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Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce "Holy Grail" Gas Deal With China

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posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:44 PM

It's the US/English influence that is the cause of the current economic crisis.

Take out the word 'English' and your sentence becomes true. The current global economic crisis is the reverberating echoes of the 2008 financial crash, the fault of which was entirely American. It had nothing whatsoever to do with any English influence.

Reagan and successive presidents up to and including Obama, have continued the deregulations that allowed the corrupt American financiers to drive the American financial system almost into the ground. Resistance to the re-introduction of financial regulations is still applied by the financial industry's lobbying cartels that spend or donate vast sums of money to senators and congress representatives to ensure they vote either against regulation or to promote further deregulation.

This is still occurring because the financiers that caused the crash with their corrupt actions are still in place and running the show, instead of being prosecuted, going to jail, and having their personal fortunes confiscated. What they did were criminal acts not only against and affective on American people, but having a wider effect around the world. Millions of people lost their jobs, their incomes and savings, their homes, and any hope for future prospects. Those whom created these effects for these millions of people retained every cent of their ill-gotten fortunes. Each successive American government from Reagan onwards was in on the scheme, as they gave tax concessions to the top 1% earners in America, which is a definite sign of the transferance of a country's wealth...and Americans did and still do nothing!

America was born out of the umbrage the colonials felt for a far less tax issue than the one they are currently under served to them by their own governments and financiers. The one thing Americans have become exceedingly good at is (to paraphrase Gwyneth Paltrow) to consciously uncouple their consciences from the hypocrisy they spout! They just will not acknowledge accountability even when they can see their own hand committing the crime.
edit on 28/3/14 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 10:48 AM

The latest: Europe should provide aid to Ukraine to ensure uninterrupted natural-gas deliveries to the region, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said as reported by Bloomberg.

"Russia is the only country helping Ukraine’s economy with energy supplies that are not paid for," Dmitry Peskov told reporters today in Moscow, commenting on President Vladimir Putin’s letter yesterday to 18 European heads of state. “The letter is a call to immediately review this situation, which is absurd on the one hand and critical on the other.

Or, as we explained yesterday, Russia is quite happy to keep the EU gas flowing... as long as Ukraine has enough gas in storage to assure Gazprom it won't syphon off gas destined for Europe. So how much gas does Ukraine need to pre-stock? About $4-5 billion worth. The problem is that Ukraine doesn't have a dime to spend on gas.

More on this here....


posted on May, 4 2014 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: deadcalm

AMERICAN ARROGANCE is exactly right.......and if I were you I would be careful for what I wished for. The exact flaw that you are point out happens to be what made THE USA the lone standing superpower on this planet.

Let me explain a few things as you may not truly be familiar with the majority of typical American Citizens and overall aspects of our Shadowy Government. Now; Prefacing my statements, I will say I believe our Government to be corrupt at several levels.
However; I can tell you for a fact if China and especially Russia would try to pull this off it would end very badly in several aspects for the Planet Earth; and please let me list a few reasons why.

1) The US Government and US Military is so unbelievably secretive about what they have; how much they have; and what they do it is inconceivable. Like I mentioned before; the government is corrupt and doesn't represent how majority of American Citizens are morally or feel about the world. The US Government would NEVER advertise how much gold they have to the world. There is a reason that nobody is allowed near it. There is just more than Gold in Fort Knox. With that stated; IMO ;Gold will not matter any longer if the US Government/ Military were to reveal its TOP END Military Technology to the world. That is typical American Arrogance I KNOW......because we work 7 days a week to be the best and strive to be the best in every way. For most Citizens that is the "American Way"! NOW..... I can tell you for a fact that if a Contingent of Countries band together to purposely destroy our financial system/economy and the "American Way" .....then you would have 80-85% of American Citizens demanding severe Military Action/Deterrents. Even our Flim Flam President would have no choice at that point to follow through with delivering devastating consequences. With the backing of the American People.... There is no doubt that it would be considered an act of war/ sabotage upon US soil. I am not proud to state that.......but that would be the reality/and how the media would sell it to the masses in our country.

