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The Great Pyramid Void Enigma

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posted on Sep, 19 2020 @ 06:35 AM
Good to see you back Scott and looking forward to seeing what new revelations you have for us in your upcoming book.

posted on Nov, 24 2020 @ 03:38 PM
Jason Colavito has commented on Scott's up coming new book about the void

Jason quotes this quote from the book:

This idea of a “Recovery Vault” is not unlike our modern-day seed vault on Svalbaard in the Arctic Circle, which opened in 2008. I did not, however, arrive at this Recovery Vault conclusion of my own accord--I took my cue from what the ancient Egyptian texts tell us: “. . . The king then directed the astrologers to ascertain by taking the altitude whether the stars foretold any great catastrophe, and the result announced an approaching deluge. The king ordered them to inquire whether or not this calamity would befall Egypt; and they answered, yes, the flood will overwhelm the land, and destroy a large portion of it for some years. . . . upon which the king ordered the Pyramids to be built, and the predictions of the priests to be Inscribed upon columns, and upon the large stones belonging to them; and he placed within them his treasures, and all his valuable property, together with the bodies of his ancestors.” And there it is--this text suggests that the Big Void within the Great Pyramid is a chamber built specifically to house and protect, “. . . the bodies of his [Sūrīd’s] ancestors.”

JC's view of SC comment

Now this is an interesting mess. I suppose we should start by insisting quite loudly that the passage Creighton quotes is not an ancient Egyptian text. It is a paragraph from the Akhbār al-zamān, a tenth or eleventh century Arabic treatise on the history of Egypt.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune

JC's view of SC comment:

"Now this is an interesting mess. I suppose we should start by insisting quite loudly that the passage Creighton quotes is not an ancient Egyptian text. It is a paragraph from the Akhbār al-zamān, a tenth or eleventh century Arabic treatise on the history of Egypt."

Colavito's translation of the Akhbar al-zaman, or Digest of Wonders.
edit on 27-11-2020 by Hooke because: insert missing quote

edit on 27-11-2020 by Hooke because: continuing problems with quote

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