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Obama Admin. Plans Exposed - Create Cival War In Egypt- Russia Has Confidential US Report

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posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by theantediluvian

Dear theantediluvian,

The woman is an "Internet Marketer & Social Media Expert" according to her page. So basically she claims to lie to people for a living.
You're right to be skeptical, but that's not really your best criticism of the piece, after all she merely translated it.

If you go the Arabic language report and run a translator on that, you'll find it says the same thing that the English language version does. I don't think she did too badly.

I think the strongest attack is on the credibility of the site and the fact the story shows up nowhere else. Let's give it a day or two and see what happens.

With respect,

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 01:48 AM

Have I hit a nerve in the shill camp?

Not with me. I, for one, love your posts. You find some really great material and bring it to the site.

I'd love for this to be credible, but if Obamarama wanted to go after Sisi, I see starting with violence as highly unlikely. If Putin had something to attack Obamarama's credibility with, why isn't he using his own media resources?

Charles1952 may be right in saying, "Let's wait a few days and see." My chips are already down.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:31 AM
Cmon yal, all this story is missing is a time traveler and crop circles.... The Arabic site is awful non stop bombardment of cheap ads. Most functionality of the site doesn't work.... Also here is another article from the site, that features a picture of Obama in full Islamic Terrorist Regalia, and some ridiculous story about being sued by Egyptian diplomats loll.
Arabic site or w.e Google Trans

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 02:54 AM

Cmon yal, all this story is missing is a time traveler and crop circles.... The Arabic site is awful non stop bombardment of cheap ads. Most functionality of the site doesn't work.... Also here is another article from the site, that features a picture of Obama in full Islamic Terrorist Regalia, and some ridiculous story about being sued by Egyptian diplomats loll.
Arabic site or w.e Google Trans

funny you should say that ....pretty sure the arabic news sites perceive the main stream media in the US to be as credible as a soap opera...bit of tit for tat?

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by charles1952

Secondly, isn't it sad that we are in a position where we can even think that it may be true? Has our government become so twisted that we're not shocked that this report might even be possible? Not only has Obama lost the trust of the world, he's lost ours.

I think it has less to do with "Obama" than policy as usual from US government as a whole. In the guise of helping other nations we have beheaded, divided and disrupted numerous countries, leaving them destitute and infighting amongst themselves. Look at Iraq and Libya for instance. The iron currently in the fire is Syria.

There is no objective other than getting others to fight and kill each other. An unstable region full of "American Corporate Interests" is less able to unify against the US.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 06:40 AM
Does Israel have a hand in this? Maybe they came up with this "leaked document"? Wanting to destabilize the Saudi military is the part that boggles my mind. Why would the US want that? That's the part I can't get over.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 07:31 AM


Russia is in possession of a confidential US report. In this report it exposed the Obama regimes plans to create a civil war resulting in the overthrow of General Abd Elfatah Al Sisi. Sisi the Egyptian minister of defense, was the general that deposed Morsi.

It is all scripted fiction. To be played out on the world stage.

But there will be a happy ending.

That about sums it up. Well said.
But, is the happy ending scripted as well?
edit on 14-11-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 07:32 AM
I came to the US, saw what was going on, tried my very best to protect the US but seems that my best isn't good enough. It seems that the good old US of A isn't ever going to turn back and you can thank the blind sheeple. There's an unpayable debt, fascist regime that seems to be accepted by the masses, constant wars and involvements in things that we don't need to be involved in (which bites back eventually), a division that seems impossible to fix between the American people, and the American dream has been buried in taxes.

I came here, did my education, help start businesses and started my own. I studied politics, history, and did my darnest to truly feel like this is my home. But my home got invaded, it got raped by an evil entity that said they were my friend, and there's no turning back. Everyone I know is hurt by this attack on Americans, and it's not just against Americans it's to other innocent people worldwide. What was supposed to be a super power for peace became a super power of greed and destruction.

This isn't the United States of America, this is the tears of our ancestors that have fought and died protecting this nation for what it stood for. The constitution barely applies to law anymore, and it's a damn shame the best country in the world got taken over by these criminals. Is there no way to regain our beautiful country? 10-years ago we could say there's no other country like the USA. Now, 10-years later we can say the same thing but under a different tone.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 07:42 AM

I'm gonna get right out there and cast my lot with 'total fabrication.'

1. It's the wrong protocol. There are no reports like this for Putin to have intercepted.
2. Unless ... he made up a report himself and now has it in his possession.

Don't hate me for defending Obamarama on this one. I'm not. It's just a spade.

Barring further developments, I'd have to go with you on this one. Tall claims demand a taller than normal bar for burden of proof and sourcing here seems a bit light to the gravity of the charges. It would, if true, be an international problem Obama may never get himself back out of. Shades of Reagan and Iran/Contra, but worse.

I recall the hearings on that one and who couldn't with the limited channel selection back then and at least a couple running those hearings on full coverage. It didn't start with an intercept or capture of intelligence befitting a Scooby Doo cartoon ending of the whole deed being wrapped up and explained so neatly....That's for sure.

