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Strange & Unexplained Symbols on My Granddaughter's Calves.

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posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:04 PM
Welcome to ATS, and congratulations on your first thread!
I wish there were more angles of the marks. While similar, they seem to have different lengths and thicknesses to the 'legs'. Some seem to be fading?
Do they all go in the same direction?

I have been fascinated with black lights since they first came out, and have wanted another for many, many years now. After reading your thread, I immediately went to EBay and ordered one.

I don't know much about the transfer pens, but most ink dries quite rapidly, so that seems illogical to me. If moisture was all it took to activate it and cause a transfer, then I would think it would also wash off.

It's hard telling how long she's had these marks, but she has been unharmed by I would reassure her in that respect as you look for a cause.

Very interesting thread, and I thank you for being open enough to share with us.

Please keep us updated with any new information!

Ms. Nugget

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:05 PM

reply to post by WhiteAlice

She is 17 and like I said, she does not write on herself. Also, these will not come off or even fade in the slightest!
Trust me, we have tried!!

This can not be possible, since you can clearly see they are from a stamped chemical.

Meaning, you are not being honest here.

The marks are obviously left by a chemical that has been applied/stamped intentionally or by accident.

Either way, it will fade if scrubbed. Saying it won't, and that you have tried, its not possible. Even an industry strength dye or marker would fade if scrubbed. The only way it would not "fade" if scrubbed, was if it was under the skin. And it is not.

Sorry, but this story is obviously not fully honest.


edit on 1-3-2014 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by evc1shop

The thing is, these marks will not come off at all! It looks like some are older than others due to fading. It's like they were done over and over again! We don't actually know how long she's had them but 2 of them (one on each calf) are the brightest!
She is not a cheerleader, nor does she do any activity that comes close to that.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by starfire2453

You have stated you have "tried" to wash them off and it didn't fade in the least.

This is not possible.

Even marking dye used in bank notes in case of theft, will (and does) fade with scrubbing. And that is designed to be not removable with vigorous effort.

Again, I suspect…no…I demand, this is a hoax.

edit on 1-3-2014 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by nugget1

Thank you for your interest. In reply to your questions, they are all the same size but some look faded and they are not in the exact same direction. If you look at the one picture you can see some go to the side a bit. However, they are all the same size, almost like it was a stencil or stamp. The thing is we have nothing that would do this and the marks will not come off no matter what we have used to try and remove them!
Another thing is, she has times when her calfs swell to twice their normal size and the pain is excruciating for her! We've taken her to the doctor when this happens but he has no answer as to the cause of this. She has had more tests, with no results! She also suffers from severe back pain and migraines.
I am really investigating this and appreciate you interest and concern. I will keep you updated and we are now keeping an eye on this now that we're aware. I plan on also taking her to the doctor next week.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

I am truly sorry you feel that way and I wish it were a hoax, but this is the real deal and it's very frightening to all of us here.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:19 PM

reply to post by starfire2453

Monster uses a glow in the dark stamp when featuring their products at bars and raves. This is their logo, after sweat and possible bathing, which has meshed multiple ink stamps together. I'm sure of it.

If you look closely you will see it has four forks not 3 why would they corrupt their logo?

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by starfire2453

There is a product out there that will remove almost everything, it's called "Goof-Off." It's in a small yellow tin (about 4 oz I think) with red lettering and comes in a concentrated liquid format. They sell it in Home Depot up here in the Great White North. I have used it to take off indelible ink and the black light stamps from clubs and shows. If that doesn't take it off, I don't know what will. Just don't leave it on the skin very long as it is a mixed chemical.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Well, that was my first reaction but after trying everything available and it still will not come off short of taking her to a plastic surgeon and having her skin surgically may sound impossible but is not coming off and that is not only a fact but the God's Honest Truth!!!

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Goo Gone does the same thing and I tried it as I always keep a bottle of it in my did not remove the marks! These markings are some sort of symbol that refuse to come off!
We are checking them on a daily basis and taking pictures to see if there is any change either way.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by starfire2453

im sorry to say it man (or woman) ... but id be more inclined to go to a priest or the likes, than a doctor ...

You show remarkable restraint having to repeat yourself over and over continually to the people who keep chiming in with the same repetitive stuff that you already mentioned in your first posts.... but the swelling of her calves id say is extremely relevant, and you only mentioned it a couple of times

i feel yous wont give in til you suss it out ... which offers some comfort ..
i dont mean to sound scary or creepy .. but hard toi put a happy spin on this ... it seems like the newer ones are appearing, as the older ones fade ... as tho someone or something is leaving a mark (their mark) .. and renewing it as required ... as tho to make it continue to serve its purpose more effectively .. or be seen more clearly, more noticeable to the observer ...

either way ... not everything out there is beautiful ... i do believe dark entities exist and operate in different ways ... im not saying dont go a doctor (tho youd be lucky to get one to even take the marking seriously, as it doesnt fall within the confines of their education), but definitely don't rely on an academically taught medical practitioner, to explain something that i think you are of the opinion is not exactly natural ..
edit on 1-3-2014 by Segenam because: wheeeeEEEEeeeee......

