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America asking UN to take Action against North Korea....WW3?

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posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by KingJod

The bully to the world over the last 50+ years is possibly meeting its paradigm shift.

The world is becoming emboldened the same way a group of kids who have grown tired of losing their lunch money.

and the bully's entourage* is about to disperse, leaving the bully all alone.

the entourage being the rest of the allies such as Australia, UK, South Korea, Japan, etc.

I fear the NK, Russia, Iran, and China would prove to be overwhelming against America if they were coordinated.

And Europe/Scandinavia are amateur hour militarily.

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:04 PM
So....... The object here is simply to create mass hate, discontent, confusion and chaos around the whole world.


That's all they had to say. We'd have gotten it from there... After all, it's now..what? North Korea, Iran, Israel, Syria, Ukraine and ..oh.. Yeah, South and Central America isn't doing so hot either, but media can only look in so many directions at once, themselves.

It's a fine time for a whole new front in the international effort for general pissed off. What could possibly go wrong?

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:08 PM

reply to post by KingJod

BEcause we arent the WORLD POLICE. No matter what you think.

Expect if no one acts North Korea will be pointing ICBM at America and extorting money from you.

Better get rid of them now why they cant do much than wait till they can take a number of American citys out with them when they go down.

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:10 PM
If there is one place people need help it's NK.
Some of the reports and stories coming out from escapees have been just awful.
It's like Nazi Germany with camps, millions starved and worked to death, beaten, murdered.
When the truth finally comes out and if the world ever does a damn thing, we'll learn and come to realize that the numbers killed and the manner they have been killed, is on par with Nazi Germany.

The world will be horrified and we will ask why nobody did a thing.
It's an utter disgrace that we allow this to happen

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:11 PM


Let those people take care of their own problems. America has no right running around getting our people killed and spending us into debt acting like the world police.

Great logic until in 10 years time North Korea have nuclear missiles pointed at America and are demanding money.

They have nukes and they are developing long range missiles. You don't think as soon as they HAVE long range missiles they wont try and extort and blackmail the USA/world?

And its not rhetoric like Iraq, north Korea do have WMD's and they are in the process of developing long range strike capability s, neither are in any doubt.

What you think the debt cost will be to a few nuked American citys?

North Korea is not Iraq, Syria or Iran.
edit on 5-3-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 09:09 PM
So it is ok for the US to conduct military exercises in the region, but not for NK? If the UN did operate under a common law that applied to all nations then this request for sanctions would be immanently dismissed. Unfortunately there is some 'might has right' in the UN political mix so lets just wait and see.

As for sanctions, how much longer is it going to take to realize that sanctions are not working when it comes to North Korea. The average height of a North Korean has fallen about a foot due to generational malnutrition. NK has lived through famines in the past and have shown they would rather go through another famine than submit to US will.

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 09:49 PM

reply to post by KingJod

Honestly. I feel terrible about the starving oppressed people in N. Korea.

But, I feel it's not our job to force another nation to treat their people better. Their people should rise up en masse and overthrow their dictator if they should choose to do so.

I'm tired of the U.S. being viewed as the world police, with unlimited resources to do nation make overs, to make them just like us.

I worry more about my own country and where it is heading, and how the people are treated here.



As someone said above - clearly the UN is useless as they have a precedence for human rights violations but it's all idealism and isn't enforced in any way that has a widespread impact. Being the world police is a tough one. We are blessed when compared to many other populations so shouldn't we at minimum not support those who tolerate the abuses (IE - stop dealing with China until they do something about it). As it stands we couldn't just bomb NK because it would upset China. However - we could begin to pull away from them.

I feel mixed about the whole thing - live and let live and it's hard enough to keep what we have let alone trying to save others from what it was like for many of our ancestors. It's the evolution of societies so do we help this along - treating others as we would like to be treated (helping them)? Or do we turn a blind eye to people who have so much fear they dare not rise up - will never do this, and know it is happening for another 50 or 100 years?

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 01:42 AM
Well we kicked his daddys ass real I don't think Kimmy will be a problem either somehow...just more prick waving again....

