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Former Top NSA Official - We are Now In a Police State

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posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:13 AM


posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by ELectricalApprentice

Everybody say hi to the narc's

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:45 AM

By way of background, the government is spying on virtually everything we do. All of the information gained by the NSA through spying is then shared with federal, state and local agencies, and they are using that information to prosecute petty crimes such as drugs and taxes. The agencies are instructed to intentionally “launder” the information gained through spying, i.e. to pretend that they got the information in a more legitimate way … and to hide that from defense attorneys and judges.

This is absolutely true. I already know this from talking to my aunt, who is one of the top defense attorneys in the state. What you have to do is file for discovery. That means getting the documents from the police in order to see how their investigation went.

Oh oh - sorry - and I know this from personal experience from being prosecuted for one of those petty crimes.

You guys should know, I'm involved, right now, in a corrupt case where I filed for discovery and the police lied on their report - their whole police report was a lie, it was such a lie, that when the defense attorney was interviewing me and everyone else involved, they couldn't figure out what was going on, because there was consistency with all of us but not with the police report.

I don't even know what to do. Yes, we are in a police state. Yes, it is corrupt. For everyone out there who thinks "It's fine if you don't do anything wrong," that is total bull#, I'm already involved in a case where that is not true, and what are you guys going to do when the police start lying and even a defense attorney qualified to defend death penalty cases can't help you in a minor case?

For one thing,

Nothing. You're all going to find out how bad it is. Every last one of you. Because at the moment, you could be put in jail for anything - the zone of "doing something wrong" is expanding. That's what happens when you have an intolerant state where people get "offended" by each other's lifestyles and views. It's the opposite of free speech and freedom.

And you won't have a fair trial or many rights, either. And when it comes time to discover that this is not just some fake conspiracy, it more than likely will be too late - the prison industrial complex welcomes new workers, too, so don't forget that.

No one should have supported The Patriot Act. No one should support having Homeland Security. No one should support the N.S.A. having no oversight, and our constitutional rights being taken away. Everyone loses.

In a totalitarian nationalist state, the politics of that state are going to change every 10-20 years, and when they do, an opposite group of people are going to get arrested, and in the worst case, killed. What that means is, you are NOT safe regardless of your political views, because if you are safe this year, you are NOT going to be safe in ten.

Especially with today's technology this is DANGEROUS and NOT ACCEPTABLE. And if you think that it isn't going to happen, it's already been happening since 2001. And it's just the natural way of things - when someone or a group of people has the technology to get more power, they will use it, that's just the way things are.
edit on 19amThu, 19 Dec 2013 11:07:38 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 10:54 AM

reply to post by FlyersFan

How do we get rid of the police-state?

How do we return to a society based on individualism, personal responsibility, liberty, freedom?

Sad to say it but at this point it will only be achieved through violence and blunt force in resistance. The days of peaceful protesting are a thing of the past. Clearly any protest can be treated with a jack boot by the dogs to appease the handlers and there is nothing we can do. Sure people can sue the state or city in this instance but who pays the tab? We do, the taxpayer and the police are not held accountable, never fired or disciplined besides a vacation/suspension paid. Some cops can sue the state in turn for "emotional stress" see UC Davis pepper-spray cop. And still nothing changes.

It's become such a idiocracy and bizarre in these times that a violent uprising is not that much out of grasp. Knowing this the puppeteers at the Fed Reserve "unknown unknowns" as Rummy would put it ... that they have taken these safeguards and installed safe triggers to save their own ass from us. It's quite diabolical actually. the proxy government is now the elephant in the room. As long as they keep a death grip on the people it is bound to happen. Who will be the victors? hard to say. But it's bound to happen. Its a matter of how hungry and tired we become and when it will outweigh complacency. They fear us, they also loathe us. But as long as they fear us that means they are not so sure how long they can keep this circus going.

