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My Obamacare quote is not insane.

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posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 02:53 PM

reply to post by NativeZero

You have to realize that you pay the full price out of pocket each month and only get 'reimbursed' come tax you have 221 extra a month not to mention the deductible and office costs you still have to cover as well?

edit on 18-3-2014 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

Not me.

I pay the amount each month after the credit is applied, not the full amount, so I don't have to "wait" to be reimbursed at tax time. This is, of course, if I apply the WHOLE credit per month (which I do). If I decide to NOT use any of the credit, I pay the full amount and then wait to be reimbursed. Without the credit I'd pay $300 a month. With the credit applied (and I apply it), I pay $100.

The only stipulation is that this is based on my projected annual income. If that income changes (increases) (and I have used the full tax credit per month), I may have to pay some back.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by schuyler

That was not my quoted material. How did it get my nickname on it?

The questions you are asking about came from Saturnfx

I didn't understand them either, if that helps..

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 03:25 PM

reply to post by NativeZero

You have to realize that you pay the full price out of pocket each month and only get 'reimbursed' come tax you have 221 extra a month not to mention the deductible and office costs you still have to cover as well?

edit on 18-3-2014 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

Actually, that's not true. We just got our first bill from the insurance company and it is the quoted, subsidized amount. You get to choose how much of the subsidy you take off your monthly insurance premiums and how much you want to hold back for year-end taxes. If you want to use the whole thing every month, you can, or you can save some for an end-of-year tax credit.

Now, our situation is complicated. We have a child with a congenital heart defect, I'm a cancer survivor and our other son has autism. Let's just say we had to jump through some crazy hoops to get it all figured out, but NOW, well, it is going to make a huge difference in our lives. See, we had a "gold-type" plan, but were self-employed with no access to insurance through work and with a high enough income to be out of range of the state-provided options (Health Check for kids or Medicaid - our state did not do the expansion). So, we were paying $1200 per month and barely scraping by - this was more than our mortgage!!!
Our new cost-per-month is $504 for the same insurance we were paying $1200.

I'm not saying Obamacare is perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it has eased our life considerably. It has flaws. It could be greatly improved IF our elected officials would actually do that, but instead its a black & white battle of talking points and spin so that they can count coup on each other. I really feel for people who are seeing a negative impact from this law - it needs to work for everyone.


posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 04:14 PM

reply to post by schuyler

That was not my quoted material. How did it get my nickname on it?

Quotes of quotes of quotes. It gets hard to tell where they came from after a few nestings. Sorry. Nothing personal intended.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 05:20 PM


reply to post by NativeZero

I don't get the failure to communicate how wrong obamacare is.

Do you want the government to require sustenance, housing, mobility and amenable sexual relations insurance too?
edit on 18-3-2014 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

I'm not sure what you mean. At the end of my post i did say how i thought Obamacare was bull@#$%.

Not from you but, from the apologencia who still think it will work sans evidence and reason.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 05:32 PM


holly @#%$. You're right. The quote websites show that you pay nearly 30% of your income if you make less than $12000 annually. What were they thinking?

That's right. What you are seeing there is "The Gap." In theory, people below the $12K would be covered by "expanded Medicaid," but the problem is that many states did not do this. It's another unfunded federal mandate. The exchange sites just "do the math" without explaining very well why the issue exists. Indeed, Phage is the one who made that part clear to me.


If price isn't the issue then why are 90% of the people that complain about the ACA only talk about cost? Our for profit healthcare system is nothing more than a scam when people go bankrupt trying to pay medical bills then there is a problem with that system. And how did the government degrade the school system? The Republicans doubled the size of the Dept of Education then cut it's funding. Had they not done this then our schools would be far better than they are now.

I dunno. Just a guess, but could it be because my price doubled and the quality of coverage went down? I'm thinking my overall chances of bankruptcy are greater now than they were before. I pay double per month and I also have to pay more deductible before less coverage kicks in. But hey! It was BAD before, so anything must be an improvement, huh? And I'm sorry, but the Dept. of Education has done NOTHING for our schools save take our tax money and hand it back with mandates. The way to make schools "better" is, in part, to give back the "education taxes" to the school districts and let local control determine how it's spent. Of course, not everyone will learn the official words to the "I love Obama" song quite so readily.

