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The 2024 Election will be a giant Dare

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posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 02:08 PM
I think all of this talk about who is running and whether they will be on ballots or who will block electoral votes are all moot points. I believe what you will see is the most cheated crooked election in history and that is hard to do considering how the last one went and probably several before that, that we were unaware of. I think the fact that they were able to just sweep the last one under the rug with the help of MSM propaganda and the weakness of the GOP. Honestly the fact that so many people are helpless these days and unwilling to stand against wrong doing plays into their favor. The fact that they have nothing to lose means they will cheat this election to and it will be on a scale that will be undeniable. They will basically dare the American public to stand up and demand answers. They will put it in our hands to do something about it or just let it happen again. They know if they dont and if Trump gets elected in the same landslide he should have been in 2020 they they will all be facing the music or jail time or at the very least be disgraced and lose their power. I fully believe the last election was a landslide and we did nothing to right the wrong. They are counting on us doing the same again. Our system is becoming a joke and our country on the world stage is becoming the same.

edit on 2822024 by TheTardis2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: TheTardis2

So basically unless your guys gets elected we are doomed and only Trump can fix the system?
Aside from the fact he had 4 years to do so and absolutely nothing came of it.
Nice rant though
edit on 28-2-2024 by Kireg123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: TheTardis2

“Our system is becoming a joke and our country on the world stage is becoming the same.”

Correction - it’s already a joke.

Bananas for everyone!

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: TheTardis2

*moot points

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: TheTardis2

I think the people have a breaking point where they will have had enough. If I was in charge of things, I'd factor that into my calculations and likely be a bit cautious about poking the bear with such a sharp stick.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: TheTardis2

trump will lose because he has lost the real conservatives and real christians among the republicans with his behavior, his offenses, his speeches. by the way, there is still no evidence of widespread electoral fraud - there was small-scale electoral fraud if i remember right and that was committed by the other side. what is this certainty actually based on? in reality, america is still one of the most powerful countries on the planet and enormously important for the stability of things. but there is fear that this will change if trump is re-elected.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: TheTardis2
I think all of this talk about who is running and whether they will be on ballots or who will block electoral votes are all mute points. I believe what you will see is the most cheated crooked election in history and that is hard to do considering how the last one went and probably several before that, that we were unaware of. I think the fact that they were able to just sweep the last one under the rug with the help of MSM propaganda and the weakness of the GOP. Honestly the fact that so many people are helpless these days and unwilling to stand against wrong doing plays into their favor. The fact that they have nothing to lose means they will cheat this election to and it will be on a scale that will be undeniable. They will basically dare the American public to stand up and demand answers. They will put it in our hands to do something about it or just let it happen again. They know if they dont and if Trump gets elected in the same landslide he should have been in 2020 they they will all be facing the music or jail time or at the very least be disgraced and lose their power. I fully believe the last election was a landslide and we did nothing to right the wrong. They are counting on us doing the same again. Our system is becoming a joke and our country on the world stage is becoming the same.

The last one was NOT swept under the rug. People tried bringing evidence forward in 60+ court cases, and in every single case the cases were thrown out due to lack of credible evidence. Reality is Trump lost, acted like a complete baby because Trump has never be able to accept losing and here we are. We have a completely amped up nation based on nothing more than a sore loser spouting off.

Anyway back on topic. I don't believe this election will involve any shenanigans or BS from either sides talk a big game. Reality is the side with more votes will win. And unless evidence of widespread voter fraud can actually be proven this time, nothing will happen. Which side loses, people will yell and scream, etc. etc. etc. but I don't think either party is going to try and pull anything. Just my humble 2 cents.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: malte86
a reply to: TheTardis2

trump will lose because he has lost the real conservatives and real christians among the republicans with his behavior, his offenses, his speeches. by the way, there is still no evidence of widespread electoral fraud - there was small-scale electoral fraud if i remember right and that was committed by the other side. what is this certainty actually based on? in reality, america is still one of the most powerful countries on the planet and enormously important for the stability of things. but there is fear that this will change if trump is re-elected.

I dont agree with this at all. Trump has lost no one and day by day he is gaining those that were on the fence. I think the msm wants you to believe that but I live in the middle of conservative country and in the only state that did not have a single county go to biden and I can promise you he is only gaining followers here.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: VoiceofReality

The last one was NOT swept under the rug. People tried bringing evidence forward in 60+ court cases, and in every single case the cases were thrown out due to lack of credible evidence. Reality is Trump lost, acted like a complete baby because Trump has never be able to accept losing and here we are. We have a completely amped up nation based on nothing more than a sore loser spouting off.

Oh how I wish this were true. The evidence was everywhere but getting liberal judges in liberal areas to look at it was the issue. Most of those cases were thrown out without anyone even looking at the evidence. Nice try though. If you think that was a free and fair election and you still believe that then I dont know what to tell you. Any amount of common sense can see that nothing about that election was fair. Too many odd happenings and coincidences and too many people wanting to hide their actions.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: TheTardis2

originally posted by: malte86
a reply to: TheTardis2

trump will lose because he has lost the real conservatives and real christians among the republicans with his behavior, his offenses, his speeches. by the way, there is still no evidence of widespread electoral fraud - there was small-scale electoral fraud if i remember right and that was committed by the other side. what is this certainty actually based on? in reality, america is still one of the most powerful countries on the planet and enormously important for the stability of things. but there is fear that this will change if trump is re-elected.