We want a world free of violence however violence will have to happen to achieve this imo. I will not say who, what when or how because this would get me in trouble hence the topic at hand. But people will figure it out I am sure. there are people that need to go and go out only one way, and im not talking about the puppet politicians / distractions. they control the Courts and own the DOJ as well. You have to get rid of them much like getting rid of a roach infestation in your appliances. Aim much higher on the totem above the puppet gov and you will find them just follow the money.

blood get the gears of revolution turning

I am a pacifist btw
edit on 19-12-2013 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-12-2013 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by darkbake

What you describe happened in the 80's in the u.k. Just look what the police did to the legitimate striking miners.
Great post, i wonder how many free thinking people are on secret blacklists like the construction workers here in the u.k.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:01 AM

reply to post by stirling

Which is why Gandhi like persistence is needed.

Don't give them a reason, so that when they do the abuse is obvious.

Passive resistance, peaceful protest, use the system in place as best you can.

Let them make the first move not the other way around.

Use peaceful avenues for change while they still exist...

What did Ganhdi ever do for but speak many words while saying nothing?

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:04 AM


posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by DarthFazer

I'm a pacifist as well. What DarthFazer says is more than likely going to happen down the road if you look at the situation. When there is a corrupt ruling faction that will not let go of its iron grip on totalitarian control mechanisms, what will probably happen is our country is going to get worse to the point where many more lines are going to be crossed.

The reason I say this, is because the representatives and the people in charge are not holding anyone accountable, in fact, they are calling people like Snowden and Assange, who are holding people accountable, traitors - the ruling elite are so far off from reality there is no chance in hell that they are going to turn anything around as leaders.

Once many more lines are crossed in the police state we are in and continue to be in, and there are no Democratic avenues to change that, yes, there probably will be a violent revolution. What other ways could there be?

A lot of lines have been crossed already, including:
1. The warrentless roving wiretapping mentioned in this thread
A. That very clearly violates the fourth amendment on many different levels, actually.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.[1]

Wikipedia: 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

And there are others, as well - at the moment this one is one I can personally verify and it seems to be a pretty major one, and it is the topic of this thread, so it's on my mind.
edit on 19amThu, 19 Dec 2013 11:19:08 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:22 AM

reply to post by FlyersFan

How do we get rid of the police-state?

How do we return to a society based on individualism, personal responsibility, liberty, freedom?

Short of some sunburst that sends us back to the 1600s, I don't think there is much we can do at this point. The sad reality is that TPTB have the eyes, ears, and muscle to do what they want at this point. I feel the endgame is not too far down the road. Sorry to be a pessimist. (I prefer the term realist though)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:29 AM

I'm a pacifist as well. What DarthFazer says is more than likely going to happen down the road if you look at the situation. When there is a corrupt ruling faction that will not let go of its iron grip on totalitarian control mechanisms, what will probably happen is our country is going to get worse to the point where many more lines are going to be crossed.

The reason I say this, is because the representatives and the people in charge are not holding anyone accountable, in fact, they are calling people like Snowden and Assange, who are holding people accountable, traitors - the ruling elite are so far off from reality there is no chance in hell that they are going to turn anything around as leaders.

Once many more lines are crossed in the police state we are in and continue to be in, and there are no Democratic avenues to change that, yes, there probably will be a violent revolution. What other ways could there be?

A lot of lines have been crossed already, including:
1. The warrentless roving wiretapping mentioned in this thread
A. That very clearly violates the fourth amendment on many different levels, actually.

I too, am a pacifist. What is rather humorous is our government claiming that spying on every person on the planet is in the name of "National Security." How, exactly, they never say in any clear terms. Spying on granny down the block surely isn't going to stop some "terrorist." So when a Snowden confirms the extent of treachery of the US government against her own people in the name of said security, they get labeled a traitor. And for what? Upholding the Constitution. There isn't mention of NDAs in the Constitution. Ben Franklin would be mortified.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by DarthFazer

Would deposing our government through overthrow really change anything? We'd still be under surveillance by those same entities that are actually providing the information to the government. No matter how innocent they may want to seem with their FOIA requests and demands for clarity--the fact remains that companies like Google have been collecting databases of information about our searches, emails and god knows what else long before Snowden revealed anything. In a way, I see overthrow as simply being, at best, a changing of the guard of masters to corporate control and at worst, sincerely problematic in terms of maintaining critical infrastructure and perhaps doomed to failure as we do have the most technologically advanced military in the world. The one thing that we'd have going for us is that our military is historically bad at guerrilla warfare and such an event would be the equivalent of just that.

