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My name's Nick Pope and I used to run the British Government's UFO project, Ask Me Anything

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posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:46 PM
Hi Nick,
Do you have any video of any E.T that i can see?
and one more question, do you think this video is legit or fake:

thanks Nick,
keep it up. you are great.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:47 PM
Congrats on getting an ATS karma score of over 100

I bet Nick probably wishes he had some alien tech to answer all these questions.

edit on 26-8-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:48 PM
Greetings Nick Pope,

You don't know me but I have read articles and watched many or your video clips on youtube and read many of your articles elsewhere I need to know you views on the Millennial Hospitality series by Charles hall, Also why would the "Aliens" stay on earth when they have a whole universe at their fingertips so to speak?.

I also had some things in my childhood that are Very complicated to explain I think they are Extraterrestrial related! so yes I'm very clued in to the extraterrestrials are real debate.

because of what I have seen and been through I can tell you the Grays are Manufactured entities! I was teleported and I was witnessing on one very long occasion seeing normal human beings being re-manufactured into the gray beings they were put into a white pod with a tiny porthole and had an electric Current passed through them while their innards were sucked out with these glass like hard hollow cylinders three for the left and three for the right side of the cranium four for the torso meaning ribs and abdomen two for the upper arms two for the forearms and two for the upper and lower legs I saw the internal organs and muscles being sucked out and reprocessed into this vile concoction (crude slurry like mixture) and the pumped straight into the heads of these human beings while the electricity was coursed through them somehow 'it' worked? the skin started dying giving them that gray appearance and their head got larger because of that vile substance being injected into it also their eyes became black because of the pressure in the head and also scorched because of the electricity coursing through them the humans voices got higher somehow and then the porthole swung up and the sides swung up and fanned out sort of like how wings on an insect move and out walked the finished product the classical "gray" extraterrestrial they always moved their whole heads to the left and then moved their whole heads to the right and then walked off rather militant like, What is your take on what I have told you today?

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:48 PM
Mr. Pope I have somewhat of an interesting question for you...

In your opinion has the use of youtube and other video sharing sites helped or hurt UFO research, especially with the abundant use of CGI on those sites?

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:49 PM
Mr. Pope,
Being as how you worked under the auspices of the MOD; was it ever determined that there was actually something that we needed to defend ourselves from?



posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by IamAbeliever

If "they" are real, I don't know whether or not we'll ever have "Disclosure". There are probably too many variables here to call this one either way.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by NickPope

In relation to the UFO phenomenon, I classify myself neither as a believer nor as a skeptic. Accordingly, I sometimes manage to upset ufologists in both camps. I certainly think that there are some compelling cases out there and clearly there's more to this than just weather balloons, swamp gas and fake videos on YouTube. However, I do not regard the case for extraterrestrial visitation to have been conclusively proven and I disagree with most of the conspiracy theories on the subject. [color=gold] Whatever the true nature of the UFO phenomenon, I believe it raises important defense, national security and air safety issues. It is also worthy of more general scientific study.

Hello Nick Pope thank you for taking time to answer the many questions shared here from the ATS community.
1 shall try to keep it simple.
With your background understanding on the UFO phenomenon [color=gold]is it possible some of these non clarified UFO incidents are part of a Larger Cosmic, Command/Governed entity/force that watches over EA*RTH activities/inhabitants. And if possible how far down from the actual top does this information go 1 wonders... [color=gold] Makes 1 think is it like "they/we" cannot know who protects them/us further up for it may scare them when they consider who they/we may be protected from why on this sphere...

1 ask because @ times it feels like there are already potentials for human and non human interactions existing on EA*RTH when considering all the Top Secret bases above - below ground & space labs. Of course many are for secret military projects/developments.
Considering other kinds of projects cosmic related who these encounters/ interactions are shared with is perhaps limited. Leaving many in the general population who see these interactions/encounters left to speculate/wonder and then @ times fear what they see. Not knowing there possibly have already been encounters/interactions existing between human and non human on & off EA*RTH for long periods... [color=gold] which could limit the consideration of threat when the issues are raised if ALL* protecting somehow. Speculatively speaking. Thanks again for your time / answers shared.

edit on 8/26/13 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:50 PM
Mr. Pope,

I was like to ask you if you are among those who agree with the Brooking's Institute report which declares that telling the population about the existence of alien intelligences would risk some form of global mass-hysteria event?

((For those unfamiliar: see Brookings Report))

If you agree with the policy; why participate in discussions about the material? And if not, can you discuss the ideas that make this 50 year-old doctrinal policy document so widely accepted as authoritative? (It was even put into our Congressional Record.)

