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Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told (yes, that's the title)

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posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by WP4YT

the big problem with that is that it come with a great expense for a specific groups.
much more could have been achieved if he had been working for benefit of EVERYONE.

edit on 6-4-2014 by demus because: triangulating distances

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by anon72

I find that His-Story controls the world.

Labelling him as antichrist for half a century, gave a rise to the popularity of the certain groups that opposse him.
And interestingly, if His-Story is related to prophecies, the apocalypse fans could experience ecstasy when discussing his name.

edit on 6-4-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by ScottProphhit

I wouldn't take it as an insult. I'm an extreme introvert, and I'm very uncomfortable around all but a few very close people in my life.

I don't mind being in public so long as I can go home at the end of the day.

Communal living would just be too public for me to adapt to easily and I would never be quite happy there. College was a long and grating time.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

But is that not because of your experiences rather than truth? Because I have spent my life talking and hugging strangers in my street, discussing life and it's beauty. The elderly always appreciate that type of communication and people my age always have so many questions.

Maybe in time you'll see the beauty of each person and won't be scared to share how you feel with them. You are just scared of how people will react to you aren't ya? You shouldnt be, fear attracts

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 08:53 AM

reply to post by anon72

I find that His-Story controls the world.

Labelling him as antichrist for half a century, gave a rise to the popularity of the certain groups that opposse him.
And interestingly, if His-Story is related to prophecies, the apocalypse fans could experience ecstasy when discussing his name.

edit on 6-4-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-4-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

So, what's next? When are we going to humanize the worst of the old Roman Emporers? I'm sure we could find sympathetic angles for Nero and Caligula.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:03 AM
Fascism is exactly what it is and every lie will be used ala Goebbels to sell the lie even fake Nationalism. The marriage of the state with corporations to the loss of all individuals. Sorry, this fairy tale is nothing more than repackaged nonsense for a new generation.

Who benefits? At that time, the 'good' American corporations... IBM, Standard Oil (Now Exxon and the four horseman), GE (who had their factories 'missed' by Allied bombing), and especially Ford (who had his picture on Hitlers wall) were profiteering until 1944!! Krupp (steel and weaponry), I.G. Farben (chemicals and pharmaceuticals), and Siemens (electronics) had taken over the fragile Weimar Republic. Throughout the entire history of East Germany, the connection between fascism and big business was a fundamental aspect of the country's ideology NOT warm and freely Nationalism. The relationship between German big business and the Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945 and the ugly practices that all too many companies were guilty of during that period -- labor exploitation (ie Slave labor of close to 20 million sufferers not just Jews), the Aryanization of Jewish property were an extension of this fascism.

The fanciful apologist video is nothing more than a average man's idealistic view of the propaganda of nationalism of the time... which was sold as a solution to the world's problem of over production, corporate corruption of the government, and high prices from the theft...

Just replace the German corporate names with those of current controlling companies like Monsanto..... and the same crap cereal (Nazism and Hitler) is being resold as a new taste.... just like bell bottom jeans and paisley shirts.. When Alex Jones is talking about body bags and internment camps..... or those spanky new corporate run jails (which house 3 percent of the US population).... think free labor for industry!! Great if your on the Corporate board... bad if your behind the gates which say :
'Work makes you free!'.. Arbeit macht frei

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by anHairInTheSoup

I think I am going to watch the vid now . Once history is written ,it becomes very hard to revise it .I have been recently following a issue with a University ,a Journal ,and a paper that was submitted . In the paper the author named names to individuals that went against ethical principals .These violations should have been picked up by the people that reviewed the paper but it was not . The journal pulled the paper but the university still has a link to it .The author being a scholar should have listened to his own words made in a previous paper .A commenter posted " Before celebrating about this “victory” it is worth pointing out that retractions of false information is known to be ineffective. Therefore the original accusation, even though false will still be retained as a false memory:-

