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This Device Cured Cancer But BIG PHARMA Destroyed It! Must Read.

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posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:13 PM
Willhelm Reich was also one of these 30s inventors.....
His cloudbuster duel with UFOs is recorded somewhere on the net.....
He also made a radiological device which could do some interesting selective killing of pests but I don't know if it was tried on viruses.....
anybody else?

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by hopenotfeariswhatweneed

"there is no money in curing people"

I could not have said it better....very well summed up.

It is a shame that humanity has grown into this mind set...the Wall Street way....GREED IS GOOD...

That mentality towards making money is bad....

However, Greed Is Good if it were used in a sentence like:

"My goal is to cure as many people in the world as I can. I want to be greedy in this way of life. Greed to cure people is Good. Greed to make money off of curing people is BAD.

As long as the "costs" of curing are less than making a decent net income at the end of the year, this device should be allowed to be used in the public service sector...and NOT the private sector.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

I can quite believe this, The WHO which let us be fair is made up of a group of individuals whom work for the pharmeceutical conglomerate's actually (if you read between the line's) want's more disease as a method of population control so it does not suprise me that such a device would be suppressed today but as this is an older device it truly must have been simply greed that led to it being hidden.
Now as you know there are several type's of cancer and radiological chromosone Damage can TRIGGER it, I am surprised that the virus or a virus was detected this long ago as it was supposedly only recently retro engineered as we apparenly all carry it.
IF this device still exists somewere you can guarantee it is only for the self elected criminal elite and we will never see it, Reminds you of that film Elysium a bit.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:18 PM

the reason would be there is no money in curing people....the medical industry relies on repeat business for its profits

There will never be a time when people don't need doctors and medicine. You can't kill all the bad viruses (they just mutate), and you can't stop people from being born, aging and dying, or getting hit by cars.

The medical industry doesn't have to worry about repeat business.

Personally, however, the notion of "curing cancer" is ridiculous to me. What are we going to do, cure all disease? It's not like humanity is an endangered species. There are too many people. For every person we keep alive today, we have to kill ten (or more) tomorrow.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:24 PM

Blue Shift

For every person we keep alive today, we have to kill ten (or more) tomorrow.

Tell me why we have to kill more tomorrow? There is something called humanity. Thousands of people day every day around the world through disaster, wars, accidents, age, etc...

But cancer is something that occurs naturally in the environment and in current times we are more susceptible to getting exposed to it than ever before. It is not fair to those who got this disease that Big Pharma so hurriedly pushed for.

If your train of thought was correct, your neighbour would be head-hunting for you right now.
edit on 24-2-2014 by Skywatcher2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:28 PM
here is another : ham radio operator finds cure for cancer.


posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:35 PM

here is another : ham radio operator finds cure for cancer.


From your wiki link for those who want a quick read here:

American Inventor: John S. Kanzius (March 1, 1944 – February 18, 2009)

Invention: He invented a method that, he said, could treat virtually all forms of cancer,with no side effects, and without the need for surgery or medication...called Kanzius RF Therapy

Kanzius RF Therapy:
-an experimental cancer treatment that employs a combination of either gold or carbon nanoparticles and radio waves to heat and destroy cancer cells without damaging healthy cells
- using nanoparticles to be preferentially bound to cancer sites, cancer cells could be destroyed or induced into apoptosis while leaving healthy tissue relatively unharmed

Btw, nice find

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:38 PM

Blue Shift
Personally, however, the notion of "curing cancer" is ridiculous to me. What are we going to do, cure all disease? It's not like humanity is an endangered species. There are too many people. For every person we keep alive today, we have to kill ten (or more) tomorrow.

This is a myth. We are nowhere near the maximum carrying capacity of Earth, in regards to humans, with current technology.

We have a logistical issue, not an availability of supply or production issue.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by stirling

This is my newly built Dr. Beck's Blood Cleaner / Electrifier device. I needed something portable, but was not ready to spend $200 for Sota device.
I was able to find step up circuit on the internet that allows 9 vdc single battery supply to be stepped up to 33 vdc.
Battery will be effective for about 60 hours of use at which point it should be replaced (sooner if you have well insulated skin, my skin is paper thin, so even 9vdc gives me good tingle)

Input voltage of 33V dc from single 9v dc battery. Fits small enclosures of 3.8x2.4x.9 inch. Portable to wear on the go.
I omitted power checking LED circuit as I can feel when the battery gets too low in power. I get fairly strong tingle all the way down to 9V dc.I personally cannot keep it on full power for too long.
The board size is still large enough to fit the 2 zener diodes and one 22uF capacitor and jumpers to LED for operation display. Mounting this LED on a small case is more of a challenge due to limited space in some enclosures.