Additionally, like you, I think they'd see it coming but not just the Fed Reserve. I'd say that a lot of what has been going on is most likely in response to extreme anti-government rhetoric. A state will move to protect itself even from internal threat and every time there is one, it gives them validation to continue what they are doing or adds fuel to the fire. That's what I see happening. A paranoid government doing things that anger the public which makes the paranoid government even more paranoid. It's not a good situation at all.

P.S. Yeesh, thread is getting spammed to hell and back.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 12:07 PM
You know this guy is nothing more than a modern day Dr. Frankenstein whose monster wasn't exactly what he expected. I say we put some funds into our own Dr. Frankenstein project and see about raising the dead, namely, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, George Washington etc. Lets see how far they can stick a boot up our arses for letting this happen to the country they left for us.

edit on 19-12-2013 by WWJFKD because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by beezzer


posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 01:32 PM

It would be a revelation to every citizen as to just what the "government" thinks of them.......especially when the efficiency of the high tech warfighting tools they possess is demonstrated......
In case you haven't noticed...the MIComplex has developed many answers to policing a country which is hostile to their
The people would be slaughtered wholesale.....or disarmed without firing a shot using microwave technology.....
Are you ready for the robots and drones that are ready to be unleashed on us?
Coming to YOUR neighbourhood soon.......
DARPA has been veryyy busy preparing for such an has NSA.....

I don't think it need come to that.

Civil disobedience can work and will work in our time, if and only if it is organised and carried out properly.

Ask yourself one question...ultimately, what do the 1%'ers and tptb have in common, what is their singular pursuit?

Wealth, notably wealth off the backs and sweat of the 99%'ers as per normal. Without wealth, they have NO power OR control, over us, over the judiciary, over the media, over the police or the army.

No wealth, no control.

How do they get their wealth?

US...we literally give them the power and control over us.

So..the solution, the NON violent solution (as non-violence is the ONLY way to effect change) is to withhold that wealth, to deprive them of what they need to control.

DON'T work, DON'T BUY and simply refuse to pay anything they demand from you.

If a hundred, or a thousand people did this...nothing would happen apart from those people being fired, taken to court for non-payment of taxes or bills etc.

But if a Million stopped working and buying and just living on what they need to get by...what then?

I'll tell you what...another 10 million will join, then another and another until tptb will have NO choice but to relent and's a numbers game folks, not a bullets game.

edit on 19-12-2013 by MysterX because: typo

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 01:34 PM

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 02:07 PM
I am actually quite pro-law enforcement. I look almost romantically at the role of a law enforcement officer in a healthy human civilization. Perhaps because my father is one of these noble men.
My issue is that accountability no longer exists and the laws themselves work against liberty, pursuit of happiness, individuality and freedom in general. Laws have intruded deeply into all aspects of human behavior. The drug laws are one example. If one's body is not sovereign then what is? (some) Drugs are demonized and made illegal under the guise of behaviors and actions they are said to promote, yet those actions are already illegal unto themselves. The vast majority of people who use them are not exhibiting those behaviors. We cannot with any rationale attempt to micromanage everyone's health choices. Death is inevitable for all. People need to be responsible for their actions, not penalized for potential actions.
Yet the impact on law enforcement is as grim as the loss of individual liberty. As these anti-human laws proliferate so does resentment and distrust of police who in turn come to resent the citizenship as well.
The bond of trust is destroyed. The temptations of corruption from prohibitions and increasing power of law enforcement attract power seekers and sociopaths. Law enforcement officers of good character and conscience are reviled at what their department turns to and leave of their own repugnance, or are forced out by the corrupt for not being willing to bloodstain their hands in the brotherhood.

