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Why Americans Will Continue to Support a Corrupt Government

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+54 more 
posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:04 AM
Greetings, ATS!

Caveat: this post is pure speculation on my part. I have no links to share or concrete evidence to cite. Instead, I'd like to explain why I truly believe America will continue this downward slide into total loss of freedom.

Consider, if you will, a New England community circa 1760, a Scottish village circa 1740, a French city circa 1780. What do these three places and times have in common? The people were dissatisfied with their government and wanted a change. In all three cases, revolt broke out...and two countries succeeded in overthrowing the government. The USA became a new country, the French got rid of the Monaarchy...and the Scots were slaughtered at Culloden, forever changing their way of life.

I believe there's a similar feeling of anger and resentment towards the government today in the US. I also think very little will come of it. Here's why.

Return to the New England community for a moment. People are angry and fed up. So what do they do? They get together and talk, make plans, decide together what will be the final straw. These people did not possess the plethora of "entertainment" that we do today to divert their attention. They kept their anger and convictions alive simply because there was no way to forget it.

Now consider the US today. We KNOW our government is corrupt and rotten to the core. We KNOW our government manipulates us to keep those in power, in power. We know the average person is simply a pawn to the elite bankers and why don't we pull a 1776?

Three reasons: apathy, entertainment, and the Internet.

Let me explain. The average American is apathetic....why? Because he/she has access to mind-numbing entertainment. We care more about Xbox versus Playstation than we do about Snowden. In fact, I submit that the new American dream is, for many people, simply a hunt for the next form of entertainment. Thus the obsession with Hollywood stars, pop culture, etc. These folks are so consumed with consumerism that they can't be bothered with national scandals and world events.....who cares if the NSA spies on folks as long as the latest version of Halo is about to be released?

Then there are those of us who do see what's happening....but we're on the Internet instead of out in public. I'm guilty of this. I come to ATS to discuss and read. Like many of you, I've tried to share this information with friends and family, but they either do not care or simply shrug their shoulders with a fatalistic "What can you do?".

I know what the government is up to....but by engaging in debate here, with like minded people....this allows me to release my anger and frustration with my fellow members.

Anger, frustration, despair....these are the driving forces behind a revolution. When the majority begins to break under the strain of tyranny, that's when action occurs.

I believe the government knows this. Which is why we're frogs in a pot of slowly warming water. We are distracted while that water gets hotter and hotter....and by the time we realize the danger, it's simply to late to act.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Let me explain. The average American is apathetic....why? Because he/she has access to mind-numbing entertainment. We care more about Xbox versus Playstation than we do about Snowden. In fact, I submit that the new American dream is, for many people, simply a hunt for the next form of entertainment. Thus the obsession with Hollywood stars, pop culture, etc. These folks are so consumed with consumerism that they can't be bothered with national scandals and world events.....who cares if the NSA spies on folks as long as the latest version of Halo is about to be released?

I laughed at this. That helps. It makes a tough pill to swallow a little easier. It's very true in my opinion.

I would argue however that the American people want this sort of tyranny. Indeed they pay for it and elect it to office. Sometimes tyranny is more favorable than chaos.

Thanks for writing. This sort of delightful mockery is needed to shift perspectives. No one wants to be laughed at.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:27 AM


+1 more 
posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:31 AM
I get the feeling that you have hit the crux of the matter....
The mind kontrol science isnt about force...its about slaves who think they are free......
There is a pile of scientific research backing the way the governments are bringing in the police state.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:33 AM
It's also the same reason people keep working a minded numbing or abuse of jobs. Many believe the risks do not meant the gains.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:36 AM
apathteic? lol more like pathetic :p

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:01 AM
I don't think American's support or Corrupt Government, more like we learned to operate with them to: Keep food on the table, pay our bill, get our taxation without representation, drive our cars, go to Disneyland with the fam... We are all pre-occupied and how does the saying go... "We ain't got not time for dat"~ Literally, needless to say I don't think any American wants to be that lone ranger vs. the gov't they'll make another Snowden or worse out of that individual. So what else should we do? Let's just play our games, write our thread responses until the preverbial Nuclear Bomb goes off and we are all dust in the wind.

Do note however: Don't loose the Faith, the night is darkest before the dawn~

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by sulaw
I don't think American's support or Corrupt Government, more like we learned to operate with them to: Keep food on the table, pay our bill, get our taxation without representation, drive our cars, go to Disneyland with the fam... We are all pre-occupied and how does the saying go... "We ain't got not time for dat"~ Literally, needless to say I don't think any American wants to be that lone ranger vs. the gov't they'll make another Snowden or worse out of that individual. So what else should we do? Let's just play our games, write our thread responses until the preverbial Nuclear Bomb goes off and we are all dust in the wind.

Do note however: Don't loose the Faith, the night is darkest before the dawn~

Well put, Sulaw.

You're right, it's not that the majority of Americans support our government....they're just too busy struggling to survive and provide for their families.

Perhaps the wrecked economy is an intentional diversion to get the populace more dependent upon the government?

