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The protection order scam.

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posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 09:51 PM
This will be my first post here on ATS so bare with me. A little background into why i posted this story and why i believe it is a serious issue today. I have been going through a bad divorce/custody battle with quite possibly the most vile woman alive. She has family memebers that work for the wife beaters association or whatever they call themselves in Washington state, and thus, knows how to manipulate the court system to work her way 100%. She has succeeded in having 4 protection orders on me over the years with no police reports, school reports, or any other evidence to support her claims of abuse, including telling a judge i shot myself in order to blame her for it...yeah i know. Basically i have to pay child support to a woman i hate for a child i havent seen in years.

Anyways, while i was researching what i could do to fix this i came accross the Emerson case on the justice project page, and was almost sick with disgust. His wasn't the only nor the worst case of misuse of the protection order. Its actually quite rampant, mostly in, you guessed it, liberal states. Washington state is by far the worst ive seen yet. However, Massachusetts, is a state where the fight for correcting protection orders seems to be faught the hardest:

Many experts believe that over 70% of protection/restraining orders are fraudulent. This is why i posted this in the conspiracy section, because i have been a victim of what i see as a feminist law designed, at first to protect women and children from the actual few abusive men, but have now been corrupted to the point of absurdity. It is another vile govt law that infringes on the freedoms of citizens.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 09:56 PM
Did you show up to court when you got served with the protection order?

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

yes, even though the court tried pulling the ol ex parte BS, the judge heard all my evidence and reasoning, and still put in the order. it just smelled like corruption to me, how everything happened regardless of what i said, i even told the judge i lived in Texas and had no intention of ever traveling to Washington state again..

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by V22tech

Welcome to Feminism, Liberalism, and Politically correct Degeneracy. Avoid or be combative with all three.
That woman will be raising your child. People like her will be raising your child. People like that will be indoctrinating your child.

Be combative against these degenerates.

Learn to know and hate them.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by V22tech

Yes ppo's are a scam. But my problem is the opposite of yours. In 2011 a stalker that I had a ppo against showed up at my house. So I called the police and told them that I had ppo against the person banging on my door and to please come help me. But the police never showed up!

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:10 PM
PPOs in my area aren't worth the paper they are written on.
I had to get one against my neighbor...a thoroughly creepy old dude.....and I could tell when I took a copy to the local police they weren't too interested or thought the matter very serious.

That being said, I feel for you or for any man who falls victim to a woman in this manner.
Justice should be blind.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by V22tech

I am so sorry to hear about your situation and I do understand just how much power the state has been foolishly entrusted with.

Obviously, there are ordinary citizens who use the state as a weapon against their enemies, your ex sounds like one of them.

Here is Massachusetts, we questioners of absolute power and doubters of administrative ethics have been discounted, harassed, marginalized and abused for such a long time that we may actually be better prepared for the great debate about government overreach than most. We have some pretty good lawyers too (they're not all bad believe it or not) so, hopefully you will find some help among them.

I was shocked to see the story on the MassOutrage site about the child taken from her parents for smoking and died in Texas state custody.

edit on 15-4-2014 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by V22tech

Hate to say it but in WA the guy pretty much always gets screwed. I went through this for 15 years and it was not good. May not be able to help much but I offer my sympathies as I know what you're going through.

One thing I can suggest that at first sounds like a backward idea, get any child support processed through the department of support enforcement. These bureaucrats are a pain if you miss any payments but they keep horrendous records. If (when) your ex comes back to some judge saying you haven't paid all you need to do is contact support enforcement and they send you a copy of your payments. Saved my butt once or twice.

Also at least WA doesn't have alimony. Good luck.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Teeky

I've always believed a piece of paper wont stop a dangerous individual, a 1911 will. A CHL is so much more effective, unfortunatly because of some dopehead liberal law my second amandment rights went out the window.
edit on 15-4-2014 by V22tech because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by DontTreadOnMe

Once in a blue moon, there is a thread I just have to walk away from. This unfortunately, is one of them.

I personally know of 2 Women who've been killed by a person they had a PPO against. And another who though wounded, ended up killing her attacker she had a PPO against.

Since I don't know the facts of the OP's case, I can't give an opinion.

I wish the children of the OP the best of what life has to offer them. It's hard on kids living through contentious divorces.


posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:22 PM

reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

yes, even though the court tried pulling the ol ex parte BS, the judge heard all my evidence and reasoning, and still put in the order. it just smelled like corruption to me, how everything happened regardless of what i said, i even told the judge i lived in Texas and had no intention of ever traveling to Washington state again..

Interesting, have you ever been charged with any type of domestic Violence?

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

No, like i said I've never had any documentation against me to justify a restraining order. Everyone knows a woman can just walk up to a court clerck and get one of these, without any proof of wrong doing.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

I understand, i didnt say all were fradulent just most were. I know a guy who lost his house, car, and business because of a fradulent PPO. It is one of those issues that unfortunetely will never be addressed by congress, so it will continue being abused. Id also like to add that this woman also used this PPO to have me removed from a bar i used to go to because she wanted to meet some dude there. Also did it at the NEX (navel exchange) on base several times.

edit on 15-4-2014 by V22tech because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 10:49 PM

reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

No, like i said I've never had any documentation against me to justify a restraining order. Everyone knows a woman can just walk up to a court clerck and get one of these, without any proof of wrong doing.

Not to sound like a jerk .. But in CA , from my experience we couldn't just "walk up and get one" we had to provide "PROOF" and even when we provided it , we were denied the first time around , and this person had a violent past..

