane and sadly, the families will always be waiting for that day when their relative walks through their door, but it will never happen.

This will be another news story, blurred out of our minds by brainless sports news or worthless celebrity gossip and the war machine will keep turning, as we cower in fear, trusting the pale blue glow of the television, to dictate our lives and manipulate our thoughts.
a reply to: GeminiSky

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 08:35 AM
The only thing I can add to this thread so far is an account from someone who would be considered an expert in the field of avionics radars. My grandfather was a USAF engineer who helped develop AEW&C systems and also similar arrangements on those used on AWACS. He also played an integral part in the launch of one of the first US satellites used for air tracking and aircraft positioning (this was very rudimentary). He was of a high enough security clearance that he couldn't fly over specific countries during his service and he still possesses knowledge that is classified.

We talked about the Malaysian airlines situation and he is convinced that the aircraft location is known. He explained that in 1959 we had the capability of tracking every aircraft to a height of 30,000 feet within a 250 nautical mile radius of the most advanced US radar systems. By the time he retired, our government radar infrastructure had grown to a point where the US was able to track air traffic over all of the US and its territories. He said that a good chunk of international waters were also covered. Keep in mind this is ONLY US radars. His retirement from the USAF was in 1982. After his military career he found himself with a position in the CIA where he worked for 6 years. While in the CIA his core duties required him to assist in developing Aviation Response procedures for threats and other airborne events.

Fast forward 25 years.. The FAA was talking about implementing ADS-B in 2008. This technology has existed for sometime and earlier renditions had been tested in the military for over a decade. ADS-B is a GLOBAL technology. It can see aircraft outside of radar range. It uses a network of global satellites to produce a 3 dimensional tracking of aircraft. The issue is that the plane would have to have the proper GPS unit onboard for the ADS-B tracking to work. Of all current commercial aircraft, the 777 is the most likely to have this piece of technology installed as the first commercial 777's were built in the mid to late 90's. He said that If the public knows about tech like this, rest assured it has been around for quite awhile longer and the government and military have been employing its services. Additionally, if commercial airlines have adopted this technology (which is literally 10 times more accurate than normal radar systems) then the US military has been using it for surveillance purposes for awhile. He feels that the area it disappeared in probably doesn't fall into the US tracking but many other militaries use similar technology and also have radar that is at least as good as the capability we had in 1959.

My grandfather's theorizes :

The plane did indeed crash, but it was shot down after the transponder was turned off and it was unable to identify itself while flying through someone's airspace. This scenario presents two possibilities, there was indeed a hijacking which took the plane off course, or the plane lost function of certain equipment which forced the pilots to change trajectory. If it was a hijacking, he further theorizes that one of the pilots or maybe both were being paid to bring the aircraft to a clandestine location. He felt that this flight path made the most sense for a disappearing plane as well as radar coverage is relatively sparse in this region. Obviously, no government would want to own up to this shooting this thing down, especially considering they'd have to know before it was shot down that it was a commercial passenger jet. No matter what you believe about 9/11, it undoubtedly changed the way we monitor flights all over the world. If a plane veered off course unexpectedly, it wouldn't identify itself and the transponder was off; the plane would be considered a threat to any nearby country. The only problem in this scenario is that other countries would know about this, so why wouldn't they come forward? Perhaps because it would shed light on acceptable military intervention in a scenario like this?

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: AlphaHawk

Naval Communication Station Harold E. Holt is located on the northwest coast of Australia, 6 kilometres (4 mi) north of the town of Exmouth, Western Australia. The town of Exmouth was built at the same time as the communications station to provide support to the base and to house dependent families of U.S. Navy personnel.

Some of the most advanced radar on the planet calls Xmouth home!

Diego Garcia does not have long range radar? So the base is a sitting duck out there? I bet that coolaid is good stuff, you better drink some more..

edit on 28-4-2014 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2014 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: RifRAAF

originally posted by: Donkey_Dean
a reply to: openminded2011

Lots of systems had to be disabled for this to have happened.

This plane was also said to have flown between two major US air bases. Deigo Garcia, and Xmouth. I won't even mention Rottnest down by Perth Australia.

Rottnest? Rottnest is not a US base and does not have an airstrip that could land a 777, just south of Rottnest is Garden Is which IS a navy base, but again it has no large enough airstrip for a 777. Also these islands are just off the coast of a major city, some of us would have noticed a 777.

Exmouth, or Harold E Holt airbase was a possibility I considered early on as an emergency landing destination, but I swing more heavily to DG. Less tourists to ask: "Whats that plane doing out there amongst the termite mounds?"

I never said land! What does it matter if the base is US or not? Rottnest is host to one of the most powerful transmission station in the Southern Hemisphere. It is unthinkable that this planes location is unknown.

edit on 28-4-2014 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

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