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Healthy 15-year old girl dies two days after receiving three 'well-visit' vaccinations

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+3 more 
posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 01:30 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Gradcrop

You are repeating the same post over and over. I asked for some actuaal evidence other than a hearsay story from a distraught mother.

I showed that this could easily have been from SIDS, did you even read the symptoms of this syndrome?

You really want this desperately to be a sudden death infant syndrome

Sudden infant death syndrome is the unexplained death of a baby. The baby is usually less than a year old and seems to be healthy. It often happens during sleep. Sudden infant death syndrome also is known as SIDS .

But in the absence of any reading or understanding of medical conditions you are just throwing conditions that are unlikely dismissing the common denominator: multiple vaccinations when the baby was hospitalised and was 2 months old and when it died and was 15 month old.

Note that the baby is usually less than a year old and looks healthy for SIDS. It often happens during sleep and the conditions are unknown.

This baby was 15 months old and had already been hospitalised in the past shortly after receiving vaccinations. The death didn't happen while she was sleeping but developed breathing problems that lead to cardiac arrest. Multiple organ failure was also recorded.

+4 more 
posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 01:43 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Gradcrop

I showed that this could easily have been from SIDS, did you even read the symptoms of this syndrome?

All you did is to argue in favour of the most unlikely scenario without even reading what this syndrome is and that mostly applies to infants less than a year old who are dying usually while they are sleeping.

This baby was 15 months old and died under very different circumstances and not while she was sleeping.

Nobody has mentioned from the hospital or any other medical authority that the cause of death could be related to this syndrome.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: Matrix13

Are you really making this argument?!
Can you not see what's wrong with it?

The parallel you have drawn is just terrible. Oranges cannot be compared with drugs and vaccines. An orange cannot cause the lighting to strike you. A vaccine on the other hand can cause serious adverse reactions and even death.

I remember someone else struggling with being unable to understand a simple analogy?
Please post evidence that this was caused by vaccination other than the poor mothers desperation. This could be caused by SIDS or SUDC, without the autopsy results we don't know.

Yes surely you can invent any cause you want such as sudden death syndrome or even a mysterious illnesses, but how likely are these scenarios?

On the other hand the baby died shortly after it has its vaccinations and it was hospitalised in the past shortly after it had its vaccinations. Much more likely it is related to these vaccinations rather than to sudden death syndromes and mystery illnesses.

I'm not inventing anything here, SIDS or SUDC is more likely the cause than by vaccination.
Try reading how bad vaccination reactions happen and the symptoms.

From the NHS site.

although it can occasionally happen while they're awake.

I've added the term SUDC, which I left out before on purpose so as not to over complicate things and was using SIDS as the general term for sudden young infant death.

edit on 15-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Matrix13

Are you really making this argument?!
Can you not see what's wrong with it?

The parallel you have drawn is just terrible. Oranges cannot be compared with drugs and vaccines. An orange cannot cause the lighting to strike you. A vaccine on the other hand can cause serious adverse reactions and even death.

I remember someone else struggling with being able to understand a simple analogy?
Please post evidence that this was caused by vaccination other than the poor mothers desperation. This could be caused by SIDS or SUDC, without the autopsy results we don't know.

Yes surely you can invent any cause you want such as sudden death syndrome or even a mysterious illnesses, but how likely are these scenarios?

On the other hand the baby died shortly after it has its vaccinations and it was hospitalised in the past shortly after it had its vaccinations. Much more likely it is related to these vaccinations rather than to sudden death syndromes and mystery illnesses.

I'm not inventing anything here, SIDS or SUDC is more likely the cause than by vaccination.
Try reading how bad vaccination reactions happen and the symptoms.

From the NHS site.

although it can occasionally happen while they're awake.

Sadly enough, the now known symptoms of bad batch jabs side effects match precisely what this baby had happen to it, not SIDS.

And also quite sadly, people continue on the mainstream bandwagons of self destruction by lying to themselves and others in order to maintain that bandwagon train wreck. Symptoms of that are total denial and unwittingly aligning their own souls to that of the devil.

Good luck

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 04:42 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed


Care to post some evidence to back up your claim that the 6-1 jab has a 'bad batch' or are you just jumping on the covid bandwagon?

