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The Cold War Never Ended And Russia Is About To Win!

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posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 11:25 PM
I just got sent this e-mail from a reliable source... it talks about the Great Deception the Soviets pulled by Faking their break-up and weakening in order to disarm America... Part of the plan was to incite a holy war between Islammic Fundamentalists vs. America and Israel. In fact a Soviet Defector told this exact story back in 1983. And its coming true now...this is all part of the Russian End Game to destroy their only rival to world dominance

I knew the soviets where good at playing chess, but this is genius!

The Soviets are still working together and The Civil War in Ukraine is going to have major implications as reunituing The block is one of things that Putin must do before becoming the Czar.

We Never Won the Cold War ... thats only what the Soviets wanted you to see...they had another plan. We should have seen this coming!

Now Putin has admitted to Making a Super Weapon

They did a really good job of letting us think we won, and you know how they where able to actually pull it off? ... Because we REALLY wanted to believe we had won. We're so stupid.

it was all Hollywood, and Reagan should have won an acadamy award.

Isn't this interesting? Your thoughts...

[edit on 26-11-2004 by BeLowUIdontevenknowu]

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 11:38 PM
....I'm thinking this be an appropiate time to talk about the dangers of taking drugs....

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 12:10 AM
Well a defector in the 80's said this exact thing, but in retrospect...

the military situation is not so good for the Russians........It is very bad actually. The huge army is almost useless now as it has asted away for 15 years...Just look at the navy..rusted.

There are two schools of thought regarding the future role of the Russian Navy. The first proposes a relatively large 'blue water' Navy capable of dealing with any or all threats; the other advocates a much smaller Navy designed solely to defend Russia's territory against likely local or regional threats.

Believe the last one...

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 12:24 AM
Oh no not again,

You are correct. They have already won. Putin views Bush as an idiot and the best thing that ever happened to Russia. He is forming a communist coalition that will eat alive the coalition we have of third world countries. Countries like Poland ,Hungary, Philippines,etc...
Russia, China, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Panama, North Korea, Iran, etc.... the oil reserve of the world as well as gold reserve. They are going to drive our dollar into the dirt first. Then they are going to stand back and watch internal bi-polar conflict rip this country apart. Then they are going to use us for slave labor. Ya follow? We have been sold out by our leaders. The UN is moving to Belgum, Clinton the Sec Gen is moving to Ireland and the Administration, the Bush Dynasty is going to Germany.
You couldn't see this coming. C'mon your smart.

Polar Bear

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 09:39 AM
No no no Polar Bear! You have this all wrong!

Originally posted by Polar Bear
You are correct. They have already won. Putin views Bush as an idiot and the best thing that ever happened to Russia.

- Hmmm, now come on; you know he's hardly alone in that assessment.

He is forming a communist coalition that will eat alive the coalition we have of third world countries. Countries like Poland ,Hungary, Philippines,etc...

- Hang on; Poland and Hungary are in the EU now. They are not in any formal alliance of any kind with Russia now.

Russia, China, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Panama, North Korea, Iran, etc.... the oil reserve of the world as well as gold reserve. They are going to drive our dollar into the dirt first.

- I think you'll find the US government did that with it's vast spending deficit, it's refusal to tackle the USA's grossly bloated trade deficit and their printing dollars like it's going out of fashion.

Then they are going to stand back and watch internal bi-polar conflict rip this country apart.

- Again, you are managing this all on your lonesome and you refuse to stop it.

Then they are going to use us for slave labor. Ya follow?

- Er no. Wow, why would anyone want to bother with uppity, 'so many chips on their shoulder it can hardly be true', foreign, 'delusional superiority complex infused' American slaves when you get far better economics from treating your own people well.

We have been sold out by our leaders.

- You love your leader.....well you want to believe enough of you do to believe his election 'victory' anyways.

The UN is moving to Belgum, Clinton the Sec Gen is moving to Ireland and the Administration, the Bush Dynasty is going to Germany.
You couldn't see this coming. C'mon your smart.

- We'll happily have the UN and Bill but I can't see 'dub-ya' and Co. being given anything but a trial if they flee to Europe in those circumstances.

[edit on 25-11-2004 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Polar Bear
Oh no not again,

You are correct. They have already won. Putin views Bush as an idiot and the best thing that ever happened to Russia. He is forming a communist coalition that will eat alive the coalition we have of third world countries. Countries like Poland ,Hungary, Philippines,etc...

