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The Great Pyramid Void Enigma

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posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 09:38 AM

This is just to give a brief update on my new book, The Great Pyramid Void Enigma which I had been anticipating being released this year.

My publisher, Inner Traditions - Bear & Co, have now given me a revised publication date of July 2021 for the new book. The original publication date has had to be pushed back a bit (I suspect due to the Covid19 pandemic causing staff shortages at the firm).

As the publication date nears, I will be posting some excerpts from it on my Forum here on ATS. Be sure to look out for them.

Best wishes,

edit on 16/9/2020 by Scott Creighton because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 10:02 AM
Yep the former official Egypt state pyramid ologist what's his face Amar Swafari or something he's hiding it

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Scott Creighton

Looking forward to that !

Any and all Zahi Hawass by-passes are important in our understanding of one of man's most enduring enigmas.
( How on earth did he get his job back ?! )

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: Scott Creighton

This is just to give a brief update on my new book, The Great Pyramid Void Enigma which I had been anticipating being released this year.

My publisher, Inner Traditions - Bear & Co, have now given me a revised publication date of July 2021 for the new book. The original publication date has had to be pushed back a bit (I suspect due to the Covid19 pandemic causing staff shortages at the firm).

As the publication date nears, I will be posting some excerpts from it on my Forum here on ATS. Be sure to look out for them.

Best wishes,


Thnx, Mr. C! Always great stuff! Looking, MS

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 12:12 PM
Dupe. Sorry
edit on 9/16/2020 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 12:13 PM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
Yep the former official Egypt state pyramid ologist what's his face Amar Swafari or something he's hiding it

Zahi Hawass. You're not even close.

originally posted by: Timely
a reply to: Scott Creighton

( How on earth did he get his job back ?! )

He didn't. What makes you think he did?

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 01:45 PM
Good to hear you are still chipping away at this time swept enigma. Lots of strange stuff with it.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 01:54 PM
Will buy...but can you give a brief overview?

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 03:16 PM
I guess we'll find out eventually and then we won't need to speculate.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: schuyler

I did see he lost his position as Egyptian Antiquities Minister, but saw him interviewed a year or so later in an official capacity.

He was spouting his usual guff as if nothing had changed.

Same clown, different job ?

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: Scott Creighton

I know you do not want to give out much of the information that will be covered in your book, but I would like you to speculate on one thing that could be a great teaser...

What would be the absolutely least invasive/destructive operation required to absolutely prove the existence of this hidden chamber to decide if it would be worth the effort to create human access to it?

Thanks. Hope that can be discussed here in anticipation of your new book.

Even if you do not want to answer that, it would still be a great question for ATS to speculate on, before we can read what you would have to say about it !!!

edit on 17-9-2020 by charlyv because: spelling , where caught

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: charlyv

Hi charlyv,

An interesting question. A difficult one too.

I think the first thing to say here is that, having read a lot of the literature around this void discovery, I am convinced that it will be found to be the fifth major chamber within the Great Pyramid. Yes, a deliberately fashioned chamber as opposed to a legacy construction space.

To confirm this I think the Egyptian antiquities authority will have to drill a small hole into the roof of the Grand Gallery. The base of the Void sits about 10 metres above. They would probably also need to secure a shut-off mechanism to slide over and close off the drilled hole should, for example, packing sand begin pouring through into the Grand Gallery which could potentially weaken the structure above. If they manage to breach the Void with this small hole then a flexible fibre optic camera could be fed up through the drilled hole into the Void to have a look inside.

Should this camera see anything of importance (and I am convinced that it will) then the Egyptian authorities would need to decide what to do next. There may be other low-invasive means by which this Void can be further explored without actually sending people in there which, naturally, would require a much larger access tunnel to be bored (possibly horizontally from Campbell's Chamber). I doubt, though, that the Egyptian authorities would be willing to do this unless, of course, Discovery or Science Channel gave them a big incentive by putting up $millions for TV rights etc.

If they ever did get people in there then I believe they will make the discovery of all time and one that will forever change mainstream Egyptology with regards to the purpose and provenance of these monuments. Hope this answers your question.

Best wishes,


edit on 17/9/2020 by Scott Creighton because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: theatreboy
Will buy...but can you give a brief overview?

Hi theatreboy - I plan to do this in the next month or so.

Best wishes,


posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 09:28 AM
perhaps the 'void' or 'chamber' is intended to represent the metaphysical realm (or even the Quantum World) which exists side-by-side in our familiar physical reality...

the presence of Gaia might be another viewpoint to consider i believe the underworld is certainly fragmented with many 'forces' which do not necessarily interact, but maintain their own niche ...

posted on Sep, 18 2020 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Scott Creighton

Thanks so much for responding to that inquiry. I find this fascinating and I am sure that you have a great story to tell about the secrets of the Great Pyramid and just what that void represents.

We certainly need this kind subject matter on ATS and it has bee sorely missed, especially with all of the covid, terrorism and politics. Thanks again, and hope your book can get in our hands as soon as possible.

posted on Sep, 18 2020 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: Scott Creighton

originally posted by: theatreboy
Will buy...but can you give a brief overview?

Hi theatreboy - I plan to do this in the next month or so.

Best wishes,


are you doing any online paid patreon content on this new book or anything like that Scott?

posted on Sep, 18 2020 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: sapien82

Hi sapien82,

This is pretty much the publisher's call and, at the moment, I know of no plans to do this. But who knows--it might be something they might want to consider further down the road.

Best wishes,

edit on 18/9/2020 by Scott Creighton because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2020 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: Scott Creighton

Cool thanks , and all the best with the book , I'll check it out thanks

posted on Sep, 18 2020 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: Timely

He has a lot of gold, and a knows a secret.?

posted on Sep, 19 2020 @ 02:32 AM
One can only wonder at what Zahi Hawass knows, that we (as a general public) do not know.

I am talking more about objects and places, not necessarily the intricate geography and archeology that we also hear very little about

He has been very secretive over the years, as his peers and governing chairs have all had more that a few run-ins with what he has been up to. He must know of some really strange objects, and certain passageways as well under the pyramids.

You would really wonder why people that know things that others lust for, feel justified in keeping them secrets denied to humanity.

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