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Poland calling up military reserves immediately

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posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Don't know what UK immigration policy has to do with this?......but as you mentioned it

EU employment Migration is a huge problem for the Economy.

Yeah, it seems the majority of people in the UK are concerned with immigration levels from Eastern Europe. I certainly don't see many positives in the current situation for ordinary British people.

1. Up to 10 EU Migrants living in one rented house all working on a shift rota 24 hours a day...
2. The largest percentage of this money is then sent HOME
3. Claim for families tax credit for children not even in the country (UK)

The overall effect is money being sucked out of our economy and injected into another...

That's a massive over-simplification but I've got to say I'd tend to agree with most of that.

Labour opened the flood gates of Migration into the UK

Err....I think you'll find that migration levels have consistently increased under ALL recent administrations and the large influx of Eastern Europeans occurred as a result of treaties agreed, illegally in my opinion, with the EU by Thatcher and Major. Sure, Blair and Brown continued the policy but the process began under the Conservatives.

...... and the coalition have been trying their best to close them...

If we are being honest apart from the usual empty political rhetoric they've done absolutely sod all about it and clearly have no intentions of doing so - all part of the gradual transformation to a United European State.

....but the EU is resisting the attempts...

With the active consent of most, if not all, of the constituent national governments.

......a major reason to ratify the UK referendum on leaving the EU come 2016....

Cameron has on several occasions previously reneged on his pledge and assurances to hold a referendum on continued UK membership of the EU, why do you think he's going to hold his promise this time, especially considering the increasing pressure he's under from his own party and its powerful supporters and financiers not to do so?

On topic;

I've never heard or read anything about this, not saying its not happening I'm simply saying the few Poles I know haven't received any sort of call up.

One thing I will say; this isn't 1939, I really couldn't imagine the UK getting involved in any military confrontation with Russia - of course I could easily be wrong - people are more informed nowadays and I'm afraid there simply isn't the stomach for such a fight.
I suspect it'd be political suicide for any party taking the UK into a war situation with Russia.

Not sure if Russia has any expansionist plans in Poland's direction?

Another couple of asides;
I like Poland, really enjoyed myself on the occasions I've visited it.

Does anyone else notice the remarkable similarities with the current situation and events preceding WWII?

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 08:50 AM

Korg Trinity


Korg Trinity
There would be no point in defending the country... it's the one place the Polish themselves don't want to be!!



Apparently you've never been to Poland? It's one of the more beautiful countries in Europe!

I said nothing about how beautiful the country may be in terms of it's geology.

I simply make a point that the Migration statistics speak volumes about where the polish prefer to be..... and it isn't Poland!



I'd love to see statistics on that.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 08:54 AM

Korg Trinity

If the Polish are being called back then that will really mess with EU economies as there are millions here doing the jobs we refuse to, due to the pay and conditions, if this is true it might be the straw that breaks the economy.


EU employment Migration is a huge problem for the Economy.

1. Up to 10 EU Migrants living in one rented house all working on a shift rota 24 hours a day...

2. The largest percentage of this money is then sent HOME

3. Claim for families tax credit for children not even in the country (UK)

The overall effect is money being sucked out of our economy and injected into another...

Labour opened the flood gates of Migration into the UK and the coalition have been trying their best to close them... but the EU is resisting the attempts... a major reason to ratify the UK referendum on leaving the EU come 2016....



#1 & 2 are prime examples of Titoism facilitated by Eastern European communist to resolve high unemployment in their own nation by basically outsourcing it's labor force but making them ship the money back to the homeland.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:01 AM

Korg Trinity


Korg Trinity
There would be no point in defending the country... it's the one place the Polish themselves don't want to be!!



Apparently you've never been to Poland? It's one of the more beautiful countries in Europe!

I said nothing about how beautiful the country may be in terms of it's geology.

I simply make a point that the Migration statistics speak volumes about where the polish prefer to be..... and it isn't Poland!



This article kind of points to what I thought. Polish Immigrants aren't necessarily the bigger impact but Romania and Bulgaria are more of an impact of immigration than Poland.

But I'm open to alternate sources.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:03 AM

reply to post by Korg Trinity

Cameron has on several occasions previously reneged on his pledge and assurances to hold a referendum on continued UK membership of the EU, why do you think he's going to hold his promise this time, especially considering the increasing pressure he's under from his own party and its powerful supporters and financiers not to do so?

