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Why are they so secretive

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posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 04:26 PM
Imagine being an alien with your thoughts psychically linked to the collective mind of your race; lies and deceit are impossible. There is a cohesiveness and shared sense of purpose.

Then further imagine trying to make contact with the human race, who's thoughts and motivations are a jumbled mess of contradictions - that's in the mind of one individual - then multiply that by 7 billion.

Who could you possibly interact with on behalf of the whole of mankind? Maybe have to wait for us to expand our consciousness first.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by EnPassant

Well said. One of the reasons they fear revealing themselves is that they would be under the scrutiny of our moral judgements. If they say they are on God's side they would have to demonstrate this. If they say they are not, they will be judged as antichrist.
So true, so true....

The Anti Christ...... Lets face it, if through their own technology, and in essence, if they "sold their souls" for longer life, and without the aid of the soul, spirit, to direct them, what would they be? Morally speaking, where and what is their spiritual "Compass"??

I know I'm probably the least qualified to pass judgment on their choices, if given the previous assumptions are correct, but, someone must try to set things right. Must try to find a solution.

From what I have gathered the ancient Lord God of the Bible was not necessarily who or what we have been mislead into believing. Sometimes in order to see the truth one must leave the room and look into it, from the outside. And, I have said this before in one place or another, there is a war on, for your soul"s".

The concept of Satan has been so blown out of proportion and reality that it is quite unbelievable to the average human being, but yet, some power or force does exist that fills that void. And, this power has been the owner or "Lord God" of this solar system since the inception of mankind. It is a far different world from the time we were only animals who drank water at the water hole with the other animals, and before the time of the spiritual cohabitation. Lord God, Satan, is of the Animal Kingdom, devoid of the Divine Spirit, and as such, resents his physical creation being taken over by the spirit.

All his attempts seem to be centered around driving off the spirit that resides within mankind. Suicide, abortion, wars, endless harassment designed to free his physical creation of the spiritual essence, the Divine Spark. The true war between God (Divine Creator) and Satan. It also appears Satan is content with Humans devoid of the spirit (Anti Christ).

The "Aliens" must decide for themselves who they deem as their true Father, the creator of the flesh, or the creator of the spirit. For me, it was a simple choice. Love and compassion, over fear and vengeance. A eternity of the spirit, or a extended stay in the flesh. Growth and expansion of the spirit, or decay and rot, of the flesh. And besides all that, what came first, the chicken or the egg? Neither, the spirit that drove the whole process from the beginning, the Divine Spark came first.

If the Aliens are of the spirit, let them come from out of the shadows, if they are not, let them redeem that part of them they lost. Isn't there something in the old scriptures that talks about "Souls" being cast out and held in cold storage somewhere? That would be One Hell of a Reunion.............

For me, I cant wait to meet Old Family members

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 04:35 PM
Most of the responses Mr. Friedman gave were references to his books. His answers were quite vague and he wasn't on ATS to provide a dissertation for the questions asked. Apparently, it appeared much of the material was already in the literature he authored himself and with others.

Probably the reason your question was not answered was because he may not have known anything about the subject you were referring to.
edit on 13-3-2014 by eManym because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 04:40 PM




reply to post by draknoir2

Sagan also says that the Hill case hinges on the star map - just after 4:00 he says that 'Believers find this account compelling *CHIEFLY* because of the star map'. Here he is setting up 'believers' just to tear them down with his ever so knowledgeable explanation which follows on after that. The fact is that people don't believe in the Hill case 'chiefly' because of the star map. He is speaking with a forked tongue, pretending that everything hinges on the star map. He is debunking.

I don't think Sagan is honestly taking a stance. He is way too sarcastic in his tone and this leads me to believe that he is biased in his presentation.
edit on 13-3-2014 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

I get that you don't like him, but I'm still not seeing the undisclosed knowledge of UFOs.

This is interesting...

A little late, but that's what I was looking for.

At 1.55 here Sagan say that not one sighting is compatible with the idea of extraterrestrial life! Then, immediately after he changes to the subject of statistical possibilities of life in the universe.
edit on 13-3-2014 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 05:01 PM
IMHO if there is a starcrossing species among us, not a single government on Earth could keep it a secret if the aliens wanted to be known. The alien's efforts would quickly confound any human efforts at covering up their presence. So, if there is such a species, it must be deliberately concealing itself. My guess would be that such a species would value science (or else they'd never have become starcrossers) and studying an untouched alien world would be of great interest. To reveal themselves would be to deprive themselves the opportunity to study an untouched Other. Just as anthrpologists relish the opportunity to learn about cultures that are minimally impacted by the outside world.