Here's a link from the 'green book' here in the UK...[
edit on 15-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 09:10 AM
We were lucky and had an older pediatrician that liked to do it the older way, no more than 2 vaccines in a visit give the baby time to recover then continue the process.

All to often they like to slam the little ones with to many at once, and this is not an unusual occurrence.

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf more than 2 vaccines in a visit...

I think thats got more to do with profit than medical care. Multiple vists to an American doc

posted on Dec, 15 2023 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

30+ years ago my mother was an RN in a pediatric unit, the standard was to spread them out over weeks primary reason was so the childs body had time to adjust to the shots.

Towards the end of her career the standard was changed to all or almost all vaccines in the same visit and they kept a crash cart ready to go, vaccines force a rough reaction on a body and little kids need time to adjust to them.

posted on Dec, 17 2023 @ 02:13 PM
Doctor Who Injected 4000 Shots Now Warns Public About Major Cover Up of Devastating Side Effects - LINK - LINK2

According to Dr. Tschanett, there are thousands of other doctors who share her observations regarding the vaccine, however they are terrified of losing their jobs and careers and being punished by Big Pharma if they dare to speak out about their concerns.

Dr. Tschanett’s story is now part of a recently released documentary titled “UN-SICHTBAR: Der Film Teil 1” (translated as “INVISIBLE: The Film Part 1”). In the film, she reveals that a staggering 10 percent of the 4,000 patients she treated have reported “problems since the vaccination.”

UN-SEEN Documentary Film Part1

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Matrix13

Are you really making this argument?!
Can you not see what's wrong with it?

The parallel you have drawn is just terrible. Oranges cannot be compared with drugs and vaccines. An orange cannot cause the lighting to strike you. A vaccine on the other hand can cause serious adverse reactions and even death.

I remember someone else struggling with being unable to understand a simple analogy?
Please post evidence that this was caused by vaccination other than the poor mothers desperation. This could be caused by SIDS or SUDC, without the autopsy results we don't know.

Yes surely you can invent any cause you want such as sudden death syndrome or even a mysterious illnesses, but how likely are these scenarios?

On the other hand the baby died shortly after it has its vaccinations and it was hospitalised in the past shortly after it had its vaccinations. Much more likely it is related to these vaccinations rather than to sudden death syndromes and mystery illnesses.

I'm not inventing anything here, SIDS or SUDC is more likely the cause than by vaccination.
Try reading how bad vaccination reactions happen and the symptoms.

From the NHS site.

although it can occasionally happen while they're awake.

I've added the term SUDC, which I left out before on purpose so as not to over complicate things and was using SIDS as the general term for sudden young infant death.

You are inventing the cause of death of this baby with plenty of speculation based on your personal but rather unsubstantiated opinion.

You added the term SUDC because you didn't realise that the sudden death syndrome in infants SIDS applies to babies who are less than a year old.
I suppose you believe that everyone online is a simpleton without any knowledge of science or medicine. But you are wrong of course.

Any evidence the baby died from sudden death syndrome? No. It's just your convenient interpretation in the absence of any evidence.

Do you still argue that the orange parallel is successful?! Oranges cannot cause lighting or related to it. Vaccines on the other hand can cause damage to health and deaths.

posted on Jan, 4 2024 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: MRX212

Bots really do enjoy stalking ATS don't you!!

Still waiting on an autopsy report for the death of this poor baby, but I see you're still jumping to conclusion, thats good for an AI or simpleton.

Next rejoin try finding the Autopsy report to post.
edit on 4-1-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 06:25 AM
Seeing too much of this happen, and it's destroying me on the inside.

posted on May, 12 2024 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: BS1Botp4198
Seeing too much of this happen, and it's destroying me on the inside.

How many people have been injured by vaccines in the last 3 years?!

All sorted of vaccines but mostly that ones we were supposed to have to save the world.

posted on May, 13 2024 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: Matrix13

Yeeeeah! What a joke!

Sudden Death Infant Syndrome!

A good way to gaslight the relatives of the deceased babies and not admitting it was probably the vaccines that killed them.

edit on 13-5-2024 by Nesterfield because: (no reason given)

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