Simply put this is not some promise of policy change that could be forgot. It absolutely will be a major point of debate throughout the run up to and during the elections. I am a conservative, and I couldn't vote for them if he didn't have the integrity to stand by their own pledges.... and I highly suspect neither would the majority of others whom are also waiting for the opportunity to return to the true intended nature of the free trade agreement with Europe.

No... Cameron won't simply be able to back away from what was said.

Err....I think you'll find that migration levels have consistently increased under ALL recent administrations and the large influx of Eastern Europeans occurred as a result of treaties agreed, illegally in my opinion, with the EU by Thatcher and Major. Sure, Blair and Brown continued the policy but the process began under the Conservatives.

You are absolutely right.... however you omitted that the concept and spirit of a free trade agreement did not mean uncontrolled labor based mass migrations. That's just a total perversion of what Margaret Thatcher was about.

It was New Labour that opened the flood gates to migrants with absolutely no control on numbers what so ever. Even Mr Miliband admits it himself.

The coalition has been trying to put in place controls ever since they came into power, only to be threatened by the EU both directly and indirectly.



edit on 25-3-2014 by Korg Trinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:03 AM


Korg Trinity

If the Polish are being called back then that will really mess with EU economies as there are millions here doing the jobs we refuse to, due to the pay and conditions, if this is true it might be the straw that breaks the economy.


EU employment Migration is a huge problem for the Economy.

1. Up to 10 EU Migrants living in one rented house all working on a shift rota 24 hours a day...

2. The largest percentage of this money is then sent HOME

3. Claim for families tax credit for children not even in the country (UK)

The overall effect is money being sucked out of our economy and injected into another...

Labour opened the flood gates of Migration into the UK and the coalition have been trying their best to close them... but the EU is resisting the attempts... a major reason to ratify the UK referendum on leaving the EU come 2016....



#1 & 2 are prime examples of Titoism facilitated by Eastern European communist to resolve high unemployment in their own nation by basically outsourcing it's labor force but making them ship the money back to the homeland.




posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by ProfessorT

Poland have absolutely nothing to worry about as far as Russia's agenda goes concerning them.

Poland is fully paid up member of the E.U. It's nonsense to even speculate that Mr Putin has any designs relating to any other country right now.

My observation is that Russia has secured its precious Crimea and allowed Ukraine to embark on a European course.

Yes, there are other countries that might go the same way as Ukraine if the pot boils over and forces a split. Poland is not one of them.

I speculate that Crimea has only been annexed because it is culturally Russian (well for at least the last two hundred years any way) and the vast majority of people there want to be governed by Russia.

Sanctions have the potential of creating some very bad blood in the future if they do bite and cause Russia any significant economic harm.

The problems will come if the U.S and Europe pull another stunt like they did with Hitler in the run up to WW2. If sanctions bite that hard then things will escalate.

Personally I think the West should be careful. Russia, China, North Korea and their allies would be a mighty match and if it came to WW3 I would not put my money on the West coming out as victor against such combined military might.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

I don't want to turn this thread in to a discussion on UK politics, immigration policies and the pro's and con's of continued EU membership.
I'd be delighted to do so in an appropriate thread if you decide to author one.


Remember Cameron's 'cast-iron guarantee' that he'd grant a referendum on The Lisbon Treaty?
Perhaps not - but I'm sure you'll be aware that we never had a referendum - guess why? - because Cameron reneged on his 'cast-iron guarantee'.
And how many promises have Cameron and his cronies broken? - At least as many as all the other amoral, self-advancing bunch of corrupt bastards who reside in The Houses of Parliament - and I make no distinctions based on party affiliation.

I am a conservative,

Not intending to offend, I assure you - but why the obsession with labels and pigeon holing?

.....and I couldn't vote for them if he didn't have the integrity to stand by their own pledges....

Honestly, you believe Cameron et al have 'integrity'?

and I highly suspect neither would the majority of others whom are also waiting for the opportunity to return to the true intended nature of the free trade agreement with Europe.

I'm afraid that ship has sailed.

No... Cameron won't simply be able to back away from what was said.

He's already stated that he WILL back away from it - and because HE thinks it's not 'the right time' for it.
Now if that is not the definition of arrogance I don't know what is.
And he has 'integrity'?

.... however you omitted that the concept and spirit of a free trade agreement did not mean uncontrolled labor based mass migrations. That's just a total perversion of what Margaret Thatcher was about.
It was New Labour that opened the flood gates to migrants with absolutely no control on numbers what so ever. Even Mr Miliband admits it himself.

