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America: The cursed burnt offering for the age to come.

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posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 01:14 AM

reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

Please elaborate on this justice one will be delivered to simply for not acknowledging the Messiah and/or God.

The words of my Lord teaches that all of mankind sins. A perfect Creator cannot co-exist with a fallen creation. Therefore, Jesus came as the Son of God, the Light of the World, and the Sinless/Spotless Lamb for the sacrifice. As our creator, Jesus took our sin upon Himself so that we could be free from the penalty of sin. All that is left for anyone to do is believe in His sacrifice and you will be Saved.

The unjust love their sins over the Light of the world. They consider the willing sacrifice of Jesus unclean. They reject grace and therefore recieve justice.

When one is born again as a new creation in Jesus Christ, he/she is justified by His work and walk in His footsteps.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by brazenalderpadrescorpio

Matt 21:43 is actually very specific if you are well versed in the teaching. Presently, the Church is the Bride of Christ, but before that, Israel WAS the Bride. Israel lost that status by rejecting Jesus as Messiah.

Part of being the Bride is ruling with the King during the Millenium. That is why Jesus is called King of kings. The Church is a group of kings and priests baptized in Christ after the order of Melchizedek. Since Israel was the original Bride, they lost the right to rule in the Millenium with Christ. The Kingdom of Heaven was taken away from them and given to the Church.

The Bible is not as adulterated as you think. There may be a few mistranslations and added verses here and there, but they stick out like a sore thumb if you know what to look for. Most of the prophecies are metered poems in the original languages, that is where I derive my numerical studies from. This textual metering has preserved the most important parts of the scriptures throughout the ages.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 02:31 AM
hey canucks,

lol, u hosers better move north of the border. all bunched up, i think.

anything happens to the US you will get it too.

anyway, what is this thread about again?

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:13 AM

To those who dont see the overwhelming fluidity of the Bible, Jesus can be any number of character associations. I however, see the bible as a closed unit that is often mimicked by various cultural truth refracted by culture into multiple distortions. In my opinion, the bible is numerically, morally, and spiritually stable. While it is not the earliest recorded knowledge, it is God's disclosure of the truth to those who will listen.

No, it isn't ... it is in all likelyhood, stolen work ... rewritten for political purposes. The words "Gods chosen" is racist, to say the least ... but refers to futal times, when the Kings and Queens were allmighty, and their people (the court) ruled. They were "Gods chosen", and that is what this word refers to.

Jesus is a story of racism ... born, possibly of greek or roman descent. The populace could not accept his father as a human being. He was different, grew up as different ... and he was sacrificed, because he was different.

A lot of the biblical mumbo jumbo, is most likely written "post mortem". It is written after the fact, stealing work from ancient Asian and Sumeran cultures. The thousand year kingdom, is China and it's wall. The jealousy against the Chinese can be viewed in the movie 10000 B.C. Where the "ancient" are mongolits, with "manchurian" attributes. The destruction and end of the world, in the bible, is most likely written after 70 A.D. after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. And the work, then created with hatred, jealousy and false prophecies in mind.

Basically, it's like the book of Mormon, and the Maya Calendar ... crap. And words in the bible, such as "Golems, Gods chosen", and "kill their donkey", are words to be remembered and fastened into ones mind, of the immense racism that is built into the mind of those who stand as it's creators, and their descendants.


posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by Night Star

Thank you. I am 63, raised southern baptist and heard the dire prophecies all my life.

What I have learned, I can predict the end also. It is called entropy.

I refuse to teach my grandchildren prophecies. If it is true, worrying won't stop it.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 06:21 AM

@ BELIEVERpriest...

God is not racist. He made a covenant with Israel, and He will fulfill it during their Tribulation. God also made a covenant with the Gentiles, its called the Church, and it is far better than the covenant He made with Israel.

Israel is in a state of disbelief now.
The covenant required the Israelites to live up to their end of the ''deal''. They were to keep the law and display a high moral character. So the ''covenant'' was purely conditional. The state calling itself Israel nearly 30% atheists and a host for gay parades and brothels. Exactly what prophecy foretold that Israel would be reborn as a sinful nation? How do you suppose its going to end for them...''God's special people''? Also, ever noticed that the city of Jerusalem is not mentioned by name in revelations? The only mentions of Jerusalem is a refernce to some heavenly city....the reason is because earthly Jerusalem is doomed.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

Take a look at the American continent and think Dragon. When Greenland melts water will flush out of it's mouth and threaten Europe/Sophia the twelve-star-crowned Magdalena. Just a thought....

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 08:37 AM
Isn't this more of a prophecy and prediction type thread and not so much a conspiracy in religion thread? Well I guess with you (false) claims about Amerigo, you can claim a sort of conspiracy. Oh well, at least you give us a date for the end of the world. 9/16/2016. So on September 17th, 2016, when nothing of what you said happens, will you come and apologize to everyone for misleading everyone with a false prediction? Well at least now I know a good date to have a party on. These end of the world parties always turn out to be regular parties though... Kind of loses its magic after awhile.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

You're regurgitating what you been taught by Churchians from the land of churchianity. Sorry, I can't be "nice" anymore about this. It is what creates the problems in the world today. The real problems.

"God is on our side and we must defend the Jews at all costs." Look at the overall recent history of the war against everyone and everything in the middle East and Africa today and you will see it.

Who's behind it? What for? Stop listening to the wrong interpretations of the Bible and come into the now.

