I’m going to tell a really big Masonic secret.
When I was very young I had a love of ancient history, the older the better. Reading anything I could I hit dead ends with most everything. I came to
the conclusion that secret orders such as the Masonic fraternity would be a possible new source to find answers to questions that mainstream history
and religion did not answer to my satisfaction.
Where can I find Secret societies? Knowing there were Masonic lodges abundant in my area it did not take to much asking to find I was related to a
I asked him how to become one and he said that he would get back to me. A few days later he had a small petition with simple questions I filled out.
Around two weeks later he called to inform me that I had been accepted and informed me of the date and time to be at the lodge for initiation…and
how much money to bring. Seems to me the amount was $125 U.S. 1992 dollars for initiation.
I had an outstanding teacher and learned the obligations fast and got my 3 degrees over the next 2 months (At the time that was as fast as you could
get the degrees unless there was special circumstances). The night of my 3rd degree I had to pay $25 for my yearly dues card. The amounts very
depending on the lodge.
The first three degrees are like a play the members put on with you as the star. After settling into being a Mason and attending other peoples
degrees I asked a few questions and realized most of the members were clueless about any real juicy secret stuff.
Right now I start thinking…I am not deep enough in to be told anything. Scottish Rite would make me a 32nd degree mason, a class was coming up
soonish so I got a petition and I was on my way. This time I sat in a auditorium and watched as different degree teams put on a stage production of
some of the degrees, for some degrees, a man would come to the podium and explain it in a simplified manor. Still I listened intently. This cost me
$150 for the degrees and $20 for a yearly dues card. OK, same result….I am not finding anything that is interesting. I will say I had a different
way of thinking, Things I had read from the bible, books, movies, TV shows had more noticeable Masonic connections. Still I was at a dead end.
Being in my early 20s, married with children slowed my pursuits, we bought a house, this put me closer to a different Blue lodge. I moved my
membership and attended meetings regularly. Being a small lodge in need of active members, I moved through the rotation of officers fairly quick. Now
I was a Past Master. Went to Grand Lodge the year after with my Past Master Status. Spending money I really could not afford I sat through a yawn fest
and learned nothing new.
After my 3rd and last child was born, I was making a decent living and old thoughts came up, there has to be more. York Rite, seemed like the next
logical step…After all, the Templar are mentioned in almost everything evolving conspiracies and such. Went there, got that, same results. Nothing
that answered anything. I honestly can not remember the amount for the initiation (between $75 and $125), dues were either $10 or $20...I am unsure.
Scottish Rite and York Rite are like Ford/Chevy. The only major reason for both is over religion. Jewish people and a few other religions have issues
with some Christian aspects of the Scottish Rite so they go York Rite on their way to Shriners or other orders that require one or the other to be a
member of such.
I truly enjoyed my Blue lodge meetings, was a decent bunch of guys, we mostly discussed lodge bills and the money to pay them. Set up a degree or
family night bring a covered dish dinners for random occasions and the holidays. Hard times came along, a few active members passed away with no
members to fill their much needed stations. Our lodge closed it’s doors and merged with another struggling lodge, but it was a bit far for me to
drive so I went inactive. I attend a occasional degree here and there if a friend mentions it or they need me to help out.
Though I have heard of other orders and lodges such as Night Masons which I feel is another dead end, the big secret is….Your going spend a lot of
time and money to find out Masons really don’t have any secrets, just a lodge of usually older guys that believe in the good values that are taught.
You also have to buy certain things to participate in certain degrees and functions, York right is the most expensive IMO, needing a tux and the
Templar uniform and sword.
My dues increased over time, the cost became a issue so I stopped paying York and Scottish Rite that always seemed to bite into Christmas funds.
If you made it this far…Years of being a Mason and much money spent, I learned more about it all by reading The Hiram Key. There are actually some
other books that are eye opening I may recommend depending on responses to this post. Will have to see a friend that has the copies I read to make
sure of the exact titles and authors.
Off and on I see a television show or read post making it sound so intriguing, it really is not. They do mention that future generations will discover
the truth….Maybe I missed something.