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Tribulation Dream: The Angel of The Lord Over the Statue of LIberty

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posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:17 PM
maybe he saw this guy

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:17 PM
Thanks BO and Maurice Sklar as well for putting this up on ATS...

Below is another extremely relevant message from Maurice Sklar:

The word of the Lord by Maurice Sklar on June 28, 2012


Dear Friends,

The Lord spoke to me today as I was watching SCOTUS decision regarding Obamacare and the contempt hearing of Eric Holder. We all need to pray and keep praying for the next several months and make sure you vote and share the gospel.

Thus saith the LORD:

"Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall NOT go unpunished. I hear the cries and the prayers of My people. But why do you cry out to Me now? Go to your idols that you worship, and the king you voted for. Let them deliver you now. Oh America, America! I am weary of your sins. I am grieved at My very heart at your whoredoms and your wickedness. Oh My church, how you have fallen into lukewarmness, apathy, and sleep! How long shall I bare with your idolatry and whoredoms. These are a stench in My nostrils. You are worse than the pagans that surround you. Your wicked deeds scream at Me louder than your prayers. Why do you cry to Me now? You are only beginning to reap what you have sown. I can bear your sins no more. How can you escape the wrath that is to come? Upon the head of John Roberts lies the guilt and the blame for this Supreme Court ruling, but upon the the nation as a whole lies the guilt of shedding of innocent blood by the millions through abortion; the open and legal embracing of sodomy and all manner of perversion; the daily abominations and sexual perversion through the internet; the departure from My Holy Word in the pulpits; and the greed, lust, selfishness, and disregard for the poor and needy.

You are worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. You are more filthy in my sight than Nineveh. You have broken My covenant I made with the Pilgrims, and the Founding Fathers. But, was that enough for you? No! You turned on the very nation and people that you swore in sacred oath to protect and cherish. Israel is My nation and My land forever. You broke covenant with her and pressured her to divide My land, and empowered her enemies to attack her. Why are there fires, and floods, and storms, and earthquakes, and financial disasters, and calamities hitting you from all sides? Repent of your sins, or it shall becomes seven times more severe than it is. Do you dare provoke me to My face? I am a great God and a Holy King! I hold your breath in My hand! You are only one thread away from the fires of hell, as my servant Jonathan Edwards preached to you during your first days, where you professed you love and espousals to Me.
Return, oh return to Me, America, before it is too late!

Concerning, Barak Obama, Thus saith the LORD:

This court ruling, though seemingly in his favor, will be his Waterloo. He shall be disgraced, shamed, and removed from office. For the sake of My Bride, and those few who have not defiled themselves, and have turned to Me in prayer, I will answer. But, as surely as I live, I shall visit this land with judgment. As you have done, so shall it be done to you."

Maurice Sklar
June 28, 2012


posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:34 PM


check your pms.


aye, alot of really bad stuff has happened in the history of every country, including this one. it isn't an island unto itself.
edit on 14-3-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

My point is that, in every generation, Christians think that the world is worse than ever before. But this is far from our lowest period in history. In fact, it's hard to think of a more enlightened and peaceful era for humanity. It's far from perfect but our history is FULL of crappy crappy crappy moments of people being horrible to each other. We glorify the cool parts and forget the bad.

Sure, there is an evil in the world still but we've been through much worse. Overall, we are doing better than we have in centuries.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:48 PM

maybe he saw this guy

Haha it seems more like the Seraph than the dude in the grey suit. I could be wrong, it has happened once before, when I thought I was wrong but I was actually right

edit on 14-3-2014 by UltraverseMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

You've caught my interest. Ill have to examine these prophecies closer before Im willing to believe them, but you should take a look at these:

Christ is coming for His Bride on 9/16/2016.

I believe the visions given to Iris Nasreen confirms this conclusion:

These visions follow a very unique numerical pattern only found in the original languages of the ancient scriptures.

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

1. What other era in history has seen Israel return as predicted in the Bible, to their heritage?

2. What other era in history has seen multiple Biblical prophecies predicted for the END TIMES AFTER Israel returned to the land AND used their near dead Hebrew language as the national language, as predicted in the Bible?

3. What other era in history has seen the globalist oligarchy anywhere near the overt springing of the END TIMES PREDICTED satanic government full bore onto the world stage overtly?

4. What other era in history has seen the Arab nations ganging up with Iran, Russia, Turkey, et al against the ISRAEL-RETURNED-TO-THEIR-LAND in the END TIMES ERA?

