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I propose we divide humanity into two branches.

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posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

There are basically 4 kinds of love:

1: love of the erotic
2: love of family
3: love of friends and equals
4: love of humanity

Are they all good?

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: RussianTroll

It is illegal to urge someone to commit suicide. Mods?

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Is a husband and wife’s love not based on one another’s ability to control the other?

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 03:07 PM
As long as the haters get their own water fountains and have to sit in the back of the bus.

Haven't we been here before?

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Too late.

There are rich people and poor people.

The problem being to few of the former and too many of the latter.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: ByeByeAmericanPie

Yes, it is illegal and highly unethical to urge someone to commit suicide.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Mandatory love-meter readings?

Are we going to reuse the one they had in the bars, or how are we going to measure love?

If you have an urge to judge other peoples hearts at least wait till your own time is up.
for the rest, there is someone for each to take care of their judgements... none of your business really..

But hey who am I to tell you, go ahead and find out how much weight judgements put on your heart...

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 06:39 PM
Pink Floyd pondered that duality in the "Dark Side of the Moon".

Us and them, and after all we're only ordinary men.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

If you think someone who has done deplorable things must be incapable of love, or someone who loves openly and dearly must be good and 'pure', whatever that means, then my friend we live in a different reality.

It's both and potentially neither. The latter takes the most work. Nobody is innocent.

I wouldn't say hate and love are the same thing but if you play with both concepts enough you might find them to be quite similar in most things, except practicality? I'd say it doesn't matter... They both push the same buttons and we all have similar capacity, both are useful. Better to be well rounded than cast aside potential or even worse... Be cast aside due to potential.

At the very core, we do not see eye to eye.

I'd bet everything I know and hold dear that we can.

So then it becomes a case of sharing perception. Whilst we subconsciously confirm we're both the same... It's a song and dance that's as old as our recognition of the stars.

Know this though, that nothing that is hidden can be concealed from the Light.


In the end that's why we've developed ideas like "innocent until proven guilty" whilst doing away with death penalties etc. Yet there's some of us that cross lines that are far too universal to call arbitrary, looking into their lives you'll either find moments of love or moments where another averted them from it.

Bright lights are stupefying. That's all I can say about that without offering opinionated solutions about those golden lines in the sand.

Maybe nothing is sacred anymore, maybe nothing never was. Still, out of all the way we can divide ourselves I'd say love would be the most foolish of them all. There's always the potential and non of us are omnipresent.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Firstly, if you split humans, all the juice runs out.

And more generally, you use the thin stick like branches underneath as kindling to start the fire, then you put the thicker ones on top to get a really big bonfire, as everyone sings kumbaya in the maniacal glow of destruction.

I'll bring the marshmallows.

edit on 2024-02-27T22:43:56-06:0010Tue, 27 Feb 2024 22:43:56 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 11:01 PM
Those of moderate means and honest living those of excessive thievery and wasteful wealth?

We could go at that debate for a while...

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Your words burn with the zeal of a fanatic.

When does this inquisition kick off and is it still pc to burn heretics at the stake or do you put them in a bag filled with rocks and throw them in the river to see if they float?
edit on 28-2-2024 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 10:22 AM
Actually Jesus Christ gave a parable on this very subject. And the best I can figure out it looks like the dual harvests kick off in the next 10 years or so.

Matthew 13.

24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field;
25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.
26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared.
27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’
28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’
29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ”

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

You are a sick person who needs help.

You are the one who wants to dehumanize those who dont agree with you

After dehumanization we all know what comes next

Seek help

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: Another_Nut

Indeed, he sounds very evil, trying to project his evil desires onto everybody else.

I hope the plethora of negative feedback he received here has helped the brother see the error in his thinking…

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: Another_Nut
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

You are a sick person who needs help.

You are the one who wants to dehumanize those who dont agree with you

After dehumanization we all know what comes next

Seek help

I may be sick and in need of help, I'll grant you that

But you misunderstood me and have resorted to false accusations.

Never have I said ill words or even had ill thoughts towards any who disagrees with me.

I've always considered the possibility that I may be wrong on all matter, and will entertain your opposing opinion no matter how unbased it may seem to me.

If I still come to the same conclusion after considering your opinion, then my own conviction is strengthened as a result.

If I see truth in what one presents to me, then I'll adjust and adapt my current understanding accordingly.

What I spoke of in the OP was much more aligned with our choice to feel empathy and compassion or to entirely reject it.

Not so much a difference in opinion.

Our ability to process, express, and share our emotions is what makes us Human, methinks.

Those who have foregone this ability, by choice, are by my own definition no longer human.

On a side note...

How would you treat an animal?

They are not human, and yet, many of us care dearly for them, whilst remaining aware of their limitations and the dangers involved in sharing our living space with them.
edit on 28-2-2024 by BrotherKinsMan because: Added 'dangers'

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

our choice to feel empathy and compassion

I think we can work with that... How does own nothing and still be happy sounds?
You'll have to give up everything to be considered empathic and compassionate enough, after all you're not doing it for yourself but the greater good...

Seriously how are you going to measure these properties?
And how will this not be corrupted by humans weakness for power over others?

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan


Those who have foregone this ability, by choice, are by my own definition no longer human.

They're human... They're just not human being, they're human doing.

The only way to judge people on their emotions or lack of is to allow them to experience life. Even then there's going to be nuanced experiences where something "nice" created uneasy sensations and the proverbial crap end of the stick was managed by all parties. Probably where the conclusion "I'd rather crap in my hands and clap" came from because who wouldn't prefer a "poo-er" experience of their own design rather than throwing the stuff to the wind or a fan.

Apologies for the imagery

How would you treat an animal?

Like a damned child unfortunately.

Now and then? I like to bark, howl and run around in circles. Logic sucks. If you use it too much you'll come to conclusions like "I'm not feeding the pet after midnight" and "humans can be divided homeopathically" and the reality is that might just be dafter than me and my dog barking at a brush. I wonder who has more fun?

So yeah, like family. Knowing full well rules stifle emotional expression whilst understanding there's a need for emotional conduct. Maybe those who've forgone love are 1 step forward or 2 steps back... Either way in terms of conduct they tend to be a "good boy" though right?

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

One who absolutely lives in a reality state of non-love has foregone his humanity and should no longer be considered human.

Get help

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Hasn't this become the norm for society. Us against them black vs white brown vs black. Sadly instead of bringing people together we push them apart because of feelings. So you get hurt In love everyone has but you learn things in the process and better things come along. Deciding to run away from half the planet isn't a good solution. Take the effort to include others you will find the rewards far out weigh the risks.
edit on 2/29/24 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

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