Here is the link to step up circuit:

I have made real component circuit diagram for my build for those who wish to replicate it. Here is the excel file:

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:39 PM
If this is legit, shouldn't it still be verifiable in any library with an old stock of medical journals? They could have taken it out of later editions, but it's no great stretch for a book to last 80 years in a library.

As for a cancer virus- I was young and can't dig up original sources so far, but I remember that it was an insane conspiracy theory in the 90s that a cancer causing virus had been weaponized and used to dispatch whistleblowers. I was stunned when I first heard of HPV vaccinations because it wasn't so long before that people were saying "you can't make somebody 'catch' cancer, that's crazy".

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

Do you really need studies to know that dead people don't buy pharmaceuticals?

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:51 PM

The Vagabond
If this is legit, shouldn't it still be verifiable in any library with an old stock of medical journals?

In the article, it says this:

....Rife then created 400 tumors in succession from the same culture. He documented everything with film, photographs, and meticulous records. He named the cancer virus ‘Cryptocides primordiales.’

Virginia Livingston, in her papers, renamed it Progenitor Cryptocides. Royal Rife was never even mentioned in her papers. In fact, Rife seldom got credit for his monumental discoveries....

His distaste for medical politics (which he could afford to ignore thanks to generous trusts set up by private benefactors) left him at a disadvantage later, when powerful forces attacked him. Coupled with the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in purging his papers from medical journals, it is hardly surprising that few have heard of Rife today.

Compund the above with this....

But by 1939, almost all of these distinguished doctors and scientists were denying that they had ever met Rife.It seems that news of Rife’s miracles with terminal patients had reached other ears.

And then destroy Rife some more with this...

Then in 1939, agents of a family which controlled the drug industry assisted Philip Hoyland in a frivolous lawsuit against his own partners in the Beam Ray Corporation. This was the only company manufacturing Rife’s frequency instruments (Rife was not a partner). Hoyland lost, but his assisted legal assault had the desired effect: the company was bankrupted by legal expenses. And during the Great Depression, this meant that commercial production of Rife’s frequency instruments ceased completely.

Now you get the sense is that history can be re-written...or over-written in this case

edit on 24-2-2014 by Skywatcher2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by hopenotfeariswhatweneed

the reason would be there is no money in curing people....the medical industry relies on repeat business for its profits

So, if this is the case, kindly explain Pauling, Sabin, and Salk, along with Merck and their FREE solution to river blindness.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

Yes it says that in the article, but that simply isn't possible.

If legitimate scientific research that resulted in the announcement of the end of disease was done, it was written down and published, and once something has been published and distributed, no amount of editing later editions takes that knowledge of existing shelves.

I see two possibilities:
1. This has been said but never proven
2. This was proven and then covered up- in which case the only way to expunge every last trace of evidence would be to physically retrieve every copy of every medical journal, every lab note, etc.

This has the makings of a golden tablet hoax. If this was the widespread success it was supposed to have been for even one year, there is no way anybody got that genie back in the bottle completely- somewhere somebody would have an old book detailing the results of the 16 miraculously cured people. And unless their entire blood line was extinguished, somewhere there is a grand child who grew up with their parents saying, "my mom was cured of terminal cancer in the 30s, why is this still a problem".

I don't necessarily disbelieve the claim itself- I disbelieve that it is impossible for this to be either confirmed or disproved.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by The Vagabond

And you have all the makings of a skeptic!

Either contribute with evidence supporting or evidence against this device which was used to treat cancer.

People like you who sit on the fence picking their heads whether aliens/ufos exist, whether 9/11 was an inside job to go to war, whether atlantis ever existed, whether time travel exists, whether Project Blue Beam is real or HAARP is used as a weather weapon, etc....

On ATS, we need to seek the truth and not always be in a neutral position on such subject matter. We need go getters out there and continue investigative practices online, in the library, or in the field itself.

Does this device stir up some suggestions for it to be a hoax? Sure it does. Why? Because works of Rife cannot be found in journals and such? Cover up? Absolutely! And that is why this is a Medical Conspiracy topic! It is something we all would like to be true but cannot find much hardcore material to prove this contraction was stolen and hidden from view...(much like Area 51)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 06:25 PM
I did a little research after reading the OP & there is a good forum with medical practitioners & public that share their knowledge on the research & development of these devices. The site is The Rife Forum

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 06:26 PM

This is a myth. We are nowhere near the maximum carrying capacity of Earth, in regards to humans, with current technology.

