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Whitewashed: Two Teens Arrested In Beating of Pickup Driver

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posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by pavil

So we should tippy-toe around to keep from offending aggressive criminals and starting riots? Too bad the driver didn't have a CW. I'm a firm believer in self protection, and be damned if all the people whom I was protecting myself from was black green or pink.; It wouldn't matter to me. Only the Al Sharptons of the world would turn it into a race thing. A hate crime is a hate crime and anytime anyone commits this terrible act it should be labeled as such. If people wanna start rioting because of justice then I say lets get it on. Had the criminals been white and the truck driver black, two-to-be-damned-sure they would've all been charged with a hate crime. Do you think all the non-white people involved would be worried about riots had the white kids been charged with a hate crime? Then why should we? I think every time this happens there should be major repercussions. Communities should come together and make sure that people will think twice before doing it again.
edit on 7-4-2014 by Fylgje because: typo

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 11:01 AM

A hate crime is a hate crime and anytime anyone commits this terrible act it should be labeled as such.

I investigated that within the Bureau and it will be hard pressed to prove 'malicious intent and forethought intimidation'

They arrested 2 more and I have been telling you people that Al Sharpton has been spilling the beans to the Bureau for years.

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