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The protection order scam.

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posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 11:53 PM
I live in Washington State, and in my experience, the OP really doesn't have crap to worry about. They never enforce or take PPOs seriously, sadly. The incidents of PPOs that I have known of personally were well deserved, and given to men who I think personally, should have been banned from interaction with any women or children. I knew of one guy who, despite the PPO, would show up to the homeless shelter where his ex girlfriend was, and attacked her a few times, with little interference or punishment from the Seattle P.D. So PPOs are worthless.

A gun is generally a good idea, but not always, especially if the attacker has one too. For women that have problems with men who can't seem to bugger off when told, getting a gun is the first step. Then, further declare your intentions by gathering a posse of male relatives and friends, or people who are exceptionally intimidating, to locate your tormentor and in person inform, maybe even demonstrate, why continued contact and harassment would be very bad for their continued health and well being. You might have to do it a couple times, but the majority will get the message. Works better than any PPO I've known of.

I mean, after all, whats the worst that can happen.....the dude takes out a PPO on you and your posse? LOL. Seriopusly, though, women need to take their own protection and well being into their own hands, because the cops are not your friends, and won't do squat until it's too late.

(post by txinfidel removed for a manners violation)

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by projectbane

She didnt "beat" me in court she flat out concocted lies in order to secure my property and child. if you truly believe that she did what she had to and im just mad cause i lost you are a fool. This post wasnt meant to argue over my personal battle it was to highlight the abuse of protection orders. Quit accusing me of being mad just because i lost to a woman who as i said, knows people in the system and worked her crap to screw me over. Its people like you that keep laws like this alive. im not going to argue with you or anyone else about what my belief in how my own personal case went, i know what happened, and im sure if you talked to my ex she would swear up and down i shot my self to scare her.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 01:52 AM

reply to post by projectbane

She didnt "beat" me in court she flat out concocted lies in order to secure my property and child. if you truly believe that she did what she had to and im just mad cause i lost you are a fool. This post wasnt meant to argue over my personal battle it was to highlight the abuse of protection orders. Quit accusing me of being mad just because i lost to a woman who as i said, knows people in the system and worked her crap to screw me over. Its people like you that keep laws like this alive. im not going to argue with you or anyone else about what my belief in how my own personal case went, i know what happened, and im sure if you talked to my ex she would swear up and down i shot my self to scare her.

Well lets just say she didn't "beat" you. Although she used the system to win. As for me being a fool as you say....Im not so sure....hmmmmmm I would have to say in this case no, I am not a fool as I hopefully have made better choices.

You generalized women in a previous post....

I'll be perfectly blunt, you would have to be an idiot to think that women, specifically vindictive ones, wouldn't see the advantage to bull#ting their way to getting a PPO to sieze property and children

You say women, specifically vindictive women....but you can't speak for all women or comment on all women. I detest men that try to keep women in their place, bully or do not think women deserve a fair crack!! After all, it is women that carry our children for 9 months, give birth and that is something that no matter how much sperm we gave them doesn't equal their input. Women have been subjected to unfair treatment in all parts of life from jobs, equal pay and even status and its 2014...this type of court system is one avenue where they may possible have the upper hand for ONCE!!

Maybe she was vindictive (maybe not) but I can tell by your reply and attitude that its not as simple as you are claiming. Just because as men we think we are being reasonable or whatever doesn't mean we are!! And PPO orders are very flimsy, doesn't stop a lunatic killing a woman at all.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by projectbane

Let me're a woman? You come across as bitter in your replies to him.

Give him a break. As you say,you don't know his story. Hes talking about what happened to him.Me thinks you've had a rough time with men judging from your posts. Believe it or not, SOME women ARE vindictive little wenches just because they know the courts will side with them. I've seen the story enough to know the OP is probably telling the truth. Open your eyes and stop being one of those women.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 03:22 AM


reply to post by projectbane

You say women, specifically vindictive women....but you can't speak for all women or comment on all women. I detest men that try to keep women in their place, bully or do not think women deserve a fair crack!! After all, it is women that carry our children for 9 months, give birth and that is something that no matter how much sperm we gave them doesn't equal their input. Women have been subjected to unfair treatment in all parts of life from jobs, equal pay and even status and its 2014...this type of court system is one avenue where they may possible have the upper hand for ONCE!!

