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Tribulation Dream: The Angel of The Lord Over the Statue of LIberty

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posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I understand that some people remember for more details of their dreams than others, but I'm sorry, this just reads like something that is written in a novel or something. The extensive attention to detail and recollection of the exact words spoken etc.
And the references to the apparent divinely inspired intentions of the newly founded US and its subsequent fall from grace over the last hundred years or so just seems to fit too nicely with the viewpoints of some of the more 'evangelistic' Presbyterian / Baptist types.

Sorry, just doesn't sound right to me.

And if I'm being honest, this 'God' seems very much like the vengeful, spiteful and even hated driven 'God' of The Old Testament and nothing like Jesus and his 'teachings'.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

God ALWAYS warns his people before judgement comes... ALWAYS.

God should turn the amplification up. Instead of sending secret signals and playing favourites, He could blast out a super-message to people of all colours and denominations and include some non-Americans too. Fair enough, an End-Times preacher will get a few followers, but imagine if Dawkins, Degrasse-Tyson and Harris were warned by God that tribulation is coming? That would be a far more media-savvy approach.

I enjoyed the story about Kali Breisch and the dreams; makes you think. Thank you for that

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

How about the House Stenographer who went nuts on the floor?

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Actually, there have been a fair number of non-Americans receiving and sharing similar warnings . . . from all walks of life for at least 20 years.

Maybe I can track some down. May take a while.

There were some when I was in Taiwan. One was a dear Bro from India.

Dimitru Duduman was not from America:




He was an active KDB agent in the Balkans . . . and an alcoholic. He was apprehended by God in a fashion similar to Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus.

His grandson also has a prophetic gifting and runs the website.

Dimitru's daughter, the grandson's mother, also has some prophetic gifting but has had some serious hassles from . . . not quite sure who or what all . . . and so tries to keep somewhat of a low profile.

Most of the Christian prophetic is still a mess. I believe God will clean it up but I don't know when.

imho, One reason for such a lack of complete and perfect knowledge and communications in such a field . . . is the issue of humility. Lack of humility clouds the message and the transmission of the message. And, I don't think God's about to give any one person the whole picture because of the pride that would result.

There aren't many I pay that much attention to any more. Usually, in my experience, it's the no-name, obscure folks who tend to be the more accurate.

I think Maurice is one of the MORE accurate better known.

And, there's a lot of stuff that's mis-perceived in the distribution and in the hearing/reading of the msg. I think even a lot of Biblical prophecy became clear only AFTER fulfillment.

Certainly that's true of most authentic Bible Codes.

And the timeline--goodness--that seems to routinely be long after the msg is given. I don't understand about God's '2,000 years "soon" '. . . Yeah . . . I know a thousand years is as a day to Him.

And, I think the descriptions of future events are usually, to some degree, filtered through the personalities and perceptions of the agent involved. That was true with all the Gospel writers and with St Paul.

Nevertheless, God affirmed their words to the letter.

IIRC, it was Jeremiah that God said "Not one of his words fell to the ground." We'll see that day again.

Thanks for your kind reply.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

As a psychologist, I never did think she went nuts.

I still don't. I think all the evidence is that she had a huge burden of a msg to share and counted the cost and still felt compelled to share it and did.

And, she was right, imho. I believe Heaven and history will show how emphatically right she was.

I believe a very high percentage of Maurice's words have similarly been quite anointed and accurate. Time will tell. IIRC, most of his are also quite open-ended on the time-line aspect.

Perhaps history has already shown that the House lady was right. I don't recall what she said. LOL.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by daskakik

Actually, I don't relish even the evil doers suffering.

However, I think there is SOMETHING to be said for their being taken off the world stage soonest--before they have time to sow much greater suffering for themselves by even more evil deeds.

Nevertheless, I know that most are destined to walk out their horrific roles to their fullest.

The whole END TIMES thing is a vivid OBJECT LESSON to ALL CREATION about the consequences of doing one's own selfish prideful thing instead of doing things God's way with God's values to His Glory.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

I understand your perspective. It's not mine.

God Himself notes that He is a "consuming fire."

Nevertheless, it is ALSO TRUE that He is altogether good . . . and His nature is Love; His essence is Love.

It is not loving to allow deadly pollution to destroy perfection and love.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Well, I wasn't thinking nuts in a crazy sense. She went up and said what she had to say. She went nuts in the sense that she let them have it. I guess there are layerings there.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by ketsuko

I can agree with that.

I think she was quite mild in terms of what might have been said. Still can't recall what she said. LOL.

I think Maurice's words were mild in terms of what will eventually be vividly displayed in reality.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

It is not loving to allow deadly pollution to destroy perfection and love.

Regardless of collateral damage?

All this talk of fire and brimstone, pestilence and plagues - how many innocents would suffer as well?

I appreciate that you try to give some of reasoning to support your scripture, prophecy and faith but it all seems to fit all too nicely into that evangelistic dogma that appears to be quite prevalent in some quarters.

