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Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce "Holy Grail" Gas Deal With China

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posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 07:40 AM
Never mind, too off topic, sorry OP.
edit on 22-3-2014 by MysterX because: off topic

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by DJW001

It's also to give the yuan more exposure and what about them increasing the trading band of their currency recently? I see this as testing the water and cautiously moving towards floating their currency. It might be a long way off yet but there is evidence they are working towards it.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by ColCurious

As your Bundersbank said when Germany was debating joining the Euro...they said DON'T....I'm old enough to remember it well
. But no the politicians decided YES. So your country gave up it's 'sovereign'ty and your monetary borders got swallowed as part of the bigger whole that is the Euro. Britain and a few others who are in the EU but have kept their 'sovereign'ty will be able to ride out the storm far better.

I am not disagreeing with your post. I'm just saying the UK for example has better monetary borders than Germany. My reference to borders was more of a 'humanitarian' one.


posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by MysterX

Whilst I would like to star your post, I have an issue - how can America build a fleet of B2 Stealth Bombers, nuclear subs and next gen fighters and carriers whilst in massive debt.

How can it build a fleet of the next gen stealth bombers (which are probably under way) whilst in so much debt.

How can a Superpower (lmao) exist under so much debt.

What collateral does America have....

I think that the USA are proper fooked, what is anyone buying from america except some boeings.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 07:55 AM

In other words, they will continue to keep the RMB pegged to the dollar.

In other words, you 'hope' that the RMB remains pegged to the dollar! That is really what you are saying.

Exactly! And as I have pointed out, it is in China's favor to keep the RMB coupled to the dollar. If you think that the Russian economy is going anywhere but south, you are the one who is in denial.

I am not in denial of anything, having no stake in the outcome. The point I am making is a reduction in the exclusivity of the dollar, and that will have severe knock effects for the American economy. It is going to happen. You are hoping the Russian economy will go south, but it won't. Economy reduction is coming to America, not Russia, which will undergo even greater growth, because Russia, unlike America, will not place ideological conditions on the market, they will do business with any one, including America. You are only just beginning to see the paradigm shift which why the 'pegging' remains as it stands, but it will change in the future.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by DJW001

I am choosing not to engage in conversation with you on this or any other matter that involves Putin/Russia/Crimea/Ukraine. I have tried on other threads and you are not even open to at least listen to anothers viewpoint.

Thank you for taking part in this one though, I am sure others will try and reason with you where lesser mortals like myself have failed.


posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by elysiumfire

Very much agree elysiumfire.

Wise words, great post.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Agreed, and more and more here envy you Brits for that fact.
Not for your football, and certainly not for your horrible food
... but keeping your Island from the greedy clutches of Brussels was a good call. I respect that.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by ColCurious

Give me a good old British banger over a frankfurter any day!

And as to football....blahhhhhh...I'm I prefer rugby anyhow!

edit on 22-3-2014 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 09:28 AM
There has been talk about this for some time so it shouldn't be a big surprise to those who have paid attention.

Once they break the petrodollar all Russia and China need to do is ramp up the cyber attacks on our financial system and we are toast.

No need for overt and expensive attacks, just develop and distribute the viral malware to the black market criminals who will do the dirty work for them.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by MichiganSwampBuck

They wont even have to do any cyber attacks IMHO.....They'll just walk away leaving us cleaning up our own mess and wait until we come with our begging bowls, and THEN screw us over a second, set and match.


posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

The international cartel have complete control over the fiat financial system worldwide. Don't let propaganda cause temporary blindness.

Complete world financial domination happened long ago, the dollar was chosen by them because they were able to set up a system called the Federal Reserve, once that system was in place every other currency worldwide was/is subservient to it. Their roots are deep even in Russia, and China.

We need to keep our eye on the ball because it has nothing to do with the money, oil, or whatever means of material funding is out there, but rather a countries ability to make debt, or be in debt to the world financial system.

The Government institution, in power, could give a squat less about ever getting out of debt, because this is the way they can completely brainwash the masses into whatever agendas currently reside, and have the worker bees/population's sweat equity for birth, till death.

The only true value anyone, or anything has is their time and sweat equity, and TPTB know this so they get all these countries to play different games, political systems, propaganda, and the like. Naive people fall for the BS and react to the madness the TPTB create by working more, trying to save more, buying bling, or whatever the current fad is.

A horse following a carrot on the end of a stick and string will never get that carrot, but because he has blinders on, and really wants that carrot he will chase after that carrot till his dying day.

My point here is all this tripe about other countries positioning themselves to become the next world power financially is just propaganda. The game has already been set, players set, rules set, pieces set, and the monopoly bank/currency has been set.

It's US dollars and this will never change as long as they have control.

If people understand the game and the rules that have already been set up long ago, then they can bypass all the BS that is fed to them on a daily basis.

If people want to know the game, rules and the players, I highly suggest watching the 2nd video. And the 1st video is a blatant sign of who is in charge, and what the world currency will be. Also this is not a US control thing, but rather was selected as a home base.

edit on 22-3-2014 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 11:25 AM

reply to post by angelchemuel

[...]this is NOT about borders, this is about YOU and YOURS.....and there's NOTHING we can do about what is coming except to prepare the best we can and stay safe.

