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Crystals and Colors and Chakra's

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posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

This is a cool thread. I love crystals and this gives me lots to read for a little bit, got some beautys at home, I'll post later.


posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 11:37 AM
I've had this page bookmarked since you wrote it! I admit I know nothing about this stuff, but yet I have always been drawn to them.

I am more of a Moonstone person and anything with blues and purples.
I may have to research these more to understand why that is!
edit on 28-3-2014 by MoonLightStars because: spelling

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 11:59 AM
Reply for later reading. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by MoonLightStars

Moonstones are one of my favorites too, they're gorgeous!

When I feel drawn to a particular crystal, I believe there's a reason. A few years ago I was struggling with a drinking issue, during that time I was drawn to amethyst and was always wearing it. Amethyst can be used to ward off drunkenness, didn't know about it at the time.

I love this chart, it shown the correlations between colors, crystal's and chakras.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

Rose Quartz~
This is a stone of the heart.
A crystal of unconditional love. It dissolves emotional wounds, fears, & resentments.
It reawakens the heart to its own innate love allowing one to truly give and receive love.
Attracts new love, romance, intimacy, & closer bonds with family and friends.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by sled735

That is a beautiful piece!!

Rose quartz is one of my favorites, here's a few from my collection. Highly recommend rose quartz wands for intimate massages

edit on 28-3-2014 by Jennyfrenzy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

That's a beautiful stone! I get such a good feeling just looking at it.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 08:27 AM
Some of my stones, haven't got pics of a 1/4th of them need a good camera.

Got a Citrine Geode which I believe is form brazil.

Some labradorite

Orgonite with Himalayan quartz crystal, gold and copper.

Double terminated Rainbow Quartz

Will try to get some pics of my garnet, carnelian, lapis, obsidian if I can.

Also got a bunch of small gemstones from bloodstone to moonstone flurite and more

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by kodasaufa

Wow!! Veddy nice!!
Really like your DT Quartz.. Stunning!!
Never seen one with so much rainbow.
If you ever get around to taking some better pics of it. please post.

edit on 29-3-2014 by DenyFlatulence because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by kodasaufa

You have a beautiful collection, the Double terminated Rainbow Quartz is gorgeous!!

posted on Mar, 30 2014 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

Why thank you. I wish I had taken a pic of my Moldavite with electroplated gold on the edges. It enhance the already powerful Moldavite. But with a lot of my stones they move on their own some can't stay in my pocket more than a few day, especially hematite and rose quartz. I really like kyanite, its very soft in comparison to say black tourmaline.

My aunt has a huge rainbow obsidian bigger than a foot ball which she uses in her medicine wheel, can't wait for her to hand that down

posted on Mar, 30 2014 @ 04:13 PM
My lapis

My flourite heart, gibbsite, peacock feather

And some local abalone

posted on Mar, 30 2014 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by kodasaufa

Those are beautiful! You have a great collection

I have some moldavite coming in the mail, from family. (It's a little scary ordering it online, lots of counterfeit moldavite on the web.) Once it arrives I'll post some pictures. So excited to start using it during meditation and OBE/AP

posted on Mar, 30 2014 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

I had heard it is from plaeides. As you know its rare and is the only gem quality tektite from outerspace, tho many debate that it's a combination of melted earth and a meteorite combined.

Either way it's powerful, put it over your 3rd eye during meditation, but make sure you keep yourself grounded.

Also don't be surprised if some people don't like it or are in love with it while they are around it. Some don't resonate with it because of its intensity. Hope yours is real!

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by DenyFlatulence

The moldavite finally arrived
Can't wait to use it during meditation and sleep as I've heard it's helpful for lucid dreaming and astral projection/ Out of Body Experiences. So excited!

Moldavite is a definite and powerful Chakra opener and activator, particularly resonating with the Heart, 3rd Eye, and Crown Chakras. Although its energy tends to first move to wherever it is most needed in the physical and etheric bodies, it will settle and center in the heart.
Moldavite is a great stone to work with on a personal and collective level in your healing work, practices, and meditations. Its transformative qualities, begins a process of energetic resonance throughout one's entire being, thus raising the vibration.

It is considered the only known gemstone of "extraterrestrial" origin (not of this Earth) and is associated with the Star card of the Tarot. But most importantly, it is a direct link to the Heart Chakra.
Metaphysical properties of Moldavite.
*theres a filter on my pic btw
edit on 15-4-2014 by Jennyfrenzy because: picture has a filter I'm on my phone

edit on 15-4-2014 by Jennyfrenzy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

Holy crap JF!!

Those are soo cool!! Looks like you did super-well on your purchases. Granted there's nothing to scale them, I'd say retail; they are more in the $150-$200 range together.
Super excited for you and can't wait to hear your future posts on how they end up working out for you in your dream and meditation practice!

Have a yummy beer emoticon on me!
(It's an Ommegang Three Philosophers. I think it's an appropriate brew, to celebrate these "gems.")

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by DenyFlatulence

They're pretty small about the size of a half dollar, thicker too. One I'll leave alone and the other I'm going to use to make either a necklace or a headband. Not sure yet

Moldavite is expensive, the cost was about what you thought. It's worth it because they'll be with me forever and ever


posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

Sweet mama.

Umm only advice is keep it close to something like obsidian, or tourmaline, onyx etc.... moldavite has an energy like no others. Just keep it next to your heart or 6th chakra.

Remember its a stone from pleiades....'

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

They're pretty small about the size of a half dollar, thicker too.

That's pretty frickin big for moldavite!
I'd say you got close to the wholesale deal on those.

I might be picking up a natural Blue/Green Obsidian Wand next week, from one of my local rock shops.
I'm trying to get a better price on it. If I end up getting it, I will post.
Btw, that quartz on galena I posted on your wall is the newest edition to my collection.

posted on Apr, 15 2014 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by kodasaufa

Thanks for the advice
you're awesome! Have lots of obsidian, I'll keep them close together

The fact that it's not from earth gets me all excited, lol! It's the little things.

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