Forgive me, everyone, if this is old news to you. I don't normally dabble in the conspiracy side of things and I'm sure some of you have already figured this out.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:15 AM
I totally understand how you feel op, I try to talk to my husband and his family but they simply don't get it, in fact it has even put a strain on my relationships cause the mentality gap is so large, even my best friend who comprehends what's going on prefers not to focus on it cause it scares her too much to think of REALITY. I am so damn frustrated with almost everyone around me cause it feels like I am the minority watching the world go through an incredible uptick in escalating evil, with civil liberties gone, money gone, people protesting and not being heard, so whats next? I know when the time comes for me if I have to stand up for truth alone I would die for it rather then submit to the dark abysss. We are all humans entitled to live and breath equally on this planet and need to be freed from this oppression we are now living in. S&F Op.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:16 AM
I think that's what is so frustrating to those of us who see what's happening. We see what the government is doing, we know the end game and we see most just sitting on their collective ass, doing nothing. Like seeing your house burn, with the fire department just standing there, polishing their truck. The sad part is, nothing will be done in time to avoid bloodshed. IF the people do rise up, it will be all out aggression, because they are fed up and snap. Although I think it will take a lot to trigger it. Stupid stuff like the cable/sat going out, no football and the latest "# 1 Show On TV" being unavailable.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Still a great topic to continually discuss here on ATS as I believe more of the younger generation after X are following suit into the "Man behind the curtain" side of things. Many of them are also indocterinated to the world as we know it today and need to read topics like this to spark that wheel. That reason alone I SnF'd you

They say the economy we are in right now is worse than "The Great Depression" we experianced in the 40's, to a extent I can agree and there are many aspects of today's economy that trumps the depression of old. Even with the last depression we did not see a Civil or Revolutionary War, I would ask why? The answer is simple as I believe we were just trying to survive as we are now.

What we haven't experianced is a world collapse, which many conspiracy theories are leaning towards and don't sound so far fetched as it would have in say the 80's or 90's with the transpiring of events that have been occuring.

That detail alone might be the "Missing Link". Until the system is broken in a way that puts everyone (Civillians) "Out" and the only chance at survival is to "fight", I doubt a revolution or civil war will occur. If it does and this is a big "IF" I would call it a "World Revolution" and when that time comes and "if" it comes you will see American Civillian's re-equip that mantle of liberty and justice for all and lead the pack.

Just my speculation, I've been known to be wrong

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:24 AM
Also have to figure in who would the American people trust. It's like finding out your other half is cheating on you, talking behind your back and making your life hard. Some people just can't deal with a break up, even if it would be for the better.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Now consider the US today. We KNOW our government is corrupt and rotten to the core. We KNOW our government manipulates us to keep those in power, in power. We know the average person is simply a pawn to the elite bankers and why don't we pull a 1776?

Three reasons: apathy, entertainment, and the Internet.

I think there is a fairly widespread case of simple denial; it may not be perfect but would our government really betray us? From that point, we can fall back into our political comfort zones, blame the 'other' guys for all the imperfections and then go back to mowing our lawns, washing our cars and calling our insurance agent.

It's just like all those episode throughout the last 50-60 years... JFK, MLK, RFK, Vietnam, 9.11, Iraq, and now the NSA thing, where looking too closely head-on causes a severe case of nausea. Better just to look slightly askew so all the ugliness is in the peripheral.

From that point, it does tend to round the bend to what you said...

Oh, did I miss something? Yeah, was watching American Idol - or - was on the web surfing Amazon... will have to catch it tonight on the evening news.

(Whew, that was close!)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I share your frustration and agree with your observations, OP. I have many friends who refuse to become engaged and some even ridicule me when I speak to them about certain topics; the whole “sky is falling” and “tin foil hat” garbage.

The slow boil you spoke of is exactly what we’re experiencing right now and I don’t think it will be stopped either, though it’s important we continue to try in our own way, even if that includes strengthening our convictions by venting on ATS occasionally.

Don’t be discouraged!! Continue to engage family and friends. We all have many ‘turning points’ in life and all of us wake up to certain realities eventually. If you can wake just one person up to the corruption around us you’ve made a difference. We have to keep trying to stop this tyranny……..what choice do we have?


posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Is The US a better place now, than if it had stayed under British rule and never gained independence?
That is the question you need to ask yourselves.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by alldaylong
reply to post by smyleegrl

Is The US a better place now, than if it had stayed under British rule and never gained independence?
That is the question you need to ask yourselves.

I don't think that's the question to ask. When we broke from British rule, I believe it was the right thing for those people at that time.

Perhaps a better question might be.....where did we go wrong, and how do we fix it?

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by alldaylong

Is The US a better place now, than if it had stayed under British rule and never gained independence?

That is the question you need to ask yourselves.

Of course it is!

England (Europe in general) is the birthplace of tyranny and corruption. That’s what our forefathers fought to get away from. For over 200 years we made our way just fine. It’s only the past several decades we’ve allowed our system to be corrupted. At least we know what freedom looks we just have to get back to constitutional principles.

We need to take out the trash again and get back on track…

edit on 24-6-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:46 AM
Not everyone in our government is corrupt. I knew congressmen who were just trying to look out for the best interests of the people who elected them. They were forced to rub the backs of others to get what their people needed though. The problem is......did the people really need what they said they needed or was it just wants. Our government should help us with our needs, not our wants.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by alldaylong
reply to post by smyleegrl

Is The US a better place now, than if it had stayed under British rule and never gained independence?
That is the question you need to ask yourselves.

I ask myself and debate myself this question a lot actually... We left to get away from the taxation, persecution of religion... And what do we have in America? The exact thing as before except now there's not another continent to take over and colonize... I guess that old saying of "History repeats itself" is very much alive and well.

What was not dealt with by our ancestor's is still here waiting for "us" to figure out. That's why i'm not one to jump to a "War" scenerio as that has been done Generation over Generation and we have seen that "War" did not solve the problem.

There must be a better way, a way our forfather's didn't see. A way that does not include the killing of innocents and destorying lives for generations to come. Call it the believer in me or "blind faith" maybe I just believe in Divine Intervention... Call me a dreamer... I just don't know anymore.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by sulaw

To fight a war with no blood shed or violence, you have to fight and enemy that would want any as well. I haven't been so lucky as to run in to one yet, but I still keep my hopes up.

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