“Media coverage of the 2003 Iraq War frequently contained corrections and retractions of earlier information. For example, claims that Iraqi forces executed coalition prisoners of war after they surrendered were retracted the day after the claims were made. Similarly, tentative initial reports about the discovery of weapons of mass destruction were all later disconfirmed. We investigated the effects of these retractions and disconfirmations on people’s memory for and beliefs about war-related events in two coalition countries (Australia and the United States) and one country that opposed the war (Germany). Participants were queried about (a) true events, (b) events initially presented as fact but subsequently retracted, and (c) fictional events. Participants in the United States did not show sensitivity to the correction of misinformation, whereas participants in Australia and Germany discounted corrected misinformation.”

Lewandowsky (2005) Memory for fact, fiction and misinformation: The Iraq war 2003

Now if we consider some of the history about Hitler and WW2 ,even revisions wont change much to a lot of people .The fact that it's almost impossible to re-look at the history of WW2 especially the holocaust is problematic .The westerns ability to create propaganda and vilify someone that doesn't agree with them is nuts . The way the AGW crowd have labeled the skeptic side of the debate with ( denier ) speaks volumes ....peace

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:21 AM

he could persuade people to do exactly what he want them to do.

however, he will remember for the evils he is responsible for.

So, in essence, he could influence people in mass to do his bidding yet some feel he was the victim...?

Ironic revisionist logic...

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by demus

The USA seems to speak for everyone . They spend billions of dollars to supplant their democracy and dollar system all over the world either by hook or by crook ..

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by anon72

Public personalities are often vastly different then our private ones, especially when looking at celebrities and how they are scrutinized by everyone and everything.

I will have to take a look at this later but I still never understood why everyone always brings up the Jews in WW2. Hitler/Nazi's attacked a lot of cultural groups, Russians were the ones that took the blunt of terror. I think, you will have to check, it's almost double the entire combined total deaths of other countries!

Just for fun:

edit on 4/6/2014 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by R_Clark

One of the first posts in this thread that really make sense.
Thank you sir.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

Like you I am a introvert and I guess that is why I can see what you say .Some people are like certain types of birds that cannot why other birds wouldn't want to sing the same song they do .Or live in the same type of nest instead of banging their head against a tree to make a home .lol peace

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by anon72

what is so wrong with supporting an ideology of a Country ? I support Hitler and NAZI regime.

I think Hitler knew how racist other Countries were... and responded with 'we are the superior race' as a direct response from the other Countries racist beliefs.

It is quite ok for the Jewish People to believe that they God's chosen People so why not respect ideology that supported whites?

My God is white like me

What is so wrong with that?
It is ok for other Countries to hate blonde hair and blue eyes? why can't we be the mirror their BS racism?

edit on CDT09000000Sun, 06 Apr 2014 09:29:47 -05002947am95 by Thurisaz because: spelling

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by anon72

So I was thinking today about Godwin's Law and how we could almost have a similar one for Obama and how he gets brought up and blamed constantly in threads here at ATS, even in ones where you'd never expect to have anything to do with him.

You've managed to combine the two, well done, perhaps we could call it anon72's law..

edit on 6-4-2014 by AlphaHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by anon72

Unfortunately, this documentary will only add more fuel to the fire of hate groups around the world. Nothing like producing a documentary to justify or glorify hate and the evil beliefs of one man. I can see hate groups copying this documentary and using it as a recruiting tool. Sometimes I think the media plays a big part in breaking down the basic social norms and moral behavior of society.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 10:05 AM
It would have been so simple to put a bullet in the creep's head. With all the crazy killers being cut loose during those days, you kind of wonder why one out of the tens of millions of killers didn't simply step forward and whack the pathetic psycho -- problem solved!

But keep in mind though, death is just an illusion. Therefore since souls reincarnate, this solution would be temporary at best. It's sad but true, humanity may inherently always have an extremely dark side.

edit on 6-4-2014 by seasoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 10:12 AM


posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 10:16 AM

reply to post by anon72

what is so wrong with supporting an ideology of a Country ? I support Hitler and NAZI regime.

