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Mebendazole. There, I said it.

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+138 more 
posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 06:39 AM
Hello everyone,

In the 5 years I have been a regular reader on ATS, I never saw this screen:

Which in itself, I find, more interesting than the topic I have for you today, because ATS is ridiculously rich in topics.

What is Mebendazole?

It is a drug used to treat infestations by worms including pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms. But, it also cures cancer... almost.

I have hated cancer for it took the lives of a huge number of great people: scientists, artists (musicians, actors, painters, filmmakers, and many others...), and of course many of my family members. It's the single most thing I hated since I came to this world. During my research, I became absolutely convinced that Big Pharma is not, by any means, in any way shape or form, interested in curing cancer. And that they're only interested in extending your life, long enough, so that you will give them ALL the money you can possibly give them, before you die.

I have seen movies like Burzynski The Movie which you must watch here if you haven't already, and it's only another movie that shows a doctor's struggle against the FDA and Big Pharma's continuous efforts in suppressing potential cures for cancer. But, we're not going to talk about Burzynski today. Today, we talk about Mebendazole.

I found an interesting article on viewzone, which is an amazing online magazine, written (the aticle) by an awesome guy called Dan Eden. Then I went on to conduct my own research on the subject which I need your help in continuing.

So what exactly is so interesting about Mebendazole?

1- It targets cancer cells and kills them leaving other healthy cells untouched.
2- It kills tumors that are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation as I will show in a study below.
3- It's so cheap it's almost free (in Egypt, 1 sleeve contains 6 tablets and it costs 1.5 Egyptian pounds which is a quarter of a dollar) and it's everywhere.
4- It is very tolerable and has little to no side effects and you can take ridiculous amounts of it before it starts ot bother your system.
5- Its effects and anti tumor qualities has been very well-documented, studied, and published in many scientific journals which I have 6 of for you today. I found them on viewzone, but I had to go look for each journal and make sure it exists by myself and give you guys the links so you can download and read the journals yourself.
6- It's discontinued in the United States and no reason is given for its discontinuation. As of December, 2011, it is no longer available from any manufacturer in the USA.

So, people who understand this stuff, here is how this thing works:

The action of mebendazole on cancer cells does not have much to do with it being a worm killer. Other meds and herbs that kill worms would be unlikely to work for cancer. Mebendazole damages tubulin in cancer cells. It interrupts the cell cycle before the cells go into mitosis. It also stimulates apoptosis, natural cell death. It also seems to block angeogenesis, meaning it stops blood vessel growth to tumors.

Experts on the subjects can read more about it in the links I am going to provide, but, I really don't know anything about it. For me, the above paragraph is gibberish. Now, because Big Pharma is not interested in clinical trials and research because there's no profit margin in it, I could only have two cases of humans with cancers who treated themselves with Mebendazole. One of them used Mebendazole only, and the other combined it with another drug called: Cimetidine.

The first case:

A 48-year-old man with adrenocortical carcinoma had disease progression with systemic therapies including mitotane, 5-fluorouracil, streptozotocin, bevacizumab, and external beam radiation therapy. Treatment with all chemotherapeutic drugs was ceased, and he was prescribed mebendazole, 100 mg twice daily, as a single agent. His metastases initially regressed and subsequently remained stable. While receiving mebendazole as a sole treatment for 19 months, his disease remained stable. He did not experience any clinically significant adverse effects, and his quality of life was satisfactory. His disease subsequently progressed after 24 months of mebendazole monotherapy.

This shows the regression of the tumor before it started growing back again.

Full story here. You must download the full PDF to read the case study.

Now there is a lot of interesting things in that study. First of all:

This is the first report of using mebendazole as cancer treatment in a human patient.

then there's that:

he was prescribed single-agent mebendazole, 100 mg orally twice daily (a typical anthelmintic dosage)

These two quotes from the journal tell us a lot. If this is the first report of using the drug as a cancer treatment on a human patient, then, what does that tell you about how much we know about the potential of the drug and HOW to use it IF we're going to be using it to treat cancer and NOT worms. He was prescribed a single-agent Mebendazole (which I will show later that it can be combined with another drug that greatly improves its effectiveness) and the dose was 100 mg orally twice daily which is the dosage for treating worms and not cancer! And according to this journal, patients can take up to 1.5 GRAMS daily! Which is 15 times the 100mg dose! And who knows if they started giving him placebos after witnessing notable progress. I mean if he got cured, that would be the cure for cancer, and the whole world will know and good-bye big money for Pharma!