Polar Bear

Hungary and Poland third world countries?

Not as rich as many western nations... but by no means are they third world

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 09:59 AM
*Takes two steps back*

Ooook...firstly, please share some of the drugs with the rest of the group

"reliable source" eh? where is the e-mail? who is he/she?? how did they get hold of the information??

Poland and Hungary are third world countries?!!? Someone better inform the UN that they have missed two countries of their poverty list...

[edit on 25-11-2004 by infinite]

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 10:08 AM
You could look at poland and hungry as 2nd world countries, but definatly not 3rd. They arn't quite 1st world and they ain't 3rd by a long shot so that leaves 2nd. I think you could fit most of them former soviet block countries in their maybe even russia.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 10:11 AM
The Idea has some merit, but I find myself questioning whether or not you could coordinate such a complicated conspiracy.

Now, assuming that many of the conspiracies that we discuss here are true, IE, voting fraud, the Roswell coverup, and an overall government conspiracy to hide the existence of Aliens, they've got a pretty poor record of maintaining secrecy, even in these seemingly simple conspiracies.

This 'Cold War' conspiracy, on the other hand is an entirely different kettle of fish...its far more complicated than anything we can comprehend as far as conspiracies go...I just can't buy it...

So...I don't see it a feasible.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 10:23 AM
This is the American govt.... EU citizens be afriad... REPEAT... afraid...

buy more guns off us... REPEAT... buy more guns off us...

it's your only hope... more guns.... you will never be safe....

Stop it!
This is getting silly!

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by BeLowUIdontevenknowu
I just got sent this e-mail from a reliable source... it talks about the Great Deception the Soviets pulled by Faking their break-up and weakening in order to disarm America...

In order to disarm America ,looks like that was a failure. Military spending is at a all time high over 400 Billion the US has a black budget almost as large as the whole of Russia's military budget. Opps looks like that plan was a waste. Perhaps they were hoping for a whole bunch of people like Kerry getting elected and slashing the military after the Cold War.

The only thing that would come from a conflict of Russia and the US is both countries would be destroyed along with most people on the planet. No matter how many countries either has on its side.

This does remind me of that Simpson episode where the USSR was faking and all their peace floats really had tanks and weapons in them. They had Lenin frozen and he wakes up saying destroy and stuff classic.

[edit on 25-11-2004 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 11:53 AM
I cant seem to find the information on the defector, but that was his premise to weaken the US , get them out of NATO and such. But like it has been pointed out, the plan is not working as the US is getting stonger not weaker.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 12:38 PM
...So, where does china fit into this picture?

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by BeLowUIdontevenknowu
I just got sent this e-mail from a reliable source... it talks about the Great Deception the Soviets pulled by Faking their break-up and weakening in order to disarm America... Part of the plan was to incite a holy war between America and Islammic Fundamentalists who are acting as Russia's modern day Hessians.

This is all part of the Soviet Plan... and i just found out when i was sent this email. This is a Must Read.

I knew the soviets where good at playing chess, but this is genius!

The Soviets are still working together and The Civil War in Ukraine is going to have major implications.

We Never Won the Cold War ... thats only what the Soviets wanted you to see...they had another plan. We should have seen this coming!

Now Putin has admitted to Making a Super Weapon

They did a really good job of letting us think we won, and you know how they where able to actually pull it off? ... Because we REALLY wanted to believe we had won. We're so stupid.

it was all Hollywood, and Reagan should have won an acadamy award.

Isn't this interesting? Your thoughts...

So the Soviet Plan was to go bankrupt while trying to compete with the Americans? This makes no sense. It's as if Lennux's plan to compete against Microsoft is to go bankrupt. Listen, we put the only men on the moon, we developed nuclear bombs before anyone and thus are the only nation to have used them, we were the ones flying 80,000ft in the air spying on the Soviets, our nuclear plants weren't having melt downs and leaking radioactive matterial across Europe causing a number of deaths and deformities, we didn't have a break up of US lands, the Soviets broke up, we weren't the ones starving our people to death by the millions forcefully. Lastly, take a look at this chart and find the US and then Russia:

*Sorry about the bad link**

[edit on 25-11-2004 by Frosty]

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Frosty

So the Soviet Plan was to go bankrupt while trying to compete with the Americans? This makes no sense. It's as if Lennux's plan to compete against Microsoft is to go bankrupt. Listen, we put the only men on the moon, we developed nuclear bombs before anyone and thus are the only nation to have used them, we were the ones flying 80,000ft in the air spying on the Soviets, our nuclear plants weren't having melt downs and leaking radioactive matterial across Europe causing a number of deaths and deformities, we didn't have a break up of US lands, the Soviets broke up, we weren't the ones starving our people to death by the millions forcefully.

