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America asking UN to take Action against North Korea....WW3?

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posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Plugin

Well it's not like we haven't tried to help the people by sending them aid. It's just that whenever we do, it is confiscated by the NK military and given to the leaders. Then those same leaders turn around and complain when we stop sending the people aid. As can be seen by the bi-annual NK world scares we've been going through for the last 60+ years or so.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

No offense wok, really none meant

But, this must be an age thing. Many of us are old enough to have lived through some of the last Cold War, The 'Nuclear' scare is old hat. I'm not downplaying it but again, some of us haven't just talked about it or simply discussed it but actually lived it. If North Korea so much as farts towards the US mainland or any of our Allies in ANY Nuclear capacity it would be the last thing people would hear out of them.

That isn't being jingoist, it's a fact.
edit on 7-3-2014 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:35 AM

reply to post by Plugin

Well it's not like we haven't tried to help the people by sending them aid. It's just that whenever we do, it is confiscated by the NK military and given to the leaders. Then those same leaders turn around and complain when we stop sending the people aid. As can be seen by the bi-annual NK world scares we've been going through for the last 60+ years or so.

It's not real AID, it's more like a deal and a part of that deal is giving food and vaccines, if they don't give in what the US wants they quit/block sending food. So the leaders eating all that food and using all vaccines themself?

edit on 7-3-2014 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Plugin

Well I'd imagine that they stockpile the food they aren't eating (obviously not accessible to the people) and throw away any vaccines that the leadership doesn't need. Though I don't live in that country, have talked to anyone in that country, or even visited it so that is all guesswork on my part.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:42 AM

reply to post by Plugin

Well I'd imagine that they stockpile the food they aren't eating (obviously not accessible to the people) and throw away any vaccines that the leadership doesn't need. Though I don't live in that country, have talked to anyone in that country, or even visited it so that is all guesswork on my part.

Yes that is part of the problem, we know almost nothing about N-Korea (their story/their truth).

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:44 AM

reply to post by crazyewok

No offense wok, really none meant

But, this must be an age thing. Many of us are old enough to have lived through some of the last Cold War, The 'Nuclear' scare is old hat. I'm not downplaying it but again, some of us haven't just talked about it or simply discussed it but actually lived it. If North Korea so much as farts towards the US mainland or any of our Allies in ANY Nuclear capacity it would be the last thing people would hear out of them.

That isn't being jingoist, it's a fact.
edit on 7-3-2014 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

None offense taken.

I see what you mean.

But I don't see North Korea as Russia or China. Russia or China know the concept of MAD and they are not insane country's. When it comes to Nuclear weapons they have proven to be very responsible.

North Korea though? On the world scene they are equivalent to the special needs kid on the playground. The one that not allowed to use scissors in class.

A North Korea with ICBMs does not sit well with me. And they are already notorious for extorting money out of other country's using threats of violence.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by Plugin


We have hundreds of personal Eye witness accounts.

Don't like/trust the escaped North Koreans who tell their story in the US?

Then listen to the ones who've made it to China.

Eye opening and sobering.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

It is kind of hypocritical that the US screams bloody murder whenever a country like Iran even HINT at developing nuclear weapons, but NK has been doing it in the open for YEARS now and we haven't invaded that country even with our arsenal of drones yet. Not that I agree with the World Police thing, but if we are going to commit to such an action, we need to be universal with the enforcement and not be selective since the potential target could actually fight back hard enough to do some damage.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:54 AM

reply to post by Plugin


We have hundreds of personal Eye witness accounts.

Don't like/trust the escaped North Koreans who tell their story in the US?

Then listen to the ones who've made it to China.

Eye opening and sobering.

You can always find people from a country with bad stories about their country and of course when people don't have much or even have enough food you find plenty..
The issue is in my eyes they are not even allowed to to business/world trade.. right?

It's kinda like Iran, it was a pretty good country and now it's being blocked from everything if possible (at least they still have oil to sell to some country's otherwise they would be toast).
Same as Iraq, ''Half a million children have died in Iraq since UN sanctions were imposed''
^ not hard to find people who want to flee Iraq then. Perhaps soon Iran as well?

Make them weak with the power the US (mainly), EU and others have with those world institutions to force your will and later invade them/take over control..?

edit on 7-3-2014 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by Plugin

Despite what many bone headed chowder heads say in Washington DC about an 'Axis of Evil'

Iran is astronomically far from being similar to North Korea.

Iranians are awesome people. Nothing but respect for Persians, they're an ancient and well respected contributors to the Western way of life, Although one wouldn't know this unless they actually investigated their true contributions, The present Government of Iran on the other hand is a whole other ball game. Not one of my personal favorites but whatever.

Iranians are able to freely travel about if they can afford to do so. North Koreans? Not so much. North Korea routinely shells their neighbor, Iran? No overt activity, No comment on their excessive often ignored Covert actions towards others in the region.

They do both have the US squarely in their sites as the 'Bad guy' which is fine to this American.

I'm glad we have their attention.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:13 AM

reply to post by Plugin

Despite what many bone headed chowder heads say in Washington DC about an 'Axis of Evil'

Iran is astronomically far from being similar to North Korea.