Personally I'm Agnostic and I try to view such matters from a detached and neutral viewpoint - but I just don't get all this Tribulation, End Days stuff - why would such an omniscient, omnipotent being go to such lengths? Surely he'd simply be aware and be able to treat and judge people on their acts and deeds and what's in their hearts?
He seems like quite a vengeful, vindictive, spiteful and egotistical type - why would anyone want to spend eternity in his presence?

I don't intend to be disrespectful to anyone and I sincerely hope I don't come across that way.

All these prophecies, and I've read a lot of them over the years, seem to be full of doom and gloom and horrors upon horrors.
Thankfully none of them have come true yet, as far as I'm aware.

If I was 'God' and I was that concerned about people following me into the after life I'd be trying to promote the benefits of that after life rather than browbeating and scaremongering people into frightened submission and blind acquiescence.
Emphasise the positive over the negative.

I hope I haven't strayed too far off topic - sincerest apologies if I have.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 03:11 PM

Actually, I don't relish even the evil doers suffering.

However, I think there is SOMETHING to be said for their being taken off the world stage soonest--before they have time to sow much greater suffering for themselves by even more evil deeds.

Whether you relish it or not, isn't it written that they will be here till the end?

You also seem to be avoiding Mr. Sklar's poor track record as a prophet.

The whole END TIMES thing is a vivid OBJECT LESSON to ALL CREATION about the consequences of doing one's own selfish prideful thing instead of doing things God's way with God's values to His Glory.

Until it actually happens it isn't a vivid anything.
edit on 16-3-2014 by daskakik because: Clean up

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by daskakik

There will be some of all kinds here until the end - both the repentant and the unrepentant.

In a sense I view God as the abnormally patient, long-suffering parent who has been letting us stretch our legs and do things more or less our way for the past 2,000 or so years in an attempt to get us to realize that we really can't come up with a better way, and He gave us a short and simply list of guidelines for a reason.

But as time has gone on, more and more people have become convinced that they don't need Him and that the things He told us not to do are really OK.

Like any parent, He has warned us, repeatedly, over and over, but we haven't listened, and now we're reached the point where the harshest and most direct measures are about to come out. And when He isn't happy, no one here will be happy. Those who follow Him in a sincere manner will be provided for one way or another, but that doesn't necessarily mean we will survive here on earth to the end ... but we will still be provided for. And for those who still deny Him after He takes a direct hand ... well, why should you expect His leniency anyhow? Does it really matter to you since you don't believe?

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 04:41 PM

Meanwhile, someone in Amsterdam chuckles at the self importance of Americans and their "sinful" lifestyle...bunch of lightweights.

Typical religious mumbo jumbo. There are parts in the world that makes the US look like a puritan country of nothing but devout followers. There are corrupt politicians that make the US politicians look like eagle scouts.

Yet somehow, the religious nuts in this country think we are the epicenter of the universe and are no doubt going to bring down Gods wrath because of our growing tolerance and/or military interventionism (nevermind Russia, china, france, and a host of other nations chuckling at our tiny actions.)

Its BS because if anything, the article suffers from epic vanity in regards to nationalism. its a bit like saying the apocalypse is going to happen because your sister wore a short dress. doesn't matter what anyone else does, your sister is the only important factor in all of humanity and because she displeases the Christian god, the world is doomed.

Might work on your sister if she is dim, and no doubt the people whom follow such stuff will also fall for this latest bible thumping nonsense, but for others, well for me, I have been hearing how America was about to cause the apocalypse for as long as I have been aware enough to follow such things. people are always crying how the end is nigh. I imagine perhaps one day someone will get it right, but I don't reckon it will be this guy.

You might be correct in a few details, like America being lightweights in debauchery, but you only know what is seen on the surface.

This message in this dream is condemning America not only for the things you mention, but also the gigantic pride of our leaders and many peoples in their overblown sense of righteousness. Just look at our leaders! They take MULTI-MILLION dollar vacations, and at the same time, command us to not eat dinner tonight, while they eat caviar and lobster tails! They believe they deserve it!! Do they really?

And you call the condemning of these things religious drivel?? WOW, You should fire your attorney in your head and allow the one in that doesn't lie to you. All the checks your heart is writing for you will never be cashed if they are signed by the devil.

Your self pride always stands out in threads like a broken cuckoo clock.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 05:48 PM

There will be some of all kinds here until the end - both the repentant and the unrepentant.

Which is what I pointed out.

In a sense I view God as the abnormally patient, long-suffering parent who has been letting us stretch our legs and do things more or less our way for the past 2,000 or so years in an attempt to get us to realize that we really can't come up with a better way, and He gave us a short and simply list of guidelines for a reason.

But as time has gone on, more and more people have become convinced that they don't need Him and that the things He told us not to do are really OK.

I don't think the anology works because parents aren't all seeing, all knowing and omipotent but I'm sure it works for some.