[edit on 25-11-2004 by Frosty]

All good points, but lets take a look at this a little closer shall we.

firstly lets take a look at the world in the early 1980's. The Russians were losing to capitalism as it is much better for growth and expansion. The Russians knew that if they went to war with us we would all lose. They didn't want that either... But they didn't want to lose the war either, they wanted to be the Superpower in the world, without rival.

Now think back to the fall of communism, didn't it happen really quick? Almost no one saw that coming...but when it happened we believed it, we believed it because we really needed too, in order to get out of the stale economy we where in.

So the Russians who are master stategists decided to make an End Game type of move, and turned the muslim world against America because of its involvement or shall we say funding arming and support of Israel during their wars with muslims. This Russian defector said he himself was responsible to tell lies to muslims about the nature of americans in order to push the issue... Why are the Russians NOT doing anything in Chechnya???

The only war that Russia was going to win the cold war would be to outsmart the Stupid Americans by inciting a Creating a divide between America and Europe, as to getting the troops oout of europe, then inciting a Holy War and then coming in after to clean up the pieces.
The new world order isn't going to be the one that is often mentioned here on this site...instead it is going to be the group mentioned above.

Also, China holds most of our debt, Iran is in cohoots with Russia for a long time, China and North Korean allies... Ladies and Gentlemen, The Axis Of Evil is growing against us.

Its a good thing that we have all those toys...

Fear Not, From Out of the Ashes the Pheonix will Rise Again!
Hail America!

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
Well a defector in the 80's said this exact thing, but in retrospect...

Thank You.

Originally posted by edsinger

the military situation is not so good for the Russians........It is very bad actually. The huge army is almost useless now as it has asted away for 15 years...Just look at the navy..rusted.

Ok I understand that it does look bleak for the russians right now...but looks can be know that!

What if the russians are only showing us what they want us to see? What if the Russians have some new technology that would make the entire worlds combined navy completly useless? I think Tesla may have been working on something... and how long now have the Russians had his notes, they could be a generation ahead of us. If you are not familiar with the work of Tesla then do a google.

Allowing us to watch their Navy Rust over could be part of their master plan.

BTW, I don't underestimate anyone, and thus should never be underestimated.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by BeLowUIdontevenknowu
What if the russians are only showing us what they want us to see?

We still spy on Russia a whole lot both with technology and the good old low tech way planting moles paying people off etc... So either side cant really hide some massive military build up. Heck the USSR tried to sneak some nukes into Cuba and failed to hide it from the US.

So if the KGB faked the fall of the USSR to disarm the US the US called their bluff. There has been no arms reduction in the US since the end of the cold war,Infact it has increased.

Russia could also make all the secret alliances it wants and it will not change the outcome of a nuclear war either way. If the US and Russia go to war its MAD and only MAD. Even if the conflict started out with no nukes one side would start to lose and they wouldnt be sitting on their nukes.

[edit on 25-11-2004 by ShadowXIX]

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

We still spy on Russia a whole lot both with technology and the good old low tech way planting moles paying people off etc... So either side cant really hide some massive military build up. Heck the USSR tried to sneak some nukes into Cuba and failed to hide it from the US.

[edit on 25-11-2004 by ShadowXIX]

good point. but this was a massive conspiracy that i'm sure only those at the top fully understand. The Govt. running out of money was true, but what happened after that was a planned attempt to obviously stall the war and come out on top after a few years of hiding. Their plan was to look weak when they where strong. Zeng Zu (sp?) The Art of War.