The idea that there's an Earthly organization that operates totally secretly, internationally, and includes agendas as diverse as alien secrecy and celebrity distractions seems extremely unlikely to me. Earthly organizations have a way of accidentally shooting themselves in the foot unintentionally. If there really was an organization that could secretly control everything everywhere without ever accidentally revealing themselves or doing something wildly incompetent, well, maybe they really should be ruling everything. They can take over the DMV and post office first.
edit on 3/13/1414 by conundrummer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 05:53 PM


At 1.55 here Sagan say that not one sighting is compatible with the idea of extraterrestrial life! Then, immediately after he changes to the subject of statistical possibilities of life in the universe.

The two statements are not mutually exclusive.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 09:42 PM

Most of the responses Mr. Friedman gave were references to his books. His answers were quite vague and he wasn't on ATS to provide a dissertation for the questions asked. Apparently, it appeared much of the material was already in the literature he authored himself and with others.

Probably the reason your question was not answered was because he may not have known anything about the subject you were referring to.
edit on 13-3-2014 by eManym because: (no reason given)

I have never heard of Friedman or ever seen one of his books
The question was based on the fact that in all cases those who keep big secrets do so out of selfish intentions.

I know any valid response is going to be an assumption, just wanted to see the reasoning others think keeping this information from the people is acceptable.

We are to weak, aliens are to weak seems to be the accepted excuse

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 10:19 PM
The topic of your post dealt with your puzzlement of why Stanton Friedman didn't answer your question, wasn't it or am I mistaken?

I doubt that extraterrestrials, inter-dimensional beings, or lizard people are in contact with any people in power, so there is no secret, just my opinion.

People in power can't please everyone but the ones that are pleased think its great and the ones that aren't thinks its evil or some demonic plan to undermine them. Decisions are made with the intention of a good outcome but many times the opposite occurs.

Sorry if my post is starting to drift off topic but its just my two cents.
edit on 13-3-2014 by eManym because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 10:40 PM

The topic of your post dealt with your puzzlement of why Stanton Friedman didn't answer your question, wasn't it or am I mistaken?

I doubt that extraterrestrials, inter-dimensional beings, or lizard people are in contact with any people in power, so there is no secret, just my opinion.

People in power can't please everyone but the ones that are pleased think its great and the ones that aren't thinks its evil or some demonic plan to undermine them. Decisions are made with the intention of a good outcome but many times the opposite occurs.

Sorry if my post is starting to drift off topic but its just my two cents.
edit on 13-3-2014 by eManym because: (no reason given)

I certainly understand why Mr Friedman didnt answer my question, I guess he was busy, could only make an assumption, not interested or even had previously answered a similar question. I wasnt going to read all those pages..

My questions are based on my belief that there are definitely alien presences on earth, that they do interact with those in power, and they want to remain secret from the masses.

Hence, why the secrecy.

They have evil motives is my guess.

Oh and those in power can please everybody, simply tell the whole truth. Nobody can hide from the truth, it has to be dealt with eventually.
They might not be happy with the truth, but they cant deny it.
They wont like dealing with the truth, but it cant be ignored for ever.
edit on 13-3-2014 by borntowatch because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 11:49 PM
Firstly someone like Carl Sagan if given the real knowledge and asked to debunk has done an awful job.
How many people do you think he has encouraged to look to the skies?
All he really states is that all the so called evidence is poor and he is right. All the science geeks in the world would wet themselves at the chance to prove alien life. Nobel prizes, fame and fortune.

The secrecy isn't withholding knowledge it is not having it in the first place. It could be that all this "secrecy" is more to get other countries worried. If Russia thinks we have alien tech maybe they will think twice before attacking.

I think all those blacked out documents are more to hide what is unknown than what is known.