2) And how may you ask would we deliver such a blow to a Military Proficient Nation with a comparable Nuclear Arsenal Like Russia? There would be NO conventional war or Occupation's. There is a Reason that we allocate 800 Billion in Defense Spending annually and that does not include Black Project spending which could be speculated is more than current defense spend. There is a reason we sell F-16's/Any known technology off like there old Chevy Nova's to anyone that will buy them. There is a reason we took down the Missile Defense System Putin was crying about. There is a reason we shut down our space shuttle programs. The US taxpayers have funded our Military literally light years ahead of any country on this planet. NUKES are old technology..they wouldn't matter....they would be shot/melted out of the sky within minutes. The entire Russian arsenal would be irrelevant and so would the US's. I say this reluctantly........The US Government & specifically The Men Behind the Curtains, would eliminate any threat of that proportion in ONE FEEL SWOOP even if it cost them exposing technology that could power the globe and loose Unknown Trillions. If you don't know what I am speaking of maybe a few searches on ATS will point you in the right direction. The technology would be the currency at that point. Big Oil & Big Pharma in the US are very powerful Organizations along with the Real Decision Makers. These People in power are motivated and thrive on greed & power. They will NOT loose at any cost!!
That is Something I am not proud of. The US Government and our society has changed drastically since 9/11.
However; there are the majority of average citizens that are great generous people.
** The US provides so much foreign aid to 3rd World and Emerging Countries it is sickening! If a foreign contingent tried to sabotage our financial system purposely being it motivated politically or just because they want a throne. They are going to loose the PR battle on the global stage even with our incompetent President at the helm as the contingent would be blamed for starving out Africa, destabilizing the Middle East w/ Isreal & Egypt as the US would cease aide to all countries which lists dahm near half the globe. Without the US the whole house of cards falls. There would be regional wars everywhere across the globe and total chaos.

The Moral of the Story is truly American Arrogance. In different ways, from our Citizens, and also from our Shadow Government. The American Dollar will not change from the Standard. The World is not powerful enough yet to match up with what is behind the Curtains.

I hope for Peace for all and defintley hope nothing escalates because nothing good comes from War. Just more corruption.
Again ; I would be careful for what you wish for.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 05:15 AM

What do you wish for?

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Im not sure I see the problem with Russia joining up with China.
Its just business and mutual interests.
China being communist did not stop many a US business men and politicians from engaging in trade pacts.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: jacobe001
a reply to: SaturnFX

Im not sure I see the problem with Russia joining up with China.
Its just business and mutual interests.
China being communist did not stop many a US business men and politicians from engaging in trade pacts.

There is no problem. It's just that Russia has the weaker hand these days.

Edit to add: Note carefully the language in the following Chinese press release:

It makes it very clear that Russia is eager for a trade deal with China, but says nothing about whether or not China is interested. That is extremely telling, don't you think?
edit on 4-5-2014 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 06:55 AM
Well it's happened...

Russia And China Finally Sign Historic $400 Billion "Holy Grail" Gas Deal

There was some trepidation yesterday when after the first day of Putin's visit to China the two countries did not announce the completion of the long-awaited "holy grail" gas dead, and fears that it may get scuttled over price negotiations. It wasn't: moments ago Russia's Gazprom and China's CNPC announced, that after a decade of negotiations, the two nations signed a 30 year gas contract amounting to around $400 billion. And with the west doing all it can to alienate Russia and to force it into China's embrace, this is merely the beginning of what will be a far closer commercial (and political) relationship between China and Russia.

More here.....

So what have you sceptics to say now?


posted on May, 21 2014 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Russia & China toasting over the successful historic deal.

Any word on what currency the deal will be done in? I've heard of the rumors but nothing as of yet after the signing. Perhaps that news will come out on the 22nd.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: SurrenderingAmerica
Having read the Zero hedge report, this deal does not start coming into effect until 2018 which is something everyone else has another 4 years yet before anything starts happening so to speak.
Also, this would also possibly mean that the 'dumping' of the Petrodollar is a ways off yet.


posted on May, 21 2014 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: SurrenderingAmerica

This might give some indication perhaps whats coming....
As Russia Dumps A Record Amount Of US Treasurys, Here Is What It Is Buying

Last week we commented that based on TIC data, while "Belgium's" unprecedented Treasury buying spree continues, one country has been dumping US bonds at an unprecedented rate, and in March alone Russia sold a record $26 billion, or 20% of its holdings.

Russian Gold Reserves in Million Fine Troy Ounces - 1995-2014 - Monthly Chart (Bloomberg)

Russia has already made their intentions regarding gold very clear. Numerous high ranking officials have affirmed how they view gold as an important monetary asset and Putin himself has had many publicised photos in which he very enthusiastically holds large gold bars.

On May 25th 2012, the deputy chairman of Russia's central bank, Sergey Shvetsov, said that the Bank of Russia plans to keep buying gold in order to diversify their foreign exchange reserves.

"Last year we bought about 100 tonnes. This year it will be less but still a considerable figure," Shvetsov told Reuters at the time.

More and graphs here....


posted on May, 21 2014 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
So what have you sceptics to say now?

Welcome back to the eighties?

I personally don't think much will come of this and the world will continue to spin on. The only people who will be affected by this in any significant form will be the businesses that operate in those regions. Some will get hurt while others will prosper.

The one thing I would watch is the MIC of the various countries. China, Russia and India are already spinning theirs up, while every one else is drawing down. If we see that drawdown stop and reverse course in the West, then I'll get worried.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: TDawgRex

MIC???? Q'uest que ce?
knowing how you like foreign lingos Dawg!


posted on May, 21 2014 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

2008 financial crash, the fault of which was entirely American

This.....right here

You do understand the financial system we all live under and its intricacies right? You do know the origin of it right?

So your nation doesnt operate under a fractal banking system, use fiat currency, and isnt basing its currency and national wealth´s worth on its debt generating power?