Iranians are awesome people. Nothing but respect for Persians, they're an ancient and well respected contributors to the Western way of life, Although one wouldn't know this unless they actually investigated their true contributions, The present Government of Iran on the other hand is a whole other ball game. Not one of my personal favorites but whatever.

Iranians are able to freely travel about if they can afford to do so. North Koreans? Not so much. North Korea routinely shells their neighbor, Iran? No overt activity, No comment on their excessive often ignored Covert actions towards others in the region.

They do both have the US squarely in their sites as the 'Bad guy' which is fine to this American.

I'm glad we have their attention.

Iran is still in the making, if life gets pretty bad after all those years of sanctions, look how many want to flee Iran and good change Iran then makes tougher rules so that it's harder to flee (you don't want as country without people afterall

Look how many fled from Iraq! (I do wonder how many people are in Iraq compared with how many there where since the start of the 1st Gulf war (nobody knows).

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:24 AM



O_o there's nothing to see here?

Or am I just blind to the real facts?

AHH THERE IS THE STORY, it took a minute, when I first loaded the page it had your title and a blank area where the OP should be......

The problem with this is that North Korea has constantly thumbed it's nose at everyone, including China. Their infrastructure is in such shambles a WW1 aircraft could probably do damage..
edit on 532014 by vkey08 because: (no reason given)

True that vkey.

Dennis Rodman has done more damage to N. Korea than the UN security counsel could.

There's not much there but paper mache missiles pulled out on floats for for the fake adoring crowds to oohh and ahh over on pain of death if they don't. Sometimes they set off a fizzling fireworks display biggie...


What I don't understand about all that being true is why would we allow North Korea to be so ill towards its people? We have gone after countries that have done less then whats been going on in North Korea.

Because really, the US doesn't get involved because of people abuse. They couldn't care less about 'human rights violations'. That's only an excuse they use when they want to stick their nose somewhere that oil, natural gas, or some other beneficial natural resource exists that's threatened. NK has no such resources, but Ukraine (Crimea) has, as well as Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. See a pattern?

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:29 AM

reply to post by crazyewok

It is kind of hypocritical that the US screams bloody murder whenever a country like Iran even HINT at developing nuclear weapons, but NK has been doing it in the open for YEARS now and we haven't invaded that country even with our arsenal of drones yet. Not that I agree with the World Police thing, but if we are going to commit to such an action, we need to be universal with the enforcement and not be selective since the potential target could actually fight back hard enough to do some damage.

No I agree and I am still scratching my head over why the USA wasted time on Iraq and is bullying Iran when North Korea Actually do have WMD and are actually making threats and are known for being unstable and bat **** crazy!

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by crazyewok


The US/West are still technically at WAR with North Korea. Since the ceasefire there have been a few hundred that have died.

Want it to go hot?
Millions would die.

edit on 7-3-2014 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:41 AM


reply to post by crazyewok

It is kind of hypocritical that the US screams bloody murder whenever a country like Iran even HINT at developing nuclear weapons, but NK has been doing it in the open for YEARS now and we haven't invaded that country even with our arsenal of drones yet. Not that I agree with the World Police thing, but if we are going to commit to such an action, we need to be universal with the enforcement and not be selective since the potential target could actually fight back hard enough to do some damage.

No I agree and I am still scratching my head over why the USA wasted time on Iraq and is bullying Iran when North Korea Actually do have WMD and are actually making threats and are known for being unstable and bat **** crazy!

And with the actions from the US, they in their eyes probably have a greater need to have such weapons. They do everything to force their will, attack(ed) country surrounding Iran, I would want such a bomb most likely as well, not much you can do about the US/UN and so on.

And I doubt N-Korea really has those weapons, they declared they have them but where is the proof??
I really doubt they being able to make them, let alone to fire them far away. At least they have attention and with a feeling they still hold 1 card of the game (which again they most likely don't even have).

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I second that. They won't do a thing, because it would be a recipe for instant erasure.

MAD only works if both sides are equally armed - North Korea is so far outclassed it's almost amusing if it weren't so tragic. It would be like they had poked a lion with a spoon.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Under International law, we can't fuss with North Korea because of their nukes, because they backed out of the NPT. They are no longer bound by it, and all international law revolves around treaty obligations - of which they have none in the matter of nukes. Iran is a horse of a different color as regards treaty obligations. They are actionable if they step off the path, because they are still bound by the NPT.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

I can certainly agree with you on that!

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:58 PM

reply to post by crazyewok


The US/West are still technically at WAR with North Korea. Since the ceasefire there have been a few hundred that have died.

Want it to go hot?
Millions would die.

edit on 7-3-2014 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

Im going to have to respectful disagree.

Ignoring North Korea I think will just make the problem worse and give them more time to develop tools so that when they do collapse or the West/China do have to go in they could wind up killing a lot more people.

You know how anti war I am. So for me to be pro military intervention for North Korea is a big thing and not something Im saying lightly.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 05:21 PM

Ignoring North Korea I think will just make the problem worse and give them more time to develop tools so that when they do collapse or the West/China do have to go in they could wind up killing a lot more people.

Nobody said to ignore North Korea

That's impossible.

They keep threatening the South every few months....

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