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An Alien March Madness: Is There Life in Space?

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posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by funbox

Well that's interesting. thanks for the link

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 11:03 PM
Well is there Alien Life Out there !! a Sentient Being of some sort... ?

The Curiosity within US All as Most of Us when we look at the Stars and want to Reach out to them and go to them

as Most of us on this SIte has Done ..

look How we Progressed within just a Century... From Wright Brothers to the Moon in a Half a Century!

then all of a sudden just Stopped ! and 42 years later we still havent went back... WHY!!

Just Maybe a Higher Sentient Being has came here Long ago a Being that much thousands to Millions Ahead of US a Type 2 or 3 on a Civilization Scale that may of had Interstellar Travel capability..

That gave us a Boost... Helped Create Humans First Civilization what we see them as GODS!!!

Its In our Religion our Culture Around the World ... and are Called Myths.. what if they Are Not!?

Its in Carvings Paintings Tablets Cylinder Scrolls to Books ... all Representation of Looking Like Us ..

and a Few in a Much Large Scale known as Giants

The Ancient Writing of these Myths from the Author view is what they have seen and Described what they have seen to the best of their ability..

Like what we see as Angels as maybe IMO The Wings Represent Flight

but you have to ask yourself how did they know ?? The Sumerians Our Solar system>>>?

Why have we STOPPED!! Exploring our Moon How Come we haven't even Advanced to Mars ???

Financial Reasons !! ?? NOT!!! We Had Wars Going on From the Start ! Vietnam and other Cold War Conflict's at that time!

some scientist even say if we cant do it they cant do it philosophy..

Those People go with the same People that prosecuted Galileo !!

Yet !!

This exist!!

5 thousand years before !!

edit on 1-3-2014 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-3-2014 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 09:06 AM
I thought fall was the time for UFO sightseeing but maybe it's spring.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I've seen impressive UFOs, and am still haunted by my experience to this day.
Does that mean "I Know What I Saw"? No. But I did see something that humbled me deeply.
I signed up for this website when I was naive enough to think that just maybe I may actually be able to get to the bottom of what I witnessed.
Though I still cannot make any conclusions, over the years in the UFO forum of ATS- I can gladly say this: That *I* am not alone. ATS has been a great outlet for me to discover that others have also shared similar happenings, and for that I'm grateful.

For those of you who have yet to own an experience of "high strangeness", I ask that you don't let these charlatans disturb your goal of uncovering the truth in this field of UFOlogy. I'm not going to try to impress upon you that gray aliens with anal probes masterminded 9/11 &/or built the pyramids- I'm just saying if you find yourself passionate to uncover these secrets, don't give up- we may need your perspective one day.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 10:08 AM

The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye

Politicians know better than the rest of us normals how to hide information even from themselves. It could be quite true that the "Official Government" has no direct knowledge that aliens exist however there is nothing stating that a select observation group outside of the government could have such knowledge.
Consider this challenge if a random person from today suddenly found them selves in the past with aliens active in front of their eyes how could they communicate this knowledge to the future? What means would they have, where would they hide it and how would they represent it?
The picture of the solar system in that little place is of interest. It shows knowledge that is hard to imagine back in that time "If the item pictured is not a fake!". The ankera mechanism shows that other out place knowledge did exist in the past. That is one of the few hard pieces of evidence from the past that shows our knowledge is not acquired in a linear manner.
Perhaps the world government has received information that our overseers like their lab rats and if lab rats continue to ignore the overseers the lab rats can do anything they want. If the lab rats revolt or let out any knowledge of the overseers the experiment will have to be reset. That might have happened before it might explain why some civilizations in the far past disappeared so suddenly.
Ok I'll get off the speculation path and go back to the know reality. Time to go off into the frozen Illinois tundra and bring back the vittles.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

but you have to ask yourself how did they know ?? The Sumerians Our Solar system>>>?
I don't have to ask because they didn't know.

There is no Nibiru.

If they included Earth's Moon, why didn't they include other large Moons like Ganymede?

If they included Pluto, why did they leave out Eris (larger than Pluto), Makemake, and Haumea? Could it be because Sitchin didn't know about them? Could it be that Sitchin's interpretation of the seal was just wrong.

