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Turmeric (Vitamin T) Vs. World Disease

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+49 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 02:55 PM
A Year in the Making... Over 1,000 Science Paper Links... Over 70 Disease & Drug Delivery Sections... Yellow Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Vs. World Disease.

Once upon a time I crashed the ATS site here for about 4 hours with the Cancer is DEAD: Cancer cures from A to Z piece. I can be quoted many times stating there wont ever be a silver bullet substance to treat/cure all cancers. The irony that since then immense Curcuminoid research has been underway worldwide, while Curcumin alone seems intent to prove me wrong on that premise while also showing impressive results with majority of humanities other major ailments. The volume of this Vitamin T piece puts to shame Cancer Is Dead, and it only primarily focuses on the raw Curcuminoids found in Curcuma longa. With the 100+ other Curcuma species awaiting research, and the yet untold scores of derivatives to come, we've just entered a new era of novel drug discovery folks, and here it is:

The Disease & Drug Sections as follows:
Turmeric vs. Alcohol-Induced Disease
Turmeric vs. Alzheimer’s Disease
Turmeric vs. Arsenic Poisoning
Turmeric vs. Arthritis
Turmeric vs. Asthma
Turmeric vs. Brain Damage / Disorders
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Overview)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Bile Duct)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Bladder)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Bone Marrow)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Brain)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Breast)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Carcinoma)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Cervical)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Colon)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Gallbladder)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Gastric)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Head & Neck)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Leukemia)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Liver)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Lung)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Lymphoma)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Ocular)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Oral / Throat)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Ovarian)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Pancreatic)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Pituitary)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Prostate)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Skin)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Testicular)
Turmeric vs. Cancer (Thyroid)
Turmeric vs. Cholesterol
Turmeric vs. Cystic Fibrosis
Turmeric vs. Depression
Turmeric vs. Diabetes
Turmeric vs. Free Radicals
Turmeric vs. Gastrointestinal Disorders
Turmeric vs. Gonorrhea
Turmeric vs. Heart Disease
Turmeric vs. HIV / AIDS (weak)
Turmeric vs. Hypertension
Turmeric vs. Inflammation
Turmeric vs. Jaundice
Turmeric vs. Kidney Damage
Turmeric vs. Liver Disorders
Turmeric vs. Lung Disease
Turmeric vs. Lupus
Turmeric vs. Mustard Gas
Turmeric vs. Obesity
Turmeric vs. Nerve Damage
Turmeric vs. Parkinson’s Disease
Turmeric vs. Rett Syndrome
Turmeric vs. Scabies
Turmeric vs. Skin Aging
Turmeric vs. Skin Burns & Wounds
Turmeric vs. Tooth Decay
Curcumin Chemistry & Basic Solubility
Curcuminoid Detection & Extraction
Solubility & Drug Delivery
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Breast Cancer)
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Colon Cancer)
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Exotic)
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Lung Cancer)
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Malaria)
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Multi-Cancer)
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Nootropic)
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Oral Cancer)
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Skin Cancer)
Curcuminoid Drug Delivery (Throat Cancer)

Dubbed therein as "Vitamin T", possibly for the first time. Looking over Wikipedia's explanation of what a "vitamin" is, it seems like it might be long overdue.

Ha! My 4,000 post! I haven't even been on here in months.

edit on 9-3-2014 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

I started taking it, it's delicious!!!

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:05 PM
I have been using turmeric now about 2 months for arthritis in my feet. I also take ACVH. What a difference...

What is the proper daily dosage? I usually take about 1/2 teaspoon a day.
edit on 9-3-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:21 PM

I have been using turmeric now about 2 months for arthritis in my feet. I also take ACVH. What a difference...

What is the proper daily dosage? I usually take about 1/2 teaspoon a day.
edit on 9-3-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

How do I get some? Is it available to buy?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by IgnoranceIsntBlisss

These are my favorite threads on ATS, the ones dealing with diseases and cures.

S + F.

+4 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:25 PM
Isn't turmeric a common spice and can be found in any store that stocks spices?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:28 PM
Yes, Turmeric is a spice..That was what I was thinking about also..
I use it all the time when I make dinner.

reply to post by GraveRobert

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by GraveRobert

Google "Little India near me" a store with good quality spices will be your best initial supply.
When you visit a major city look around for the Indian neighborhoods.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Turmeric can be purchased in 500mg capsules (usually a 90 count) from just about any local pharmacy.

P.S. Vit C, Zinc and Turmeric is the essential flu/cold-season defense system for me, but everyone is a little different.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:38 PM
My cat had a few benign cysts (he's 13) and he's had them drained, only for them to grow back. I started giving him 1/2 tsp organic turmeric powder and 2 of his cysts shrank, then disappeared. I am hoping the other one will do the same. I mix it well in his wet food (1/4 tsp twice a day) and he doesn't taste it.