Of course, Thatcher and Major are absolved of any blame and its all those dastardly socialists.

You really are falling for the party blame game.

They are ALL guilty, and that includes The Queen.

The coalition has been trying to put in place controls ever since they came into power, only to be threatened by the EU both directly and indirectly.

Empty political rhetoric my friend - what have they ACTUALLY tried to do........?

Acts and deeds.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:42 AM

reply to post by juspassinthru

This post is laughable. The U.S. Military has shrunk yearly since Gulf war I. It continues to do so. Troop reductions in Europe have been ongoing.

Obama reneges on the ABM agreement with the Ukraine which actually encourages Putin's move into Crimea.

Yes that certainly would put Ukraine in a bad position. Ukraine made moves in their own behalf defensively with Russia in mind. Now US leaves lady at the dance without a ride home for the psycho she jilted....over in the corner.......

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:42 AM


Korg Trinity


Korg Trinity
There would be no point in defending the country... it's the one place the Polish themselves don't want to be!!



Apparently you've never been to Poland? It's one of the more beautiful countries in Europe!

I said nothing about how beautiful the country may be in terms of it's geology.

I simply make a point that the Migration statistics speak volumes about where the polish prefer to be..... and it isn't Poland!



I'd love to see statistics on that.

knock yourself out!

EU Membership Highlights Poland's Migration Challenges

For more than a century, Poland has been one of the largest sending areas in Central and Eastern Europe and a vast reservoir of labor for many countries in Western Europe and North America. Poland's geographical and political location predestined it to struggle amidst the interplay between the West and the East, in both historical and cultural perspectives as well as economic and social contexts.

In the second half of the 1990s, researchers predicted that Poland would gradually shift from being a major migrant-sending country to a country of transit migration and net immigration.

But the country's accession to the European Union in May 2004, coupled with unrestricted entry to EU Member States the United Kingdom and Ireland, caused one of the biggest emigration flows in Poland's postwar history, and the country became one of the largest exporters of labor within the enlarged European Union. In addition to a decreasing birth rate, migration accounted for a real reduction in Poland's population over the past decade.

Stats can be found within the source article.



posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 09:49 AM

Korg Trinity


Korg Trinity
There would be no point in defending the country... it's the one place the Polish themselves don't want to be!!



Apparently you've never been to Poland? It's one of the more beautiful countries in Europe!

I said nothing about how beautiful the country may be in terms of it's geology.

I simply make a point that the Migration statistics speak volumes about where the polish prefer to be..... and it isn't Poland!



This refers mainly to people with lower education from undeveloped east rural regions who migrates mostly to UK and Ireland. This people however transfers back to Poland few billions Euro every year so they didn't cut of their country at all. This is a demographic problem to eastern regions but it isn't anything unusual in Polish history. This is why 1/3 of Poles lives outside the country today,mainly in US and this emigration has it's beginning in times of your Independence War when you gain your independence from UK and we lost own to Russia,Austria and Prussia (Germany).
In major cities and dense regions situation is different. People in fact returned after first wave of emigration. They settled own business or found good jobs. In Gdansk I don't have so many friends who wants to emigrate. Some of them are studding in western Europe or studied before but this is completely usual in modern Europe.
Our media from time to time likes to remind about emigration but this is always connected to political election campaigns so this subject is exaggerated. I hope that I had explained why I could not completely agree with your statement.

edit on 25-3-2014 by Opraks because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:10 AM

Korg Trinity
There would be no point in defending the country... it's the one place the Polish themselves don't want to be!!



Cant have a thread on ATS without a bit of Xenophobia

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:11 AM

It's one of the more beautiful countries in Europe!
Yup the girls are HHHHOOOOOOTTTT

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:19 AM


It's one of the more beautiful countries in Europe!

Cant have a thread on ATS without a bit of Xenophobia
Yup the girls are HHHHOOOOOOTTTT

This has nothing to do with being scared of foreigners!

It does however have everything to do with protecting what you have... and my point was the polish don't appreciate what they have... if they did they would be there appreciating away instead of eating alive the economies of Europe like some kind of intestinal parasite!