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by starfire2453

And I do understand that most teenages have an entirely seceret life outside of their home but this girl is always with me when she's not in school.

This is certainly true. I raised my two very strict, they had to come straight home after school and spend Family time. Friend time included the whole family like going out to pizza.
I thought they never got into any trouble because i was so careful we lived 7 miles from town on a ranch. I also thought any sound woke me up easily at night, but a few years ago my two kids in their 30's were laughing about all the nights they climbed out their windows, met friends who coasted the car by pushing with the engine off and they went out all night. Honestly I could have fainted I was so mislead about how perfect my band playing,gifted programed children were.

I actually had a teacher call me once and ask how I raised my two, when they were in Highschool, she was pregnant and wanted to do "whatever i was doing", because my kids were so wonderful!! HA!

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by starfire2453

Has she recently watched the Lego Movie (which seems very kabalistic) or read the "72 Cabalist Names of God for Children?" The symbol bears a striking resemblance to a sigil of a name used in the occult relating to a specific entity, I can't remember the actual name but I believe it is in the Geotia (Lesser Key of Solomon) that contains the sigils of the 72 demons/angels/guardians of the Guff/Hall of Souls/Library (?/?/? depends on your perspective). Just thought I would throw this out there, since you state the marks will not come off.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:42 PM
Being that there are various levels of fading between the marks, I am tempted to believe that they do indeed fade with time. Of the theories so far, I tend to lean toward her inadvertantly making contact with something somewhere every couple of weeks or so. Maybe it is a chair at someone's house, or some certain clothing that reacts when she has her legs crossed, or some other contact that is not very often, but sustained. The substance or reaction may even stain several layers of skin with UV reflective properties. It may not even be a visible pattern that is reacting/transferring to here skin.

The takeaway here is, why stress about it. It is clearly not harmful, and is not going to change her in any way. I would just ignore it or embrace it and joke about her UV birthmark. It's not as if it is a '666', pentagram or some really messed up symbolism. it is just a weird meaningless pattern. Tell her there could be a very mundane explanation, or maybe not, but not to worry. You may never know, but worrying about it is 100% useless. It is harmless.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:47 PM
If it's any consolation, I fully intend to do a little research on my own. I will be checking my family, myself and my 7-year old grand daughter next week when the light gets here.

My curiosity has been aroused!

I keep thinking about invisible tattoos, and being ATS I'm sure we could come up with a million possibilities!

The marks remind me of something I can't quite place....I want to say underwater pillars from an ancient civilization...maybe a picture I saw of ancient Greece, or some movie in my distant memory? They just strike a chord in my subconscious somewhere.

The length, thickness and angles appear different in the even looks to be a reversed image. It may not be anything paranormal, but it's the strangest thing I've come across in many years. Of course there's an explanation, but will we ever find it?

Ms. Nugget
edit on 6u88America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Segenam

You're correct, I feel this not something natural. I don't know the source of these marks but it is not natural. I spoke to a few people who are pretty up on the paranormal but usually it's scratches or raised skin. These are only visible under UV lighting and I do not think we were supposed to find them! I have done quite a bit of research in the past 24 hours but have yet to find this symbol anywhere. I am contacting MUFON to see if they have any information or knowledge on this matter.
Thank you for your interest, I will be updating on any progress in this matter.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:54 PM
I will tell you what the marks mean when she is 18

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:57 PM
What an interesting thread. I have never heard of such a thing. I'll keep checking in until the mystery is solved.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Monster didn't corrupt their logo. It's multiple stamps mixed and smeared via sweat or bathing. I've actually watched bar staff playing with the Monster ink stamps. Many "bar stamps" are hard as h*ll to scrub off. I'm not implying she was at a bar or rave. Just saying I immediately recognized the prints when I opened this post.

edit on 1-3-2014 by Bachrk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:58 PM

reply to post by Mr Mask

I am truly sorry you feel that way and I wish it were a hoax, but this is the real deal and it's very frightening to all of us here.

Why would this be frightening?

That's also not something understandable.

As a father, if this happened to my childI I would assume what should be assumed. The child slept on something or came in contact with something, that left a chemical mark.

The fact that you have said you tried to remove them and they didn't fade (impossible) and also say this is terrifying you- are both reasons to look at this as a hoax.

You are not being 100% honest, since ALL chemicals that glow under backlights are easy to remove. And let me be clear on that…"all" chemicals that glow under black lights ear easy to remove.

So please…do not make this worse and just scrub them off and tell us they washed off as they obviously would and will.

There is NO chemical in this world that glows under a black light that can not be scrubbed to at least fade instantly.

And that is why I am calling this exactly what it looks to be. A 100% hoax, or at least a dishonest post.

edit on 1-3-2014 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

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