Like any parent, He has warned us, repeatedly, over and over, but we haven't listened, and now we're reached the point where the harshest and most direct measures are about to come out. And when He isn't happy, no one here will be happy. Those who follow Him in a sincere manner will be provided for one way or another, but that doesn't necessarily mean we will survive here on earth to the end ... but we will still be provided for. And for those who still deny Him after He takes a direct hand ... well, why should you expect His leniency anyhow?

Right, because when kids disobey, parents kill them.

Does it really matter to you since you don't believe?

No. What matters to me is an obvious fraud being presented as a messenger of truth.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 06:21 PM
I hope to get back to responding to posts sometime this evening . . . for now . . . here's some links affirming various bits of Maurice Sklar's prophecy/dream and related probable dramas and issues:

I think the articles are worth at least a scan if not a thorough reading.

As Featured In New Book By Tom Horn & Terry Cook (Beast Tech) -- Proteus Digital Health Announces Startup Of Large-Scale Trials Of Ingestible ID Chips And A New Production Factory In United Kingdom

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BIOMETRIC scanning advancing on campuses:

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As Experts See Possibility Of Atomic War Breakout, Obama Admin Cuts US Nuclear Security

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Iran Commander: We Are Plotting To Destroy Israel, Our Finger Already On The Trigger

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Unnamed Source Says USGS Is Suppressing Supervolcano Activity At Yellowstone Under White House Orders

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Children ‘Scan Ban’ Bill Gets Held Up In Senate After Beast Tech Supporters Push Back

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posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 06:58 PM
And here's an ATS thread about

14 signs of a NEW MADRID mega quake in May . . .

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

imho . . . from my perspective . . .

You know little with any significant effective understanding and comprehension about the God of the Old Testament.

He's the same One who sent 'His only begotten" to The Cross.

Certainly there are mysteries and sometimes some unfathomables about Him and His ways.

Nevertheless, over my 60+ years, I've found Him to be exceedingly Loving; altogether Good; exceedingly compassionate etc. . . . even when for long months to years . . . it didn't seem like it in some respects.

I don't think there's anything I can say to convince you differently than your current perspective.

It would take something truly supernatural and very personal to do that, imho.

I do know that it's not wise to sit in judgment of God. It's not something He enjoys seeing.

It also presumes that those doing so have a perch lofty enough and omniscient enough to judge God from. I've never seen that as the least bit realistic . . . regardless of how convinced they are that they have a right to judge God from.

In terms of Maurice Sklar's dreams/prophecies . . . he is describing a period when God has warned for more than 2,000 years that the judgment of all the preceding millenia's accrued "fertilizer rolling down hills" stuff . . . is scheduled.

And, as I've noted, I personally believe it is a huge OBJECT LESSON.

God has HIS reasons for arranging things accordingly. When all is known . . . it will be discovered to have been a perfect plan . . . ALL things considered.

Former atheist C.S. Lews has an excellent book on THE PROBLEM OF PAIN. If you've never read it, it might offer food for thought.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:17 PM


Whether you relish it or not, isn't it written that they will be here till the end?

Certainly evil doers will be around until the end of the literal Armageddon. Then it's curtains for them and all such on this planet--for a thousand years. . . . though there are some mysteries about that thousand year period.

You also seem to be avoiding Mr. Sklar's poor track record as a prophet.

I don't know that any of the timelines involved with Maurice's dreams, visions, prophecies have transpired.

And, I haven't kept close check on his stuff enough to assess whether he's erred by allowing his own personal stuff into his transmissions of the messages.

I just know that in my perspective and sense of him against the backdrop of the average such--he's well above average in his heart, wisdom, perspective, attitude, spirit--and, personally, I think in accuracy.

Until it actually happens it isn't a vivid anything.

It can wait a very long time. The degree of vividness will MORE than make up for any delay.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by ketsuko


Well put. Thx.

I'm often skeptical that those who sit in judgment of God would have trouble constructing an enduring terrarium . . . much less a multi-verse. LOL.

I think folks also tend to forget or never imagine or think of . . .


seem utterly unaware that for such traits to even begin to get close to the front gate to the walkway to the step to the foyer to the manifest PRESENCE of Almighty God would result in excruciating suffering. Such traits cannot exist in HIS PRESENCE.

And given that HIS GLORY will fill the multi-verse . . . that kind of leaves hell alone as a sort of shielded space housing such rebellious traits.

Of course . . . such folks also seem to be unaware that negativity kind of feeds on itself in a spiral downwards. There's no partying there . . .

Anyway--the best choice is to choose GOD NOW while He may still be found.

That's the purpose of Maurice's sharing his dreams and visions.

posted on Mar, 16 2014 @ 10:38 PM

I don't know that any of the timelines involved with Maurice's dreams, visions, prophecies have transpired.

Here is a tidbit from the link posted on page one by NoRulesAllowed:

Before the end of 2007, a nuclear “dirty bomb” will blow up in a major city in the south of America.

It can wait a very long time. The degree of vividness will MORE than make up for any delay.

You're going on the assumption that it will happen. If it never happens then, how vivid could it possible be?

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