5. What other era in history has seen the Biblically predicted CAPACITY to SEE the bodies of the 2 witnesses lying dead in the streets of Jerusalem for 3 days?

6. What other era in history has seen the corporatocracy and the government oligarchy in league deliberately treasonously, treacherously working at an increasing pace to utterly destroy the USA and bring her to ashes in order to make overt establishment of the NWO on the world stage that much easier?

7. What other era in history has seen even 1/25th the predictions about the New Madrid quake zone going off and resulting in a new Mississippi arm of the Gulf of Mexico reaching all the way to the Great Lakes?

8. What other era in history has seen even 1/100th the number of dreams and visions of people of all walks of life from all over the world predict a lot of the same things in Maurice's dream.



9. What other era in the history of the USA has seen 1/100th the number of horrifically destructive, dysfunctional, horrific movies, games, "music," TV shows DELIBERATELY BY DESIGN utterly shredding the family values; marriage; healthy masculinity and fatherhood; spiritual values while glorifying evil, death, mayhem, blood, gore, seduction, blood-lust; sexual lust of every kind glorified far and wide; murder of innocent children as a 'comfort and convenience OPTION.' . . . etc. etc. etc.

10. What other era in history has seen the incredible DEGREE of MASSIVE TREASONOUS POLITICAL CORRUPTION IN HIGH PLACES in the USA?

11. What other era in history has seen such charlatanism in the purported "Christian" churches?

12. What other era in history has seen such utter ruthlessness, greed, cruelty, destruction for selfish, arrogant reasons on the part of the globalist oligarchy's military/industrial complex?

13. What other era in history has seen so many 100's if not thousands of cases of Jesus The Messiah appearing bodily and in dreams and visions to whole Muslim tribes, villages and extended families . . . to become accepted by them as the TRUE SON OF THE TRUE GOD OF ABRAHAM?

Maurice's dream is at least quite consistent with those of 100's of people around the world.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

I could believe that God MIGHT reveal a season or year for Christ's return for the Rapture etc.

I don't believe He would reveal the day and hour per the Scripture that says no man knows the day nor the hour--not eve Jesus knows that. Only the Father.

However, thanks for your kind reply and link.

Have a blessed weekend.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Pride goeth before a fall.

Things are doing so great that people can't see how rotten the whole structure really is. Surely you see how rotten the whole house of cards is? I'm not talking morality here - I'm talking about so much else about it. We can dicker about morality, and I'm sure you and I will disagree on some things, but where you seem to see a wonderful thing going on in the world, I see one country that's $17 in debt with a whole bunch of other nations not a whole lot better of, I see massive corruption in the institutions that are supposed to administer the law and preserve the order, and see the whole thing about to come unglued because they can only kick that can down the road so far.

But, OK, things have never been better.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:02 PM

reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

I could believe that God MIGHT reveal a season or year for Christ's return for the Rapture etc.

I don't believe He would reveal the day and hour per the Scripture that says no man knows the day nor the hour--not eve Jesus knows that. Only the Father.

However, thanks for your kind reply and link.

Have a blessed weekend.

The Church has it backwards. The day/hour that no man knows is His Second Advent, because He will shorten the tribulation by a few days for the "sake of the elect".

The knowledge of the rapture, however, was never prohibited.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

That's an interesting notion, alright.

Will try and check out your other thread, if not the book. The $230 price tag is more than a little steep, however. LOL.

Maybe a $20 used copy would be doable. LOL.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:12 PM
“Warn everyone! Flee from the wrath to come. Repent and turn to Jesus while you still can. Pray that you may escape these things that are shortly to happen, and to stand in the Presence of the LORD. These things are about to take place! Turn to God and cry out for mercy. Come into the ark of Salvation before the doors of grace close and it is too late!

This maybe off topic but I was wondering if you believe in once saved always saved. I attend a Baptist church that teaches OSAS. But when I read the Bible it really confuses me.
2 Peter 3:20
For if, having escaped the world’s impurity through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in these things and defeated, the last state is worse for them than the first. 21 For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than, after knowing it, to turn back from the holy command delivered to them. 22 It has happened to them according to the true proverb: A dog returns to its own vomit,[j] and, “a sow, after washing itself, wallows in the mud.”