The second case (I am sorry this one is just a woman on a forum):

I have a large tumor in my left breast which has continued to grow for the last two years despite many different alternative treatments. (Will not go into the long list now.) After reading several articles in the Grouppe Kurosawa Natural Medicines Public Blog, I have been taking cimetidine, 200 mg, 4 times a day on an empty stomach (CVS brand over the counter acid reducer) and mebendazole, 100 mg, 3 times a day on an empty stomach (prescription worm medicine). I did this for 6 weeks, took a week off, then have been doing it for another week and will continue. I do not know if this dosage is optimum or not. When I started, the breast was aching a lot (which I believe was the expanding tumor pressing on tissues) and had just started to have some stabbing pains occassionally. Within days of starting the cimetidine and mebendazole, all aches and pains in the breast ceased. The other thing I noticed is that the breast cooled to the touch; it had been noticibly warmer than the other breast. This makes sense if it is disrupting the formation of blood vessels which feed the tumor. I haven’t noticed any shrinkage of the tumor yet. I am continuing to take some other supplements but list is too long to post now. If there are more positive changes, I will post another message. Blessings to All.

continued below...
edit on 24-3-2012 by TheAlmo because: (no reason given)

+9 more 
posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 06:40 AM
...continued from above

Then the guy replied with the following:

Hello cheryl, The action of mebendazole (Vermox) on cancer cells does not have much to do with it being a worm killer. Other meds and herbs that kill worms would be unlikely to work for cancer.Mebendazole damages tubulin in cancer cells. It interrupts the cell cycle before the cells go into mitosis. It also stimulates apoptosis, natural cell death. It also seems to block angeogenesis, meaning it stops blood vessel growth to tumors. It has a synergistic effect with cimetadine (Tagamet). The cimetadine increases the half life of the mebendazole by blocking a liver enzyme that breaks it down. Cimetadine has immune boosting effects and also inhibits metastasis. Both drugs are fairly low with regard to side effects. Mebendazole only damages cancer cells while leaving normal cells undamaged. Cimetadine is “over the counter”. Mebendazole requires a prescription in the States, but is very easy to get through Canadian companies advertising on the net.


Now when I read this, I started to wonder if the first guy received a proper dose/combination. It seems that he didn't. Because I researched the combination Mebendazole/Cimetadine and found the following:

Cimetidine increases serum mebendazole concentrations.

So, it does appear that combinations and dosage can improve the effectiveness of the drug. Not only that. It's also been proven that taking the drug on an empty stomach is a different story, which are both different than taking it with a fatty meal! What I want to say is that there is a lot of variables here and a huge potential that requires clinical trials that won't be happening because there's no money to be made.

I need help digging further in this, people.

Now a few things that I noticed:

1- The last manufacturer of mebendazole in the United States, Teva Pharmaceuticals, announced on October 7, 2011, that they have ceased manufacture of this product. As of December, 2011, it is no longer available from any manufacturer in the USA. No reason was given for this discontinuation

So... NO REASON was given for its discontinuation? I mean, really?

2- There was a lot of pages that I couldn't found on Google and I and to use other search engines like Yahoo! to find them.

3- I have no idea why this topic is not covered here on ATS.

4- I noticed that every Pharmacy I went to gave me their "last sleeve of Mebendazole". That's about 10 of them. They all gave me "their last sleeve".

Further reading:

Mebendazole has been proved to be effective against different cancers... Mebendazole significantly inhibited cancer cells growth, both in vitro and in vivo, the effects being due to the induction of apoptosis. Moreover, mebendazole inhibited invasion and migration of cancer cells in vitro, and metastases formation in vivo.

Oral administration of MZ in mice elicited a strong antitumor effect in a s.c. model and reduced lung colonies in experimentally induced lung metastasis without any toxicity when compared with paclitaxel-treated mice.

MZ appeared to be a potent inhibitor of tumor cell growth with little toxicity to normal WI38 and human umbilical vein endothelial cells... results suggest that MZ is effective in the treatment of cancer and other angiogenesis-dependent diseases...

Our results suggest that this screening approach is useful for identifying agents that show promise in the treatment of even chemoresistant melanoma and identifies mebendazole as a potent, melanoma-specific cytotoxic agent...

Mebendazole significantly extended mean survival up to 63% in syngeneic and xenograft orthotopic mouse glioma models.
edit on 24-3-2012 by TheAlmo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by TheAlmo
Mebendazole. There, I said it

lol god bless you now what is this thread about?J/k. I would like to thank you for giving us this information in a well thought out and informed post. What about neo petides I read that they are also effective for cancer treatment
edit on 24-3-2012 by digital01anarchy because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-3-2012 by digital01anarchy because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-3-2012 by digital01anarchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by digital01anarchy

I am sorry I have no idea what Neo-Peptides are.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by TheAlmo this article talks about them

+5 more 
posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:48 AM
Is this the de-wormer we used to give sheep? I remember that being brought up as a 'surprise anti-cancer drug' and then no more Vermox and you never heard anything about it anymore.