Ps. Girls of all countries are both hot and not..... This has exactly what to do with the discussion???


edit on 25-3-2014 by Korg Trinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 10:30 AM

Stay calm and keep going

I live in Gdansk in Poland. Of course everybody here live situation in Ukraine this days but Russia is loosing this war so badly in economic way that I don't think they would allow themselves fore any worse actions. Even if Putin is completely insane and wants to resurrect soviet empire people from his surrounding takes care only about money and own interest. In worst scenario I'm pretty sure that some helpful hand with a knife would stop him if Russian money would feel threatened.
By the way, thousands of Russians from Kaliningrad visits Gdansk everyday for shopping but in last few weeks this number is drooping because ruble exchange rate is falling rapidly. This is the worst consequence of this madness so far. Unfortunately this hits mostly ordinary people in Russia.
edit on 24-3-2014 by Opraks because: (no reason given)

You are not worried by Neo - Nazis setting up camp next door? Seriously I thought that Poland would be much more against the Neo-Nazis then against the Russians. Soviet actions in 1939 were to keep northern Poland out of Germany's hands in my opinion.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 11:31 AM

reply to post by Patriotsrevenge

I imagine if things went tilt and it was all-out war, the smaller nukes would be used first, mainly tactical ones on each other's military.

But the bigger ones would be on standby and yes, Russia does have 100 megaton missiles.

And I understand USA has 500 megaton missiles.

Let's hope cool heads prevail in the current crisis.

Speak not of what you know not...

Read these articles to become educated.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 11:41 AM


Stay calm and keep going

I live in Gdansk in Poland. Of course everybody here live situation in Ukraine this days but Russia is loosing this war so badly in economic way that I don't think they would allow themselves fore any worse actions. Even if Putin is completely insane and wants to resurrect soviet empire people from his surrounding takes care only about money and own interest. In worst scenario I'm pretty sure that some helpful hand with a knife would stop him if Russian money would feel threatened.
By the way, thousands of Russians from Kaliningrad visits Gdansk everyday for shopping but in last few weeks this number is drooping because ruble exchange rate is falling rapidly. This is the worst consequence of this madness so far. Unfortunately this hits mostly ordinary people in Russia.
edit on 24-3-2014 by Opraks because: (no reason given)

You are not worried by Neo - Nazis setting up camp next door? Seriously I thought that Poland would be much more against the Neo-Nazis then against the Russians. Soviet actions in 1939 were to keep northern Poland out of Germany's hands in my opinion.

Again, how we forget Kayten massacre, perpetrated by Soviets? Granted, I understand Russia disputes the evidence, but it's har press when even the Polish people pointed the finger directly to the Soviets for that massacre.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 11:54 AM

Korg Trinity


It's one of the more beautiful countries in Europe!

Cant have a thread on ATS without a bit of Xenophobia
Yup the girls are HHHHOOOOOOTTTT

This has nothing to do with being scared of foreigners!

It does however have everything to do with protecting what you have... and my point was the polish don't appreciate what they have... if they did they would be there appreciating away instead of eating alive the economies of Europe like some kind of intestinal parasite!

Ps. Girls of all countries are both hot and not..... This has exactly what to do with the discussion???


edit on 25-3-2014 by Korg Trinity because: (no reason given)

You really need to keep these nations in perspective. Their average GDP per person is much lower than most other European nations in that these are fairly new Capitalist/Democratic economies. Most Eastern European nations come from a Communist background and are still considered developing economies after the fall of the Soviet union. Many (Just like Mexicans here in the US) move for a better life and or better wage.

Remember, the Soviet Union was in a massive decline from 1980-1990 and with that sucked up much of the economies of it's federation. Many of these nations are still recovering from the Soviet implosion.

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by CJCrawley

Nobody has 100 megaton nuclear devices never mind 500 megaton! The biggest ever was the Russian Tsar bomb around 50MT with the potential for 100MT but even Russia's not that stupid.

The radiation and destructive forces released from a 500MT device would cover 1000s of square miles and also blow off a large portion of our atmosphere into space. But the main reason they don't build them that big is because the blast radius would be limited by the horizon.

Keep in mind that a two megaton device airbust at an altitude of 1000m releases more than sufficient energy and destructive force to level even our largest cities. No need to go beyond 20Mt range anything else is simply counterproductive and way too expensive to produce, maintain and field.

Sorry if i'm off topic OP.
edit on 25-3-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 12:18 PM
Ah well, best tell the couple of hundred Polish guys that started work at the local refinery they need to do there national duty back home. Cause I know a couple of hundred local guys that could do with the work, myself included.

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