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View homosexually tolerant film, or school faces lawsuit

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posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by CazMedia
Eastcoastkid states,

I have enuff to worry about and think of in my own personal life without feeling the need to dictate to others how they should behave in THEIR own bedrooms.
Me too
This is NOT about society trying to pry into peoples bedrooms, that is a feel good lie!

A feel-good lie?

In all fairness, maybe there should be a law that states anyone who is divorced shall have no right to raise children or marry again. That might put to rest some of the blatant hypocrisy we seem to be afflicted with.

Face it, whether people will admit it or not, a lot of people hate and/or fear gays. That's the bottom line.

As for films that train kids to behave or think one way or another: Political correctness is BU#.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 12:56 PM
CazMedia. BULL! They are nor demanding anything but to be treated fairly...WTH is wrong with you and people like you!? So what do you care if they get rights? Does it hurt you some how? What's the real reason here? Is it doing anything at all to "you"? Please explain to me what would be different in your life if gays have equal right. I'm really interested to know how this will tear up your family or hurt you in anyway....and do not use religion because everyone knows it is not the place of Christians to hate and judge...I mean after all....they may repent on their death bed and be forgiven, because according to the Christian religion....only god knows what is really in ones heart!!

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 03:28 PM
Hmmm, they ask for the same rights as everyone else, they are not asking for special treatment, they don't want the spotlight, they just want the same rights as everyone else. Like blacks in the 1950s-1970s. Just want to be treated the same as everyone else, if it takes protests, marches, so forth, well, give them equal rights and they will stop.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:52 AM
James first.
I did not say or place judgment on this groups abillity to ask for whatever they want from society.
I said THEY were the ones bringing this into the publics domain.
This means that society is NOT trying to pry into their bedrooms, they brought their bedrooms to the courthouse!!!!
ENOUGH of this LIE...just admit the statement that "society is trying to get into these peoples private bedrooms" is a lie and be done with it.
When ANY group goes to the society and demands some entitlment, they have taken their private issue to the public for validation or rejection...yes or no will suffice!

EastCoast, the same above for you as well, and dont try to sidestep it with a lame example....the success or failure rate of marriage is not the issue, certantly using your analogy to tie a failed marriage to a loss of entitlment is punitive to say the least. There is a differance between criteria based entitlments and punnishments.
Yes, some people do hate/fear gays...i do not, nor do the bulk of people that support a defense of marriage position. Citing only bigotry as your defense only defends against those zealots, and i havent seen one on this thread in a long time....none of us on the "con" side of this issue are preaching hate, in fact im pointing out on this topic that if it is NOT ok to pick on anyone for any reason, then why would a tolorance teaching video need to "single out" certain groups by name instead of making it an everyone situation. When you single out a group in this fashion you imply that it is somehow "more special" than the rest of the group. get it?

i KNOW youve participated in other threads on gay related issues, but really, you vanish when the tough questions start to be asked.
but for your pleasure, (and not to divert this threads topic)

Darn lady, just run a search for me using terms like, gay, marriage, rights, society, discrimination, legal etc, ive got hundreds of posts to answer your questions, some of which i KNOW you participated in and Ive already given you the answers you asked for.
try this thread, particularly near the last'" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">'
Do join in, you usually have an interesting take on things, but ill expect that you dont flee when the heat gets turned up on the "gay agenda".

I dont feel diverting this threads topic by attempting more of an answer for you is prudent...but you can certantly do some research into my non religious position and get back to me here, there, or by u2u.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:58 AM
Eastcoastkid says,

As for films that train kids to behave or think one way or another: Political correctness is BU#.

Please note my responce may be crude here, it is done to make a point, NOT to express bigotry.

So youd be ok with eliminating a tolorance training in schools and allow kids to call a black a naggar, a jew a kike, and a gay a fag?
at some point teaching tolorance is good, at some point it becomes smothering and "special treatment".

I agree that P.C. is bull....its forced niceness
its just as inappropriate as saying "we dont want your kind around here"
either think and say what we say is proper or we'll somehow make you feel bad is crap.
noone should be picked on for any reason, so again, why make special emphasis on a group when all groups are under this idea?

PS, i notice the N word is on the word filter, yet other derrogatory terms are not? interesting how SOME people get special protections/emphasis that others do not eh?

[edit on 27-1-2005 by CazMedia]

posted on Feb, 12 2005 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by CazMedia

PS, i notice the N word is on the word filter, yet other derrogatory terms are not? interesting how SOME people get special protections/emphasis that others do not eh?

