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Do we have Free Will (my video)

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posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: Mr Mask

In other words, you are planning 'to ignore'...

My post began with 'Thank You', and ended with 'Good luck friend'.

Again, if you were so convinced of the research, and truly wanted to 'debate' it, I would have thought you wouldn't have gone the personal attack route...but, each to thier own.


posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: akushla99
a reply to: Mr Mask

In other words, you are planning 'to ignore'...

My post began with 'Thank You', and ended with 'Good luck friend'.

Again, if you were so convinced of the research, and truly wanted to 'debate' it, I would have thought you wouldn't have gone the personal attack route...but, each to thier own.


Actually this is something I would like everyone to know. That I do not "want" to debate a report on a scientific theory. In fact, its a constant annoyance to see a handful of people always comment on my vids in a "I want to debate this" way.

I didn't event the theories. They are not mine. I gave credit to the names behind them. Debate them. Not me. I am far too busy to play "debate science games" with you.

I am an entertainer. I make entertainment. I spend considerable energy and time making these videos and do not intend on "debating" a published scientific concept with every random name.

You seem to think this video was made of my own views. As if me reporting this theory means I am here to defend it. No sir. I am not. You have no idea how annoying it is when someone assumes you're here to "debate" a scientific theory you are presenting for entertainment and educational reasons.

Don't debate me with your unpublished views. Debate science. And if you are ever published for your views or present lab research- maybe then I will make a video about your "hunches from armchair land" or even debate as heatedly as you suspect I should want to.

Good day.

PS- Don't point to your "thank yous" and "goodlucks". You said my explanation sounded like a 3 year old explaining scribbles. When the fact was I was using "simpler language" since the video seemed to have failed in making you understand the simple concepts within it.

edit on 1-10-2014 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2014 @ 10:56 PM

originally posted by: akushla99
a reply to: Mr Mask

In other words, you are planning 'to ignore'...

Oh, and yes...I am planning on ignoring you. Unless of course you decide to make it worth my valuable time to do otherwise.

Good luck...thank you.


posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: Mr Mask

I cannot decide...I have no free will...


posted on Oct, 2 2014 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: Mr Mask

me Hugs you back bro!


posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: akushla99
a reply to: Mr Mask

I cannot decide...I have no free will...


That's the spirit!!!


posted on Oct, 3 2014 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Mr Mask

Experiments may be designed to 'suggest' that we do not make choices. Clearly, an action/reaction to ignore is a conscious one, as it involves a degree of planning at both levels...the experiments focus on simple decisions, not complex ones where the decision 'number-crunching' that happens at an unbelievably fast rate is irrelevant to the outcome decision - primarily because it would take too much time for the conscious brain to deal with...and be counterproductive to decision-making. KISS...keep it stupidly simple...
If the analogy be drawn between supercomputer and human brain - the information is input, number-crunched, and processed to deliver outcome...the only processes we are aware of (as operator), in both cases is the input and the outcome. If the experiment had been done blindfolded, ears plugged...what would be the prediction?
This was not done. Experiments were not conducted on comatose subjects...

Of what use is the conscious level when we are not making the decision consciously?...simply to let the thought/question to arise, that we are not making the decision?...evolutionary idiocy...redundancy...the strongest, fastest, more 'intelligent' survive...but they had no part in those qualities 'arising', because they could never learn to make a choice...pot luck...?

edit on 3-10-2014 by akushla99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-10-2014 by akushla99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-10-2014 by akushla99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 02:57 AM

originally posted by: akushla99

Of what use is the conscious level when we are not making the decision consciously?...simply to let the thought/question to arise, that we are not making the decision?...evolutionary idiocy...redundancy...the strongest, fastest, more 'intelligent' survive...but they had no part in those qualities 'arising', because they could never learn to make a choice...pot luck...?


What makes you think consciousness must have a use? Maybe the illusion of one has a use.

Either way...I am simply telling you what much of neuroscience is teaching us today and bracing those new to the subject for the future revelation when its finally proven.

I'm sure most people will still argue "free will is real" even after hard data ends up showing it is as false as many concepts we intuitively believe.

But that's fine with me. I don't have a choice over what people think.


posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Mr Mask

"What makes you think consciousness must have a use?" Quote MM

I don't know...but you might try asking a few comatose patients what they think...

"Either way...I am simply telling you what much of neuroscience is teaching us today and bracing those new to the subject for the future revelation when its finally proven." Quote MM
"I see no free will in a single choice or thought of my personal experience. Not even a hint of it." Quote MM

Teach what, to do what?...the subconscious? apparently already knows what its going to do, to a measurable degree, according to the studies...and yet it can make very bad decisions on the survival of its host or not...presumably the subconscious is a fast and thorough learner of the environment it finds itself in?...all that pre-emptive info barrelling in at a million miles an can still decide for its host to jump off a cliff, or, murder...the subconscious, then, is a very poor judge of its environment at certain times...

"But that's fine with me. I don't have a choice over what people think." Quote MM

Neither does anyone else according to what the study 'suggests' what is the point of bringing it up?...we have no choice over what we think of it...according to the data...done deal...


posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: Mr Mask

I imagine we have a measure of free will. Environment is also a factor.

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 06:22 AM
We dont have free will, we only possess the ability to think we have free will.

Non of us know what free will really is, beause non of us have ever been free.

- If we dont know what free will is, we can not state that we have free will.

