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An Alien March Madness: Is There Life in Space?

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posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by conundrummer

Fortunately, I am not one of those who you described. I welcome all the new programming and am eagerly digesting it.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 10:24 PM

Its kind of ironic how believers on this site always seem to be complaining that skeptics don't give UFO evidence a fair shot, yet those believers are already saying this whole month of UFO programming is gonna be crap before they've even seen it.

Have you seen some of the recent UFO shows?

"Chasing UFOs", "Uncovering Aliens" — I don't know how else to describe them but "Fake". They don't do any serious investigation and the people aren't real investigators. Even the conversations with the witnesses look like they are being read off a script!

Many people dismiss UFOs without looking at the good evidence—maybe that's because they've seen these shows, which quite frankly don't provide any.

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 01:12 PM

thesearchfortruth Have you seen some of the recent UFO shows?

"Chasing UFOs", "Uncovering Aliens" — I don't know how else to describe them but "Fake". They don't do any serious investigation and the people aren't real investigators. Even the conversations with the witnesses look like they are being read off a script!

Many people dismiss UFOs without looking at the good evidence—maybe that's because they've seen these shows, which quite frankly don't provide any.

I've seen some Ancient Aliens and the documentaries on Netflix, and I tried to watch Sirius. It seems to me that the problem is the common skeptic vs believer dichotomy is really a cline. There are certainly those who don't believe in ANY UFO videos, but among those who do believe, there's ones that are called fake (and often rightly so). So, the question becomes: what is the good evidence? I remember a while back Sirius was considered legit and now its not. Is the person telling me this is fake just a denier of all things UFO, or is the person telling me this is real just a rube who believes all things UFO? At any rate, it seems premature to judge future videos on whether or not they're put on TV.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 05:36 PM

reply to post by Wolfenz

The School's have it all wrong to elementary children
No Son!! you have to Draw a great big Yellow Circle and No Points on it!!
We aren't talking about elementary school though, are we?

The Sumerians and Mesopotamians distinguished the sun from stars by using different symbols – and associating each symbol with the sun god and other gods, respectively. And you can see the examples he gives. The thing is, the pictures are explained on the pictures themselves, they have cuneiform captions. If you read the whole thing you would understand that.

Ohh what trickery is this!! LOL! ahh isnt the Sun A Star!!!
You didn't read the whole thing, did you? Yes, the Sun is a star. And it is represented differently from other stars in Sumerian art because it is a particularly important star. Of course, for you it looks like the Sun, so it must be. If you ignore everything is that is known about Sumerian art and history.

Phage any way want to Slice it ! that Cylinder Scroll Does exist!!
or in another way is its Possible 12 Planets in away if you include Dwarf Plants ! Exo planets
It's not a scroll, it's a seal. And it does not show the Sun and planets. The Sumerians did not know about Neptune, or Uranus, or Pluto, or Eris, or Makemake. They did not name them in there astronomy, they did not know them. Of course, if you don't bother to pay attention to that, you can say the dots are anything you want.

its not accurate but its there
Too bad we don't actually know what that picture represents but at 4.7 billion miles such a planet would have been discovered. Actually, it falls within the orbital parameters of Eris, but it isn't Eris.

problem fixed Phage all better now
Uh oh. But I don't anything on the the seal where "Ceres"is marked.

edit on 3/3/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

1) No Phage I'm Speaking of a Young Elementary Student Could Easily identify what it is and what it Represents
if this Cylinder Seal SCROLL was Layed out and Rolled on Clay for their Very Eyes... They Would Automatically would Identify The STAR/SUN The One in the Same .. if it was Pointed to them. and Would identify Those DOTS as A Solar system
if it was Was Shown To them Yes Phage Some call it a Clyinder SEAL SCROLL

2) Of Course the Sun is a Star Important Star ! Yes is Our Star Or their Star!! ?? Their Solar System? No I don't ignore Sumerian Art Im Fascinated by it ! Especially One of the First (oldest) Civilization Known Recorded on this Planet with Many Firsts!

3) A Seal yet Some call it a Cylinder Seal Scroll Actually its a scroll in reverse outside instead within

as you said

And it does not show the Sun and planets. The Sumerians did not know about Neptune, or Uranus, or Pluto, or Eris, or Makemake. They did not name them in there astronomy, they did not know them. Of course, if you don't bother to pay attention to that, you can say the dots are anything you want.

Ok Ill Bite.. They Did Not KnOW!!!! ?