This doesn't track for being real to my nose... It's too perfect and tidy. Like a present on a platter that never happens in real life.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 08:39 AM

Egypt Independent
Sources told Egypt Independent that Russian President Vladimir Putin called for an extraordinary session at the Russian Kremlin to discuss the situation in Egypt and take the necessary steps to put the Russian military facilities "at the Egyptian military's disposal". Putin will discuss Russian arrangements for joint-military exercises with the Egyptian army according to source.

About 50,000 Syrian Christians want to apply for Russian citizenship.
September 5, 2013

The Middle East’s power map is being redrawn. New circumstances indicate that Israel is the country with the largest oil wealth per capita.

Yuri Andropov, the KGB chief for 15 years before he became the Soviet premier, sent hundreds of agents and thousands of copies of propaganda literature to Muslim countries.

'By 1972,' according to the book, 'Andropov's disinformation machinery was working around the clock to persuade the Islamic world that Israel and the United States intended to transform the rest of the world into a Zionist fiefdom.'

Obama to Medvedev,"After my election I have more flexibility,"

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 08:44 AM


Cmon yal, all this story is missing is a time traveler and crop circles.... The Arabic site is awful non stop bombardment of cheap ads. Most functionality of the site doesn't work.... Also here is another article from the site, that features a picture of Obama in full Islamic Terrorist Regalia, and some ridiculous story about being sued by Egyptian diplomats loll.
Arabic site or w.e Google Trans

funny you should say that ....pretty sure the arabic news sites perceive the main stream media in the US to be as credible as a soap opera...bit of tit for tat?

I understand what your saying, but its not the same thing. You say you're pretty sure Arabic news percieves the mainstream media in the U.S. to be as a soap opera. Are you giving credibility to all Arabic news sites including mainstream media or just "news" sites. Can you provide any evidence to what your saying your pretty sure about?

This Arabic "News" site isn't a news site its a blogger, and some of the articles are bogus. Especially the ones in the secrets section.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 08:46 AM



Russia is in possession of a confidential US report. In this report it exposed the Obama regimes plans to create a civil war resulting in the overthrow of General Abd Elfatah Al Sisi. Sisi the Egyptian minister of defense, was the general that deposed Morsi.

It is all scripted fiction. To be played out on the world stage.

But there will be a happy ending.

That about sums it up. Well said.
But, is the happy ending scripted as well?
edit on 14-11-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

Yes and No. It has long since been prepared for and expected but
will entail a return to complete and utter freedom for all. IMO.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 09:47 AM

I don't trust our government, but that doesn't mean I trust the Russian or the Egyptian governments either. I'll wait and see on this before I'll believe it completely.

The crazy part is that you can't trust any of these rotten SOBs. We're basically completely in the dark unless we just blindly believe whatever we're told. And even then, we only imagine we're informed.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 11:39 AM
I can't speak to the source. But given what I know about PNAC, this would not be at all surprising. They are quite a bit behind schedule but appear to still be tracking.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 11:40 AM
I think that there are some definite truths within the article,
seems that there is a 2bn dollar arms deal in the works between
Russia and Egypt as we speak.

Just posted up on BBC.

So yes still the speculations about the plot, but I do not
think it is too far fetched, maybe embellished a bit.

edit on 14-11-2013 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 12:04 PM
This is not to justify what that guy living in the White House is doing, but we have been doing stuff covertly that destabilize countries for our best interests or what we believe is in our best interests. The problem here is the guy in charge of America. He is not nearly as polished in strategy, foreign affairs, ect.. he also has made many enemies who he believed would never come to light because of his grip on our Media. When you expect the MSM, HollyWood, politically charged tv.shows. to cover for you, like they have since the day 1, then you become Sloppy. Now we have Real Activists, Real democrats, Real Liberals, and all the other parties that made his rise possible starting to get angry and are ready to throw him under anything moving. If the Assosiated Press ever tells the people exactly how bad this administration has made their lives for even thinking about reporting the Truth, then he is in a Crap Load of trouble.

Media, Congress, Judges, ect. need to stop fearing this blackmail, mafia style pressure, that this administration has on them and Speak Up.

We as Americans would back you 100%, because We as Americans still believe in Free Speech & Free Press.

Even if the people running our country don't!!

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by elouina

I bet it's Edward Snowden NSA documents were given to Putin.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 01:22 PM

The only 1 who knows the
reply to post by elouina

I bet it's Edward Snowden NSA documents were given to Putin.

If it is true....Of course that is where he got them.

I have to see a lot more to believe it.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by elouina

A lot of the wording in that "report" doesn't sound like anything I have ever read in an official report before. Little things that add up to it being written originally in a foreign language.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:24 PM

The only 1 who knows the
reply to post by elouina

I bet it's Edward Snowden NSA documents were given to Putin.

Ahhh good thinking there.. He could have. Or what about Wikileaks? Or what if Russia used their own, "NSA" to steal the report? Do we think the US is the only country capable of stealing intelligence? True? So I don't think it is impossible for Russia to get their hands on something like this.

Still can't find that blasted report, and I will keep trying. I want this sooo very badly, that I can taste it.

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