This is a good thread, Jane, and I agree with most of what you posted, but here I have to disagree.
See, for us over here within the €Z it is very much about borders, because in order "to prepare and stay safe" we HAVE to have souvereign fiscal power. We need to be independent to adapt to the paradigm shift and the coming correction.
Fortunately, unlike many of our neighbours, we still have "hard values" (I'm sorry, I don't know the english translation for that term). We managed to maintain a strong industrial base and a good workforce over the years, and after the change it will once more all come down to those values.
The truth is, we cannot carry the weight of the €Z... and if we stay tied to it, we will go down with it.

As one of your neighbours, I feel like I need to point something out to you. You are very nearly in the middle of the Eurozone. Do you really think that everything will be ok for you when all your neighbours "go down"? Who's going to buy all your BMW's and Mercedes's?

Jane was right. This is NOT about borders. European borders will be pretty much meaningless in the scenario that is being projected, IMHO. This would be about survival. And even without such a scenario, the rubber band holding together our society here in Western Europe will snap eventually, and you will snap with it.

We live in a global society, and if one big chunk of it "goes down", we all go down. We should all be watching out for the whole world.


posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 11:37 AM

reply to post by MysterX

Whilst I would like to star your post, I have an issue - how can America build a fleet of B2 Stealth Bombers, nuclear subs and next gen fighters and carriers whilst in massive debt.

How can it build a fleet of the next gen stealth bombers (which are probably under way) whilst in so much debt.

How can a Superpower (lmao) exist under so much debt.

What collateral does America have....

I think that the USA are proper fooked, what is anyone buying from america except some boeings.

You could find out with a quick search:

You have some rather nasty things to say about the people of my nation. We are the same as your people, other than minor cultural differences (but we are a big nation...we have minor cultural differences within our borders to an insane degree). I think your problem is our government. And with that, Ill point out that your government is no better. Ours may be the scoundrels, but the British government is more like Uncle Sam's pet gimp.

If you want to look at what we produce in America, you may be shocked that we are not just a bunch of idiots. That we produce things of high value, in large amounts. I mean, there really IS a reason that we are the largest economy in the world. Hell, just my state alone has an economy that dwarves most nations.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 12:51 PM

So far not a shot fired, a bomb dropped......Putin is playing the long game......I wonder what's coming next?
reply to post by angelchemuel

First...awesome thread...this really needs to be discussed.

As for the Russians and Chinese joining forces economically and militarily....I have been warning of this since this manufactured "crisis" in Ukraine started.

The American people have been completely lulled into thinking that their self professed superiority and "exceptionalism" puts them above having to pay the piper for their decades long program of expansionism and military intervention all over the globe.

What most Americans have no idea of is...that the American economy is in very real risk of collapsing. Without constant manipulation of markets by the FED, and full speed ahead money printing....they would already have been relegated to 3rd world status....and this is not is a fact.

The American people need to realize that their government is playing a very, very dangerous game by provoking Russia. Now they have pushed the Chinese and Russians closer together....which is in no way a good thing for the US....between them they can end the petro dollar.....and if that's GAME OVER FOR THE USA.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan


I mean, there really IS a reason that we are the largest economy in the world.

What are you basing that statement on please?
Because on this list based on GDP...You're not. There are 6 countries whose GDP exceed your 51,248.21. The top country being
Qatar @105,091.42
Luxembourg @79,593.91
Singapore @61,567.28
Norway @56,663.47
Brunei Darussalam @55,111.20
Hong Kong @53,432.23

These figures are for 2013

Here is a really interesting article on who is trading with who outside the petrodollar.....

And here's another one from 12 months ago. The writing has been on the wall since this time last year.

And people still can't understand why Gaddafi had to go?????


edit on 22-3-2014 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 01:35 PM

And people still can't understand why Gaddafi had to go?????
reply to post by angelchemuel

Nicely said....and oh so true! In fact...well done on the whole thing.

Americans are going to have to learn the hard way methinks that they aren't the power house they think they are.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by angelchemuel

based on the list in the link i provided earlier.

BTW, love the new avatar.

posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 01:43 PM
It seems that I am going to have to re-iterate some things here.

I am taking neither side here.

I would like to remind people I didn't start this thread to discuss who is the good guy/bad guy.....there are other threads for that. Neither did I start the thread to discuss who has the most oil/gas....there are other threads for that too.

Please let me clarify a bit more where I am coming from.
When we have huge geopolitical situations such as this, I always try to stand back and weigh up HOW this is going to affect me. Me, you....the PEOPLE who stand responsible for putting these people in power, to make decisions about our lives. I think most of us can agree that we count for nothing in the eyes of the politicians/bankers/corporations at the end of the day...we too are regarded as 'commodities'.

If you can, can you step back just a little bit and just look at how this particular situation is going to affect YOU,


posted on Mar, 22 2014 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Yeah...well your link was naff

Thanks for the compliment...been messing about....our good friend Cody is working on something else for me....


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