[edit on 27-1-2005 by CazMedia]

Welcome to the America the Liberals attempted to build.....

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Kriz_4
What is wrong with classes on being tolerant and non-violent towards gay people? Surely it would help to reduce the amount of uneducated bigots?

REPLY: That's not the agenda. "Tolerance" of immoral and un-safe life choices should not be an issue taught in our schools, paid for with our tax dollars. Besides, it's not about "tolerance", it's about changing our culture for the worse.

Having knowledge of the costs to our economy of a lifestyle choice indicates being educated, not un-educated.

Being a bigot refers to the dislike of something that a person has no choice over... like skin color; hardly the case here.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 11:49 AM
".... So youd be ok with eliminating a tolorance training in schools and allow kids to call a black a naggar, a jew a kike, and a gay a fag?
at some point teaching tolorance is good, at some point it becomes smothering and "special treatment".

REPLY: Again, In our schools, tolerance is not the agenda, it's the changing of of the American culture.

As to calling people names, that is the role of the parents; our schools have enough of a hard time teaching our kids the basics of what they need to know to make sound decisions and to earn a living.

They are not "gay".... they are homosexual. Jews and blacks have no choice in their nationality of the color of their skin. being a homo or lesbian is a choice in lifestyle; nothing more.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:45 PM
I don't really see the problem. I really wish one day people will stop getting so upset over homosexuality and accept that its not hurting anyone.

I'm going to be frank, I don't care if it goes against someone's religious beliefs.

If YOUR religion has a problem with something as harmless and homosexuality, then perhaps you should find a new religion!

Besides, the Bible never said homosexuality was wrong, it said sodomy was. There are, actually, homosexual couples that don't practice sodomy. Homosexuality is defined as attraction to the same gender. Thats all it means.

America was founded on Seperation of Church and State, so the goverment should not pass laws respecting any religion, that includes anti-homosexual laws made because of apparent Christian "ethics".

[edit on 17-1-2006 by Kacen]

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by zappafan1
That's not the agenda. "Tolerance" of immoral and un-safe life choices should not be an issue taught in our schools, paid for with our tax dollars.

How is being a homosexual unsafe, exactly? I'm going to say once again that homosexuality does not equate sodomy.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by zappafan1
They are not "gay".... they are homosexual. Jews and blacks have no choice in their nationality of the color of their skin. being a homo or lesbian is a choice in lifestyle; nothing more.

Well, Zappafan – The fact that you think it’s a choice just shows your ignorance. Now some people have ignorance thrust upon them and some choose to be ignorant. And I'm NOT talking about the nice, "uninformed" kind of ignorance- I'm talking about the drooling, "Duh" kind of ignorance.

Since you are participating in this thread I assume you’ve given some thought to the issue. Have you given it any thought from ANY OTHER point of view than your own? Do you have even the slightest molecule of sympathy or empathy in your body?

Nobody “chooses” to be Homosexual – and your saying they do is proof that you have chosen to be IGNORANT; nothing more.

Now, if you don’t like me saying that you chose to be ignorant – then imagine how “homos” feel when you say they “chose” to be thought of as people like you think of us.

As if someone actually takes their sexual orientation in their hands and sees it as “straight” and then consciously makes a decision to go against what everyone else is doing – a conscious decision to be hated, picked on, beat up, thought of as disgusting and diseased, amoral “sinners” and kicked out by family, ignored by friends, and narrow their possible choice of partners from 45% of the population down to 5% - Yeah, that’s what I “chose” to do –

People like you are the reason that there are “tolerance” programs in schools – and by the way – it’s TOLERANCE, not ACCEPTANCE. I don’t want you to “accept” homosexuality and “turn gay” – I just want you to tolerate me like you do any other group of people that are causing you NO HARM WHATSOEVER!

Is that so friggin’ wrong?

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by astrocreep
If I ran into a gay bar and announced I was straight, how would you think I'd be treated?

With mild amusement in the gay bar I used to work in. They'd wonder why you felt the need to do that when they don't walk into "straight" bars and announce they are gay.

After the mild amusement had worn off they'd inquire as to the state of your mental health and then ask if you were really secure in your straightness.

I love threads like this, so much ignorance on display...I mean, homosexuality is a lifestyle choice? You gotta be kiddin' me...Better yet was the one about it being a medical condition that can be cured. Quick, everybody, let's burn all the witches and then I've got this motion picture for you to watch, it's called Reefer Madness...
I sometimes wonder if some of us aren't still a little suspicious of this newfangled fire thingie...