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: spy66

I suppose that is one way of looking at it however without the illusion of freewill I really don't think us Humans could or would have achieved some of the things we have accomplished as a species. Our ability to adapt and overcome has rather a lot do with the notion of freewill.
edit on 4-10-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: akushla99

Yes, the subconscious can and will be a bad judge all the time.

Look at Charlie Manson's choices. Look at a drug addicts Choices. Look at the choices you have made in your own life that didn't work out well for the host.

Yes...the subconscious is often pretty stupid.

Yes study after study (dozens of separate studies now) show we make no choice on the conscious level.

Example- If I was atom for atom "you" and not me...with your brain...I would not accept this very telling set of studies and keep believing that a magic man in my head makes choices and thinks things before I actually think them.

If you were atom for atom "me" you would have no choice but to find the logical conclusion of these studies and experiments valid.

And if we were atom for atom "Charlie Manson"...well...I don't think we would be spending much time posting here about these subjects.

Choice is an illusion. And rightly so.


posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: spy66
We dont have free will, we only possess the ability to think we have free will.

Non of us know what free will really is, beause non of us have ever been free.

- If we dont know what free will is, we can not state that we have free will.

I enjoyed this answer very much.

Well said sir. Well said.


posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: akushla99

Neither does anyone else according to what the study 'suggests' what is the point of bringing it up?...we have no choice over what we think of it...according to the data...done deal...


In attempts to educate younger minds to the inevitable truth before they become old enough to be close minded fools who naysay against the wonderful truth of science.

Also- much pain and suffering worldwide would be ended if the majority of the "outdated" minds accepted this truth- that we do not have freewill.


posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 11:42 AM
Ok so if i understand this theory correctly - they state that because the brain gives off an electrical impulse (which makes the action occur consciously) then we have no free will!!

So my un/subconscious brain makes a choice and sends out the impulses to my body to respond consciously through action/speech.... but this means i have no free will??

It's a bit like Schrodingers Cat in that everybody forgets the cat isn't dead and alive at the same time - it's just we don't know which yet - it is already either dead or alive and we find out by looking.

Physics does NOT have the answers to everything - CURRENTLY that is in favour but science changes its views like the weather just take a look at all the facts and advice that has reversed in the last few decades.

I agree most decisions are based on past experience and our knowledge of cause and effect but not always - people continue to do the strangest things every day.

Also if we have no choice then who or what do they suggest makes the decisions for us? Also what is the point of anything then?

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: johnb
Ok so if i understand this theory correctly - they state that because the brain gives off an electrical impulse (which makes the action occur consciously) then we have no free will!!

No..its based on the theory that is quickly becoming more and more accepted- that all your choices are made "before" you are consciously aware of them.

If I damaged your brain and it made you a drooling vegetable, nobody would say you are choosing to drool or not move. We would all have zero issue with accepting you are having that choice made for you by the physical brain in your head without your consent or your free will directing.

What this theory is begging people to understand- is that your choices in your undamaged mind are exactly the same. You do not choose what you enjoy, what you say, what you feel, what you find nice or awful. Its all predetermined before you have the chance to choose.

You are a victim of your mind's subconscious that is in total control- making your choices for you- before you even are aware of it all.

edit on 4-10-2014 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2014 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 04:03 PM
You aren't suggesting that this...
"Yes, the subconscious can and will be a bad judge all the time"
...makes sense? Why would I believe it? Presumably, your subconscious chose this response for couldn't be choosing to pen it consciously, except under the illusion that you think it correct (for some contradictory reason)...according to the studies...

Whose subconscious is more 'correct', then?

I'd love to be a fly on a wall to see what inane excuse non-free Units have for cheating on thier wives, shooting up a shopping mall, gunning down J.Lennon...well obviously, it wasn't 'me' was the voice in my head that makes choices for me (according to the studies) dismissed...have a cheery day son...

These emminent white-coats and non-free will Units have run themselves into a procedural cul-de-sac (especially, in as far as what studies they are being forced to accept)..."Yes...the subconscious is often pretty stupid"...My subconscious agrees wholeheartedly!


edit on 4-10-2014 by akushla99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: akushla99

What you are suggesting that the research suggests, is that, researchers (who make no conscious choice), designed research (through no conscious choice), to 'suggest' to them and non-free will Units, that we make no conscious choices - brilliant! The psychiatrists and psychologists (who are insane) are 'suggesting' that everyone, including themselves, is insane...cul-de-sac Jimmy...


posted on Oct, 4 2014 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: Mr Mask
Hello all. Some of you are aware that I make videos for youtube over footage of me playing video games, and time to time I upload individual ones that have to do with subjects I believe the ATS community would possibility enjoy.

This one is a science video I created about the debate on if we have free will or not.

The video contains video-game footage (including video game violence) and spoken word (mine) over a musical beat.

In this video I explain why I do not think we have Free Will and how neuroscience is proving this more and more each year.

From the experiments of Benjamin Libet in the early 80s to the views of Sam Harris from his book "Free Will".

WARNING: The video does have one swear word in it. I try to keep my science vids not vulgar, but I slipped this time and allowed the "S Word" in one verse.

I hope you enjoy this video and ask you to ponder the content deeply. I personally find no evidence of free will in my personal experience and doubt anyone ever does when they look at things analytically.


Hi there.
I did not watch the video. Question, what is an opposite definition of free will?

Thank you.

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