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Bill Maher "(2nd Amendment) just as obsolete as the 4th"

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posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Paschar0

Because they haven't fired first,when they do then we WILL fight,until then we vote.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Paschar0

The point I was making is that you are faking outrage where no outrage is warranted. Maher had an opinion and you decided that you needed to respond with "Outrage". Seriously, outrage? It's not like he is setting policy for our government. His "New Rules" segment aren't real rules that anyone needs to follow.

Is that the problem? Do you think that he sets policy or can magically make up new laws? Has FOX News so warped your perception of reality that you think that a TV show host can actually create new laws you must obey?

My problem with your thread is your fake "outrage" over his opinion. It's petty, it demeans the word outrage. And you somehow equate Maher's opinion with Hitler. Where there is absolutely zero comparison that can be made. Maher doesn't set policy in this country, and can't really make new laws just by saying so. But you went ahead and decided to equate Maher with Hitler and proved that your outrage is just fake.

This whole thing of being outraged at every single little thing that slightly offends us as a nation is absurd. When did we as a society become so thin skinned as to let a comedian make us morally outraged? Instead of being maybe irked, or perhaps even slightly upset that Maher made such a statement, you blew through all the emotional levels of anger and went straight for OUTRAGE!

How emotionally unstable does a nation have to be to go from 0 to outrage in one sentence? Are you the kind of person that flips out at a starbucks if there isn't just the perfect amount of room in your coffee for cream? This is what your OP suggests, that you are the kind of person that demands to see the manager if the barista doesn't thank you with a song and dance by you gracing the store with your appearance.

And it's not just you, there's an entire culture out there of people getting outraged over the lamest things. Like I said before, if conservatives ever say anything against the great and powerful Limbaugh, they can loose their elections over this fake outrage. People are forced to resign in our government over fake outrage from the people. Is life in America so boring, and so unstimulating that one must declare outrage over every single thing that makes them even slightly uncomfortable? Good god, I am surprised wool sweater manufacturers in this country aren't burned to the ground by this culture of Over outraged people.

Maher had an opinion, one opinion that is protected under the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. Now, you have that same freedom, and you instead of maybe not watching Maher's show anymore have instead went ahead and declared OUTRAGE over his opinion spelling that fake rage out even to the point of invoking godwin's law. Now to you Maher is Hitler for making a simple statement that he can't do anything about. He spoke his opinion, and to you that's the downfall of America.

It's sad really, sad and pedantic.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Your logic is flawed. As much as it galls me to support the FSA, even in abstract example, your choice makes it necessary.

So, here I'd note that without those AK-47's (you rightly note have poor performance against a main battle tank.....) the FSA would have been killed to the last person within months of their being noticed as an organized group. They NEVER would have won a single battle...and they absolutely have won battles. Many of them. Small, but meaningful. After all, they're still alive and the international aid to make that an outside action didn't really come until last Summer. Well into their fight and cries for that aid.

An unarmed populace is a polite one because it's one with absolutely no choice in the matter. An armed populace is a polite one because it finds life to be acceptable, however rough it may get at times. That is a critical difference lost in so many of these little side debates on the issue.

....and without the 4th amendment this thread is ACTUALLY about? There are no others safe. If they can search you and seize anything and everything you own based on say so? Nothing...but nothing is safe beyond that. Not even our own thoughts or casual conversation, as we're learning.

Real bad example to use, as it happens.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Paschar0
Bill Maher is a big old hypocrite. He has stated very bluntly on his show in the past that he himself carries a handgun and yet questions the right to bear arms as being obsolete. It's not much of a stretch to guess whose payroll he is on, especially since he admittedly donated a million dollars to Obama's re-election campaign. His program is supposed to be political comedy but it is HE who is the big joke!

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:45 AM
was this quote of bills part of his Satire? or was he being serious

i want to see a video of him willingly let police search his car or home for no reason, because he has nothing to hide.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Paschar0

Well, Bill Maher must be fundamentally ignorant to the purpose and reason of the 2nd. Because if anything the events and massive breaches of power by this Administration has shown us that the 2nd is more needed today in this age than it was when the Bill of Rights was drafted. The 2nd and the right to bear arms is protection of a free state from a tyrannical government.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Paschar0

Liberals take a good hard look at what the progressive PTB mouthpiece is saying. Are you alright with being searched and having to show your papers at checkpoints?

