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A Simple Masons Thoughts

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posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

I have often daydreamed about having access to libraries in Europe and other parts of the world, funding being a major concern, the main concern for me would be translation. I read and speak a passable amount of Spanish which would be of little help.
Which brings me to something else I have found to be a serious problem. Most things we read today from antiquity have been mistranslated. Which add to confusion and room for more wild speculation.

posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by Speculation

I have considered petitioning a lodge, and have discussed it a bit on here in the past. I think I have a fairly good understanding of what is being conveyed therein....but I could never know without experiencing it, then discussing it with another with the same experience (like most things in life, I guess).

I would not do it now. I just cannot imagine finding time for that, too. BUt today at lunch I was mentioning to my wife how I would like to do this in the somewhat near future.

We'll see.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 04:21 AM
Thank you for sharing your experiences

I noticed that many masons on this site seem to be very fixed on history and exaggerate its importance. On the German masons forum I got banned and my post deleted without notice immediately, because I made a post discussing an esoteric topic from many views, as I would do here. Their comments seemed very guessing in the dark and related to Christianity in general. Even though banned, I still made a new account to ask for why I got banned and received an answer saying what I write is "complete #", getting another ban. Of course this doesn't have to represent all of masonry, though.

After studying the usual rules and rites of masonry and shard groups, as well differences in ranks I would say the behavior rules are a bit too strict. Having to eat in a specific way, telling people to always talk good to brothers in front of other people. What if a brother is afraid of that rule and treats one fair in a faked way and never builds up a real relationship?

I do hope the rules about working hard for your superior have changed, because it may have been good in the past, but today what you do affects the whole of the world in a significant way.
I noticed that many lodges in Germany force their members to support the system by protesting at given pro political events as a requirement to join. Actually there seem to be 3 lodges in my small city, also in need of members - however not anymore I would suspect. They filled 2 pages on a newspaper advertising for new members and their meetings are always listed under "events".

I've read about a member part that improves the passing on of wisdom in masonry. I'd really look forward to go through all the ranks to fill missing ancient knowledge holes in me and then share my long personal research with the whole structure to make all members live happier and also include the outside world!
Talking to brothers to exchange wisdom sounds nice as well. However, I am not sure if a lodge of the first 3 degrees would take me in - I do not stick to a single religion, but neither do I reject them - I'm just open minded to any information and combine it all. Believing in a supreme being - well, there is most likely a "mechanism" and I would be compatible talking about one being, but sometimes words about the history of where religions were created from escape me.
From claimed experiences from many people it seems you have to remember texts to rise in ranks. That is what makes my decision not to try. I couldn't remember more than a single line, because my mind converts everything to a logic system that connects everything with everything as one and couldn't remember words - and I want to keep it clean.

The wisdom and awareness which the Templars of Malta spread on some "events" is what I support and I would like to help them and would at the same time really like to "become one" to turn masonry inside out with my research on the world.

By the way, I would not read complete books unless something lost is in there, because If I had gained what I know through books, I would be 300 years, if not 6000 years old by know. I also had the chance to exchange wisdom with over 50k people, found by a filter to find only certain people and have been chatting with over 500k people in my life. Measured by multiplying a usual behavior.
edit on 8-4-2014 by oneoneone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by oneoneone

Masonic Lodges around the world all have Grand Lodges with different laws and practices for their subordinate lodges. The rituals are taught differently depending on culture. I am unsure about German lodges having never been to one myself. A few things are pretty standard. No criminal record and you have to be a decent person known to members of the lodge (though I have seen this rule bent often since membership has been going down). One absolute that I have never seen the rules bent for is the belief in a supreme deity.

You will learn many things. Mostly the teachings of good morality among Masons and all mankind. It all seems exciting at first because your not really sure what is going to happen, after you are a member for a while you will see the degree work and funeral rituals are the only thing you will learn besides the regular opening and closing of the lodge rituals. Though you pick up hints to something more you will not find any conspiracy, or hidden ancient knowledge by merely joining a lodge.