Just saying..

I understand the court system is really jacked up.

EXAMPLE: a good friend of mine is a vet and a C.O with a perfect record. His x (baby momma) is a drug addict who lives in a mobile home park. Long story short the state awarded her custody of the two kids...

In closing . I am sorry to hear about your situation. I wish parents would consider the feelings of their children,instead of searching for ways to "get back at each other" .

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by V22tech

I can not possibly comment on YOUR situation. I heard your side of the story but not your (ex-vile) wife's!! So please excuse me not falling over myself to blindly believe you.

Every person I know who has a order out against them be it protection, restraining or whatever ALWAYS says their ex is the most such and such woman. ALWAYS.

Never once do you here a man be a man and admit he could of handled it better or that some of the blame falls at his feet.

At the end of the day courts tend to side with a woman over a man when it comes to kids. This happens more often than not. Its life, not always right but its life. Men should be aware of this.

I am definitely a hater of feminists and like I said in a different thread feminism is the ugly cousin of the LGBT agenda.

BUT you should of taken all reasonable steps when dealing with this women when your relationship was ending. Recording all conversations, emails, phone-calls, offering up child support voluntarily, looking for anything that could catch her out....IF as you claim she is so vile...that shouldn't be too hard!!

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by projectbane

you must have skipped the part where i said i provided evidence in contrary to what she claimed and the judge still issued the order. I'll be perfectly blunt, you would have to be an idiot to think that women, specifically vindictive ones, wouldn't see the advantage to bull#ting their way to getting a PPO to sieze property and children. Sometimes it is what it is, and evil woman, and i seriously doubt you know that many people with PPOs.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 11:11 PM
I cringe a bit at hearing it described as a "feminist" system.

There's no doubt that the moment you are forced to answer for an allegation in court, even if it is a false one with absolutely no evidence to support it, that you immediately become subject to unreasonable scrutiny and restriction of your life.

In part I think this is because the courts are the branch of government that America has revolutionized the least since its founding- I don't see how any American could be completely comfortable talking to a man who is required to be addressed by an honorific title and who can put you in jail for your words without consulting a jury, and yet they are the appointed guardians of our rights.

I also think it has a lot to do with what has ruined pretty much every other system in America- money. The courts are exceptionally favorable to those who can afford the right lawyer- then you've got so many rights that even when you're guilty it's barely OJ to punish you... I meant OK but that's a typo worth keeping. The exact same arguments from your own mouth or from a humble small town lawyer would get you nowhere in many cases, because they wouldn't be coming with the same subtext that you have a stake in the system- that you are financially and socially able to bring powerful and well connected people to your side.

This system operates just as readily against a poor woman. I've seen it in action. Just as a horrible woman can paint a man with the stereotypical violent male image and have it seem accurate in the warped world of the courts, a horrible man can paint a woman with the stereotypical emotionally unstable female image and make it appear true in court, and the courts can prescribe all kinds of extremely expensive and restrictive conditions on the woman which can ultimately result in bankruptcy, loss of child custody, and incarceration.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 11:21 PM

reply to post by DontTreadOnMe

Once in a blue moon, there is a thread I just have to walk away from. This unfortunately, is one of them.

I personally know of 2 Women who've been killed by a person they had a PPO against. And another who though wounded, ended up killing her attacker she had a PPO against.

Since I don't know the facts of the OP's case, I can't give an opinion.

I wish the children of the OP the best of what life has to offer them. It's hard on kids living through contentious divorces.


Yes, the state is powerless to prevent crime, it can only investigate, measure and document it.

No law will dissuade a crime of passion, only those who defend themselves have a reasonable chance for survival as your wounded but alive friend discovered.

Women should be armed and it is OK that it terrifies us, it is supposed to.

"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." - Robert Heinlein

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by V22tech

I don't really advise you to try this because I have been through the same thing and was heartbreaking and I lost many (so called) friends and disillusioned family members.

But I got her to break the protective order multiple, multiple times. What you would do is keep your distance until the right moment you kill her with kindness. Make her WANT to be with you. She ended up breaking the order so many times that it really began to work against her. It took a few times in court where she said she would rescind it but never showed up, but eventually she wanted something badly enough she had no choice.

Unfortunately its big business. So either you fork out lots of cash or you play her like a fiddle. The court system is so jacked up they will just grant whatever orders are put in front of them with extreme bias.

What you have to do is make the situation play to your favor!

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 11:49 PM

reply to post by projectbane

you must have skipped the part where i said i provided evidence in contrary to what she claimed and the judge still issued the order. I'll be perfectly blunt, you would have to be an idiot to think that women, specifically vindictive ones, wouldn't see the advantage to bull#ting their way to getting a PPO to sieze property and children. Sometimes it is what it is, and evil woman, and i seriously doubt you know that many people with PPOs.

I did read. But you did not mention what type of evidence. So in future, explain properly if you would like to have people side with you.

Well, you are the one who says she is vindictive (just you and your word). Could that be because she beat you in court?? Could be. If anything vindictive is not the correct wording....intelligent and smart might better ones.

And at the end of the day, at least you know your people reading skills could do with improvement, after all, no one forced you to marry her and have children with her....YOU did that, so as I said in my previous post....Men should be men and absorb part of the blame instead of always thinking they are the correct ones.

And right your post to me says

you would have to be an idiot to think that women, specifically vindictive ones

that is a generalizing statement there. And IDIOT may not be the best choice of word for you to use right now!! After all, she did what she had too and won!!

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