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Uk some disturbing statistics.

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posted on May, 17 2023 @ 06:41 PM
This is an interesting look at the current data trends as presented by Neil MCoy, what seems to be happening is a gathering doom loop. Where one of the biggest private pension funds Tescos, has taken a massive hit. One in thirteen people is now not working because of long-term sickness.We also have 25% of the available workers looking for work, where the official unemployment figures are a fraction of this figure. The media seems to suggest that this is due to an increase in mental illness, what's changed so that the working-age populations are getting neurological damage.? This means that the tax take must be falling, and government borrowing goes up, along with the interest rates, which seems to validate the figure of eleven million having trouble paying the normal bills associated with living in modern society. The figures presented seem robust and accurate. But the official figures look to be greatly

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
This is an interesting look at the current data trends as presented by Neil MCoy, what seems to be happening is a gathering doom loop. Where one of the biggest private pension funds Tescos, has taken a massive hit. One in thirteen people is now not working because of long-term sickness.We also have 25% of the available workers looking for work, where the official unemployment figures are a fraction of this figure. The media seems to suggest that this is due to an increase in mental illness, what's changed so that the working-age populations are getting neurological damage.? This means that the tax take must be falling, and government borrowing goes up, along with the interest rates, which seems to validate the figure of eleven million having trouble paying the normal bills associated with living in modern society. The figures presented seem robust and accurate. But the official figures look to be greatly

Some of it is likely due to the effects of Long Covid. Not all of it, of course, but as of June 2022, 1/5th of Americans who had Covid had lingering ("long covid") effects - fatigue, pain, brain fog, dizziness, etc make it hard to work. I know we have folks on ATS who are experiencing this and can tell you directly how it impacts work.

(post by LordAhriman removed for a manners violation)

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 08:23 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on May, 17 2023 @ 08:36 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on May, 17 2023 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Pheraps you would be happier seeing the vid on a more censored platform?

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: LordAhriman

Pheraps you would be happier seeing the vid on a more censored platform?

I'm not watching 17 minutes of anti-vax hot garbage, but YouTube is reputable now?

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: Byrd

originally posted by: anonentity
This is an interesting look at the current data trends as presented by Neil MCoy, what seems to be happening is a gathering doom loop. Where one of the biggest private pension funds Tescos, has taken a massive hit. One in thirteen people is now not working because of long-term sickness.We also have 25% of the available workers looking for work, where the official unemployment figures are a fraction of this figure. The media seems to suggest that this is due to an increase in mental illness, what's changed so that the working-age populations are getting neurological damage.? This means that the tax take must be falling, and government borrowing goes up, along with the interest rates, which seems to validate the figure of eleven million having trouble paying the normal bills associated with living in modern society. The figures presented seem robust and accurate. But the official figures look to be greatly

Some of it is likely due to the effects of Long Covid. Not all of it, of course, but as of June 2022, 1/5th of Americans who had Covid had lingering ("long covid") effects - fatigue, pain, brain fog, dizziness, etc make it hard to work. I know we have folks on ATS who are experiencing this and can tell you directly how it impacts work.

Last I saw serology showed somewhere over 80% of populations have "had" COVID. It should be as near to 100% as it will get by now.

Is the assertion that 1/5 of the Western population had or has "long COVID"?

Post-viral syndromes are not new or unique to COVID. What was unique to COVID was deployment of an ineffective therapeutic during a pandemic phase, which had a history of failure in both the pathogen class deployed for and delivery method for effect, which has caused decreased ability for those that partook to fight infections.

If taking a vaccine increases your risk of mortality and decreases your ability to fight infection, what might it do for those suffering "long COVID"? It is very hard for me to believe that people don't understand that immune suppression along with systemic stress IS "long COVID", even if you wish to believe that the vaccines are not responsible.

Further, vaccines increase the load of the most dangerous part of the pathogen and make it possible for it to spread throughout your body. These things are being found all over the body, with unknown numbers of plasmids in every vial that nobody has bothered counting. So you have a therapeutic that increases the duration, spread, and volume, of the most dangerous part of a pathogen in your body. Then, after not preventing illness, the vaccines are excused from causing the post-viral syndrome of the disease they didn't prevent and quite possibly made more toxic.

Is anybody ready to actually discuss this topic and the junk science excuses that have propped up most of the pharmaceutical PR? It doesn't even make sense that a vaccine that increases your risk of death and infection is automatically excluded as being the primary factor in what is being attributed to the chronic effects of the disease it's meant to prevent. It's laughable and the absolute best case scenario is gross incompetence from the people at very top of our institutions.
edit on 5/17/23 by Ksihkehe because: Typo

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 09:48 PM
I have been getting the impression that the public pension funds are in better shape recently with all the nursing home and other elderly die offs.

With the private pension funds still in trouble, a bio weapon was designed and released on the population. It has done some damage. Then with the financial conflicts of interest in the treatments, few more problems there.

Ed Dowd has been doing a good job keeping up with the financial data. Trying to get a clear picture of all the financial data is tough, a competitive advantage exists when you can.

posted on May, 17 2023 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

I dont know about a competative advantage if the whole financial infrastructure is no longer a functioning system.The only advantage is getting prepared to the extent required with all the facts available. In all of history large empires which are just large systems always collapse from within.Simply because they are large and the trending mistake is just to large to put right because of the inertia. On the other hand smaller systems can adapt quicker to the changing circumstances.