OK from the Ex Members that were here Site

Sumerian Astronomical Knowledge
The Myth of a 12th Planet:
Analysis of Cylinder Seal VA 243

Babylonian astronomy

Babylonian star catalogues

Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa

History of the constellations

The earliest direct evidence for the constellations comes from inscribed stones and clay writing tablets dug up in Mesopotamia (within modern Iraq)... It appears that the bulk of the Mesopotamian constellations were created within a relatively short interval from around 1300 to 1000 B.C [...] The Mesopotamian groupings turn up in many of the classical Greek constellations. The stars of the Greek Capricorn and Gemini, for example, were known to the Assyrians by similar names - the Goat-Fish and the Great Twins. A total of 20 constellations are straight copies. Another 10 have the same stars but different names. The Assyrian Hired Man and the Swallow, for instance, were renamed Aries and Pisces.[4] The Sumerian constellations were inherited by Babylonian astronomy. There are various Babylonian star catalogues or lists of stars, notably the MUL.APIN, a text dating to the Late Bronze Age, ca. 14th to 12th century BC.

hmm not bad without a Telescope right up to Saturn.. but Could be ? showing 13 !! and it fit the bill included the known 9 with Ceres - Pluto - Makemake - Haumea - Eris In my View !! They may of not but their gods could of !! LOL

In case u missed it Phage

Mecury Venus Earth Mar Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Ceres Makemake Haumea Eris are There
If you view it as Such !

Including the 14th object in the Seal SEDNA ? Nemesis >? or the So Called NIBIRU !

its Between The Man Standing up Holding the Arm of the Man Behind Him --((( The Object )))-- and The God sitting Down with the Agriculture Tool

Now you see it I hope !! So it could be Sedna or Nemsiss or Even ?Nibiru?

a Planet way out there away from the Solar system >? Sedna
Pretty Much like this ! in a Very Enonged Orbit


its not accurate but its there
Too bad we don't actually know what that picture represents but at 4.7 billion miles such a planet would have been discovered. Actually, it falls within the orbital parameters of Eris, but it isn't Eris.

Well it Could Be Maybe ... Who Knows ! Right I Agree it Would of Been Discovered at that range .. Yet it there in How it Works Sheet Metal Book about Probes .. or what the Sumerian Seal Shows what it Look like to me in 3)


problem fixed Phage all better now
Uh oh. But I don't anything on the the seal where "Ceres"is marked.

Phage its there

Look Above what is Marked Mercury
you'll See it it kinda Dark but you will see the Word Ceres

edit on 6-3-2014 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 06:23 PM
We depend on oxygen for our existence if that or any other gas on our surface happens to be inimical to Aliens they would avoid us. We can't go down to surface of Venus and last very long the atmosphere will melt us. If that is true for the Others it would explain why no visitation.
While we are looking into that direction consider that the Others might have developed on a cold world. Down in the -100's so they have no need or method to visit this planet which to the Others would be a hot hell.
Something else to consider is the speed or lack of speed in our existence might explain incomplete encounters. We exist and communicate at our normal rate the Aliens might experience life at a speed that inhibits or excludes us. Just as there is no reason to expect them to have anything similar to our present form why would they exist with the same speed of communication? If a being existed for 10,000 years or 30 minutes their forms of communication would be so different it would exclude any thing in common.
Just a few ideas about the unknowable and seldom seen Visitors.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by conundrummer

you ever see these before?
edit on 6-3-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Phage

OK Phage

What may be Ceres

What is Circled Yellow The Other Pluto?

But Totally Agree this inaccurate

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 01:29 PM
Not sure of why there has been a drift to the discussion of Nibiru (which I believe in) but....

I am so excited about tomorrow's show: THE COSMOS

More advertisement on this lately, and more emphasis that it will be a WORLD -WIDE premiere.


posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by QueenofSpades

Not sure of why there has been a drift to the discussion of Nibiru (which I believe in) but....
It's not really about Nibiru. It's about who told the Sumerians about the Solar System.

I'm looking forward to Cosmos too but you may want to rethink your position on Nibiru:

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Phage

He speaks the truth its not about Nibiru. Its about the fact that our current solar system is on there.
When in the passed it wasn't till thousands of years later when the telescope was invented.

So who ever made that cylinder seal also knew the Earth orbits the sun and not the other way around.
Including the planets and orbitting moons, Some of which need to be indentified.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by AnuTyr

Its about the fact that our current solar system is on there.
Except it isn't. Except that Wolfenz wants to include things that aren't actually part of the seal. Unless you want to include all of the miscellaneous dots on the seal, including those on at the edge of and on the border.