The louder and harder these progressive scum bags push the more people wake up on both sides. Nazi Germany did not have a strong constitution...........WE DO. Men like this have sold what little soul they have for a little bit of fame and glory in my eyes he is pathetic.

And is it me or is the only way liberals can actually understand the current events is when it is in the form of comedy. Wake up and grow up.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 12:59 PM

Every democracy in history has suffered the same fate

So you have studied all the governments in world history and know exactly what happened to all of them?

People that make statements like this really irk me, it's like those morons saying that every society in history had marriages of one man and one woman (most were polygamous).

Maher isn't in the whitehouse, so stop attacking Obama for everything everyone else in the world says.

I wonder if the OP and other "fans of the constitution" (who've only been fans since 2008) were mad when Bush was destroying the constitution??

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by CB328

Conservatives were very mad at Bush for a host of reasons.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by Paschar0

So now it's not just the 2nd amendment and right to bear arms that is considered obsolete, but our protections against unreasonable search and seizure? As the 2nd goes, so go the rest. This was said over and over by people while so many just replied by making comments about 'that far right wing and their love for guns'.

It really sucks to be proven right sometimes. What rights go next? The 5th? 1st? The 8th is a laughing stock of a right and history already. The 6th also seems to be a matter of opinion and attitude of the State as to how or whether it's followed at all.

Well.. Fundamental change. We're getting it alright. For all we've done wrong in life, we're getting everything that's been asked for.

1A has been in serious trouble for years but it hit a nasty point almost 4 years ago.

Freedom of Speech--been chipped away at for years in SC case after SC case with exceptions and limitations on free speech adopted through stare decisis. NDAA and its loose definition of aiding terrorists could be construed as simply talking in seeming support of a terrorist group so it's yet another ding to free speech.

Freedom of the Press--It was extremely clear with Occupy in the case of press pass carrying journalists being arrested and, in some cases, maced and batoned in a diversity of cities across the nation. Additionally, the press were blocked from access to protest sites with warnings that, should they cross the line, they may be subject to arrest. All 1A issues in terms of freedom of the press.

Right to assemble--also battered to hell but that scenario has been that way for at least 50 years. Civil rights protests and Free Speech Movement were hit with water hoses and more (or shot for that matter--Kent State). Nothing terribly new under the sun though protestors arrested now may be swabbed for DNA. Basically, it doesn't take a law to beat protesters so it slips through 1A because 1A is clear in the "Congress shall make no law"

I know I'll probably be rebuked for this but the only part of 1A that seems to be okay is the prohibition against the "establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" aspect though Bush, through his many speeches, altered the perception of what kind of country the US is and ergo, may have established a mindset of a state religion through word but not through law.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 01:55 PM
I will agree that the Bush supreme court is the worst in American history. Just look at Citizens united and them allowing states to seize private property for economic gain (I forget the correct term).

That was probably the worst and most unconstitutional supreme court decision in the history of our nation. And the Obamacare decision was a terrible precedent as well.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

What's the problem? The GOP has used the fear card for years, oh, is it that now the other side is using it too so now it's time to be outraged by it?

Yeah right the 'GOP' used the 'fear card' eh?

Them big bad evil banks are out to get you.
Them big bad evil rich people are out to get you.
Them big bad evil corporations are out to get you.
Them big bad Gop hates women,.
Them big bad Gop hates poor people.
Them big bad Gop are racist.
Then entire gun debate is nothing but fear mongering.

I could go on the GOP uses the fear card?

Their opposites platform is nothing but fear mongering,


Actually Biden wrote the PAtriot act

But to the topic which none of the above was about the 2nd and 4th amendments are not obsolete.

And for those who are paying attention they are currently using the patriot act' argument' for gun control, but historically speaking they have always used the 'patriot act' argument for gun control even before there was a patriot act.

In fact politicians exploiting fear is why the erosion of the constitution is so apparent to so many.
edit on 9-6-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Paschar0
HBO's Real time June 7th, 2013

In a single sentence, Bill Maher managed to call not one but two crucial elements of our freedom and privacy obsolete...remarkable.

