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Why is the Sun Setting North of Due West? - I Am Above The Tropic of Cancer

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posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 10:29 PM
I am on the 40th north latitude, and I noticed something strange today. The sunset is north of due west. How is this possible? I am significantly north of the tropic of cancer..... I thought the sun should never be setting to the north to any degree? I measured it to be about 15 degrees north of due west!! I googled this same question and found a yahoo answers question from 2008 regarding the same thing from a man in Colorado. Mostly everyone said it was due to the axial tilt of the earth, but this is only 23 or so degrees, the sun should never be north of this latitude mark (Tropic of Cancer). This morning at 9 a.m. I observed the sunrise to be in the southeast where I would expect it to be.

Am I negligent of some astronomical phenomenon?

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 10:41 PM
Be careful dude,
If you continue to question the Sun,
You'll be labeled a racist...
Then get shot by the pigs.

Just tryn to look out for you man.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 10:42 PM
It's summer. Therefore if you're north enough, and look even more north, it's daylight up there.

I'm about the 54th latitude. The sun is rising in the north east and setting in the north west.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 10:42 PM
If so you are not the only one,I have had to plant trees 12 ft further north to screen the evening sun where I sit on my patio.The sun is setting further and further north in the past 15 years.I am at 36 degrees.
edit on 23-7-2015 by Sunwolf because: addition

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: cooperton
I am interested in your thread and can't wait to read some responses.
Thanks for sharing!

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 10:45 PM
the earth or the solar system travels in a warbled orbit. The axis may be 23 degree but any back and forth, up and down side to side motion of the earth or solar system will affect where the Sun looks to be setting. Right now the solar winds affecting the earth are causing the Sun to set a little further north than before. even the native Americans and others have noticed this same thing.

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: cooperton

I will sit back and await your thread in 6 months wondering why the sun is setting a bit south of west..... Please learn physics.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: flice
a reply to: cooperton

I will sit back and await your thread in 6 months wondering why the sun is setting a bit south of west..... Please learn physics.

My house is on the 40th latitude. The farthest north the sun reaches is the tropic of cancer, around the 23rd latitude. How is the sun north of my house at the 40th latitude if it is not supposed to go farther north than the 23rd latitude? The sun should always be south of anyone more north than the 24th latitude

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
the earth or the solar system travels in a warbled orbit. The axis may be 23 degree but any back and forth, up and down side to side motion of the earth or solar system will affect where the Sun looks to be setting. Right now the solar winds affecting the earth are causing the Sun to set a little further north than before. even the native Americans and others have noticed this same thing.

So this effect is drastic enough to cause the sun to appear about 32 degrees more north than usual??? (The sun appears from my house to be setting around the 55th latitude, which is about 32 degrees more north than the alleged 23rd latitude). If so I would really like to read a peer-reviewed article on this phenomenon
edit on 23-7-2015 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:00 PM

So this effect is drastic enough to cause the sun to appear about 32 degrees more north than usual??? (The sun appears from my house to be setting around the 55th latitude, which is about 32 degrees more north than the alleged 23rd latitude). If so I would really like to read a peer-reviewed article on this phenomenon

Oh like the peer review articles that were faked/fudged/manipulated for Global Warming?


When I here peer review I laugh

edit on 23-7-2015 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: cooperton

I had to Google this, because it sets north of west, and rises north of east, from where I am, which is north of Edmonton.
It's the tilt I guess, that site above explained it quite well.

I was just noticing the sunrise this morning - how far north it still is..

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:08 PM
I'm roughly the same latitude as you, and being FROM the tropics, it ain't weird. It's called precession of the sun, as well as summer.
My mother is from this exact area, she's extremely familiar with the sunrise & sunset locations throughout the year. I'm fairly sure if the sun in her stomping ground of over 6 decades was any different, she'd say so, considering she was a farmer.

WTH is so wrong with America today that people either forget or don't understand basic science?
edit on 7/23/2015 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/24/2015 by Nyiah because: 6 decades, not SIXTY. Yeesh.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
I'm roughly the same latitude as you, and being FROM the tropics, it ain't weird. It's called precession of the sun, as well as summer.
My mother is from this exact area, she's extremely familiar with the sunrise & sunset locations throughout the year. I'm fairly sure if the sun in her stomping ground of over 60 decades was any different, she'd say so, considering she was a farmer.

WTH is so wrong with America today that people either forget or don't understand basic science?

The sun is not precessing, it is the axis of the earth that goes through a precession. Do you understand why it is strange for the sun to be north of the tropic of cancer (the 23rd latitude line The sun should never physically be north of that line.

originally posted by: snowspirit
a reply to: cooperton

I had to Google this, because it sets north of west, and rises north of east, from where I am, which is north of Edmonton.
It's the tilt I guess, that site above explained it quite well.

I was just noticing the sunrise this morning - how far north it still is..

But that's what I am asking, HOW is this setting north of people who live about the 23rd latitude line... the sun is never supposed to physically be above the tropic of Cancer
edit on 23-7-2015 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah

WTH is so wrong with America today that people either forget or don't understand basic science?

A better understanding of basic science by the member base would probably kill ATS...