I dont agree with this at all. Trump has lost no one and day by day he is gaining those that were on the fence. I think the msm wants you to believe that but I live in the middle of conservative country and in the only state that did not have a single county go to biden and I can promise you he is only gaining followers here.

I'm a left leaning moderate. I represent those that need to be swayed one way or the other in every election. I have voted both parties at various points in my life. I know of one person, who I would also consider a moderate who has decided to go Trump. Literally everyone else will not go there. Many of us would have voted Republican if they had chose a different candidate, like Haley. Frankly I do believe Biden is done and we need a change. But that change cannot be Trump. A Republican yes, but not Trump.

Moral of the story, no one I know IRL who was on the fence has fallen on the Trump side, save the 1 person I know.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Kireg123

Aside from the fact he had 4 years to do so and absolutely nothing came of it.

Aside from the fact that Democrats blocked him at every turn ?

That Democrats had control of all 3 branches of govt and did nothing ?

That under the Democrats, we see massive inflation, massive illegal immigrants coming over the border and "sanctuary cities" having to cut public budgets to divert money to take care of them ?


posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: TheTardis2

originally posted by: VoiceofReality

The last one was NOT swept under the rug. People tried bringing evidence forward in 60+ court cases, and in every single case the cases were thrown out due to lack of credible evidence. Reality is Trump lost, acted like a complete baby because Trump has never be able to accept losing and here we are. We have a completely amped up nation based on nothing more than a sore loser spouting off.

Oh how I wish this were true. The evidence was everywhere but getting liberal judges in liberal areas to look at it was the issue. Most of those cases were thrown out without anyone even looking at the evidence. Nice try though. If you think that was a free and fair election and you still believe that then I dont know what to tell you. Any amount of common sense can see that nothing about that election was fair. Too many odd happenings and coincidences and too many people wanting to hide their actions.

Many courts they went in front of, including certain aspects going to the SCOTUS, were conservative. They still would not look at the evidence, because it was hokey at best. This is the general course of action when people like the Pillow Guy came forward with his hokey evidence. Even the ballot "auditors" (if you can call them that) in Arizona could not find anything wrong. Or how about the lies involving Dominion? Ask Fox how much it pays to lie and propagate falsehoods.

Yes granted there were smaller instances of stuff not being on the up and up, but nothing anywhere close to what Trump pretends happened. Not.even.close.
edit on 28-2-2024 by VoiceofReality because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: TheTardis2

I think the people have a breaking point where they will have had enough. If I was in charge of things, I'd factor that into my calculations and likely be a bit cautious about poking the bear with such a sharp stick.

I have zero doubt that the BAMN crowd has a plan for that-and people aren't going to like it.

The train left the station when O bama took over where Bush left off, weaponizing all gov. agencies and ridding the Pentagon and Armed Forces of true patriots.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 03:49 PM

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posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: VoiceofReality


In the 2016 election, the early polls showed Hilary as the likely winner. And of course, she did get more of the popular votes than Trump, but there was a strong 3rd party component that took more votes from Hilary, apparently. Nevertheless, based on the polls, Trump thought he was going to lose from the time Hilary became the presumptive candidate and that's when he started preemptively lying about cheating--mail-in ballots, massive voter fraud, etc. so that he would have a ready made excuse to save face when he lost. According to people close to Trump, he was surprised when he won--Melania was pissed because she really didn't want to be the "First Lady", and Trump had not even created a transition team. After he became POTUS he started up a commission by Presidential decree to investigate the election and show how Hilary had cheated, because even though he won the Electoral College vote, he was absolutely SURE that he should have won the popular vote as well. His handpicked team of mostly Republican crack investigators labored for about 8 months and of course found no evidence of any widespread fraud. They promptly disbanded the commission when a court ordered the Republicans on the commission to share their information with the Democrat members.

Same pattern in the 2020 election. In the Fall of 2019 the polls showed that Biden was probably the only Democrat that could beat Trump. Biden said as much and Trump said as much. In the Spring of 2020 it looked like Biden was going to be the Democrat nominee, so Trump immediately began his preemptive lying campaign again, to provide an excuse for his expected loss. Same bulls##t, different day. And, of course, he did lose. Again. And he kept lying about it, again and again and again. Always promising to have conclusive proof, never producing any.

See the pattern?

You'd have to be a moron to not think he's about to start up the "massive voter fraud" lie again, now that it looks like Biden is starting to maybe pick up a little popularity.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 04:42 PM
You're wrong.

Trump is losing support big time except for people like you who will NEVER look at any other man the way you do him.

Trump's disgust for anything American is starting to annoy people, and frankly, it takes tons of energy to be angry all the time. I believe people are getting tired of it. And another four years of chaos IS NOT what people are looking forward to. No one wants to do a "Covid" redo.

Nikki Haley is correct. Trump is the only one Biden could beat. She would have killed him at the voting booth, but you guys won't let Trump go.

a reply to: TheTardis2

edit on 28-2-2024 by Disgusted123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: TheTardis2

Remember too, most all of those "cases" were brought forth by controlled opposition and always a few key points were omitted. 😃 Those cases were as rigged as the mail ballots.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: Disgusted123

Truth has been spoken.
Blind faith can be dangerous, especially when it is to a person who bragged about killing and not losing followers.
Most around the world might call that a cult leader.

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 08:40 PM

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 10:18 PM
Becoming? Where ya been hos?

a reply to: TheTardis2

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