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posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Initiate

Do what you will...

I was surprised when I first came across this quote years ago in this form, especially since it was being used in a context to justify a "everyman for himself" approach to life. ButI had first encountered it in another form, dilige et quod vis fac, a saying of Augistine of Hippo which says "Love and then what you will, do" That one word "love" makes all the difference.

All reality is choice. The only power I have that to choose. To me, Augustine is saying that whatever you chose, do it; but first make your choice in a state of love. In one of his precepts he says " Love, and do what thou wilt: let the root of love be within, of this root can nothing spring but what is good"

I see people trying to make choices balancing off this rule against that rule or this way against that way. But this precept simplifies all of the moral codes and laws and edicts down into a simple principle that when followed leads us to that which is good. Then we can say "The whole of the law is this, love, and then whatever you want, do it." It's so simple and yet so utterly hard for most people to live even for a day in that state of love.

I remain fascinated by this discussion. Initiate, please just keep on sharing. Love.
edit on 9-6-2013 by metamagic because: Cause I can't sepll

edit on 9-6-2013 by metamagic because: .. or use punctuation, correctlu

edit on 9-6-2013 by metamagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by King Loki
reply to post by Initiate

The simple fact still stands that you have not provided any information that can be considered original content.

I don't understand what you mean. What in this world is considered original anymore? What are you looking for to be original?

Instead, help him enlighten others since you put yourself above him. Because look at what you're doing.. You're not 'disproving' or 'debunking' anything he says. You are simply begging him to tell you something you don't already know.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Initiate

Like I said, those that are here to actually listen could not care less what the negative posters are saying. It seems that their opinions are the only opinions that are mattering to YOU though. Which is unfortunate because if you keep responding to the negative posters, that's all that you are going to have left in your thread responding to you. Keep that in mind. Much love.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by King Loki

In 40+ pages now you have not demonstrated that you have any knowledge that is not readily available with a 1 min google search.

King Loki,

I have to disagree with you. If it makes any difference at all, for the sake of not allowing this thread to go to a place where it gets shut down; I stand in support of Initiate's material being solely his own, unplagiarized, and, in fact, not very Googlable at all.

It's not difficult to parse for all sorts of reasons, but you need to have text-at-hand.

Lets none of us push the mods.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Initiate
To inquisitive minds out there:

There are several divine laws, where "Do what thou wilt, for all to do as they will," is perhaps the most sacred.

I'm pretty sure I can relate to this quote with something familiar that I've learned. It truly is a powerful law. However, I understand that you'd like to challenge Loki... I don't think that you should.. but hopefully you continue and don't pause here... for 48 hours..

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Initiate
To inquisitive minds out there:

The quote "Do what thou wilt, for all to do as they will" is one of the highest, most divine, most important laws in our cosmos.

It has nothing to do with Crowley's pseudo-occult-philosophy "Do what thou wilt, and this shall be the whole of the law"

What Crowley did (for those interested), is he scoured several magical societies, chopped and changed according to his own predilections and created another occult sect and various offshoots.

The important additional clause "for all to do as they will" is what makes the law divine.

"...and this shall be the whole of the law," is in fact a Black Magical perversion of the divine "for all to do as they will."

Please, dear readers, ask me more about this, if you wish, because Loki has actually touched upon a very important difference between the LHP adepts and the WHP adepts.

I am merely expounding on this, because I am certain other users will ask what it means.

There are several divine laws, where "Do what thou wilt, for all to do as they will," is perhaps the most sacred.

Of course, Loki will not understand what it means, because he cannot google it (it doesn't exist on google). Further, he unlikely will even be able to understand Crowley's version, as, unfortunately, google is all he has to rely on.

But for the interested users in this thread: I will reveal to you what it means, after Loki's 48 hours run out, as he certainly will try very hard to find a match in google search (a project doomed in failure).

Please, Loki, enlighten us with your psychological aptitude, and perhaps one of us will learn something from you just yet.

This is your test. You accused me of plagiarizing a well-known quote (every generic new-ager will have heard of and read Crowley), after you did a google search and found "Do what thou wilt..." which has nothing to do with my original quote.

You claim that a perversion is the same as a divine law.

Please, go and tackle these issues in your private time, and come back in 48 hours, once you have built your 'case.'

I will provide the actual meaning after 48 hours, once Loki has come back empty-handed.

dont change the subject ... provide us with some non google information ... ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO PROVE ME WRONG IS PROVIDE NEW INFORMATION

I know you want to prove me wrong and I am giving you the "how to" ... and if you are who you say you are ... you would have done it instantly instead of dodging my point post after post.

Provide new information in your next post to me, or you are clearly a fraud i have given you a further 5-6 post to do this and you still have not ... so we are now looking at 50+ pages of google information ... If this is what your "brotherhood" has to offer us .. I for one will take my chances solo. as I would never subscribe to your level of contradictory explanations and hypocrisy.

so in conclusion ... since you didn't seem to "get it" from my previous posts .. provide us with new information or go find some other site to scam.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:33 PM


posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Mizzijr
reply to post by Initiate

Initiate. Everybody here is following this thread because you answer quite intricately and somewhat profound. I haven't followed a thread this long since I joined. We are waiting for you to stop faltering with others who shake things up. Please, kindly press forward and ignore those who try to provoke you.

Here's another clue for you all...
He would do better engaging his detractors in intelligent dialogue instead of engaging them in common Internet troll-o-logue. I would say this constitutes a lack of discipline and outright intellectual weakness. I imagine that these are not the qualities one would look for in a highly evolved being. I am certain he will not engage me as he knows he would not fare well.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by ZetaRediculian

I don't know, this thread makes me exhausted, it all started really well and informative..there was even some healthy criticism but this # now is off the hook.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Chacruna44
reply to post by King Loki

Why do you are so much anyway? If you know so much more, start your OWN thread an start answering questions. Thanks.