What role did the bank of England have in forming the IMF, world bank, and the UN you suppose?

LOL and Damn. LOL and Damn.....

edit on 5 21 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 01:28 PM

I agree, reluctantly as I do, I agree with you.

If the Western century comes to an end it wont happen in a decade and it wont be pretty for our enemies.

People think that how large a land mass is colored on a map and how many nukes and soldiers a country has means something. It doesnt

I pray that we dont have to live through an attempted transition to the Western century. Arrogance is an interpreted emotional response and perception.

We simply have the game rigged to our favor after building it. No matter the "aces" you have up your sleeve, you arent leaving this casino with the houses winnings. We will meet you at the door.

It really is matter of a fact. Human nature will not let a threat go unchecked or unpunished.

So we let some subs near our coast in pace time, we sell old surplus military JUNK to the world, we let other countries develop obsolete weapon systems while allowing our businesses to do the same for the sake of the show going on. They really think that means something strategically?

We have spent more on military R&D in the last 60 years than all the world will in the next 500 years. What? They think it was all spent on old ICBMs and 2ND or 3RD generation Jets?

Ok. Sure.

I hope we learn to coexist and stop fighting over power. I would like to live my life and leave my kid a world that is stable and secure. Russia and China want more. While that is understandable, they only want more just because we have more. The thing is we earned it and arent giving it all up just because they want the big boy chair.

The world CAN continue as is. Trying to change who has supremacy will risk it all. I dont see that as being worth the venture considering the proposed replacement. Western supremacy and arrogance? How about: we built this house and arent giving it up without a fight.

And to think that this is all over a former superpower who collapsed from sheer incompetence trying to regain a former satellite state and its resources. China is just an opportunist in all this. Russia and China should be happy with the steady growth and prosperous business and trade they have. Wanting power as well as wealth and being willing to cause massive military conflict because they feel they deserve it all for some reason is pretty damn arrogant if you ask me.

But hey, try us. I just hope they dont force anyones hand.

edit on 5 21 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Military Industrial Complex (MIC). It's a fav buzzword for conspiracy theorists, but it is real. Industries that can help a war machine run. We buy their food at the grocery stores, their tires for our cars, etc, etc. But if they all of a sudden start getting large scale contracts for the Government, then it is time to take notice. The BRICs have been doing this.

Like all those "Run on Ammo" threads we see. Ammo lasts a long while, so that would be the first thing to stock up on. The perishables can always be bought later on.

And seeing how this is going to happen in four years, I'm not holding my breath. A lot can happen in four years, good or bad.

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

Ok .. so countdown begins to when the US will bring in their terrorist buddies to sabotage the deal and pipeline infrastructure
I'm sure they are already frothing at the mouth ..scheming ways to destroy any good progress that others make ..

posted on May, 21 2014 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: junglimogli

The pipeline, no matter where it is built from Russia to China passes through some contested territories. So to blame the US already is a matter of forethought or misconception. The US isn't the only Boogeyman in the World. There are many and not all of them are Nations.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: TritonTaranis

The west is not going to in a million years switch to any new currency coming form Those who seek to destroy it... That is a cast iron fact, the west knows full well that doing so would mean a world under communist and socialist control

I understand your viewpoint and appreciate your pro West worldview, however, I believe there are people who are very dedicated to bringing down America, not the least of who are in very high offices of power. I think some of what is going on has been orchestrated by certain individuals, and even competing factions. I hope you are good at reading between the lines.

posted on May, 23 2014 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: TDawgRex

Yes, you are right Dawg,just take one look at the Bilderberg list, they are from all over the world, heads of State and people in key positions in manufacturing and banking. America is the fall guy now, just like Germany was and Russia was.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:11 PM
Gazprom Ready To Drop Dollar, Settle China Contracts In Yuan Or Rubles

A little over a month ago, when Russia announced the much anticipated "Holy Grail" energy deal with China, some were disappointed that despite this symbolic agreement meant to break the petrodollar's stranglehold on the rest of the world, neither Russia nor China announced payment terms to be in anything but dollars. In doing so they admitted that while both nations are eager to move away from a US Dollar reserve currency, neither is yet able to provide an alternative. This changed rather dramatically overnight when in a little noticed statement, Gazprom's CFO Andrey Kruglov uttered the magic words (via Bloomberg):

In other words just as the US may or may not be preparing to export crude - a step which would weaken the dollar's reserve status as traditional US oil trading partners will need to find other import customers who pay in non-USD currencies - the world's two other superpowers are preparing to respond. And once the bilateral trade in Rubles or Renminbi is established, the rest of the energy world will piggyback.


In retrospect it will be very fitting that the crowning legacy of Obama's disastrous reign, both domestically and certainly internationally, will be to force the world's key ascendent superpowers (we certainly don't envision broke, insolvent Europe among them) to drop the Petrodollar and end the reserve status of the US currency.

More here.....

Dropping the dollar


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