The alleged “sun” symbol on the seal is not the sun. We know this because it does not conform to the consistent depiction of the sun in hundreds of other cylinder seals and examples of Sumero-Mesopotamian artwork. I will describe the typical depiction (determined with certainty because it appears with texts about the sun god [Shamash Akkadian, known as Utu in Sumerian]) and provide image examples. Sources are provided for readers to check for themselves. The “sun” symbol is actually a star (which in Mesopotamian art could have six or, more commonly, eight points). Lest the modern reader retort that “well, the sun is a star,” I offer several images where the star symbol and the sun symbol (which again, is not that in VA243) are side-by-side and distinct from one another. The Sumerians and Mesopotamians distinguished the sun from stars by using different symbols – and associating each symbol with the sun god and other gods, respectively. There is simply no ancient Sumero-Akkadian evidence to support Sitchin’s identification.

edit on 3/2/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 12:24 PM


So many alien/UFO programs on TV...

It does appear we are being "programmed" to accept an alien agenda, especially one of ancient aliens as our creators and benefactors.

But is it fact or propaganda ?

NOTHING is shown on the msm unless there's an agenda.

What puzzles me is how blatantly this "Alien agenda" is being pushed. We all think now: we cant be the only living creatures in the Universe / There're some big Alien news coming up...


At the end of the day, we know nothing. All the UFO sightings are incredibly close to the ground in planet atmosphere terms. Would you travel through space to hover 1 km above the soil of the planet?

Im buying nothing.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 01:11 PM

I feel as if we are all being prepped for contact. There are so many new movies/tv shows dealing with star beings. But science is actually leading the way regarding new habitable planets being found. It won't be long I feel. Our family is about to get a lot bigger.

This is what it is in a nutshell.

In the 1950s-1970s the dawn of the "Space Age" saw plenty of shows and movies with Alien or UFO themes. It was spawned by our exploration of our solar system.

Today we are exploring our galaxy, albeit in a different way, through ever more sensitive telescopes which are finding planets nearly every where they look and plenty of potentially habitable worlds.

It would follow that interest in the question of whether we are alone or not would be at an all time high.

It's unfortunate that what mainstream TV producers seem to think satisfies this thirst for knowledge from the masses are the same rehashed UFO stories with odd camera angles.

For the slightly more intelligent they offer Through the Wormhole/Beyond the Wormhole and the new reboot of Cosmos though so there's something for everyone.

I do wish there were more shows of the latter type because the real mysteries of the universe are as compelling as most UFO cases, often even more compelling.
edit on 2-3-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 01:18 PM

reply to post by SLAYER69

Let's not forget that the discovery of the mysterious signals of pulsars and then the later discovery of the equally mysterious quasars were both thought to be artificial, signs of intelligent action and kept hidden from the public for months.

Hi Slayer, i just though you'd want to know this...

They weren't hidden from the public for months. They were published in scientific journals for further study.

By the way, did you know there is currently a similar mystery?

They are called Fast Radio Bursts, and no one knows what they are at present. They have not been hidden from the public. Just because most of the public does not stay abreast of what goes on in Astrophysics doesn't mean this stuff is covered up. It's studied.

In fact would be very hard to study if it -was- covered up because science, especially astronomy/astrophysics requires the free exchange of information for additional observations, follow up, data reduction, often from places on opposite sides of the world.

edit on 2-3-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 01:24 PM

reply to post by datasdream

You say that "unless interstellar space travel is common"....

Why wouldn't it be?

The Drake Equation leans more to the fact that it most likely IS a commonality.

The Drake Equation says nothing of the sort.

Interstellar travel is not a factor in it at all.

Also the Drake Equation was devised as a tool to show how ignorant we were/are about what is out there, not to determine what is out there.

It was a tool to teach us what steps and experiments we'd need to do to get us close to the ultimate answer, not to provide that ultimate answer.

It's not an equation like E= mc2

It's more like the game Battleship.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 02:21 PM
The short answer to the treads question is 'YES' but -

concerning "aliens" unfortunately we are dealing with non-physical... 'spiritual life'.. coming from the occult spiritual realms where satan set up his fallen occult kingdom and his forces after being cast out of Gods Heaven..

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and did not prevail; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the serpent of old, who is called Devil and the Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him....

Therefore, rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he has but a short time. (Revelation 12:7-9, 12)

The "realm of spirits"... exists in different places, worlds of matter, space, energy and time... extending also beyond earths atmosphere, to various spiritual planes, zones, regions and PLANETS (ie space).

