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Crystals and Colors and Chakra's

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posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:07 AM


Also if you have not heard of The Book of Stones and The Stones of the New Consciousness I highly recommend these for furthering your understanding of the metaphysical properties of our crystal friends!!

Namste and Blessings

Thank you! I have not read this book and will have to add it to the list. Thanks fot the tip

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:59 AM
Oh, I love your thread! Very, very informative and well presented!
Rocks have 'spoken' to me since I was a small child. My husband has an affinity for rocks, too- so our yard kind of looks like a gravel pit to the undiscerning eye!

I have an Idaho Star garnet that my husband made a cabochon out of in my collection, but I have to say my favorite ( at the moment
) are my crystal 'singers'. Just a small handful of thin, 2-3" quartz crystal the make the most ethereal music I've ever heard!

For some reason, I find myself to be partial to smokey quartz and citrine, also. And malachite. And......

Awesome thread! Thanks for making it!

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

I think you will be pleasantly surprised, both of those books opened up my entire understanding of the potential the crystals have to offer us! I have used them as references for more presents than I can remember, it is refreshing to learn of another way to heal those we love! It makes sense that Gaia would be creating the very energies we need so how can you doubt the power of the crystals/minerals/plants really everything she offers us

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

Thanks for posting OP... I have had some ups and downs in my experience with crystals. Crystals have great power that can really wreak havoc on your life if not approached with conscious and clear intentions - I've seen them mess up a home quickly. Crystals are like little windows with a computer inside and they take on ALL of the energy they encounter so they must be cleaned constantly and maintained with good intentions, if not they can be little generators of dark, heavy, yin energy. That being said, despite the "woo woo peddling" that is thought to be associated with crystal power, they do work no question and have an amazing power to affect physical spaces and humans. As you mentioned, the ancients - Sumerian, Egyptian, Assyrian, Mayan, Aztecs and North American Indians - knew fair well the potential and the uses of crystal energy.
edit on 19-3-2014 by kronos11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 10:34 AM
I have a set of chakra stones that I have wrapped around a pyramid, and one quartz that stays on my key chain at all times.

Here is my humble collection. The bottom crystal is the quartz that is double wrapped in a double helix style, copper next to stone and silver on the outside. It gives me good vibrations

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Skada

Your collection is awesome, thanks for posting the picture

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by kronos11

Have not heard about people harnessing the negative energy from crystals. Guess I shouldn't be surprised, some people are just bad people. It's just hard for me to grasp using something that's always been associated with positive energy, in my family anyway, for negative purposes. Thanks for the information about that, going to look a little more in to it.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:16 PM
Excellent thread. I bookmarked it. I've been here almost ten years and I think it's the first time I've bookmarked an ATS thread. Thanks for the information. My birthday is coming up and you just gave me some ideas.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by nugget1

Thank you! I could go on and on too, so many favorites! haha!

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:44 PM

reply to post by kronos11

Have not heard about people harnessing the negative energy from crystals. Guess I shouldn't be surprised, some people are just bad people.

To be honest that is not exactly what I meant although it can be done I'm sure - using crystals to harness evil - remember Saruman from Lord of the Rings
. What I meant more was if a crystal is exposed to heavy, emotional energy then it will retain that vibration. It's of vital importance that the energy that the crystal is exposed to must always be kept pure with good intent and as we know in many home environments this is not always maintained, at least all the time.

For example in college I had a roommate who had been given a beautiful, large quartz cluster by his well meaning new age/hippie sister who was a good peaceful person on the whole but her brother was not. He kept the cluster by the window near his bed. The guy was not a "bad" person by any standards but let's just say he wasn't an angel either - he drank sometimes to excess, he smoked weed, had arguments with his girlfriend and many other things that while not being horrible, weren't of the clearest intent. Needless to say, his quartz cluster soon became as dirty as dirty could be and was vibrating with only the worst qualities because of what it had been exposed to. If you look at human actions and emotions as having a characteristic of being heavy or light - the crystal will maintain the heavy energy in lieu of the light in all cases, it's physics. The taoists call the heavy, dark energy yin and the light yang.