And there are other places that seem to indicate a person can fall away from the faith. This is what confuses me if we can fall away by sinning then how is this being saved by our faith and not our works?
Ephesians 2:8-9
For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift— 9 not from works, so that no one can boast.

I have been wrestling with this issue for 20 years. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

I prefer the interpretations that tie the fulfillments of prophecy with respect to Christ to the major feast days. That means not knowing the day or the hour refers to Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets. That would also fit with your belief. The End Days prophecies could all be tied to the autumn feast days as the events surrounding the death, burial, and resurrection were tied to the spring feasts.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I bought the book for around $20. I think that $230 price is an error or something. Its the content of the visions that interests me. They confirmed my 1.5 years of on going research.

Just remember that the 2nd Advent is likened to the Flood. A Flood of Fire rather than water. Noah began loading the Ark 7 days before the flood, and finished just before it happened. It was at that point that sudden destruction came. Therefore the sudden destruction that Jesus spoke of in Mattew was the world wide shaking of earth at His 2nd Advent. The verses in Matthew talking about "one man taken and one man left" is not the rapture, but the Baptism of Fire aka, (what I call) the anti-rapture. This is the separation of wheat from tares.

All instances of "watch, for you know not when the Son of Man returns", are instruction to watch for Christ at 2nd Advent. Thats why He tells the Foolish Virgins to "watch" after missing His first call.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by celticsea

That's because I think a lot of people have a misconception of what being saved actually is. It's not a ritual you go through. It's an internal state of being and living and thinking and feeling. You don't actually need to go to a church to be saved. In fact, any gathering of two or more believers can be a "church" according to the Bible (Matthew 18:20), and you can have large numbers of people gathered in what they call a church without it actually being one.

Once you truly feel God's presence in your life and accept it let it guide you, accepting Christ, it changes you. I can't imagine ever wanting to lose this feeling I have. My husband flirted with being an atheist for a time in college, and came back to his faith. He said it was the most empty feeling he'd ever had.

So, I suppose you can lose your state of grace by consciously turning from it, but I would say that most probably never really had it to begin with. And I think you can always come back if you are sincere in your wish and your faith.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by celticsea

Just a quick reply . . . though I do think it relates to the thread topic in the sense that Salvation is what Maruice is warning to insure.

I think Joseph Prince of Singapore has many good points.

I'm not a Calvinist.

However, I don't think someone of an earnest good heart attitude toward God is as likely to, vulnerable to losing his salvation as I thought growing up in an AoG church.

I do believe that the Bible indicates that someone can walk away from God.

On the whole, I don't think it's likely that someone of earnest good hearted commitment to God will be "plucked out of God's hands."

Scripture seems to somewhat straddle the fence on the issue . . . on an 'unstraddleable fence' issue. LOL.

Certainly I cannot save myself. Certainly I cannot earn my salvation.

Certainly I MUST DEPEND ON GOD to be the author and finisher of my faith AS HE PROMISED TO BE AND HE IS FAITHFUL IN ALL HE PROMISES. I believe He has to be the author and finisher of me as well given my own flawedness. I do think it's wise of me to earnestly endeavor to cooperate with HIS cleaning me up, as best I can.

Anyway--I encourage you to read DESTINED TO REIGN by Prince. I'm in the middle of it.

He's more Calvinist than I am, I think but I think He still has many great and Biblical points on the topic.

BTW, I've wrestled with the issue for 60 years.


Let us do all we can to be ready to MEET HIM. AND TRUST HIS BLOOD WITH ALL WE CAN'T DO AND THE TOTALITY OF IT. Maurice's warning is fitting on such scores, I think.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:35 PM

reply to post by BELIEVERpriest

I prefer the interpretations that tie the fulfillments of prophecy with respect to Christ to the major feast days. That means not knowing the day or the hour refers to Yom Teruah, the Feast of Trumpets. That would also fit with your belief. The End Days prophecies could all be tied to the autumn feast days as the events surrounding the death, burial, and resurrection were tied to the spring feasts.

I must agree and disagree. The date 9/16/2016 IS Yom Teruah. The moon was never ordained by God to determine the Rosh Chodeshim. Rather, the moon is set in its place to prevent the earth from tilting too much, thereby maintaining the SEASONS for the Moedim. The lunar month is 29 to 30 days. The biblical month is 30 days even except for the 12th month of 35.25 days. Therefore Yom Teruah is ALWAYS the 180th day following the Vernal Equinox (tekupha/circuit).