An "inter-planetary" secret society is one which exists physically on earth, but which has its "primary origin and existence" in the various zones, regions and planets OF THE SPIRIT WORLD.. and it is these inter-planetary organisations of "spirit beings" that the NWO hope to bring to eventually dominate Earth in their Luciferian Age through new esoteric philosiohy, planetary-energy science and metaphysics etc. Google the "Externalization of the Hierarchy".
In my second post here: I show a few images to briefly describe the satanic Inter-planetary Agenda that's in play regarding "aliens"...

Increasingly the Illuminist adepts of these Inter-planetary Societies (, Lucistrust, Share-International, Grail Messasge, Eckankar, AMORC, ISKON, The Summit Lighthouse etc) can be seen serving these 'higher spiritual entities' today -- and attempting to NWO-reveal them to the wider world as "aliens" "ascended masters" "space brothers" "the Hierarchy" etc...

"For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”), yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live" 1 Corinthians 8:5-6

Amongst the future aims of these satanic "ufo inhabitants" of the occult, is to cause an upset in the solar system, including with the rotation of the earth, through its alignment of the sun and the planets that will lead to sun spots and heat waves, and thus the mental disequilibrium among millions of people.. and ofcorse the death and depopulation of millions around the world.

eg. Weather: Through manipulating the earths magnetic fields they aim to subject the world to an unprecedented state of tension - To the extent that several crusts of the earth will give way in varying degrees in every continent to cause "combined disasters" in different parts of the world through ocean mega-waves, meteoric invasions and volcanic eruptions etc.

Though to understand the level of the spiritual agenda in the illuminati cards fully you may have to watch "DISASTER: Theory Of Solar Activity And Magnetic Mayhem" - on YouTube or something... or see other disaster cards etc.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

Aliens ? No, The endtime agenda is being directed by 'spirit beings' .. Currently they are monitoring the earth.. (ie. seen in the 5% of real UFO encounters), with a NWO-view of externalizing to physically dominate the earth in various ways - Luciferian "Externalization of the Hierarchy", not real aliens.

edit on 2-3-2014 by eastendkid because: sorry tag error, so last paragraph was cut off

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 02:58 PM
And PS. don't be deceived in the days to come...

If you research this stuff you will find out the true "alien agenda" is the Spiritual One I'm trying to describe(..badly lol), and it's being led by "Inter-Planetary Societies" of spirit beings and their adepts - just 'playing the good vs. bad alien roles' on every side etc..

See ?

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 09:29 PM

And PS. don't be deceived in the days to come...

You'll be happy (or given your demeanor, perhaps horrified) to know that The Vatican is co-host of a symposium called: "Search for Life Beyond the Solar System." this month in Tucson, Arizona:

Motivated by the rapidly increasing number of known earth-sized planets, the increasing range of extreme conditions in which life on Earth can persist, and the progress toward a technology that will ultimate enable the search for life on exoplanets, the Vatican Observatory and the Steward Observatory announce a major conference entitled Exoplanets, Observation & Biomakers: The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System.

The goal of the conference is to bring together the interdisciplinary community required to address this multi-faceted challenge: experts on exoplanet observations, early and extreme life on earth, atmospheric biomarkers, and planet-finding telescopes.

The meeting will include five keynote speakers, ten invited speakers, and contributed talks; each session will include extended discussion times. There will be posters, but no parallel sessions. Given recent conferences with similar topics we anticipate high interest, but will limit the number of attendance to 250 to allow interactions between the participants. The conference will include a banquet (Thursday evening) and an afternoon break (Wednesday).

An independently organized 2-day weekend graduate school for 20 graduate students will follow the conference, either at the Mt Lemmon Sky Center or at Biosphere2. The topic of the school will be closely related to the conference and some of the speakers will be invited to give lectures in the school.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 09:37 PM
Interesting post. I've thought allot about this question and for years fell into the too large a universe to be alone camp. However, I now favor a more biocentric view. My limited knowledge of quantum mechanics, coupled with my belief that humans will soon be able to create a virtual reality that will be indistinguishable from our perception of "reality", leads me to the view (possibly temporary) that we are alone and this reality has been created for us. God ? An entity with godlike qualities? I have no idea but would love to know......

edit on 2-3-2014 by eddiepalermo because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2014 by eddiepalermo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 02:22 AM

reply to post by Wolfenz

(( but you have to ask yourself how did they know ?? The Sumerians Our Solar system>>>? I don't have to ask because they didn't know. ))

There is no Nibiru.

If they included Earth's Moon, why didn't they include other large Moons like Ganymede?