Unless you want to believe that important Sumerian astronomical knowledge is contained on a single seal which has the caption "Dubsiga, Ili-Illat, your/his servant."
edit on 3/8/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 03:39 PM
Does it show Jupiter's Eye? Saturn's very visible ring? Neptune and Uranus's hardly visible rings? Asteroid Belts?
A constellation? Like from the movie Prometheus.

And why hasn't Nibiru wipe all life on this miserable planet?
edit on 8-3-2014 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 04:30 PM
I've been reading about UFOs for literally fifty years now, starting in the late fifties/early sixties. I have nearly 300 UFO books in my personal collection. Only one, a book by Phil Klass, would be considered anti-UFO. I read it and wasn't impressed. So I just HATE it when I find myself leaning skeptical on the issue. It's against what I fundamentally believe about reality, one aspect of which is that OF COURSE there is life elsewhere. It's a no-brainer. It is statistically highly improbable that there is not, and with the advent of the "planet hunter" technologies that show planets around every Red Dwarf and a lot more besides, the possibility of a negative here is approaching zero. And, no, it's not absolutely zero, and if you don't understand that you need to study more statistics. But I would say that it is EFFECTIVELY zero, i.e.: For all practical purposes it's safe to say there is life elsewhere.

So when people set up the Straw Man Unbeliever to rail against I ask, "WHO, exactly, believes there is no life elsewhere?" I suppose there are a few rabid fundamentalists who still hold that the Earth is the center of God's creation, but I'm not really concerned about them. As far as I'm concerned, they are dismissable, not my concern. It's simply not necessary to go there.

But what kind of gets in my craw is those folks who say "we're being programmed!!!" because of yet another insipid UFO show or shows. The idea is that we are being "programmed!!!" to accept the idea of life elsewhere and that we somehow need to be operantly conditioned to do so. Why is that even necessary when most people, when asked, would say, "Yeah, sure. Probably!" in the first place. And it doesn't even make any sense. I remember when "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" came out (1977) people said the same thing, and THEN there was "ET" a few short years later in 1982. THAT couldn't be a coincidence! But that's not the half of it. What about "The Earth Stood Still" in 1951, and in case we didn't get it (and for the next generation) 2008, plus Star Trek, Star Wars, The Invaders (1967), and who could forget "Earth Girls are Easy (1988)?

Yup. We're being intentionally "programmed" to accept life "out there" because of a few movies and rather stupid low-budget documentaries that tell us nothing particularly new.

And the next Really Silly Idea(tm) is that once we DO find a stray fossil of an amoeba or diatom, or a scrap of moss in a Martian cave, that somehow this will shake the very foundation of Civilization As We Know It and require a fundamental philosophical paradigm shift that will inevitably alter the course of history.

No, it won't.

Why? because we're already there. we're already "programmed," if you will, because we have known in our guts that life was "out there" since Jules Verne published "From the Earth to the Moon" in 1865. And we CERTAINLY have known since we got there 104 years later more or less like he said we would. (A rocket vs. a cannon. Meh? It still was a capsule.) And yeah, we still have a few rabid fundamentalists who like to pretend it was all a Hollywood movie set, but they are dismissable, not my concern. It's simply not necessary to go there.

Yes, we are already there. Who here would actually be surprised if a Rover brought back incontrovertible evidence? Not "Data's head." Not a Martian Sasquatch. Not "signs of water." Not "evidence of flowing liquid." but an actual fossil or better yet, something that wiggles?

Where's the beef? It's all over but the cryin'. We've got the planets. We've got the probes. We've got the mindset. We're actually in position. It's just a matter of time, and you know what everyone here will say when it all goes down?

"I told you so!"

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 06:01 PM

reply to post by QueenofSpades

Not sure of why there has been a drift to the discussion of Nibiru (which I believe in) but....
It's not really about Nibiru. It's about who told the Sumerians about the Solar System.

I'm looking forward to Cosmos too but you may want to rethink your position on Nibiru:

As far as Nibiru, I believe it. I believe that ancient astronauts passed information down to Earth humans when they were here. And we called them "Gods".

Of course NASA is not going to call it "Nibiru". Maybe they call it "Mars", or "Neptune"...

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 06:07 PM
Also, for those awaiting THE COSMOS:

NATGEO (channel) is airing the original Carl Sagan "COSMOS" all day today and tomorrow.

And if you want to watch it now, here it is:

I believe there is an issue with some of the episodes in the U.S. Not sure though...

THIS LINK will show all episodes of the Original "Cosmos"

edit on 382014 by QueenofSpades because: (no reason given)

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