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 02:02 AM
there are a lot of folks that wish they had their own little country to boss around...
id say the biggest threat from NK is that there are some people who want one too

those people probably own banks

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 02:34 AM
You can't do damage to NK because there is nothing to do damage to.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 07:47 AM

You can't do damage to NK because there is nothing to do damage to.

Don't say that too loud you'll be accused of having an ego

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 08:17 AM
I still think people are missing here the fact that North Korea have nuclear and Chemical weapons and they are in the process of building long range delivery system that can reach to the USA.

North Korea have a long history of using threats to extort money so why cant anyone see that as soon as North Korea get working ICBM they are going to use that fact to extort money and sanction lifting from South Korea, Japan , USA and likely even China?

Mark my words dear leader will make the threat of nuking south Korea, Japan and the USA unless he gets (Insert money/Sanction lifts)

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

They already did point them. Remember all the threading here last year "Now, theyve got them in place and lowered and are pointed at us...."?

Nothing happened gladly, and Im sure nothing will happen....except if they try, they'll prob blow them up on their own launch-pads!

We need to be focusing on our own country....

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 07:36 PM
Nope, No war
I believe that sooo much Im willing to bet the paychecks of ATS owners on it..
the little Kim "Look at me, Im short but im a leader"foot stomping..

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:44 AM

reply to post by crazyewok

They already did point them. Remember all the threading here last year "Now, theyve got them in place and lowered and are pointed at us...."?

Nothing happened gladly, and Im sure nothing will happen....except if they try, they'll prob blow them up on their own launch-pads!

We need to be focusing on our own country....

I still think thats a very dangrous game to play

It like haveing a nut job that lives down the road threating to shoot up a school while stockpiling machine guns but ignoring him cause he hasnt gone through with his plan yet.

Taking care of North Korea would be takeing care of America as if North Kora collapses or little Kim is having a bad day then America could be were the first nukes land.

I dont want to see 200,000 chared ,cripsy and radioactive Americans cause you didnt take a madman serously.
edit on 7-3-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:52 AM

If there is one place people need help it's NK.
Some of the reports and stories coming out from escapees have been just awful.
It's like Nazi Germany with camps, millions starved and worked to death, beaten, murdered.
When the truth finally comes out and if the world ever does a damn thing, we'll learn and come to realize that the numbers killed and the manner they have been killed, is on par with Nazi Germany.

The world will be horrified and we will ask why nobody did a thing.
It's an utter disgrace that we allow this to happen

Then why in the hell wont *Rising Star* China and *Do no wrong* Putin get off their asses and do something to end this?

Russia and China were the ones who supplied, supported and propped up that backwards now Nuclear armed retarded Communistic Dinosaur of a regime.

The US and South Korea should just hold the line.

Hands Putin and Li Keqiang a Geiger counter, dust mask and a broom

Get to it!

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:00 AM
I wonder how many country's want action against America??

They should go to the UN and ask for action!

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Your talking about a country though brought up to despise Americans.

If China went in and didnt work fast enough American could still end up burned as little kim launches something nasty in NK dying throws as a screw you.

US would really want to send something in to secure any WMD's and launch sites just to make sure,

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Actually, it is more likely that S. Korea will suffer rather than America if someone ends up poking the beast that is N. Korea. As we've seen from recent missile tests, NK have trouble shooting missiles into the middle of the ocean since they almost hit Japan with one by accident. Seriously, how do you miss the ocean? So I wouldn't be too concerned with N. Korea attacking the US in its death throes. South Korea on the other hand is more than likely to take a HUGE beating if North Korea is provoked.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:19 AM
Must say sanctions and being not able to do business with the rest of the world also makes the people starve.
So that may be the bigger reason for terrible things to happen to that country then the leaders of N-Korea itself?

Of course they have blaim themself most likely but in fact me and most just don't know much about the country, or what the real truth is.

Which country today can do it all on herself?? Look how many stuff gets imported, how much food are made overseas, oil and you name it.

Of course N-Korea could give up all their weapons, but if they would, would they be invaded (and most of those weapons are a big laugh really... so I guess not).

IMO, the powers don't like it that they can't have control over that country, almost every country seems to be in control these days of big institutions (big banks (money), UN/Nato, you name it).
Hence the reason actions in the middle east and right now Ukraine (they need to be controlled/have power over them..).
edit on 7-3-2014 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

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