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

So if the KGB faked the fall of the USSR to disarm the US the US called their bluff. There has been no arms reduction in the US since the end of the cold war,Infact it has increased.
[edit on 25-11-2004 by ShadowXIX]

But not against the Soviet Union, part of the plan was to get the US troops out of Europe (that worked) and the other was for America to fight a Holy War against the Muslims... This Is The Gog-Magog War before Armegeddon

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

Russia could also make all the secret alliances it wants and it will not change the outcome of a nuclear war either way. If the US and Russia go to war its MAD and only MAD. Even if the conflict started out with no nukes one side would start to lose and they wouldnt be sitting on their nukes.

[edit on 25-11-2004 by ShadowXIX]

Thats the beautiful thing about playing the Islam Card. The "terrorists" would be the ones responsible ... not the USSR.
Meanwhile Russia under Putin is going to re-unite the blocks and form an alliance with China, Iran, South America, North Korea ... and possibly Canada?

Did you even read the original link with the information? Most of your argument was dissmissed there. thanks for making it easy for me.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by BeLowUIdontevenknowu

Originally posted by Frosty

So the Soviet Plan was to go bankrupt while trying to compete with the Americans? This makes no sense. It's as if Lennux's plan to compete against Microsoft is to go bankrupt. Listen, we put the only men on the moon, we developed nuclear bombs before anyone and thus are the only nation to have used them, we were the ones flying 80,000ft in the air spying on the Soviets, our nuclear plants weren't having melt downs and leaking radioactive matterial across Europe causing a number of deaths and deformities, we didn't have a break up of US lands, the Soviets broke up, we weren't the ones starving our people to death by the millions forcefully.

[edit on 25-11-2004 by Frosty]

All good points, but lets take a look at this a little closer shall we.

firstly lets take a look at the world in the early 1980's. The Russians were losing to capitalism as it is much better for growth and expansion. The Russians knew that if they went to war with us we would all lose. They didn't want that either... But they didn't want to lose the war either, they wanted to be the Superpower in the world, without rival.

Now think back to the fall of communism, didn't it happen really quick? Almost no one saw that coming...but when it happened we believed it, we believed it because we really needed too, in order to get out of the stale economy we where in.

So the Russians who are master stategists decided to make an End Game type of move, and turned the muslim world against America because of its involvement or shall we say funding arming and support of Israel during their wars with muslims. This Russian defector said he himself was responsible to tell lies to muslims about the nature of americans in order to push the issue... Why are the Russians NOT doing anything in Chechnya???

The only war that Russia was going to win the cold war would be to outsmart the Stupid Americans by inciting a Creating a divide between America and Europe, as to getting the troops oout of europe, then inciting a Holy War and then coming in after to clean up the pieces.
The new world order isn't going to be the one that is often mentioned here on this site...instead it is going to be the group mentioned above.

Also, China holds most of our debt, Iran is in cohoots with Russia for a long time, China and North Korean allies... Ladies and Gentlemen, The Axis Of Evil is growing against us.

Its a good thing that we have all those toys...

Fear Not, From Out of the Ashes the Pheonix will Rise Again!
Hail America!

Master Statigist?
You mean like when they invaded Serbia to only back out of the war 3 years later due to a revolt which changed their form of government from a brutal monarchy to a brutal communist state? Or do you mean when they were stratigizing against the Nazis using US arms and supplies? OR are you refering to Stalin's economic plan which nearly wiped out every kulak and killed millions more? No it must be when the Berlin wall fell and they lost a good chunk of their economic resources?

Turned the Muslim world against the US? Muslims and the Western world have been at war since the dawn of man kind. From Alexander to European Imperalism to the present.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 09:22 PM


Congress has been aware of this problem of possible pre-planted nukes in American cities since the early 90's. is a fantastic resource. I spend a good deal of time there reading. Sources say the KGB brought them here and stashed them for use at a later date as reported in Congressional Reports.

I was referring to Poland, Hungary, and the Philippines as 3rd world countries in our coalition in the middle east
and I would in your terms not mine classify NK and Iran 2nd class due to their nuclear and military superiority over Pol, Hung, and Phil, and the rest of our coalition in the ME.
China just signed a 70 billion 30 year contract with Iran for oil. Russia is building a pipeline to the Pacific to supply Japan, China, and Korea. The American Executives of Youkos fled Russia today to avoid prosecution and the State has confiscated the company and will put it up for auction. Be interesting to see who is allowed to bid on it.
And you don't see a coalition forming here. Oh yeah you can throw France in there.

Polar Bear

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