I stand corrected. If you aren't a woman,you probably are a really feminine man. Where on earth did you get that he was judging ALL women? Or that he bullied anyone? The # are you talking about? What you are babbling about above has NOTHING to do with the OP. Get a grip,o bitter one.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 04:00 AM

reply to post by projectbane

Let me're a woman? You come across as bitter in your replies to him.

Give him a break. As you say,you don't know his story. Hes talking about what happened to him.Me thinks you've had a rough time with men judging from your posts. Believe it or not, SOME women ARE vindictive little wenches just because they know the courts will side with them. I've seen the story enough to know the OP is probably telling the truth. Open your eyes and stop being one of those women.

Not a woman. But have seen enough women who have ended up on the wrong end of a guys misplace anger.

Some women may be vindictive. However, he came on here to tell his (only his side) of a story therefore opening him up to replies from anyone who wishes to make an observation.

Im entitled to my opinion, and because a few of you do not like my observation because it doesnt fit in with your narrow views you choose to relate your opinion as you too are entitled.

However, it is easy to open your mouth about someone when they are not here to defend themselves. He calls her a couple of names including vile....why could he not explain his position without stooping to insults when she can not defend herself. Someone who attacks a person in their absence, to me, seem like the kind of person who would do worse behind closed doors when they are present.

So please think carefully before jumping in to carelessly defend someone on here without ALL the facts and with that person so readily willing to insult through names the person who they have a conflict with. The whole story could of been explained with some degree of decorum and self respect!

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by V22tech

we seem to have a similar problem in the uk.

Many women make accusations of abuse inflicted upon them or their children by their ex partner, so they can get the upper hand in divorces access and custody arrangements. Often the women can claim legal aid to fund their legal bills, but those men who work can't afford to pay lawyers year after year, while supporting themselves and maintaining the children.

This cause all sorts of problems for everyone concerned and inflicts huge damage on the genuine cases. Its not something i have followed of late, but i think that here the situation is slowly starting to change, but i have personally known fathers get unsupervised access to their children, even when the children have made allegations of sexual abuse. My interpretation of what i have seen females friends go through, is that if your husband has been violent to you and not the children, then the children are safe with him. I know it doesn't work that way. Sometimes perhaps, but in the main, if anyone has a violent streak they can't control, there will be a point where they snap with their children and over react to a situation.

I suspect all this came about because abusive people, (men and women) can be very clever at covering their tracks, so there is rarely any evidence to prove how abusive they are until the abuse becomes so intense, serious damage is done to those targeted.

My personal feelings on this situation is that we have no sense of balance. 150 years ago, men had all the power and control in marriage and some abused that power. So the legal situation was slowly changed to protect the vulnerable and rightly so. Now psychology has in the mind of many become a science, rather than a matter of judgement on each individual situation, every accusation is believed unless there is substantial proof that it is false.

Its a little like the belief that children don't lie about abuse, in the main that statement is true. However, if a child is unhappy/disturbed for other reasons and they feel powerless, then they come across another child who has suffered, its not unheard of for them to discover that you can punish your mum or dad, foster carers etc by making accusations that have no foundation. I have personally known this situation to happen.

I guess any system is open to abuse by those who feel personal control is more important than doing the right thing. The question isn't why people do this? the answer to that is because they can. The question is how do we protect those who can't protect themselves, without giving people room to manipulate the law for their own personal gain.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 04:41 AM
really we have turned these "services" into industries;
they have replaced manufacturing useful things like cars and houses into the manufacture of stuff that keeps vultures alive;
strife discord and sickness

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 05:57 AM
A bad business no doubt.

17% of all rape accusations are false with revenge being the number 1 motive.

13% of a child rape cases are without merit with interviewer enticement the number 1 reason.

Unfortunately, there is no national standard of conduct so states are own their own to try to be fair. My experience is, in the end, if you choose to be in a relationship-and that relationship involves children-then you do so at your own risk.

Don't expect the State to try to solve your problems for you as you choose this situation knowing the risk.

The state doesn't want to be involved in personal matters-and try to mediate using taxpayer funds-you and your companion are FORCING the state to get involved.