With thousands of people with different stories sure they know exactly what is happening the government really doesn't need to employ disinformation on aliens. The believers do a better job of debunking than any clandestine organisation ever could.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by borntowatch

Just speaking my thoughts out loud...On this thread I have not read previous posts..Im answering to you on your initial posting.
"They" are secretive in the way that any new "peoples" entering a new community would be...Think of a brave new world...This savage is all of a sudden brought to a race that by all accounts were alien to him. He was brought into a an alien civilization..There is a severe learning degree with us...We are as a "community" not at a point in our progress where we care about a piece of plastic emblem with familiar symbolism more than we do someone that shares our skin whatever color it may be. "They" for whatever reason from whatever agenda cannot trust us with that yet. We are not ready....People outraged that a person of black color was cast as a fictional white character in a comic book. We have incarcerated at increasingly high numbers a certain "type" in our jail facilities with the intention of rehabilitation that never happens as we know from the numbers. We war with each other under cover of lies and WE ingest it as truth.
For the sake of this thread and for the sake of myself as I do believe....The reason they wouldn't expose themselves if they have made contact and have been explained our faults is to safeguard the dogmas we hold on earth. Do you really think some bible belt thumping community of snake worshipers are ready some crazy alien #? NO...Sorry I took some artistic liberty at the end but you understand what I mean I hope. We have no idea what they are..what they represent and what their intentions are...Nothing is certain is there is so little that we know of ourselves. We compete against each other at a land mas level as shown in the olympics and as they would see it...What would that kind of aggressive behavior be perceived as by simply those not aware looking in?
edit on 14-3-2014 by Justwatchingyou because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by borntowatch

If we operate under the assumption that they are here performing some sort of anthropological study, it makes sense that they would prefer to remain unseen. Humans study wildlife on Earth in much the same way. It is always best to go undetected when observing life in its natural habitat.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 04:10 AM



At 1.55 here Sagan say that not one sighting is compatible with the idea of extraterrestrial life! Then, immediately after he changes to the subject of statistical possibilities of life in the universe.

The two statements are not mutually exclusive.

No they are not. But the video argues that they are not here because of the light barrier. In other words if the phenomena does not conform to what we understand it is not likely to be true. But our science is not the ultimate measure of things. There may be a way around the light barrier. In this video Kaku argues that Einsteins equations break down in a black hole because the variables become infinite. Something more is needed.

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 04:35 AM

Well when Mr Friedman was here I asked a question

"Why are aliens so secretive and in cohorts with the, well lets say, less than honest people in governments.

It seems to me they control those in charge or are controlled, seems a little silly if thats the case.

Are they power hungry, secretive because of evil intentions? "

I never got an answer, he was very busy, I understand.
But I would like an answer, definitive of course, in lieu of that anybody got any ideas.

If aliens (whatever) only relate to the powerful, surely they have an agenda
If they are keeping secrets, they have ulterior motives.

or are they so meek they allow themselves to be controlled by politicians around the world


Speaking as a multiple abductee here's my thoughts on it. They simply don't have an interest in relating to us on our level. The feeling I've gotten from them is much the same as we might have from a few animals. They pick us up for their own reasons (mainly to learn about us), sometimes entertain us a bit or teach us something, then drop us back off... usually with us having poor if any recollection of the event. It's not really all that different from us hitting a pride of lions with tranq's, and tagging a few of them, or taking out an animal from a kennel and playing with it for a few minutes.

I get the impression that they don't want us to die out, in a similar method to how we don't want to cause a species to go extinct, which would explain their interest in nuclear technology but that seems to be the extent of it.

If we're studying a colony of ants or bees, do we go and introduce ourselves to the queen? It's the same type of situation. The technology they have is so advanced compared to us, that we really are nothing more than ants to them.
edit on 14-3-2014 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by waltwillis

That's just ludicrous. First off, what makes you think aliens would be any different from us. They would have to propagate, thus raise and love their kids. They would have class and hierarchy, a military, defense etc. Somewhere in their evolution they had conflict and may still have.

I would say they are probably more like us than you might think. Some are probably very evil, some good, some peaceful and some who live for war. To say they are only talk to those in charge because we are violent is ludicrous.

If it were us, we would not interfere in a world or would we. Some of us, say Russia for instance, would obviously have no problem taking over a new world lol. See what I mean lol.

Look one thing is absolute, there is other life out there. It is literally mathematically impossible for there not to be given the literal billions of planets out there.