Is that what you want? Maximum carrying capacity? Stacked on top of each other. Every square inch of land not used to keep people on it being used for growing food. Water rationed down to the ounce? Sounds horrible. What's the maximum number of people you can have on Earth and still maintain a quality of life that you can stand? That's what I want to know.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 06:32 PM

Blue Shift
Is that what you want? Maximum carrying capacity? Stacked on top of each other. Every square inch of land not used to keep people on it being used for growing food. Water rationed down to the ounce? Sounds horrible. What's the maximum number of people you can have on Earth and still maintain a quality of life that you can stand? That's what I want to know.

The current number, for maximum capacity at Western living standard, is between 9 and 10 billion persons.

With today's technology.

At Western living standards.

By the time we get the world to today's, Western, living standard that number will be close to double.

Edit to add:

As of today, it is estimated that 12.25% of the world is facing malnourishment....while 1/3rd of global food production ends up in the garbage. We wouldn't have to consume an extra inch of land to feed every person on the planet to obesity.

It is estimated that our food production, still without using an extra inch more of land, will double within the next 15 years.
edit on 24-2-2014 by peck420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 06:40 PM
My experience for years has been that Rife methods can help greatly against simple viruses, like influenza.
Trying them out is much simpler than sales websites of miracle machines would say.
Take a simple PC. Download a sound generator program (like NCH Tone Generator) that u can program for emitting specific sound freqs. Set the frequency shape to square. Punch in your combination.
Connect it to an old-style stereo room amplifier (with red and black cables - then bare-ended wires from the amp to the speakers), and you're ready.
If you are sensitive, cover the bare copper ends with saltwater-soaked cotton balls at the end. (I just use the copper most of the time.)

Two things. The world community of Rifers is quite divided over this.

PC-generated waves are going to be audio frequencies: 0-20,000 Hz. That is how far your computer can go with an average sound card.
However, Rife cured cancers with megahertz frequencies "piggybacking" audio frequencies!
You need a freq generator for that, but it does not cost much with the new universal chip being developed now.

Another data item: a Turkish doctor (Dr. Ergüner, now deceased of old age) has established a school (all legit with regognition from the Italian Board of Medical Professionals) to cure cancer with RF waves (which are several megahertz). Do research on Google. They even have a clinic in Kosovo.

The question remains open: so many people cured virus conditions etc. with simple audio frequencies that perhaps they cure cancer. I have never tried it seriously. So I don't know. Dr. Ergüner's theory was that the communication between cells is basically more electrical than chemmical. The medical community in ITaly forgave him for this much of a difference.

The other thing: when I have a combination (download the CAFL pr Consolidated Frequency List!) I frequently program all these given frequencies to be conducted into my skin all at the same time, figuring that in case they generate overtones, that is like a wild Indian sweeping thing against microbes or bad cells. I rarely combine more than five to nine though.

Now some people religiously stick to a single frequency then another one for a few minutes and so on. I didn't find any noticeable difference in the case of influenza and stomach flu and candida. So it may just save some time to use a simulataneous program.

This is all yet undecided in the underground health community, as very little research is going on officially. Dr. Ergüner used radiowaves with some piggyback (a lower frequency is mounted into the pattern of a carrier higher frequency.) A friend of mine is just constructing a simple PC-operated device with a few hundred megahertz that can piggyback a few audio frequencies... It would cost in the neighborhood of 50 dollars and you can of course set the strength with an audio volume button and control it from a PC by a USB link.

As far as I am concerned, I prefer to feel what I am doing so when it is sinuses, I place one electrode over the aching sinus and another elsewhere until I feel my sinuses are all vibrating. Then I take lots of Vitamin C. I am usually better by the next day, though sometimes there is a day or two of weakness while the body is getting rid of bad materials.

There was a story about a US woman who got tasered by the police unjustly, passed out, then later pursued charges in courts and won.
The only odd thing was that during her ordeal, her cancer mysteriously vanished... She had already been scheduled to die...

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Skywatcher2011

I find myself a bit credulous actually, but I can't make the leap to see how you are the one harping at me for evidence, when this interaction began at you claiming the evidence had been destroyed and me suggesting that it couldn't have all been destroyed and therefore might never have existed instead. Rather than asking me to find evidence for or against your views when I hear them out and find them insufficiently grounded, perhaps you should have looked for it yourself. That would put you on much better ground to attack fence sitters than making it an article of faith that the evidence existed but was destroyed.

And in defense of fence sitting, did you really type this thread up intending only to tell people what they either already knew or would never believe? Did you believe your ideas would be the first in history that nobody questioned? What would any thread be without questions from someone who is not yet, but eventually could be convinced?

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