Just sayin,,,

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:21 PM
Ummm...I take it you don't get outside much....This is like, 3rd grade level stuff here... Smh.

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance
Ummm...I take it you don't get outside much....This is like, 3rd grade level stuff here... Smh.

The sun is supposed to never be directly above any point north of the 24th latitude line. I, living on the 40th latitude, see the sun being north of my house.

If the sun is not supposed to be north of the 24th latitude line, how is it north of the 40th latitude line?

originally posted by: RoadCourse
Be careful dude,
If you continue to question the Sun,
You'll be labeled a racist...
Then get shot by the pigs.

Just tryn to look out for you man.

HA! you seem to be spot on. I am just baffled by some of the responses I have gotten so far...
edit on 23-7-2015 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:26 PM
oh dear - i a experiencing a dreadful sense of de-javu

please - every one who claims that " the sun // moon " etc is in the " wrong position " or that sun // moon set // rise times are " wrong "

please do one thing - FIRST

go to your local library - find a almanac [ or ask the librarian on duty to supply you with one ]

look at the flysheet and note the publication date

then review the relevant data for that day - and unless the published figures are wrong [ i assure you they wont be ]

then feck off and leave us alone

PS - this may sound harsh - but the ignorance of the " its wrong " crowd is getting tediuos

the sun // moon set // rise times can be calculated mathemateically using data from the 19th century

they are NOT wrong - you are

there are 100s of thousands of people every day who rely on the positions of celestial bodies being predicatable - if any single one was " wrong " there would be bedlam

just one FYI - the RYA [ royal yatcht assosiation [ UK ] ]publishes almanacs that sell thousands of copies - if any of thier data was wrong - the users would be in uproar - but .

slilence ..............................

ergo - its you - not the data and not us [ who think the times positions are correct ]

get over it

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Nyiah
I'm roughly the same latitude as you, and being FROM the tropics, it ain't weird. It's called precession of the sun, as well as summer.
My mother is from this exact area, she's extremely familiar with the sunrise & sunset locations throughout the year. I'm fairly sure if the sun in her stomping ground of over 60 decades was any different, she'd say so, considering she was a farmer.

WTH is so wrong with America today that people either forget or don't understand basic science?

The sun is not precessing, it is the axis of the earth that goes through a precession. Do you understand why it is strange for the sun to be north of the tropic of cancer (the 23rd latitude line The sun should never physically be north of that line.

originally posted by: snowspirit
a reply to: cooperton

I had to Google this, because it sets north of west, and rises north of east, from where I am, which is north of Edmonton.
It's the tilt I guess, that site above explained it quite well.

I was just noticing the sunrise this morning - how far north it still is..

But that's what I am asking, HOW is this setting north of people who live about the 23rd latitude line... the sun is never supposed to physically be above the tropic of Cancer

The tropic of Cancer is the farthest norther point where the sun can appear directly overhead. The sun can still seem to rise and set to the north.

Cmon, you really think the odds are better that the sun is in the wrong place or that you are missing something?

The Sun in the sky during the Summer in the Northern hemisphere

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: Drunkenparrot

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Nyiah
I'm roughly the same latitude as you, and being FROM the tropics, it ain't weird. It's called precession of the sun, as well as summer.
My mother is from this exact area, she's extremely familiar with the sunrise & sunset locations throughout the year. I'm fairly sure if the sun in her stomping ground of over 60 decades was any different, she'd say so, considering she was a farmer.

WTH is so wrong with America today that people either forget or don't understand basic science?

The sun is not precessing, it is the axis of the earth that goes through a precession. Do you understand why it is strange for the sun to be north of the tropic of cancer (the 23rd latitude line The sun should never physically be north of that line.

originally posted by: snowspirit
a reply to: cooperton

I had to Google this, because it sets north of west, and rises north of east, from where I am, which is north of Edmonton.
It's the tilt I guess, that site above explained it quite well.

I was just noticing the sunrise this morning - how far north it still is..

But that's what I am asking, HOW is this setting north of people who live about the 23rd latitude line... the sun is never supposed to physically be above the tropic of Cancer

The tropic of Cancer is the farthest norther point where the sun can appear directly overhead. The sun can still seem to rise and set to the north.

Cmon, you really think the odds are better that the sun is in the wrong place or that you are missing something?

The Sun in the sky during the Summer in the Northern hemisphere

All I asked for was the astronomical phenomenon that makes it appear as though the sun is north of due west at sunset from an observer at the 40th latitude. Like you said, the sun should NOT be directly overhead any point north of the 23rd my question is... why is it north of that point by 32 degrees?
edit on 23-7-2015 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 12:29 AM
I feel like this some days when I look at the sun but its the time of year the northern hemisphere faces the sun so it seems further north but it isn't.. Instead of measuring at sunset do it midday..? My apologies if I just sound silly..

posted on Jul, 24 2015 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

WTH is so wrong with America today that people either forget or don't understand basic science?

I wouldn't judge America's scientific knowledge by the OP's.

He's posted threads here suggesting that

— dragons are dinosaurs and dinosaurs are Satan
— viruses are demons
— Genesis describes the Big Bang
— There is a layer of glass in the sky above us, holding in the atmosphere

A somewhat unique case, I think.

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