Unless you happen to run into talkative Masons that have read beyond the teachings of Masonry. When you do, or if you read it yourself your left with a new problem. No matter what books you read and opinions you form from whatever source...Its all speculation that is unwelcome in a regularly constituted lodge. They only deal with the necessary rituals for lodge function.

I will compare this to, just as an example, the Sphinx. If you read all the reports that date it back 10-12,000 years old and the research seems solid. Credible people get behind gets exciting. The truth of the matter is, they not changing the history books, most of the population do not seem to care and your just left with more things that do not fit into mainstream teachings. The only comfort of it is, your not the only one that knows there has to be more we dont know about.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 09:32 AM
Though, if you get enough people to understand why its better to be different, you might together be able to change some group shards and rules. But indeed, people progress so slowly in levels of understanding

The best groups are always those which include the improvement and the improvement of the improvement of the group itself.

So many restrictions filtering wise people out. Breaking the law is necessary to make a change. Even killing can be an action helping others.
And yes, I have the feeling that masonry is controlled and used for some actions, too, when looking at all the rules. It's wasn't hard to infiltrate it after all.
edit on 8-4-2014 by oneoneone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by oneoneone

That is why I signed up for this site. Most all people can read or watch the same news sources, often see the same television shows / documentaries and have access to the same books. When I sit down with a cup of coffee and read the internet news, i jump over here and find post of interesting things I have seen and the difference is...Even the jokes people make give me a different way of thinking about the subject. Many people posting away with very different views makes this the best way of looking at any subject. Sometimes when I run across a different point of view about something i thought was a dead end, the fun begins again, even if the point of view was wrong it might have pointed out a detail i did not exactly notice as important before.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Speculation

Great Thread!

Your first two posts are spot-on for many people who want to get involved in Freemasonry. I think my Masonic story would match yours very closely.

I didn't find any "secret" that isn't available outside Freemasonry. The mistake I made, and most people make, is that there is no "secret" that can be told or written down.

For me, even though I didn't find anything earth-shattering, Freemasonry was a wonderful opportunity to meet other men who had similar interests and who enjoyed discussing these topics (in the short time remaining after business, voting, housekeeping, eating).

The thing I *did* find shortly after my year in the East, was that a fire had been ignited inside and I started asking the REAL quesions. Who am I? Where did I come from? What will happen to me? What am I supposed to do?

Perhaps that is the secret. A door is opened for each man to find his own secret.

I am thankful to Freemasonry because that's what happened to me. A door was opened and I was given some tools (figuratively) to seek the truth.

I found it. And it's more wonderful than you can possibly imagine!

Freemasonry certainly isn't the only path to find the truth. There are other traditions, beliefs, secular programs, libraries, mentors...

I think Freemasonry is a well-organized and proven way to help someone along in their moral growth, but certainly it's not for everyone.

And the final caveat as always: No mason speaks for Freemasonry. We only speak for ourselves.

Thanks for this thread.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by emsed1

Thanks for the wonderful reply. The reason I started this thread was for a more common sense (simple) approach to what Masonry really is.
edit on 8-4-2014 by Speculation because: Typo

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:28 AM

So many restrictions filtering wise people out. Breaking the law is necessary to make a change. Even killing can be an action helping others.

The only restriction in my jurisdiction is that you are not a convicted felon which I completely support.

And yes, I have the feeling that masonry is controlled and used for some actions, too, when looking at all the rules. It's wasn't hard to infiltrate it after all.

Used for what actions?

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by emsed1

Glad to see you around. I was afraid you went the way of Capt. Morgan.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:43 AM
Wow...when do we ever get to read an OP on Freemasonry that is actually closer to the TRUTH? Its such a rare occurrence that your very un-mysterious OP is in itself mysterious.