The Bot

posted on Mar, 14 2014 @ 05:47 PM
I too have never been comfortable with that secretive alien behavior.We really don't know much more about their intentions now than we did 60 years ago.And in spite of all the accumulating video evidence we don't know who they are or what they want.But they know everything about us.And in abductee cases the implications are outright horrifying.
In fact at this point even if they came forward I'd not be believing anything they said.
edit on CDTFripm5561 by TDawg61 because: (no reason given)

edit on CDTFripm5561 by TDawg61 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 04:19 AM




reply to post by draknoir2

Sagan also says that the Hill case hinges on the star map - just after 4:00 he says that 'Believers find this account compelling *CHIEFLY* because of the star map'. Here he is setting up 'believers' just to tear them down with his ever so knowledgeable explanation which follows on after that. The fact is that people don't believe in the Hill case 'chiefly' because of the star map. He is speaking with a forked tongue, pretending that everything hinges on the star map. He is debunking.

I don't think Sagan is honestly taking a stance. He is way too sarcastic in his tone and this leads me to believe that he is biased in his presentation.
edit on 13-3-2014 by EnPassant because: (no reason given)

I get that you don't like him, but I'm still not seeing the undisclosed knowledge of UFOs.

This is interesting...

A little late, but that's what I was looking for.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 08:11 AM


I don't do rense. I find anti-Semitic propaganda distasteful.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 10:00 AM

I too have never been comfortable with that secretive alien behavior.We really don't know much more about their intentions now than we did 60 years ago.And in spite of all the accumulating video evidence we don't know who they are or what they want.But they know everything about us.And in abductee cases the implications are outright horrifying.
In fact at this point even if they came forward I'd not be believing anything they said.
edit on CDTFripm5561 by TDawg61 because: (no reason given)

edit on CDTFripm5561 by TDawg61 because: (no reason given)

Despite the fact that you have been told, multiple times,who, what, and from where by ET himself...yet you await that information...

Absolutely incredible! I guess you'll listen when you hear the "story" you want...right? Till then, no matter what is said, it's BS! (if its NOT what I want to hear...its BS!!!)

Should pretty much sum it all up.

Again folks; ET is NOT hiding anything...Terrestrial Humans are responsible for ALL the BS connected with Off-worlders.

Most of it out of ignorance, the worst of it is deliberate, and intended to keep the masses under control.

Truth is rarely what we want it to be, but is always TRUE.

posted on Mar, 15 2014 @ 11:04 AM



Despite the fact that you have been told, multiple times,who, what, and from where by ET himself...yet you await that information...

Absolutely incredible! I guess you'll listen when you hear the "story" you want...right? Till then, no matter what is said, it's BS! (if its NOT what I want to hear...its BS!!!)

Should pretty much sum it all up.

Again folks; ET is NOT hiding anything...Terrestrial Humans are responsible for ALL the BS connected with Off-worlders.

Most of it out of ignorance, the worst of it is deliberate, and intended to keep the masses under control.

Truth is rarely what we want it to be, but is always TRUE.

You'll have to forgive me but one of your points is, arguable.

ET is NOT hiding anything...Terrestrial Humans are responsible for ALL the BS connected with Off-worlders.

If this were a completely true statement then direct me to the Ambassadors office that represents all of the "Aliens" interests.

The logic to decide whether "Aliens" are real or not is pretty straight forward. Either thousands upon thousands of people throughout history are all lying, or not. Its a simple true or false logic. If one of those people are telling the truth, then its all true. Aliens are real.

But, ascertaining the truth of what Aliens have shared with us is entirely another logical train of thought. Just because they may have technology we dont, and are either 8 foot, or 4 foot tall does not mean they are any more or any less honest than any one of us.

"Terrestrial Humans", as you put it, and how you put it, may in fact be closer to the truth than anyone would ever dare to admit in public. I noticed you didn't state "Terrestrial Human Beings".

If you ask the average human being if they would rather be told the truth, or a fairy tale, most, out of ignorance, would answer, yes give me the truth. But in reality they would rather live in the fairy tale. I suppose that is due to laziness, intellectually. But.....

John Q. Public, in their present highly drugged state, are incapable of making rational, logical, choices when it comes to deciding what is truthful and deceptive. In my humble opinion, because of what has been done to them, they can not be held accountable to that inability, and loss of choice.

So, I would argue not all "Terrestrial humans" or "Terrestrial Human Beings" are responsible for the cover up. If I were to point a finger, it would be to "Secret Societies" regardless if they, the members, are humans, or human beings.........

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