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 06:21 PM
Why Can't All points of view be Taught?

Why must we have only "Gay tolerence"? Or "Gay Abomination" thinking?

Or we all in some Bi-poler World?

Or, Just perhaps me, And a few others were Born in the Wrong universe?

Either way, Its all about Educational power. And those who Use It. This is the Conspiracy!

PS- Why are Bi people always neglected? (insert: Cheesy Emotican)

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Garon
IF there has ever been a need for clear cut evidence of ignorant redneck religious zealots overtaking and ruining this country...look no further, this thread is it.

I asked the question once already a loooong time ago and got no answer. Why is no one forced to watch a tolerance film about ignorant, redneck, religious zealots? Maybe a video on religious understanding? Why? Because the parents who don't believe in religion don't want their kids learning that at school! Oh... You think that just because some people posting in this thread don't want their kids to watch this video that makes them gay bashing hate mongers heh?

It couldn't be that they just don't want the government teaching "their" kids crap on tolerance right? But not being "tolerant" or "accepting" of homosexuals makes you evil. What the hell happened to learning math, science, history, etc. at school?

Don't jump to any conclusions about me and my personal feelings on sexual behavior either. My feelings on this subject matter don't reflect my feelings about homosexuality. Just playing devils advocate here.

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 05:25 PM
".... A group of parents don't want thier children to be included in this activity, but the Toronto District School Board won't allow their dismissal for the duration of the training."

REPLY: Yes... our Socialist friends to the North who no longer have a right to free speech. If the parents put up with that kind of perceived power from the schools then shame on them.... they will regret it in the future. Even the idea of the schools telling parents what to do is an agenda in and of itself. It's obvious the schools have forgotten who pays them their salaries, and who works for whom. They try that crap here, too, and I've been involved in it myself. I've pulled my kid out of school on more than one occasion; Because of all the errors in the textbooks. I finally pulled my kid out and now home school him, which more and more parents are doing.

"....For one, because this isn't about condoning homosexuality; it's about teaching people tolerance. You don't have to accept it, but regardless of what your religious beliefs are, these people do deserve dignity."

REPLY: Ummmm... dignity carries with it the related term "dignified."
Little Bobby? .... yes? See that over there? .... yes. And see that there? ... yes. Well, don't put that in there and you'll be more dignified, and you won't get AIDS.

discriminating >adjective; Def: having or showing good taste or judgement.

gay >adjective (gayer, gayest) 1 (especially of a man) homosexual. 2 relating to homosexuals. 3 dated light-hearted and carefree. 4 dated brightly colored; showy. >noun a homosexual person, especially a man.
-DERIVATIVES gayness >noun.
-USAGE Gay is now a standard term for homosexual, and is the term preferred by homosexual men to describe themselves. As a result, it is now very difficult to use gay in its earlier meanings carefree or bright and showy without arousing a sense of double entendre. Gay in its modern sense typically refers to men

Homo's don't want tolerance, they want to force their choice of lifestyle down our throats (no pun intended) and change the dictionary and our culture to boot.

".... Secondly, in the case of Toronto, no sexual acts will be described, the films in question are showcasing children of same-sex parents and how they've been bullied, how they've felt excluded, and how they've been discriminated against."

REPLY: Tuff. Again.. it's a "life choce" in personal behavior, and you live with your decision and whatever it brings.

".... But the way I see it is no one is being forced to condone homosexuality."

REPLY: That's EXACTLY what is happening. They're trying to use academia, politics, media and law to force their lifestyle into the mainstream of culture. Excuse me, but 3% of the population isn't "mainstream."

".... People are free to practice their religion, and belief that it dictates; on the other hand, if you are in a secular public school system religion is supposed to be kept out of it.

REPLY: That goes back to the old "separation of church and state" which is no-where in our Constitution, and I defy anyone to prove that to be in error.

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 05:27 PM
"....They are nor demanding anything but to be treated fairly...WTH is wrong with you and people like you!? So what do you care if they get rights? Does it hurt you some how? What's the real reason here? Is it doing anything at all to "you"? Please explain to me what would be different in your life if gays have equal right. I'm really interested to know how this will tear up your family or hurt you in anyway."

REPLY: Please see my post, directly above....