The Lunar calendar requires a 13th intercalary month every 2 or 3 years. Never in the entire Bible will you find any evidence of a 29 day month or a 13th month. Rosh Chodesh is MISTRANSLATED as 'new moon'.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by celticsea

Dont be burdened. Knowledge of salvation is not salvation. Its one thing to know that Jesus paid for your sins and walk away from it, and another thing to accept it with faith. This true faith is what seals us in salvation.

The Holy Spirit temporarily frees man from the slave market of sin to understand the Knowledge of Salvation, but if a man returns to his shackles after recieving the knowledge rather than accepting it, then he is worse off than before...."for there is no other sacrifice for him".

Those who simply have the knowledge of salvation and dont apply it were never saved to begin with.

It is true: Once saved, always saved.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:11 AM
it bothers me greatly to see the level of cognitive dissonance that this type of thing is creating.
how can you hold in your mind the concept that a loving and merciful god, would:

1. put our stupid know nothing selves in a garden with the supposed trickiest, most intelligent and most beautiful guy in the universe and then punish us for being tricked for the rest of our generations until such time as he ends it all in a fiery conflagration, which he blames us for. that's bizarre.

2. did he also punish the people he personally tricked when he put lying spirits in their ears? what's with the double standard? i can tell ya, the teachings on the subject are not biblically sound. THE TEXT DOESN'T SAY WHAT YOU ARE TOLD IT SAYS. you wouldn't catch jesus acting like that, so why do we give the old testament guy so much wiggle room? he says and does the most inexplicably cruel things and then says he loves us. it's like being the child of abusive parent and developing some bizarre psychological syndrome where you can't separate out abuse from love. he's emotionally and mentally cruel, and even has been caught being physically cruel and hopes to toss most of his supposed creation in a place of torture---- forever. does that not sound like a scene right out of the movie, psycho?

3. he creates an impossible law to follow, specifically for humans, and then punishes us for not following it. it's impossible to follow. even he doesn't follow it. if anyone else tried to do that to us, we would be protesting greatly and jesus would be calling him a hypocrite.

4. jesus says the mosaic laws on divorce are not nearly as bad as they really are, that moses was cutting them slack but he was not being honest about it because in reality, according to the impossible to keep law, even thinking about it is equivalent to doing it. that was jesus trying to tell us in so many words, that those moments in the old testament where the law is beating the hell out of everyone, their children and wives, including stoning them to death for being sassy, was never designed to help humans be acceptable to god because THEY ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO KEEP. doh!!!

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:18 AM
Thank you,

for your replies I am not going to discuss anything further to prevent thread drift. Thank you all.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 12:23 AM

reply to post by BO XIAN

You've caught my interest. Ill have to examine these prophecies closer before Im willing to believe them, but you should take a look at these:

Christ is coming for His Bride on 9/16/2016.

I believe the visions given to Iris Nasreen confirms this conclusion:

These visions follow a very unique numerical pattern only found in the original languages of the ancient scriptures.

Thanks for sharing.

In the bible it is made clear that no one will know the date or time so why would anyone who believes in anything else written not believe this part. It was said while describing the tribulation.

Interesting OP. Sounds like revelations (some literal, some figurative), applied to modern times.

An EMP strikes NY, NY. Then it sounds exactly like Cayce's prophecy is thrown in there with a big New Madrid quake (flooding of southern states). Then we have another EMP over the West Coast that triggers that grid to go down, and a possible San Andreas response to the New Madrid fault splitting completely open. All are in darkness. Where it gets truly weird are the kiosks. There is no electricity so how are they placing electronic marks onto people, laser chopping their heads off, and zapping them into ashes?

I don't think this is the worst thing that can happen because it is only the worst thing we can imagine. And what we can imagine isn't the worst. That's why it was difficult to describe from their frame of reference back in that day what they were seeing.

Revelation is confusing and not all agree on what it means. Mathew 24 is more clear but we're told the signs leading up to it and how to not look without for refuge but within because there won't be a choice "out there" (to choose to step into a kiosk for example). My thoughts - there is a whole lot of life without this scenario - and the scenarios given in the bible might take 500 years from beginning to end or might not happen for another 1000 years. Or - something we don't contemplate - such as them being somewhat circular - within every generation but building over time. He did say that the things said would happen before that generation passed, therefore it could be both internal states as well as external events. This dream is a stereotypical interpretation so is only one possibility.

edit on 15-3-2014 by Dianec because: (no reason given)

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