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I propose we divide humanity into two branches.

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posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 08:19 AM
Humans can be split into two categories.

Those who Love.

Those who do not.

We cannot, and should not coexist.

The only possible final outcome of this coexistence is the total control of one group over the other.

Those who Love would control overtly, while the others would do so covertly.

Today, for the first time in our known written history, we live in a connected world where it would theoretically be possible for a small group of like-minded individuals in key positions of authority to exert absolute control over the rest of the world.

The fact that it is a possibility, however likely or not, should tickle our alarm bells.

While I offer no solution in identifying and exposing members of those who have sealed off their heart, I propose the following.

One who absolutely lives in a reality state of non-love has foregone his humanity and should no longer be considered human.

If you have ever loved someone, anyone, then we are family.

You are my brother, my sister, regardless of your origin.

If you choose to refuse love, you are no brother of mine, you are no sister of mine.

Let us acknowledge and accept this, if you will, so it may enter our collective consciousness as Truth, and grow with each thought.

Let us separate and cleanse ourselves of this malice.

They may call themselves whatever they like, but in my eyes they are no longer human.

They are not my kin.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Not possible. Change itself begins when one realizes that hate they feel is wrong, and those who love, due to whatever reason are flung into "Love means nothing. Why try?", switching roles.

What you propose is an individual newborn has to be one class or the other. That can't be.

The newborn can't change to either, and you negate any possibility of that happening: 1 side or the other.

Do you not see...that IS the way it is now? 2 choices. Good or bad.The middle doesn't count.

To carry a special i.d., wear a shirt w either
"Good or Bad" on it your entire life quite ridiculous.

You leave out man's ability to think, rationalize...and make a change.

Remember Hitler....killed all love, created enormous hate. In that tragic end, the tables flipped.

It (Hitlers nonsense)..became his version and those who followed him..version of "Good"...the Supreme reversal...

To add? If your mom, brother, dad, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter in your household switched suddenly against the entire family...would you kick out your child BECAUSE now they've crossed to the other side?

Nonsense. Man has free will. The freewill to change his-her own life.

Why not just say the world is all black or white? It's not.

The "good and bad" colors, exist within a box of crayons: many colors, views, many ways...

Everything...has a middle: "choice and freewill".

God bless. My Jesus saves✌️

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Those who see the world as black and white have a serious problem with their eyesight.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 09:23 AM
Bin Laden probably loved his kids..
Hitler loved his dog.
Jihadis love Allah.

And I don't love any of the above.

So where do I get to live?

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: BrotherKinsMan
Humans can be split into two categories.

Those who Love.

Those who do not.

We cannot, and should not coexist.

You are not GOD.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: BrotherKinsMan
Humans can be split into two categories.

Those who Love.

Those who do not.

We cannot, and should not coexist.

The only possible final outcome of this coexistence is the total control of one group over the other.

Those who Love would control overtly, while the others would do so covertly.

Today, for the first time in our known written history, we live in a connected world where it would theoretically be possible for a small group of like-minded individuals in key positions of authority to exert absolute control over the rest of the world.

The fact that it is a possibility, however likely or not, should tickle our alarm bells.

While I offer no solution in identifying and exposing members of those who have sealed off their heart, I propose the following.

One who absolutely lives in a reality state of non-love has foregone his humanity and should no longer be considered human.

If you have ever loved someone, anyone, then we are family.

You are my brother, my sister, regardless of your origin.

If you choose to refuse love, you are no brother of mine, you are no sister of mine.

Let us acknowledge and accept this, if you will, so it may enter our collective consciousness as Truth, and grow with each thought.

Let us separate and cleanse ourselves of this malice.

They may call themselves whatever they like, but in my eyes they are no longer human.

They are not my kin. would you quantify that...?

I mean...obviously there are people out there to to to to cause destruction...

Get with the program...every one of us...with the exception of a sniveling few...would defend their home...their family...their life...with every tool available...causing death...destruction...and mayhem as they defend their right to be left alone to pursue life as it's best suited for them and theirs... can't separate the intrinsic nature of humankind...from we all carry the propensity for either...and both aspects within our nature...


posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

I reject your dichotomy.

Instead I will usurp it and declare my own.

Those who agree with me and those who do not!

(See how precarious this notion is?)

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Die, go to the Kingdom of Heaven, and there you will see how wolves lick lambs))))

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Having read several of your posts brother, I think I am beginning to grasp a sense of your perspectives. I"ll just place this one in a ''mind experiment'' folder for future reference as you continue to share your thoughts with those here.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Having read several of your posts brother, I think I am beginning to grasp a sense of your perspectives. I"ll just place this one in a ''mind experiment'' folder for future reference as you continue to share your thoughts with those here.

Ummm...That was extremely refreshing to read Terry...and a poignant reminder that every opinion does have validity...even if it's only valid to the one opining...which really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things...

That's why I gave the OP a flag and a star...because I honestly want to see the heart of why the OP see's their comments applicable to the human condition...
Amidst the foible rich chemical stew of the human psyche...and the varied aspects of it's capricious nature...I fail to recognize what the OP presented when juxtaposed with the innate territorial attributes that every human being is designed to exhibit...


posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

The people who love and the ones who don't are the same people.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

Those who Love.