Some prices go up because the initial insurance had by some simply didn't qualify under the ACA they either had to jack up the price (and services to match the new rules for coverage), or simply drop their line all together

That is correct and is why millions of policies were cancelled. It wasn't because the big bad insurance companies did so out of spite. It was because the government told them those policies no longer were up to snuff. That is ALSO the reason behind the Obama lie that "If you like your policy, you can keep it."

Well, no, you can't, actually. So now, as a 60 year old guy I have pregnancy coverage and also "prescription drug coverage." Oh, wait! It doesn't kick in until I've spent $6K out of pocket, so I effectively don't have prescription drug coverage at all. So I pay nearly double for this "extra mandated coverage" and wind up with less actual coverage.

edit on 3/18/2014 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

You stated that obamacare is mandatory.. It could of been, if it had actually went through the due process of being passed legally as a law. But since was not, IT isn't.
People everywhere that bend over to anything an official says, or the News parrots, can pretend that it is a law, just like kids pretending they are a My little Pony character, but it doesn't make it true.

Who else agrees with me? The President! He opted out, Harry Reid his helmet polishing man Opted out, plus opted out all of his senate staff. Opting out is acting upon it not being mandatory. At least our officials think it means that.
Who else... The list is a really long one... Patty Murry (D) Washington has opted out for all of her staff. Barbara Boxer (Gag) California opted out her staff..
The Unions all opted out. Special friends of Obama opted out with a special list sent to IRS not to enforce upon.

It is a joke, a total joke.
The punch line is when people step into the gas chamber by opting in, from being intimidated, scared, told to get in with the rest of us because it's warm in here, all kinds of things.

Just not any real legal reasons for it to be mandatory..
It sure isn't for me. And we all know the idiots that created this horse sht aren't going to tolerate it in their families or circles either..
So this is where we are.
The first time the IRS sends me any garbage to say I have to do it will be when they are following the laws. Right now they have guns and threats of fines, but no valid authority to enforce obamacare.
And what makes Obama immune from false advertising laws?

There isn't anything that is true about one single thing that was claimed in trying to sell it. And everything that was said about it, was said for the sole purpose of getting people on board with it. Which shows whole intent to commit fraud. Felony Fraud by the way...
I have never bought a fake product, and never will. The whole thing is toxic waste, the same as Obama. Not buying into it, ever. Not by force, not by threats, and certainly not by bending over for a team of ass clowns. (or their team of shrieking mynah birds.)
edit on 18-3-2014 by alienreality because: Added team of shrieking mynah birds

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by NativeZero

I can add to this. My daughter who is 26 has been looking for work for the past 4 months. She signed up for Obama care since she could no longer be on our insurance after reaching the age of 26. She received a quote at $75.00 per month. Which surprised me! Only thing is, it's short lived because she just found a new job with health care benefits.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 06:40 PM
Thank you for bringing logic and truth in a sea of left and right lies, kinda tired of the old my dadys bigger than yours.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 07:29 PM
Ive been seeing some folks dont realize they have to pay sometimes huge amounts of a deductible 1st, before their insurance co-pays kick in. And if you dont really go to a Dr. much...then youll never pay your deductible 1st, and will always be paying full price as you continue being below the agreed deductable.

A friend here at work is single, his rate is $185 a month with a $1500 deductable...but he's perfectly healthy. All that means to him is he's paying about $2,250 a year...and not seeing a doctor because fortunately he is healthy...but a couple thousand $$ poorer.

After all is called INSURANCE (in case of...)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by NativeZero

Firstly, the younger you are, the cheaper it is.
IOW, your premiums are going to go up every $20-40 I've read...until you hit Medicare.
And, premiums can go up year to year as the Insurance Cartel sets the rates based on projections for number of insureds.

Then, MANY of us wish we could have the Silver Plan....and cheaper deductibles.
Many of us MUST go with Bronze...and teh $6000 deductibles.