If they included Pluto, why did they leave out Eris (larger than Pluto), Makemake, and Haumea? Could it be because Sitchin didn't know about them? Could it be that Sitchin's interpretation of the seal was just wrong.

((The alleged “sun” symbol on the seal is not the sun. We know this because it does not conform to the consistent depiction of the sun in hundreds of other cylinder seals and examples of Sumero-Mesopotamian artwork. I will describe the typical depiction (determined with certainty because it appears with texts about the sun god [Shamash Akkadian, known as Utu in Sumerian]) and provide image examples. Sources are provided for readers to check for themselves. The “sun” symbol is actually a star (which in Mesopotamian art could have six or, more commonly, eight points). Lest the modern reader retort that “well, the sun is a star,” I offer several images where the star symbol and the sun symbol (which again, is not that in VA243) are side-by-side and distinct from one another. The Sumerians and Mesopotamians distinguished the sun from stars by using different symbols – and associating each symbol with the sun god and other gods, respectively. There is simply no ancient Sumero-Akkadian evidence to support Sitchin’s identification. ))

AHHH Should they represent with points 6 to 8 each on of them and the middle one looking like a Sun ( no points ) if that's the case ! So I guess according to this Site The School's have it all wrong to elementary children
No Son!! you have to Draw a great big Yellow Circle and No Points on it!! that Wouldn't be a sun it would be a Star tho a Sun is a Star!! WTF!!! I swear to god your a Machine Phage ...

OMG Phage what is Wrong With you !! OK My Bad Showing.. a Picture of a representation the exact same size planets and Someone put Nibiru !! Got this from a Conspiracy Site ! but Guess What !! your WRONG!! that Does exist !! Showing a Solar system and the Sun in the Middle 5 thousand years before Galileo Claims ( that what I was Getting At!!! )) Geeses!

If they included Earth's Moon, why didn't they include other large Moons like Ganymede?

Come on Now Really!! Do you Realize How Small that is !!
It comes from a Sumerian Cylinder Scroll ! the Size of a Index finger length

Yeah the makers had time putting all the BIGGER Moons from Jupiter and Saturn Seriously !

Now Explain Phage about the that Belt of Rock between Mars and Jupiter ! ? now there a possibility maybe a planet was there a one point ?

If they included Pluto, why did they leave out Eris (larger than Pluto), Makemake, and Haumea? Could it be because Sitchin didn't know about them? Could it be that Sitchin's interpretation of the seal was just wrong.

ok ok !! Just Maybe they didn't !! just the Moon and Nibiru

and for Stichin those Body's of Rock!! ( Eris Makemake Haumea ) didn't exist when he made the Claim as he just had the Limitation of what to go from

Eris was discovered in January 2005 by a Palomar Observatory-based team led by Mike Brow

Makemake was discovered on March 31, 2005, by a team at the Palomar Observatory, led by Michael Brown

Haumea it was discovered in 2004 by a team headed by Mike Brown of Caltech at the Palomar Observatory in the United States

The World didn't know about them until the year 2005 !

Phage any way want to Slice it ! that Cylinder Scroll Does exist!!
or in another way is its Possible 12 Planets in away if you include Dwarf Plants ! Exo planets

and for Nibiru Closest Candidate would be !!

Now Lets place some planets Dwarf, exo Planets of the know Names of Today!
and your Telling me on your site that Assume's of this isnt a Sun with Rays shooting around it like a 1st grader would able to identify !

From your Post Phage

Sources are provided for readers to check for themselves. The “sun” symbol is actually a star (which in Mesopotamian art could have six or, more commonly, eight points).

Ohh what trickery is this!! LOL! ahh isnt the Sun A Star!!!

While we are at it !

NOW Tell Me Phage !! what is this Here! why was it Published in this Book !
How It Works
The New Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia
Volume 18: Sheet Metal/ Space Vehicle

Published by H.S. Stuttman Inc.
Westport, Connecticut 06889
Marshall Cavendish Limited 1987, 198

its not accurate but its there

a Theorized Concept! on Pioneer 10 intention! ?

Ohh yeah seem like you Conflicting of what you post in a Previous Thread

The Famous Sumerian Seal Does NOT depict a 12th planet...?


reply to post by dragnet53
You sort of missed the point. Sitchin claims 12 "planets" are shown. Shall we name them? Say it with me; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Nibiru. But, if the Sumerians knew about Pluto through their advanced astronomical knowledge brought to them by the Annunaki, how could they miss Eris which is more massive than Pluto and has an orbit which brings it closer to the Sun than Pluto (but nowhere near Earth)? Hmmm? How come? Shouldn't there be at least 13 "planets" on the seal? Which one(s) did they forget?