People look at me crosswise when I say there used to be a sheep wormer that was a cancer cure of sorts.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 01:36 PM
Have you ever heard of the Vitamin B17 OP? You can find it naturally in apricot seeds, and it's a natural cancer killer. But, the FDA banned it, and now we have sun dried apricots, which don't contain it. We are being poisoned by these people so they can reap the money in medication.

Heres a good video about B17.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 03:24 PM
It is amazing how cancer treatment outside of the Pharma/profit model are suppressed even to the point of not being able to freely talk about some of them in certain circles. That another effective cancer treatment is suppressed while deadly chems are regularly promoted as medicine, ya know FDA approved....
When the snake oil man says "trust me"...........

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Kang69
Have you ever heard of the Vitamin B17 OP? You can find it naturally in apricot seeds, and it's a natural cancer killer. But, the FDA banned it, and now we have sun dried apricots, which don't contain it. We are being poisoned by these people so they can reap the money in medication.

Heres a good video about B17.

My wife had stomach cancer and she survived. One of the things we did is try to get B17, I printed a couple of articles and gave them to her doctor. He read them in silence, then he looked at me little disturbed and ask : "Where did you get this???" Then he said he doesn't know about it and kept the papers.

Weeks later I found a place selling fresh apricots. This is what I did :

Get all the pulp out and find the seed. The shell is very hard. I broke them and extracted a little nut inside that looks like an almond. I made her eat 10 of them everyday. After a week, she already felt some good effects.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 03:51 PM
This sounds like an absolute cure in itself. How incredible people are becoming, the shell of tyranny is slowly fading as all the national institutions people thought were in place to help us, are being outsed by the people. Slowly, people will start to accept these truths as that, thruths. Once that happens, people will see these national corporations as what they are, frauds.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 07:27 PM
Thank you for this information OP!
My sister-in-law passed away a couple of months ago from pancreatic cancer. I'm sure her children would have gotten her to try these medications, had they been available.
S & F for you for your well thought out presentation.

edit on 24-3-2012 by grumpydaysleeper because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

Vermox is a sheep dewormer i have a bottle out in my barn i used on my sheep its a liquid and cost allot of money its out dated now i need to throw it away..sugarcookie1

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by AmericanPitBull

Isn't it a coincidence that the FDA also controls all food additives and the safety of our food. Some of this chemistry is the reason we need the meds. I've studied evidence of deception in the FDA which spans back to it's creation. Win Win situation for the medical industry, Pharmaceutical industry, and Insurance industry. We need insurance because of high costs of healthcare, the 3 percent profit goes to the top there too. Win Win situation for all those employed by them that think their hard work is necessary. Maybe the Medical field will say enough is enough before they loose all their credibility. We need doctors with real knowledge, not pill pushers. The AMA that makes the rules governing the doctors is knee deep in this. They are doing what they think is best for their members...Nothing... Cancer will never be cured, neither will many diseases until the extreme profiting is taken out of medicine.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Kang69

Those seeds can be very toxic if not used right. They are not always the same strength either, some being ten times as strong as others. Some people they can kill at the same dose as another person tolerates well.. Use at your own risk, research them thoroughly, the good and the bad, first. If you only look at only for the good you never see the bad. It goes the other way too.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:20 PM
What about Bryomixol is that made here?

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by sugarcookie1
reply to post by Bedlam

Vermox is a sheep dewormer i have a bottle out in my barn i used on my sheep its a liquid and cost allot of money its out dated now i need to throw it away..sugarcookie1

Don't throw it out for being "outdated".
It has been shown that this date may mean Nothing.
Drugs have been found to be good and effective as much as TEN years past that "date".
Put it in your fridge for safe keeping.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by TheAlmo

I've seen that chemical structure in something natural before. It had a different name though.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by OhZone

I can hold on to it but i dont own any sheep anymore its a bit useless for me to keep i will have to read the directions and see if it can be used to worm other animals i have..sugarcookie1

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:31 PM
This is a very good thread thank you for posting it..S&F peace,sugarcookie1

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 08:45 PM
Thanks for the information. I saved it to my computer. If I ever end up in a situation where I have the chance to conduct a study on this, I will. I did start a business with the purpose of pursuing technologies like this... I'll just have to talk to my business partner and it might happen one day.

I'm sure there would be a lot of bureaucracy to wade through, so no promises.

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