We've been working with Jesse Ventura's team over at his new home
www.ora.tv/offthegrid and the Governor has agreed to do an Ask Me
Anything here on AboveTopSecret.com next Monday and Tuesday. It fits nicely with a new episode he's putting out titled "April Fools America, Your
Government Doesn't Represent You!".
Whether you agree with him or not nobody can deny he has worked hard to shake things up and expose what he sees as abuses of power, corruption, cover
ups, and various other nefarious acts committed by people in power.
Get your question (
we will be strictly enforcing the one question per member rule on this AMA since were pretty sure it's going to be a very busy
one) ready for Jesse and log in Monday to post it. We will also be strictly enforcing our requirement for the utmost civility and respect to be
shown to our invited guest. Polite disagreement is fine, civil criticism is OK, but trolling, rudeness, and sheer stupidity will result in post
removals and account terminations.
We're going to post his intro/opening post Monday afternoon Central U.S. Time and Jesse will log on at 7:00pm U.S. Central Time and answer as many of
your questions as he can that evening. He will return Tuesday at 4:00pm U.S. Central Time to answer some more. He doesn't have much time on Tuesday so
get your question in early on Monday.
Just to avoid any speculation, this is NOT an April fools joke, we quit doing those years ago, this is exactly what we're saying it is.
Here's the details:
What: An Ask Me Anything with Jesse Ventura
When: Monday 31 March, 2014 at 7:00pm U.S. Central time and Tuesday 01 April, 2014 at 4:00pm U.S. Central time.
This is a golden opportunity to interact with someone most of us would never be able to get one on one with, please show some respect and, most of
all, enjoy it!
edit on 3-31-2014 by Springer because: (no reason given)