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: LordAhriman

Pheraps you would be happier seeing the vid on a more censored platform?

I'm not watching 17 minutes of anti-vax hot garbage, but YouTube is reputable now?

Most of their food recipe videos are legit!

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 05:36 AM

originally posted by: anonentityWe also have 25% of the available workers looking for work

That in itself should have made you realise this is fake!

You really think we have the highest unemployment rate of all time - more than twice that of the Thatcher recession in the 1980s (the infamous "1 in 10") - and no-one else (including all the millions of employed queuing outside job centres) has even noticed?

Unemployment is actually at one of its lowest rates - and many businesses are still struggling because they are unable to recruit staff!

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Did the OP or the video mention the vaccine?

This now just your standardised response on every thread?

There’s no debate about the FACTS the OP is stating and nobody mentioned the VAX other than yourself.

edit on 18/5/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew

Seems the UK news media thinks otherwise:

With 2.5 million of these employed folk off on the sick, they’re still a strain on the system.

edit on 18/5/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: anonentity

That's actually a very good video and no, it's not all about COVID>

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 10:47 AM
I think the OP should go and rewrite the post. The failing pensions is due to seriously bad investing, not anything to do with the workforce. The uptick in mental disabilities aint down to short covid or long covid. The only thing that covids got to do with it is the system they used to "lock down", "segregate" the workforce/people and this mental assault on the population is still going on. Therefore.......... mental breakdowns.

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
I have been getting the impression that the public pension funds are in better shape recently with all the nursing home and other elderly die offs.

With the private pension funds still in trouble, a bio weapon was designed and released on the population. It has done some damage. Then with the financial conflicts of interest in the treatments, few more problems there.

Ed Dowd has been doing a good job keeping up with the financial data. Trying to get a clear picture of all the financial data is tough, a competitive advantage exists when you can.

This is false.

It is true that generation x will consume less SSI than the boomers due to population size — but relative wages have not maintained pace with population size so even if SSI were solvent, it would still become insolvent.

The bigger problems are twofold:

1) the USG has been using the pension trust fund to borrow money from for a long time — the SSI fund is already technically insolvent.

2) State pension plans are in way worse shape in states such as California, CALPERS, for example, is, quite definitively, insolvent and general funds & debt cover the pension solvency gap for CALPERS. Further many other state & local pension funds are also insolvent or near insolvency.

When the largest state insolvent pensions collapse, AND insolvent private sector pensions collapse two things will happen:

A) Pensioners from private plans will apply for relief from the pension benefit guaranty program (which is also insolvent).

B) Pensioners from both “public & private pensions that are insolvent and/or significantly reduce benefits and eligibility to become solvent” will opt to take social security as early as possible.

A & B happening at scale regardless of relatively minor differences in generational population size, plus the inverse relationship between average life expectancy vs. wage growth rate, will then cause effectively a “run on the USG” where everyone who is eligible for any early pension benefits at reduced benefits will take those benefits. Because not doing so increases the likelihood that each individual will wait too long and SSI/PBGC will fail as backstops.

posted on May, 18 2023 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
One in thirteen people is now not working because of long-term sickness.

What a load of cock p*ss. More like one in thirteen people are swinging the lead in a government devised system that allows them this opportunity. Fact of the matter is a good proportion of the modern British population is effectively bone idle to the core and useless as a component of modern society. Once upon a time we could stick these wasters on a ship and send them to one of our colonies, yet Empire is no more and now we have these layabouts lingering on our island expecting free housing, free food, free utilities, while the rest of us have to pay our taxes and pay for these parasites. these are the same bone idle good for nothing waters that voted us out of the EU as they didn't like foreigners, who ironically have largely buggered off back to their native EU states and left a major hole in employment in this country along with the taxes they were paying. Total nonsense, absolute absurdity, especially allowing the good for nothing the right to vote which in my opinion should be taken away from any bone idle wasters as they don't contribute to society in the first place so why let these parasitical scum have a say in how things run. Total nonsense and another part of how our once great nation is descending into a joke nation of the third world type

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

we never fixed the issues of the last financial crisis.. the pensions are in trouble all over the printing has been attempts to backfill the hole financial crisis always create in pension pots with so many dipping in and using the funds for other reasons the reflect just how deeply corrupt the west is.

we saw that with the collapse of the truss government, the core issue was with the BOEs pension pots that they had to bailout the biggest clue was how close BlackRock came to halting trading, and it was that that brought down here gov.. it risked exposing how corrupt the west has become..

the system is covering itself and in the uk most have become us democrat clones as indeed are most British posters here.

posted on May, 19 2023 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew

vast difference between being unemployed and looking for work.. a vast slice are looking for work, if you have access to the recruiter view on linked in you'd probably argue that the number is even higher than 25%

the boe will be looking to keep increasing the interest rates as people keep moving to new jobs for better wages, the boe/gov are creating a wage spiral as ever more look for betters wages.

it happened in the 90s under major.. its also a clue how close we are to the next financial crisis.

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