You hit the mark. Freemasonry is one of the most over-hyped things of all time. Its nice-ish for community and friendship, but it offers NONE of what Dan Brown says it does.

edit on 2014 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Protesting for democracy / supporting "society" / being a good worker.
But never mind that, sorry, I'm not out for a long conversation, for which you are known for. I'll take it back, perhaps you are right.

reply to post by emsed1

The inner flame - I heard of that teaching and wonder which is its equal in other ways of teaching. Perhaps the strength from within, the heart Chakra, the whole, the aura or just another way to describe the transformation .. or maybe related to why it feels like I can sometimes shoot out a wave of energy towards 300+m range. Too bad if you can't talk about it and never mind if they're just your words

I found all the other things though, good to hear you're on the side of all and open minded.
edit on 8-4-2014 by oneoneone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 12:29 PM

Protesting for democracy / supporting "society" / being a good worker.

I am not sure where you are getting these 'rules' from as no such rules are mandated in my jurisdiction, nor in anyone that I have visited to this point.

But never mind that, sorry, I'm not out for a long conversation, for which you are known for. I'll take it back, perhaps you are right.

If you did not want to have a conversation why even bother making these comments?

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Brother, I'm trying to help you here, please be open minded, I've watched you for a while now. We all have our flaws to work on.

Don't be focused on words meanings or words that seem like a "game" that you want to win or following a rule about protecting your group or previous belief or you will improve less. Do not fear.
I said my words to give someone who already suspected something a lead about that my non word thinking has kept track of a high chance in that direction over the years, not to literally claim something. Others cannot describe this and eventually go on trying to win.

I heard your inquiry about that I could be wrong, so I will doubt myself again and more in the future - be thankful.
Look above the word mechanism or you will appear like having bad karma without knowing, and unconditionally love as you would be in anyone else and you will get it back. It's a medium to get your goal into the world, perhaps to express thoughts

I will say that I was wrong, so please let me reach you and see that I have no will to win.
edit on 8-4-2014 by oneoneone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Speculation

Have you looked into any other orders to find what you are missing? I have a friend from this site that joined the Rosicrucians and seemed very happy in that they taught things more towards the direction he was looking in. (which sounds similar to yours)

And now, instead of helping you, I will muddy the waters for you. There are may different groups claiming the name "Rosicrucian" and I don't know which one is real/better/fake/wrong. I only know AMORC is a mail order group. The guys my friend joined is in Southern California. They may be affiliated with others, but I don't know. If you would like any further information, let me know and I will try to contact him.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by network dude

Rosicrucianism is where I would be more inclined towards leaning.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by oneoneone

Your posts seems to be one of moral relativity and I disagree that "breaking the law is necessary to make a change."

And yes, I have the feeling that masonry is controlled and used for some actions, too, when looking at all the rules. It's wasn't hard to infiltrate it after all.

Except there are far too many variables for it to be done effectively and efficiently, IMO. You have nearly 180 Grand Lodges worldwide, each sovereign and independent. Each controlled by a Grand Master who is elected according to the rules set down by the members of that Grand Lodge.

reply to post by network dude

The Martinist Orders are pretty fascinating as well.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:50 PM

I’m going to tell a really big Masonic secret.

And the secret is???

I spent 10 mins reading your posts and all i found out was that the Masons are searching for people who would greatfully spend a fortune just to get the promise that "some day" they will get into things.

If you have such a huge need for paying out that much money for nothing, why don't you give the money to charities instead of wasting them?

And to close this, hello mason, i am a humble, simple human being. Not glad to meet you. Here, take this POTATO as a reward for being a member of team who is responsible for the pain in the world nowadays (through the NWO) and let me say goodbye with a petition:

Please read "the myth of cave" from Plato and make up your mind! "Secret societies" and bovine excrement won't tell you the truth nor make you a better person. For your kids' and grandchildrens' good, make up your mind!

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by JesusChristwins

Interesting avatar you have there.

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 02:05 PM


I’m going to tell a really big Masonic secret.

And the secret is???

I spent 10 mins reading your posts and all i found out was that the Masons are searching for people who would greatfully spend a fortune just to get the promise that "some day" they will get into things.

LOL, the OP spent about $450 plus yearly dues over the course of about 20 years.

If $450 is "a fortune" to you, then you need to be looking at how to ACCEPT charity, not give to it.

Freemasonry isn't expensive. And you can do it and Love Jesus Christ at the same time. Whoda thunk it?

And there is no promise of anything given or implied. Kind of like life. You get out, what you put in.

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