You're on ATS, a place to learn the truth.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:49 AM

reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

You're regurgitating what you been taught by Churchians from the land of churchianity. Sorry, I can't be "nice" anymore about this. It is what creates the problems in the world today. The real problems.

"God is on our side and we must defend the Jews at all costs." Look at the overall recent history of the war against everyone and everything in the middle East and Africa today and you will see it.

Who's behind it? What for? Stop listening to the wrong interpretations of the Bible and come into the now.

You're on ATS, a place to learn the truth.

Ok, now you're just putting words in my mouth. I already told you Im not a Zionist. I dont back the decisions made by Israel or America.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 09:59 AM
Look, I get that Christianity is "uncool" these days. Thats fine, whatever floats your boat. But, you dont have to be a Christian to see that America is undergoing an accelarating controled demolition sequence. You dont have to believe in religion to make the connections between the native American cultures and the noun" America". Im sharing my view and the gospel to those who will listen out of love. You dont have to accept it if you really have a problem with it.

Is this really all you see? I point out a plausible conspiracy theory and all you want to is call me a hater, call God a racist, and project your preconcieved notions of the Bible onto me? Gee, thanks for nothing ATS.

To those who atleast show interest in the subject rather than trying to derail the thread, thank you for showing respect.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

Ok, now you're just putting words in my mouth. I already told you Im not a Zionist. I don't back the decisions made by Israel or America.

Alright, I'll buy that. And apologize.

I say what I did because I was raised in the American church. I know what they think and say. You are saying the same things.

Just be careful. If you really want to find out about that, stand up in your church and say, "I no longer believe in Israel". See how quick you are ostracized for it.
edit on 27-3-2014 by intrptr because: BB code

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

Christianity is uncool? No sorry, Christianity is STILL one of the biggest religions in the world despite declining membership. It is certainly still "cool". I'm just willing to bet that not all Christians want to waste a bunch of time analyzing vague prophecies that have cried wolf for centuries without panning out, when they can worry about more important things. Like living their lives. If the end happens, then it happens. Worrying about it is useless. Not to mention, trying to predict it is a quick way to destroy all credibility you may have when your prediction doesn't pan out.

Also what is the point of analyzing a conspiracy theory if the underlying premises that make it up are untrue? That's like analyzing a conspiracy theory in Game of Thrones, may be a fun exercise, but no baring in reality.
edit on 27-3-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by intrptr

Thank you and I appreciate the warning. I have already separated myself from those Churches. But, you dont have to be Zionist to believev in the rapture. Neither do you have to hate Jews to be Christian. I do see what you mean, and again, its a sign that America is cursed. Anything America touches is cursed. Live by the nuke, die by the nuke.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Im sorry, but what part of my op do you find vague? I thought I made some prettty direct statements.

Who said I was worrying over the end? if I am correct, I will mot even be here to see it play out. Isaac Newton spent some time making end time prediction, and that didnt stop him from his achievements.

The Amerrique were a pre-existing Mesoamerican tribe, Amaru was a pre-existing Incan name for their god. Vespucci didnt begin signing his name as Amerigo until his return from the New World. That seem just a little suspicious to me.

edit on 27-3-2014 by BELIEVERpriest because: typo

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

Seems like you didn't bother to read beyond the snippet that you posted about Amerigo's name because M. F. Force's Some observations on the letters of Amerigo Vespucci is actually a critique of a couple of letters attributed to Vespucci and, he is saying that not only did Vespucci not write them but, whoever did, got the name wrong.

For the name of Amerigo Vespucci, even in the Italian copies, appears as Alberigo, a retranslation of the Latinized form, Albericus. Hence, not one was printed from the original letter or from a direct copy of it.

His conclusion:

This hypothesis uow oftered, is not without difficulties, but it is easier at all events, to believe that the narrative of the four voyages, dedicated to King Rene was not written by Vespucci, than to believe that he wrote it.

edit on 27-3-2014 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by daskakik

I did read into it, I simply disagree with his conlusion. As far as I have read, he never produced any documentation to support the idea that Vespucci went by the name Amerigo before his New World expiditions. Instead, he simply claims that Alberigo could be a mistranslation.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

Your interpretations of events aren't vague. The prophecies that you are using to interpret things are what I am calling vague. I bare this out because I see a new interpretation of how Revelation is going to destroy us all about once a week on ATS. You are just a drop of water in an ocean of various interpretations of that chapter of the bible. I'd say that is the very definition of vague. If it was clear, there would be one, MAYBE a handful of interpretations. But not as many as Revelation has.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

Why cite something that you disagree with?

Since the publishing of that book Vespucci's biography has been filled in a bit, including the record of birth which states that his name was Amerigo and the fact that he was named after his grandfather. Also, a booklet with his name titled "Dettati da mettere in latino" and a letter to his father with that name before the expeditions.

Add to that the fact that he had nothing to do with the naming of the new continent and you have nothing connecting your dots.

Instead of accepting all that, your just going to give us as evidence, something that doesn't even agree with your claim?
edit on 27-3-2014 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

The Book of Revelation is not vague if you understand that none of the prophecies wrttien in it will be fulfilled until after the Rapture.

I am simply postulating that the day and hour of the rapture has been known to the powers that colonized this continent, and they have pre-designed the destruction of America to align with the prophecy. Its conspiracy coupled with prophecy.

Just because many have made similar claims before me doesnt mean I am wrong. Judge me by my work, not their's.

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