I’ve been a wrestler, a mayor, a governor, an actor, a New York Times bestselling author, a TV host, and I even taught at Harvard. My latest
endeavor is my new online show “Off The Grid”.
I’m in my second month of broadcasting from an undisclosed location, and I’m proud to say that the show already has over 1 million viewers and is
growing by grassroots word-of-mouth every day.
I bring viewers the news that cable TV and corporate America won’t research and the current events that every American needs to be educated
For the first time on Above Top Secret, I will be answering your questions on my career, my political views, and just about anything else.
To keep in touch with me after the AMA, you can follow my twitter (@GovJVentura) my Facebook
www.facebook.com/officialjesseventura and you
can tune in for my show Tuesday through Friday at
So go ahead, Ask Me Anything.
Admin Notes:**
This thread will be opened 1 hour before Jesse Logs onto the site to answer questions.
We expect the utmost civility and respect for our invited guest, any trolling, rudeness, and sheer stupidity will result in post removals and account
Members are limited to 1 question each, any attempts at asking multiple questions in one post or, multiple posts of a single question by an
member(s) will result in post removals and possible account restrictions.
Beyond that, ENJOY interacting with the one and only Jesse Ventura!
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the great demand to make it easier to follow these threads, SkepticOverlord and I will be adding the question answered by
quoting it in Mr. Ventura's posts. That's the reason there is an "edit" notation by either myself or S.O. in the posts.
edit on 4-1-2014 by
Springer because: (no reason given)