I was thrown off my insurance by my plan.
My premiums tripled, and my deductible went from $1200 to $6350. And, the bill comes with a $50 tax.
I no longer have Master except for an annual physical.....nothing is covered until I pay the six grand.
Unless I am hospitalized...then it is $4400, with a 40% co-insurance.
I pray I don't get sick or injured.
edit on Tue Mar 18 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by schuyler

My son makes less than 20 thousand a year, single, young and the one that Obama wants to pay for the long term health problems of those that could not afford care before, if lucky to be in the working class, but he doesn't make enough, so what is for him? no a darn thing, he doesn't qualify for Obamacare and will be left if lucky to get a ride on Medicaid, but another problem my state of GA is leaning to no expansion of Medicaid, I guess he is in that group that will not get a darn thing from the so call "affordable healthcare act"

Affordable is an oxymoron sold to the public, the ACA is nothing more and nothing else than the biggest bailout in history coming straight from the working productive class to the corrupted insurance companies.

You are right the truth is that ACA was never for the poor, it was just to get that left over middle class that still makes a living without government hand outs.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by NativeZero

One question. Which politicians propaganda office do you work for?

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:32 PM

reply to post by NativeZero

One question. Which politicians propaganda office do you work for?

Morgan Freeman's, as I believe he'd make an excellent politician. I mean, he IS god.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Phoenix

Lets remember though not one penny is reimbursed until that deductible is met which most pro ACA folks conveniently leave out of their cost estimates.
Well, deductible only matters if you pay something, right?

Any estimate on what a broken leg costs without insurance? Never mind a really bad car accident or cancer treatment. That deductible don't look so bad when you look at it that way, does it?

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by AboveBoard

In your situation, it's great. A person with diabetes and wished to start his own business now can do that without fear of having no insurance. So for a small group, this has helped. But for a large group, it has hurt. The whole thing was not thought out, rushed to get passed, and it's still not understood.

I am glad for your family.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Phoenix

I did that and my quote was 9700 yearly with a 70% tax reduction. Regardless of the tax reduction id still need to float the 800+ a month. I currently have BCBS for 360 a month and its the state employees plan so that's where I am at.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:50 AM

The only reason it hasn't been a detriment to the democrats and the left as much, is because they are already flat broke, jobless welfare recipients, or have the lowest paying jobs since it is hard to make a higher wage with little education. When it is hailed by them as a good thing, it's because it takes nothing from them, not yet anyways...
Not everyone I mention fits that, but a majority does.
edit on 18-3-2014 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

And this is where your argument loses my interest. If you have real, meaningful things to add to the argument for either side, I love listening to it and reading about it. When you try to tell me that everyone on the left is flat broke, jobless welfare recipients... you are flat out wrong and showing your true colors.

I am a registered democrat, veteran of the air force with an honorable discharge after serving four times overseas, single father of one, hard-working, tax-paying and quite aware of many of our current administration's faults and mistakes. I understand you tried after the fact to say not everyone I mention fits that but when you start grouping up everyone into groups, you devalue your argument.

Find real things to target, not meaningless bias and lies... if you have a valid point, argue it with facts..

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 09:51 AM

reply to post by Phoenix

Lets remember though not one penny is reimbursed until that deductible is met which most pro ACA folks conveniently leave out of their cost estimates.
Well, deductible only matters if you pay something, right?

Any estimate on what a broken leg costs without insurance? Never mind a really bad car accident or cancer treatment. That deductible don't look so bad when you look at it that way, does it?

Not sure if the ACA is the answer but you don't get reimbursed until your deductible is met with any insurance plan pre-ACA.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

"Strange, isn't the complaint that pretty much all of Hollywood, and people with advanced degrees? I guess that means that the dems are both the poorest and richest?
So much for logic and consistency." SaturnFX

Hollywood and the "advanced degree" people who support the liberal agenda do so because of the social policies they implement. The plus is they get to show compassion for the "little people" while supporting the social revolution, great PR for them. The poor people support it because of the economic policies and don't look beyond that (even though many poor people don't accept the social policies). The left has knit together a perfect storm of uniting opposite ends of the spectrum against the middle and it is destroying this country. When the country falls the rich will still have a way out (for awhile)....the rest of us won't.

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