I found this remedy on the EarthClinic website and am so thankful for it because it has really helped him.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by OatDelphi

Make sure the capsules are from a reputable company. Better yet, use the organic powder in the spice aisle of any grocery store.

edit on 9-3-2014 by texasgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:44 PM
My husband and I use a ton of different spices on our regular fish diet to make the filets taste different. Turmeric is one of our favorites.

I have a family history of arthritis, and mine seems to be manifesting much slower than my sister's and I'm the older of the two of us. Maybe I'm lucky or maybe I'm eating the better diet.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:49 PM
On the face of it, the collection of data (at the site) covers an amazing amount of diseases and disorders. Whether those studies are all positive in regard to the trials in which they were used, is hard to say from a layman's perspective. The trials listed for lymphoma, (my disease) for example, are too far out of my comprehension to know what I'm reading in even the titles.

Can it be as simple as this: If compiled, openly shared and put into a more readable form, can lists such as the site point the way for average folks to uncover available data for multitudes of simple preparations from natural plants? Can such lists be the "smoking gun" that gives us insight into how the big pharms ignore, hide and suppress simple cures so they can continue their hold on the entire field of medicine?

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:51 PM
Turmeric (yellow root) is the main ingredient of all curries.

There is so much to find about this spice on the internet.
I've used it all my life, being from Indonesia. Taken alone it's not so delicious, but you can use in everything you put on the table.
A bit every day in a smoothie goes down great.
I've seen a vid where a doctor shows you how to cook half a cup with 1 cup o water, stirring constantly for about ten min. Then it will keep for one or two weeks in the fridge. You can drink it with f.i. milk (use one teaspoon). They call it golden milk.

In India it is called "longevity spice".

Buy a big bag of it and use it every day.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:53 PM
My problem is that it is sitting in the cupboard, so I went looking for other ways ways to use it as I'm not a big meat eater. I found this site that others like me might find helpful. 7 ways to eat and drink turmeric

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 03:54 PM
The other full guide talks about sources and usefulness:

Dietary sources of Turmeric / Curcumin:

Turmeric root, Turmeric spice powder, yellow curry powders / pastes, yellow mustard condiment and “indian saffron” spice.
Notes on Curcuminoid bioavailability (absorb-ability) in the human body:

While curcuminoids are very effective against many types of cancer and many other ailments, but they are hydrophobic (repels from water) and the the body doesn’t absorb them internally so well. Supplementing with black pepper along side the curcumin helps with this. Some recent research suggests that the use of fresh plant material containing the raw essential oils is more effective in the human body than high purity dry curcumin products alone.

So the problem is poor body absorption, as Curcminoids aren't water soluable.

Dietary strategies, including the use of black pepper (piperine), can boost blood levels of curcumin from the spice turmeric by up to 2,000%.

So combining Turmeric fresh root or powder with Black Pepper is the ideal method using the raw ingredients. The next best thing is to use pure grade Curcumin and Piperdine. Beyond that, like if you're life depends on it, is Nano grade Curcumin (plus piperdine).

Fresh Roots & Powder are available at Mass Spectrum.
Pure grade Curcumin can be had from
Nano grade Curcumin is an emerging product, but I was able to find a couple 'Western' vendors selling the pills/liquid.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 04:01 PM
Its fun to grow fresh turmeric & white turmeric and harvest the tubers for cooking with

Curcuminoids are amazing!

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 04:05 PM

Whether those studies are all positive in regard to the trials in which they were used, is hard to say from a layman's perspective. The trials listed for lymphoma, (my disease) for example, are too far out of my comprehension to know what I'm reading in even the titles.

Skip to the last sentence or two n the abstracts, and usually all is there to judge whether or not their experiment(s) worked.

Can it be as simple as this: If compiled, openly shared and put into a more readable form, can lists such as the site point the way for average folks to uncover available data for multitudes of simple preparations from natural plants? Can such lists be the "smoking gun" that gives us insight into how the big pharms ignore, hide and suppress simple cures so they can continue their hold on the entire field of medicine?

Sort of, but this Turmeric is like the ultimate shining example. Alone and as a group it all puts to shame everything else (chem/plant/plant family/extract/isolate) that I know about. But if you go out digging on pretty much any plant or chem there's usually surprising open research. I tired to make the same thing clear in that Cancer is Dead piece.

As with anything though, the Big Pharm challenge is to make patentable derivatives to then charge $10,000 per dose. This isn't always needed, but I'm actually excited to see what this chem group has yet to bring. Whether or not anyone will be able to afford such, we'll see...

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 04:54 PM
Gonna read this when I get home from work.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 05:10 PM
No more than three grams a day's hepatoxic.
I've poisoned my liver with it.Twice.

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