Thank you.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:53 PM
Great to see you here Nick. Welcome to ATS.

The question I was going to ask has already been asked so I will wait until you get round to answering all the questions you have been asked so far.

Great thread.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Oh thats a damn good question.

Ya know Mr. Pope, if we ask something to which you cannot specifically comment because of your oath you could just give us a little
to let us know we are on the right track.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:53 PM
Hi there Sir!

I wish to thank you for this great oppurtunity you are giving us, I hope you serve as a source of inspiration to others in your earlier field of employment so that they too may dare to com forward for the sake of humanity and its future.

My Question: I have a question about one of the most mysterious areas in the "UFO-field", very much relevant to Britain in particular in fact.
My question touches upon the phenomenon of Crop Circles. I strongly believe that many of us have a difficult time believing in that they could all be man-made. Especially during the course of one night using only "a plank and some rope."

So is this something that "they" know more about? Or perhaps have some good speculation on how and/or why it is done? Maybe they even know exacly what this phenomenon is?
And also, why do you think it pops up so much in the UK and not the rest of the world?
Please share any relevant information concerning this subject that you are holding on to.

Thank you so much!
Kind regards..
David from Scandinavia.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by NickPope
reply to post by DrumsRfun

Of all the cases I’ve either read about or investigated personally, the Rendlesham Forest incident remains the single most extraordinary.

Can you please elaborate on why this case in particular is the single most extraordinary to you? The more detail the better. Thanks.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by NickPope

I have but one question....Rendalsham forest.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by NickPope

Hi Nick, and welcome, You say you are neither for or against the possibility of UFO's, isn't that a pretty safe way to navigate this subject, are you really non-bias in your analyses, were you one of a team of analytics when you processed those ufo files for release, or was it a team effort. I ask that because it seems a big task to ask someone alone to be both judge and jury on such matters. Thank you for your time, I don't think I am alone when I say it's appreciated.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by NickPope
reply to post by Doodle19815

The case that still haunts me from my time on the UFO project is the Cosford incident – a wave of sightings that took place over the UK over a six-hour period in March 1993. I led the investigation into those sightings personally. Though it predates my time on the UFO project, the other case that still haunts me is the Rendlesham Forest incident. I conducted a cold case review of these sightings in 1994.

Do you believe Jim Penniston was given a binary code message by the craft?

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by gillyp17

I haven’t joined ATS, but was asked to do a Q&A session here to help (re)launch the Ask Me Anything initiative. I’m aware of the ATS site, of course, but don’t really have time to take part in emails lists, forums, etc., except in the case of ad hoc initiatives like this.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:58 PM
What did you think of this odd incidence?

I once read a letter supposedly from an anonymous Navy pilot, he claimed we have an advanced program of flying craft that go into space and return like regular military craft, they have flown distant enough that they have seen lights of possible cities on other planets. I can no longer find the letter...any comment on this?
Thank you

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:59 PM
Dear Mr Pope

Thank you for graciously allowing people to put forward their questions to you. I have one or two questions to put forward to you.

Are there plans in place to deal with a First Contact situation? We know the BBC recorded the doomsday nuclear war broadcasts during the Cold War and that is still spine chilling now. But are there plans in place for ET contact?

Are world leaders in agreement as to what to do in a First Contact situation?

Do you think First Contact or Disclosure will ever happen in our lifetimes?

One final question. Do you think Mars will be used as a stepping stone to educating the masses about life being out there. So for example a rover takes a rock sample and finds simple organisms etc. That would be ET life and people are not going to panic over that, so Cosmic Journey Programme the Next Generation kicks off. Is this a plausible scenario?

Thank you very much in advance for taking the time to read my questions. I wanted to ask something slightly different from the questions about Roswell, Rendlesham Forest etc etc.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:59 PM
Hello there Mr. Pope.

Firstly, I do have to express my apologies for the brief post and question, but I'm short for time with work and I'd just really like to hear your thoughts and opinions on this..

It is of course in regards to Rendlesham. But, to this day, what is your opinion on the case as a whole, what do you believe occurred and what is your opinion on the likes of Ian Ridpath and the theories he's pushed. I'd personally love to hear as much as possible from you on this, I find it truly fascinating.

Thank you for taking the time out to be here also. Much appreciated.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 12:59 PM
Hi Nick! Glad to have you on board.

I'm really interested in the Rendlesham Incident, so can you please tell me if you or any of your superiors confirmed the existence of the island of Hy Brasil, the location of the coordinates one of the officers supposedly gained from the binary code after he made contact with the ship?

I'm sure if the binary code is rightly translated, you could have at least gotten a satellite or a boat out there to check it out, unless it was a hoax

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