posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by JesseVentura
So glad you've joined up and given your time to us Sir... This truly is an honour!!!
I've spent days pondering what to ask, which conspiracy, political ideologies or all round philosophy you could bring to the table!!!
I guess I'll go with what most want to know, but probably won't ask...
Will you be joining us & leaving opinions on other conspiracy threads beyond this excellently presented AMA???
I'm sure everybody would be thrilled if you became a full time member whenever you have spare time!!!
I know you must have a schedule that is a gift & a curse, I'm sure we'd all love your insight on he many conspiracies that have been posted here at
ATS, maybe even some you have already researched & devoured as Jesse "The Mind", you could really put them right!!!
P.S: If politics hasn't pissed you off too much, I know I'm from London & couldn't sway it in favour sadly, but a Presidential Campaign from yourself
would be highly supported!!!
Peace to you Sir!!!
To the Mods, if this post was deemed as a sign of digression, my apologies, please edit freely and leave the welcome, the question, & the Peace
Its not intended to be longwinded, It's just that it's not everyday we get to share our thoughts with such a Legend beyond 140 characters!!!
edit on 31-3-2014 by CharlieSpeirs because: Auto-Correct!!! Damn It, The One Time I Wanted Perfection In A Post!!!