K Ill Bite !!

problem fixed Phage all better now

edit on 3-3-2014 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 06:25 AM
interesting stuff , quite like the look of those shows , just for something more up my street to watch than normal tv which I don't watch !

Anyways if aliens can travel the galaxy or universe with advanced technology , what possible reason could they have to wipe us out
since they have the ability to travel anywhere to any planet for any resources have technology to get there then
it would be reasonable to assume that they also have mastered technology to the point they have free energy
and would have no other reason to come here than to study us as a benevolent species or simply guide us into the same state.

A less advanced species may well come here for that very purpose but only if they too are struggling for resources.

However it maybe their astro policy to dominate all lesser species so there is that !
they maybe purely fascist


posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 12:57 PM
When I was younger I was completely fascinated by the prospect of alien life and it's coming here,but,now,at 48,I have become irritated by the controversy.If you believe, you're an idiot.If you don't believe,you're an idiot.I've seen all manner of "irrefutable" evidence from both sides and neither can prove anything so I have stopped watching or listening to anyones "theory" about the truth.The truth is,we don't have any idea whether E.T. is out there or coming here except in our own beliefs.Offering up pictures and videos and eyewitness accounts proves nothing and is,while interesting,a complete waste of time.Bring me a ship,put E.T. on the 6 o"clock news or on the white house lawn for interviews by the public but please,please,don't show me another picture or video that proves or disproves E.T. because it's all just theory until I can talk to them myself and even that would not be enough for some.I apologize if I have offended anyone with my comments.I,for one, do believe they are out there and coming here for whatever reason but,personally,I have stopped pursuing the subject due to a lack of critical information that I can't get.If it happens,great.If it doesn't happen,I will be disappointed but life goes on.If the fascination holds for you then by all means,investigate,but for me the fascination has been overwhelmed by the controversy and the lack of information

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 06:46 PM
The star-shaped symbol depicted in the seal is not the sun(our sun) but only a star. The sun symbol used by the Mesopotamians was distinctive; it depicted a star inside a circle with wavy lines coming from it. The symbol for star depicted a simple 6 to 8 pointed star, with no wavy lines and lack of circle around.

The sun symbol was to represent their sun god Shamash. Note that the circle around it in correlation with the Egyptian god Ra.
(refer to Symbol of Ra)

The seal is not a representation of our solar system.

And for the argument that the sun IS a star (of course it is, but not the point) -- This is invalid. The Mesopotamians have never depicted their sun god using a mere star symbol in any scripts or documentation that we know of.

edit on 3/3/2014 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2014 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

The School's have it all wrong to elementary children
No Son!! you have to Draw a great big Yellow Circle and No Points on it!!
We aren't talking about elementary school though, are we?

The Sumerians and Mesopotamians distinguished the sun from stars by using different symbols – and associating each symbol with the sun god and other gods, respectively. And you can see the examples he gives. The thing is, the pictures are explained on the pictures themselves, they have cuneiform captions. If you read the whole thing you would understand that.

Ohh what trickery is this!! LOL! ahh isnt the Sun A Star!!!
You didn't read the whole thing, did you? Yes, the Sun is a star. And it is represented differently from other stars in Sumerian art because it is a particularly important star. Of course, for you it looks like the Sun, so it must be. If you ignore everything is that is known about Sumerian art and history.

Phage any way want to Slice it ! that Cylinder Scroll Does exist!!
or in another way is its Possible 12 Planets in away if you include Dwarf Plants ! Exo planets
It's not a scroll, it's a seal. And it does not show the Sun and planets. The Sumerians did not know about Neptune, or Uranus, or Pluto, or Eris, or Makemake. They did not name them in there astronomy, they did not know them. Of course, if you don't bother to pay attention to that, you can say the dots are anything you want.

its not accurate but its there
Too bad we don't actually know what that picture represents but at 4.7 billion miles such a planet would have been discovered. Actually, it falls within the orbital parameters of Eris, but it isn't Eris.

problem fixed Phage all better now
Uh oh. But I don't anything on the the seal where "Ceres"is marked.

edit on 3/3/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 11:40 AM
Its kind of ironic how believers on this site always seem to be complaining that skeptics don't give UFO evidence a fair shot, yet those believers are already saying this whole month of UFO programming is gonna be crap before they've even seen it.

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