Those who do not.

We cannot, and should not coexist.

The only possible final outcome of this coexistence is the total control of one group over the other.

Those who Love would control overtly, while the others would do so covertly.

So does the megalomaniac and narcissist love for themselves subject mankind? Because I think it already is that way.

Otherwise, this has a requirement for a subjective definition of love that fights endlessly over the correct way to say hello. שלום مرحبًا, which is also translated as peace in both languages.

If this subjective love rules the world, love will be benevolent like 'a salam' is peace and hello.
edit on 27-2-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

We only Hate that which threatens what we Love.

It's the nature of Duality.

Very few people are entirely pure.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

"Those who want to control others" , especially at a global scale , are not capable of love covert or overt . This is the biggest pile of made up tripe I've ever read on here. Anyone wanting to control another is a sociapath/narcissist, uncapable of love.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

"Those who want to control others" , especially at a global scale , are not capable of love covert or overt . This is the biggest pile of made up tripe I've ever read on here. Anyone wanting to control another is a sociapath/narcissist, uncapable of love.

Hear hear!

Live and Let Live.

It's just Polite Society.

No discussion of Politics, Sex or Religion in mixed company unless respect is given to all participants rights of Free Expression.

I'm just an inperfect creation, struggling for understanding.

Anyhoo, Peace and Prosperity to You and Yours.

edit on 2/27/24 by GENERAL EYES because: clarification, grammar edits. minor addition and formatting

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Most here, seems to me, have pointed out the fallacy of the beliefs in the OP if taken a face value. I take it only as a conjecture and not a belief. I don't like beliefs so much, try to avoid them preferring conjectures as more open ended. There is, at least from my perspective the danger of allowing a simplistic conjecture to become a belief so knowing the difference seems fundamentally important to a maturing mind.

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 12:29 PM
I think those that have and have not would be the place to start. Both sides and then start fractioning further. The division is the way you would have both enemies fight each other, fighting themselves. Then we are fighting ourselves, only they have high stakes, money, and skin in the game, as rulers it behooves them for us to fight each other. The rest n is history.

You can fracture it in half exponentially. When we drop that and look at where this msg comes from we will all see how we almost were duped

We fight each other when there is no need for them to do anything but watch.. This has been 20th century echoes mixed with 21st-century tech, politics and more.

Two things. Blanket Amnesty for all. This is the end game for them and the sake of everyone else, the guilty get to walk. Everyone zero? publically one person one vote. Paid day off, you just need the receipt to get half a day pay. Eat your ballot, write on the ballot, and chew it up. I'm gonna swallow it if I go that far. How about for None Of The a vote in and of itself?

term limits. no mail-in ballots, but a chain of custody door-to-door has to exist to pick up one ballot per person/ in every house.?
The two branches are like this. Who exists today that directly affects how others live? , those who have and have not, and so maybe we should audit public servants? If we wanted too, we could have people working half days or less, and around-the-clock production, free time, waste removal, and innovation. Home life mixed with work, because undoubtedly communism exists here. Democracy and communism traded places, and the fascist's are perfectly happy with the stalemate.

OR we all come and clean house so we can look to those powerful people who spread these msg's of enemies that we should be aware of, and that they are our friend. Then off for four years, to live in extravagance.

Both are one side of the same coin.

While we fracture ourselves to fight for scraps. Maybe we all should Clean slate? We confess every debt or sin and those that profited from it get to retire in peace?

No sanctions. No punishment. Prisons are for certain people. Confess all debt, all sins, and any transgression. No prison except for those who would prefer to be protected by those bars. Just run the gauntlet and shut the door behind you.

Catharsis, redemption, forgiveness for those unforgivable', unscrupulous, and #ty ones Cold blooded snake's trading our souls thinking they can save themselves.The very tip of the top-cream of the crop of the upper echelon. We all walk away scott-free, or we have a ticket to the bunker.

We all walk away from the table. Forgive and forget. A mulligan or a do-over, a restart, but we go into work tomorrow and talk about it?

If you vote for nobody, your vote should count and bring the receipts. We can all just agree to disagree.

OR did you simply mean, M or F?

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 12:34 PM
Bin Laden likely loved his kids.
Hitler loved his dog.
Jihadis love Allah.

And I don't love any of the above.

So where do I fit in?

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 12:58 PM
I see my words are unheard.

So be it.

At the very core, we do not see eye to eye.

If you think hate is the opposite of love, then you know nothing of emotions my friend.

If you think someone who has done deplorable things must be incapable of love, or someone who loves openly and dearly must be good and 'pure', whatever that means, then my friend we live in a different reality.

It's not so simple...

If you could see through my eyes, and we had the same understanding of Love and its function, then we could share in this truth.

For now I stand alone in my view.

Oh well.

Such is life.


Know this though, that nothing that is hidden can be concealed from the Light.

(I'm aware that science would prove in seconds you can literally hide things from the light ie. Caves, dwellings, ... But even then my friends)

posted on Feb, 27 2024 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: BrotherKinsMan

If you think hate is the opposite of love, then you know nothing of emotions my friend.

Do you realize how subjective those two terms are?

Folks here have shown you quite a few examples of this.

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