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Hmmm, they ask for the same rights as everyone else, they are not asking for special treatment, they don't want the spotlight, they just want the same rights as everyone else. Like blacks in the 1950s-1970s. Just want to be treated the same as everyone else, if it takes protests, marches, so forth, well, give them equal rights and they will stop.

REPLY: Ummmm, excuse me.... being black is something one has no choice in; big difference. Homo's have rights... the ones mentioned in the Bill of Rights, and nothing more.
The issue with blacks and "civil rights" is what opened up so many detrimental issues it's sickening. Blacks weren't beiing denied their "civil" rights, they were being denied their Constitutional rights.

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Hmmm, they ask for the same rights as everyone else, they are not asking for special treatment, they don't want the spotlight, they just want the same rights as everyone else. Like blacks in the 1950s-1970s. Just want to be treated the same as everyone else, if it takes protests, marches, so forth, well, give them equal rights and they will stop.

REPLY: Ummmm, excuse me.... being black is something one has no choice in; big difference. Homo's have rights... the ones mentioned in the Bill of Rights, and nothing more.
The issue with blacks and "civil rights" is what opened up so many detrimental issues it's sickening. Blacks weren't beiing denied their "civil" rights, they were being denied their Constitutional rights.

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 05:59 PM
Since there are many who feel (not "think") that the Homosexual agenda is OK with them, that they only want to be treated like equals, and all will be well if we were just a bit more tolerant and understanding, please take the time to check out the links below. It's probably an hour+ worth of reading... then please post your comments as to your thoughts concerning the acceptance of them, and the growth of their agenda in the American culture.

One percent of GDP in 2001 equaled about $102 billion. Since gays account for somewhat over half of those suffering from AIDS, at least half of this total or $51 billion was the cost of sodomy-that-led-to-AIDS. So the ‘gay sodomy tax' for AIDS alone in 2001 was about $359 for every U.S. worker. In 2002, the sodomy tax was a little bit more.

At present, about 6,000 males-who-have-sex-with-males [MSM] a year die of AIDS and about 20,000 MSM per year are getting infected with HIV. Obviously, unless the costs of medical treatment and other AIDS-related expenses drop significantly, the prospects loom for AIDS to cost appreciably more GDP in the future.

From:The High Cost of Sodomy, Part 1

The High Cost of Sodomy, Part 2

Children of Homosexual Parents Report Childhood Difficulities" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

Gay Foster Parents More Apt to Molest

Homosexual Rape and Murder of Children

Supreme Validation of Sodomy, Part I

Supreme Validation of Sodomy, Part II

Is "Pedophilia" a Mental Disorder?

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by zappafan1
REPLY: Yes... our Socialist friends to the North...

"Bob Rumpson is only interested in two things: Making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it"...(thanks Prez Shepherd!)

REPLY: Ummmm... dignity carries with it the related term "dignified."
Little Bobby? .... yes? See that over there? .... yes. And see that there? ... yes. Well, don't put that in there and you'll be more dignified, and you won't get AIDS.

But, hey, little Bobby, don't share needles, or you might get HIV/AIDS, check that your dentist uses an autoclave or you might get HIV/AIDS, don't help a bleeding accident victim or you might get HIV/AIDS, don't accept a blood transfusion or you might get HIV/AIDS...

Wouldn't want to comment on who looks dignified here and who is making a fool of themselves...

discriminating >adjective; Def: having or showing good taste or judgement.

Why don't you look up the noun discrimination and then look for bigotry.

Homo's don't want tolerance, they want to force their choice of lifestyle down our throats (no pun intended) and change the dictionary and our culture to boot.

Even if the pun was intended, it's still pathetic. See above comment, for your edification.

REPLY: Tuff. Again.. it's a "life choce" in personal behavior, and you live with your decision and whatever it brings.

Oh, go learn something...FG'sS

REPLY:...Excuse me, but 3% of the population isn't "mainstream."

It was the mainstream that kept the US out of WW2 while the Nazis were assaulting Jews, euthenasing the handicapped and imprisoning leftists...It used to be the mainstream that condoned slavery...segregation...It was the mainstream that campaigned to PREVENT women from voting...Try reading those words of Ben Franlkin again, how do they go? Oh, that's right...

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal..."

REPLY: That goes back to the old "separation of church and state" which is no-where in our Constitution, and I defy anyone to prove that to be in error.

OK then, which Church should be allowed to dictate what is taught?

edit: quotes...

[edit on 18-1-2006 by HowlrunnerIV]

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