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Why is the Sun Setting North of Due West? - I Am Above The Tropic of Cancer

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posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: cheesyleps
Off course it does, believe does influences reality. Don't be silly now. Anyways I don't see this as an issue. You may continue on believing what is you believe.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: Vasteel

Hopefully one of the "navigators" on here can clear up how "off" something would need to be in order to be unavoidably noticable.

Of what frame of reference would you compare if your a navigator but those who share the same frame of reference as you.

I personally would not notice the Sun setting a degree or two off where it should be, or a map being slightly out. If the Sun rose in West for example though it would be global news - the Earth would pretty much have had to start spinning the other way or done a 180 flip on its axis lol.

Its a none issue you know. You all making a big deal out of it. Besides what if the OP is wrong and there is nothing wrong with were the sun is. Ya know, why so serious when most people would not notice it in there whole lifes at all if anything changed...Just saying.

I dont think a lot of people would even notice if the sun did a 180flip. Besides what is gravity and lines on a map anyways when all all forces work at centrifugal points. That means no matter were the sun may be you will always be under it. So the sun may be of sometimes to some people, whats the biggie, can we all like just agree that everything is good and move on.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: cooperton
Who's saying the sun position changed? Lets not be silly now, even though technically were all not talking about the same things here we are agreeing that the everything is as it should be. The sun is were it always has been. You know! Somewhere in the general direction of up there somewhere.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

if as you claim :

" belief influences reality "

thre pithy response is demonstrate it by influencing gravity with your belief

fee free to jump of any large drop to show this

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape
lol dude. Gravity is not a believe its the physical manifestation of the constraint you all exist under, another expression of duality vs binary most likely. With in that constraint you would be free to influence your physical reality to a very minimum and your mental reality to a larger degree. Hence this thread is about the mental reality and its influences on the physical, its cumulative knowledge and believe over some odd thousands of years. Ya know clocks and gyros and shadows on the ground.

What your talking about however is just retarded. The believe of a human does not stretch much farther then its total sum context of cumulative believe if even that. And if there ever came a time and day were something were able to do that. Well then the human race would become extinct, and fast. In fact if ever came along any entity or creature even capable of influencing its reality even a tiny fraction of a bit more then humanity would, well then you all are still going extinct.

Its how this game works, the game of life, zero sum edition ver 1.23.

Like I said there are no issues here and you all and the sun are were you are supposed to be. I mean really, who even thought that the sun moved? I mean sure it moves all the time in space and time, even as were speaking this now, but that is another thing and not on subject right. But anyways the sun is were it should be so you all can mozy on along now.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

please come back when you actually understand what i wrote

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape
Oh I understand what you wrote.

I just was being sarcastic, I do that sometimes. Sometimes i run into things that people write which are so meh! I cant believe I actually wasted time to read there sentence, I just am speechless by there meh!ness and mumble on along so as to not hurt there feelings. Truly I am a very nice guy. I have yet to insult you all that much.

But lets just say if I could influence reality enough to get rid of gravity. I would not, as gravity is a good idea. But what I would do is well first I would blow up the moon or make it go away. Never liked the thing anyways. Worst idea ever in putting it there. Then I would likely change some things around here, like the color of this planet, never liked the blue scheme to it, its so passe. it would look much prettier if it were all gray, or brown, or red just like mars.

Then I would likely set out do so something about all these weirdos hairless monkeys who are everywhere on my planet, but then i would realize that in getting rid of the moon and making earth pretty like mars would have solved that problem for me. After which I would congratulate myself for being so clever that I solved 1 problem with two stones and never even knew it till I got around to it.

Then I would go to brunch and eat lunch, just because I can...Mmm K!
Does that answer your question?

Now come back when you actually have something to say that is not on the verge of being something a 3 yr old said and I may take you or this whole thing seriously...Not likely though. Or are we still going to talk about make believe? Because I can do that.

But on a side note. The sun is were it should be, now that problem is solved. You all need to move along now, nothing to see here, mozzy on along there peeps.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 02:58 PM
Almost fell for this but the data just doesn't support it. According to this website, the sun is where it should be & hasn't deviated in decades. Check it for yourself. And if you have a compass, you can check this out for yourself. I love ATS & have been a lurker for years but I had to create an account so I could post this link. So tired of paranoia-mongers trying to scare people needlessly.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: Astartiel
Almost fell for this but the data just doesn't support it. According to this website, the sun is where it should be & hasn't deviated in decades. Check it for yourself. And if you have a compass, you can check this out for yourself. I love ATS & have been a lurker for years but I had to create an account so I could post this link. So tired of paranoia-mongers trying to scare people needlessly.

as I said a couple pages ago:

originally posted by: cooperton
You're supposed to use tangential east and west on the globe, not follow the latitude circles to determine distant east/west appearances of the setting sun. Found my answer.

If anything, this thread is useful for learning the implications of spherical geometry.

posted on Jun, 22 2023 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: Drunkenparrot
Is this the same basic science that says gender is merely a social construct? Yeah, I’ll pass. Science is corrupted by all sorts of agendas. It’s no better than any other religion now.

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