I think Hitler knew how racist other Countries were... and responded with 'we are the superior race' as a direct response from the other Countries racist beliefs.

It is quite ok for the Jewish People to believe that they God's chosen People so why not respect ideology that supported whites?

My God is white like me

What is so wrong with that?
It is ok for other Countries to hate blonde hair and blue eyes? why can't we be the mirror their BS racism?

edit on CDT09000000Sun, 06 Apr 2014 09:29:47 -05002947am95 by Thurisaz because: spelling

I barely know where to start with this little lot. So what made it ok for Hitler to order the murder of millions of Jews? Why is your 'god' white? Which countries 'hate blonde hair and blue eyes'???

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 10:32 AM


And why should I sympathize with someone who embraced eugenics so whole-heartedly that he raised a regime that attempted to wipe out anyone deemed undesirable - not just Jews, but the mentally/physically disabled, Roma, homosexuals (despite the double standard), and anyone who dissented? Is there much sympathy that should be extended to that because he loved his dogs?

We are supposed to be disgusted at Der Führer's elimination of the weak and embrace the Spartan way of eliminating their weaker offspring?


posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by anon72

Yeah, your missing something alright. Zionism.

In the summer of 1916, England was seriously considering the proposal, they had no choice but to accept at that stage, the alternative being to carry on and be Totally defeated. Mean time.. the Zionists in London went to the 'British War Cabinet' and offered to bring the United States of America into the war as an ally, so long as the Cabinet would promise them Palestine after the war is won.

Then Germany realised what had happened.

After the war, at the Paris Peace conference, attended by no less than 117 Jews. Headed by 'Bernard Baruch', they claimed the right to Palestine by producing their receipt. The Germans now, for the first time realized that they had suffered defeat because the Zionists had wanted Palestine.

Up to this time, the Jews had never been better off in any country anywhere in the world than they were in Germany, having been accepted in after being pushed out of Russia.

- Walter Rathenau - Industry and Finance, heir to the Empire of AEG.
- North German Lloyd shipping Line
- Hamburg America Shipping Line
- Heads of mos Banking and Finance Institutions.
- The Rothschild's
- The Warburg's
- The Hamburg's
- The Oppenheimers
- The Schiffs
- The Einstein's

So what was the outcome of this Zionist influence?

In 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922 and 1923, the Zionists wrote in all their Newspapers, the press being filled with their statements, that the 'theory against the Jews in Germany', was that the Germans had realized the great defeat had been brought about by their (Zionist) interception in bringing the USA into the war against them.

The Zionists had admitted that it was a totally political and economic movement, not a religious one.

After some time and much chanting from the Zionists and the Jewish community, the German people began picketing against Jewish businesses. By 1933, when the German people refused to surrender to the World Jewish Conference in Amsterdam, demanding that the Jewish people be returned to their former status and positions of power, the conference broke up and lawyer 'Samuel Untermyer' went to WABC in New York, making a radio broadcast stating ...

"Each of you. Jew and Gentile alike, who has not already enlisted in this sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you should buy no goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shop keeper who sells any German made goods or who patronizes German ships or shipping.. we will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends."

But that wasn't the pre-cursor, this was

In 1938 came the spark to set alight the fire that would shame the world. A young Jew boy from poland, walked into the German Embassy in Paris and shot Ernst Von Rath, an Embassy Official, ironically a known anti-Nazi sympathizer, based on the Nazi treatment of the Jews. This led to the 'Kristallnacht', also to referred to as the Night of Broken Glass and the eventual degradation of German Society triggering the onset of.. World War Two.

So the Zionists have a colourful history when it comes to Germany and though I also disagree with what Hitler would eventually do, I can see through the curtain. Everything isn't what it seems and I think this is one of those secrets the Zionists want hidden for a long time. Obviously only years after WW2 their homeland would be properly established and the bloodshed move to the Middle East.

Source for now

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