posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by ProfessorT
We Britain along with France went to war with Nazi germany to free poland as the appeasement (no one other than hitler wanted a war) had not worked,
at the the famous Yalta meeting between Stalin (Russia), Roosevelt (USA) and Churchill (Britain whom also at that time in part spoke on behalf of
occupied france and DeGaul), Roosevelt made a deal in a seperate meeting between himself and Stalin agreeing to let Stalin (the Russians) have Poland
after the war, Curchill was furious but powerless.
During the battle of britain the fighter squadron with the highest kill rate against german fighters and bomblers was actually being flown by the
free polish air force, After the war the Polish were ordered to return home and as they crossed into poland the officers and political freedom
fighters were taken away and shot by the Russians despite having fought against the Nazi's as the Russians were concerned they would overthrow the
unelected communist government they had placed in power.
During the warsaw uprising the Russians allowed the polish fighters to be killed even though there army was within reach of the city so that they
themselve's would not have to deal with them as Stalin was already looking at the post war world.
Among the Russians a nice leader would have no respect but a strong one garners great respect even from his opponent's so what ever putin decides he
will have the backing of all his party and most of his opposition.
Several years back the Russian air force recommenced the the patrol flights of the cold war bear bomber squadrons whom used to test NATO and also the
Russian naval forces recommenced there cold war nuclear ballistic missile submarine patrols and all while our politicians were cutting costs and
selling off our infrastructures to make tax breaks for the wealthy, this included downscaling our oversees military presence and in britain merging
regiments and shrinking our armed forces (in britain we now have no carrier launched fighters and no carrier capable of launching them and our latest
nuke sub type is an open secret that the russians and chinese probably produced parts for, or owned the companys which did and so they are a joke only
made viable by there skilled crew's).
So is put bothered by the one eyed one handed and one legged overstretched western dirty harry now he is packing a derenger instead of a magnum 45 or
does he think that with his own country's version of the black budget and his loyal (to there KGB colonel) commander in chief and extremely large as
well as now up to date capabillity's that he can go ahead and make his day.
Blame our own money grabbing short sighted none military minded corporate stooge, populations demoralizing corrupt politicians for this turn of
Since the end of the cold war our money grabbing politicians have been abusing our national defence forces for there own agenda such as bush chasing
after iraqi oil, or france and england chasing after libyan oil. Among other crimes for which our economy's are now paying as well as creating massive
refugee surges and destabilizing entire regions.
edit on 27-3-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)