To be a law enforcement officer is a noble endeavor worthy of honor and respect if the system is just.
Extraordinary powers are bequeathed to them. Yet they must be held accountable, doubly or more so than a regular citizen for any abuse of their status. There can be no leniency with those who abuse their power. When there is no accountability the structure only continues to rot all the more.

We have clearly lost control of all aspects of our government and our justice system. The good have left or are leaving and the filth is proliferating. It is hardly new though. It has been evident for decades. The fact that the majority is waking up to it shows historically that we are likely past the point of hope to turn things around.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by 0001391

Hear hear! Perfectly stated, and eloquently, too.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Battleline

Fix it with fire, then walk away.

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 02:22 PM
I've been deeply thinking about this thread, it's been said in many different formats before, though I feel in light of the Top NSA official coming forward and some other thoughts in this thread maybe, just maybe I can put to light the alphabets in my ka~nogin... Here goes nothing~

No average citizen "wants" a revolution. After WW2 most families, didn't want "any" generation of family going through the turmoils of war. This has had a ladder effect on every generation after (I know aobut the Korean, Desert Storm, Vietnam, Iraq etc, those men are a dying breed a sad but honest observation) that if something were to happen "god forbid" the casualty count of civillian American's would be "outrageous" to say the least.

I feel this has a reprocussion effect on any American wanting to bare that mantle, we do not want innocence to die, and those that know nothing of war to bare that weight. Not everyone is a Soldier. Still, there's a concensus in the air not even just on ATS that "there is something wrong and nothing feels right", you don't have to come to sites like this, you can just talk to Joe Schmoe on the street.

So the hesitation is there, all the while the world masses watch in anticipation on "When the fetch are these bloody American's going to stand up", most have a displaced feeling about us. Not that they hate American's, but are more so angered that we've let our Government go as far as they have (and still are) without speaking up.

We have, through peaceful protest, after protest. We have tried through voting and replacing officials. American's have exhausted every option except the door that NONE of us wants to open. Why!? Because we don't want to loose our loved ones. If something is not done, we will loose them anyway and sadly the 1 commonality we all share is "We are all going to die" sometime, some way, whether a year, tomorrow, or 50 years from now, we all take that stairway to heaven (pending beliefs of coarse, but beliefs are trivial and really don't matter at this point in time, if not only to seperate that which they know will keep us divided).

We have watched generation after generation do absolutely NOTHING to rectify that which is occuring, all the while more CIVIL liberties are taken and restricted, more and more.

This is not a call to arms, this is a reality check. I'm not going to keep speaking the truths that everyone know's in there hearts to be true, but my last thoughts are this.

The stage has been set, and all Chess pieces are in place. There will be a final curtain call and the dominos will fall. I have trust in my fellow American's that when and if a time like this occurs, it will not be American on American, nor the Police or Military will act out against there own countrymen, but that we will pull these donkey's out of there mansion's and scour every inch of this land for those that have created such tension and strife on there own.

How much more until that "rubber band" breaks?

I believe in peaceful resolutions. "Peace" has left the U.S.A a long time ago folks. They are listening and they don't like us.

One day, every single one of us will have to get off that fetching fence and decide just which side we are on. Peaceful or not.

Again, this is not a call to arms. This is just a friendly reminder from your "average" American, who isnt' afraid and will protect his family when and if SHTF.

Best regards,

posted on Dec, 19 2013 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by sulaw

That is indeed the plan!

An uprising focused on force would make a lot of the goals of "TPTB" so, so much easier to obtain. Plus, the ensuing economic crash will yield massive profits, and sell out even more control to those who already have enough.

I have little doubt this is how things will end up, because its just the exact same cycle repeating itself. Very few are interested in breaking that cycle, and will react in the way they are programmed. Its almost an inevitability.

That doesnt mean there arent better options, but that would require participation instead of just "reaction."

People cant even pinpoint the *exact* people who are in control of all of this, much less the ideology that is implemented.

At best, it will appear like a temporary "reset," only to end up in the same place as every single other revolution that has ever taken place in the history of mankind.

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