Luckily a crystal can be cleansed and reset very easily with a dunk in cold water and some sea salt or a smudging of smoke from sage bundle or resin incenses like copal, cedar, frankincense. Unfortunately my roommate was never given these instructions to maintain his crystals (and if he did I doubt he would have believed it or followed it) and not knowing how to maintain his crystal routinely actually exacerbated many problems in his life after he got it. Being as ignorant as he was to it's power he would have been better off without it.
edit on 19-3-2014 by kronos11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

What is interesting to me, is that the crystal didn't really have a vibe to it until I wrapped it. After I wrapped in the double wire (DNA/Double Helix style), the crystal had a stronger vibration, like a heart beat, or pulsation. The Wire amplified the crystal, from my perspective. If you can get the materials, try this yourself with a clear quartz point. Just make sure it is clean from everything, and make sure it is a crystal that likes/speaks to you.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

What a great thread ! S&F
I use gemstones a lot for meditation, and just for daily wear , every day a different stone. I usually let the stone speak to me, choose me, and that's the one I wear that day.

Here is a great website with the 4 cleansing methods for different types of gemstones.
Cleansing them on a regular basis, especially before meditation is very important.

The website doesn't mention all gemstones, but a lot of them, and how to cleanse them.
(Water rinse, sunbath, plant rejuvenation, and salt bed. )

For example avoid water rinsing lapis lazuli and malachite, because it will dull the polish, it's safer to wipe with soft cloth, it will still recharge, and cleanse this way.
( I give them sun baths , just for 5 minutes, has the same effect, and I don't have to worry about them losing their nice polish. )

My late grandmother gave me my very first rose quartz when I was around 8-9 years old. I still have it!
(in my early thirties now.)
My favorite one would have to be the mountain crystal, because it can be used for everything. My second favorite one would be amethyst, because it helps a lot with intuition, and meditation.
edit on 19/3/2014 by Rainbowresidue because: added a thought

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

I collect all types of stones along my life's travels. At this time, I am using purple amethyst (healing and open psychic abilities) and I have just macramed a necklace for this large rough stone so that it will be in contact with my body constantly.

Also, from time to time, I will cleanse with a crystal, after charging it in the sunshine.

Have you noticed that your color chart placement matches the color placement in a rainbow?

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

Thank you - great thread. I collect crystals - love them.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 06:03 PM



reply to post by DenyFlatulence

Thats a beauty, gave me goosebumps. Thats awesome you can feel the energy when you pick it up. I have nothing that beautiful, yet!!

Probably just a placebo effect. But if it works then who cares right.

Exactly, we are on the same wavelength


posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 06:03 PM

reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

What is interesting to me, is that the crystal didn't really have a vibe to it until I wrapped it. After I wrapped in the double wire (DNA/Double Helix style), the crystal had a stronger vibration, like a heart beat, or pulsation. The Wire amplified the crystal, from my perspective. If you can get the materials, try this yourself with a clear quartz point. Just make sure it is clean from everything, and make sure it is a crystal that likes/speaks to you.

That sounds like what I once read about how to 'program crystals with intent', the idea that you concentrate/meditate while holding the crystal on what you intend it to be used for.
As an example, if you wished it to be a healing crystal, you would meditate on healing energy filling the crystals.

Personally, I don't agree with crystals radiating negative energy. Their purpose ( after cleansing and programing) is to collect/absorb negative energy. Once filled, the become a heavy, ineffective 'rock' until cleansed and re-programed.

I read about placing crystals/minerals in drinking water overnight to infuse the water with the stones' qualities/energies. Some people believe that drinking water infused this way has healing powers.

I had never heard/read that amethyst shouldn't be exposed to sun; wonder why that is?

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 06:17 PM
Here is a great show called Prospectors, on The Weather Channel. Most if not all of the past shows can be watched in their entirety on youtube.

It shows you what goes on behind the scenes to bring some of these beauties to the collectors!
Warning! You will get hooked..

Wait until you watch episode 8 of season 1. After seeing this Amazonite/Smokey quartz pocket, you'll be picking your jaw up off the ground!!

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by nugget1

The sun washes out the Amethyst's color.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 06:36 PM

Personally, I don't agree with crystals radiating negative energy. Their purpose ( after cleansing and programing) is to collect/absorb negative energy. Once filled, the become a heavy, ineffective 'rock' until cleansed and re-programed.

This is a concept rarely spoke about or covered in the self-help crystal books commonly found at your local bookstore, in fact I haven't seen it at all except in a couple of them. Do a little research on the Native American beliefs and customs regarding crystals and their uses - one book in particular that delves into this "negative" side to using crystals is called "The American Indian: Secrets of Crystal Healing" by Luc Bourgault link

In Native American understanding crystals have very neutral properties and can be used for either good or bad, just like most things.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by kronos11

Oh, I got it! Cleaning them is very important, anytime I bring a new one home, it gets cleansed. Thanks

reply to post by Rainbowresidue

Thanks for the link! That's a great reference. Bookmarked

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