I'm a big fan of Bill Maher's intellect and talent, but loathe his propaganda since Obama. That same wit, humor and ability to concisely drive a point home while making your opponent look foolish was something I could appreciate. I made the mistake of believing he would be just as tough on anyone doing despicable things, apparently that's reserved for "The Right".

I agree with Maher's opinion, "The Right" has gone crazy running unelectable candidates, opposing Obama with made up controversy and being unwilling to adopt a reasonable platform.

Maher speaks the truth in this regard, and conservatives would benefit by listening.

It's been a bad week for amendment fans in this country, from full spectrum wire tapping to swabbing, the Police State has now been officially announced publicly, which soon will make it nice and legal. No more sneaking around doing their thing, police and alphabet agencies can do it all right out in the open, right in your face, smirking at your disapproval.

I would say it is a good thing that we know what the government is up to. Unlike the Bush era where is was all intentionally hide and obfuscated to hell and back.

We knew the justification echo chamber was coming, but it usually takes a few days to get their message together, Bill managed to get things going early but I got the feeling his audience was left confused by him, even he said while going against his own rationale, "I'm not the people you think I am". I agree Bill, the occasional light criticism of Obama for egregious behavior isn't fooling anyone any more. You are pure propaganda.

The only echo chamber in America is the conservative machine. The independent conservatives I know recognize this TRUTH.

The fear card is trying to be played

Yes, you are playing the fear card, exactly what The Right is professional at.

Bill Maher's opinion is not going to take away your rights.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by HauntWok

What's the problem? The GOP has used the fear card for years, oh, is it that now the other side is using it too so now it's time to be outraged by it?

Yeah right the 'GOP' used the 'fear card' eh?

Them big bad evil banks are out to get you.
Them big bad evil rich people are out to get you.
Them big bad evil corporations are out to get you.
Them big bad Gop hates women,.
Them big bad Gop hates poor people.
Them big bad Gop are racist.
Then entire gun debate is nothing but fear mongering.

Uh, the banks DID get us, the economy is still screwed up based upon the fine business strategy the banks used.

Corporations are the ones selling GMO food, sending America jobs to other countries, polluting the environment, GROWING GOVERNMENT, buying ALL the politicians and perverting the American political system.

Just because you approve of these things does not mean you are right in doing so.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by hamburgerler

Uh, the banks DID get us, the economy is still screwed up based upon the fine business strategy the banks used. Corporations are the ones selling GMO food, sending America jobs to other countries, polluting the environment, GROWING GOVERNMENT, buying ALL the politicians and perverting the American political system. Just because you approve of these things does not mean you are right in doing so.

Thank for proving those points.

Think politicians, and those are the only ones 'peverting the political process' ?


All politics are local from where I have seen everyone is 'for sale' in this country. the only ones who aren't for sale are the ones who say, 'they don't need, nor want anything from government'.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by CB328

Conservatives were very mad at Bush for a host of reasons.

Because he screwed up a good economy, sat and watched as the price of gas nearly tripled during his reign. Trillion dollar wars, invaded the wrong country, grew the deficit every year, created new government agencies,
FISA, Patriot act, indefinite detention, among other things...

It is funny because you recall conservatives being busy saying the left was being un American the whole time.

Freedom Fries

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 03:11 PM

It's been a bad week for amendment fans in this country, from full spectrum wire tapping

Sorry, but there is no general right to privacy in the constitution.

I agree with the rest of your post. Just presenting the facts.
edit on 9-6-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2013 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

Here you go. I wasn't aware that you were unfamiliar with the 4th Amendment.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 05:35 PM
Well on the bright side after the 2nd and 4th Amendment fall the next domino is the 1st Amendment and with it billy "dbag" maher's awful show.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 05:39 PM
Maher is a bloody shill. Instead of being objective, he prefers to just stick it to people with right wing views and lick Obama's boots.

And I am not a conservative American. Just an objective one who watches filth like Maher spew propaganda to further the agenda of the people that he serves, the same people who are looking to put all Americans under the boot of the police state
edit on 9-6-2013 by supremecommander because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2013 by supremecommander because: (no reason given)

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