Most judges point this out to both parties.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by projectbane

You must be some kind of skinny jean wearing liberal know-it-all if you really believe just because my ex didnt come on here, that my story must be false because the some woman somewhere might have needed a PPO legitimatley and thus negates my stance. Saying someone is vile isnt calling them names genius, its describing their personality, and it deffinetly doesnt mean i beat her behind close doors, you liberal idiot. I told you once before, this post wasnt meant to complain about my case, but to bring light to a problem in the courts, yet you keep trying to derail this thread by being an insulting fool..
edit on 16-4-2014 by V22tech because: projectbane would have cried if he saw what i typed

edit on 16-4-2014 by V22tech because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 02:56 PM

reply to post by projectbane

You must be some kind of skinny jean wearing liberal know-it-all if you really believe just because my ex didnt come on here, that my story must be false because the some woman somewhere might have needed a PPO legitimatley and thus negates my stance. Saying someone is vile isnt calling them names genius, its describing their personality, and it deffinetly doesnt mean i beat her behind close doors, you liberal idiot. I told you once before, this post wasnt meant to complain about my case, but to bring light to a problem in the courts, yet you keep trying to derail this thread by being an insulting fool..
edit on 16-4-2014 by V22tech because: projectbane would have cried if he saw what i typed

edit on 16-4-2014 by V22tech because: (no reason given)

See, you are proving my point. You are spiteful and abusive. It is why most likely you have been telling falsehoods. I do not believe one word of your story except that your ex WON and you did not. So you are obviously up in arms about it. All your name calling to me just backs me thank you very much kind sir. Your use of the term "skinny jean wearing liberal" goes to show that you are the type of person who DEFINITELY deserves what you got. But not being a man you resort to abusing your ex on a forum instead of politely coming on here and leaving that out and pinpointing the downside to the courts.

All your ranting at me with insults does not shed any form of good light on you. You ex most probably was intimidated and fearful of your possible bullying and abusiveness. Possibly. Anyway, the courts are no joy and often can be wrong. However, from what I have heard from you I don't think they made an error in this case. IMO

Please do enjoy your day and I wish your kids all the best as they are the ones who ultimately suffer.
edit on 17-4-2014 by projectbane because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: projectbane

BUT you should of taken all reasonable steps when dealing with this women when your relationship was ending. Recording all conversations, emails, phone-calls, offering up child support voluntarily, looking for anything that could catch her out....IF as you claim she is so vile...that shouldn't be too hard!!

Congratulations, you are now in violation of federal wire tapping laws. Enjoy your 15 years in the Federal pen. And this evidence gathering WILL work against you in court: "See your honor? See how obsessed he is? She how he collects every little thing about me? Psycho stalker for sure. I'll be safer with him in jail."

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 05:37 PM
Like i said before, its idiots like you who perpetuate this corrupt document. You are wrong and telling me i must beat my wife and i deserved what i got because you dont like the way i talk to you, proves you are a weak minded liberal fool. Im not going to keep telling you to stop coming on here and attempting to argue with me. Go away.
edit on 17-4-2014 by V22tech because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: V22tech
Like i said before, its idiots like you who perpetuate this corrupt document. You are wrong and telling me i must beat my wife and i deserved what i got because you dont like the way i talk to you, proves you are a weak minded liberal fool. Im not going to keep telling you to stop coming on here and attempting to argue with me. Go away.

You need to abide the T&C's!!

After all, this is an open debate forum and different opinion is what makes this board work. I NEVER said you beat your wife. READ correctly before replying. Understand the full context of the prose.

Calling me a fool does not strengthen your case. I have every right to comment and observe. IF you do not like my comments please move on. OR thoroughly explain yourself so a clearer picture is presented.

More often than not people who resort to insults (like yourself on this thread) are people who can not be trusted or believed. It goes with the territory!! I have a feeling you may struggle to understand that because you feel the courts hand-in-hand with your wife have screwed you over. From your point of view. I have not heard anything that could challenge that outcome. I would like to though!!

So please calm down, and leave the attitude and present us with how the court system abused you!! I am all ears and would like to see things from your point of view.

IF you can not do that, then fair previous observations will stand!!

posted on Apr, 21 2014 @ 05:11 PM
Your logic, like i've said before, is flawed and biased, but you have to keep coming back and getting the last word in huh? You just cant be wrong can you? sure you have every right to comment but i also have the right to tell you are wrong and a fool.

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