Because i don't think I am above anyone here at ATS to be speaking down to them by answering "questions" especially when all the answers are on google as initiate would know as this is where is is getting his responses from.

ATS is a great site but people like initiate take advantage of people seeking knowledge by pretending to be above you and therefore question answering worthy.

The only true answers come from within

do you really think mind shattering revelations will come from a random internet thread that most of the world is not privy to ... like 3rd world countries who don't even have internet connections. Come on man lol
edit on 9/6/13 by King Loki because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:44 PM

Dear brother:

It was you, who accused me of plagiarizing. It was you, who got caught with his pants down (you neither understand the proper, divine version, nor do you understand Crowley's version).

It was you, who claimed you knew much of this material and/or could find it in google. Yet you have not provided any shred of evidence that a single post I have made on this thread (the first one inclusive), is in any way plagiarized. As soon as other users confront you, you start defending your 'suspicions' by accusing them of being naive as well as accusing other posters (myself included) of taking too long to respond to you.

And then you claim all of this information is well known and easily available. If that is the case, my dear brother, why don't you provide it for these souls?

Why don't you answer the questions yourself? In fact, how about you go through the questions asked in this thread, and try answering a single question. You have 7 days to use google, any books you so wish, and you may come back with your response. I promise, that I will answer the very same question within 24 hours. Let us compare our answers, and see what the users think.

Do you accept this challenge? I give you 7 days, versus 1 day for me.

In fact, how about we start right now: Pick any question on this thread. Let's give you even more leeway. I have 2 hours, versus your 7 days. Copy and paste it in a post. I will answer it within 2 hours, and I will give you 7 full days to answer it. I hope you will not accuse me of having a special, secret "supergoogle" that is superior to your google this time, dear brother.

Do you accept the challenge? Maybe then, you will stop disrupting my brothers and my thread, by posting your silly little temper tantrums and comical and baseless accusations toward myself and others.

If you do not accept, please leave this thread effective immediately, never to return.

Thank you.
edit on 9-6-2013 by Initiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Chacruna44
reply to post by King Loki

Why do you are so much anyway?
this is not an easy question to answer much less than not these days going forward. It's possible.

If you know so much more, start your OWN thread an start answering questions. Thanks.

The fact that he hasn't is a good sign.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by Initiate

Dear Initiate
Suffering is a necessity in this physical world, (unless you are an incarnated avatar, although even then you may undergo 'voluntary' suffering -- a topic that I might expound upon if the question arises later)

Thank you for this opportunity to ask you to explain the difference between an Assumed Nirmanakaya (which I though you could be referring to, in your above statement: as an incarnated avatar) and a Natural Nirmanakaya...if you are familiar with these two terms?

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Initiate

It would be a lot less disturbing if you would just stop responding to those trying to argue. Ironically, it has not been the negative posters who has made me question your authenticity, it's that you have spent so much time responding to them and defending yourself that HAS made me question it. You could have used that energy to actual respond and interact with those who were interested and had actual genuine questions of you. It is very disappointing. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is feeling this way at this point. Sigh.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by Initiate

If you do not accept, please leave this thread effective immediately, never to return.

A banishment was suggested? The only reason this would occur in history...would be...what? Anyone?

Yes, fear. By why are you afraid of some Unevolved chump?

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Initiate

Initiate... You're screwing up bro.. You'd be better off pressing forward with the questions.. You're letting emotions get the best of you. This is telling me that you have not mastered the law of polarity. Someone as adept as you should have this type of control.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 07:56 PM

You are clearly a fraud i have asked you serveral times to provide me with any kind of new information ... you once again dodged it ... i will fulfill your request after you have fulfilled mine ... which i have asked several times and you have dodged or failed to do every time so far ...

you started this post for people to ask YOU questions not for me to answer your questions ... i have asked the same question post after post and you have no even done what you set out to do in your thread and answer it.

so i will ask it for the 5th time PROVIDE US WITH NEW INFORMATION OR STOP HOAXING THIS SITE one or the other.

Or get a higher member of your so called "brotherhood" to take over this thread as you are incompetent and repulsive to say the very least.

I do not heed your challenge as you have said your "brotherhood" is here to serve man kind I am not here to serve you my friend .. you started the thread asking people for questions ... you have dodge mine 5 times now while directly replying to me.

You are clearly a fraud and a hoaxer. You are not spritually more evolved then anyone in this thread ... you are a
joke ... and not even a funny one at that

edit on 9/6/13 by King Loki because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by Chacruna44
reply to post by Initiate

It would be a lot less disturbing if you would just stop responding to those trying to argue. Ironically, it has not been the negative posters who has made me question your authenticity, it's that you have spent so much time responding to them and defending yourself that HAS made me question it. You could have used that energy to actual respond and interact with those who were interested and had actual genuine questions of you. It is very disappointing. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is feeling this way at this point. Sigh.

A good remark, dear brother, and allow me to explain:

In our wonderful, divine cosmos, slandering/gossiping a great evil. I will explain in a later post why, but I want people to understand, that if they make baseless accusations (all words carry with them energies, positive and negative), it is my duty (and yours, dear brother), to properly defend yourself and your name.

It is, unfortunately, a fictional type of 'moralism,' that states "evil should sit unchallenged. Ignore evil, by simply being positive..."

I am sorry, dear brothers in this thread, but the laws of our cosmos do not work that way. There is a difference between projecting loving understanding, whilst maintaining vigilance (which is what I have been at the very least trying to do), and being hateful and accusatory.

I have not accused Loki of any wrong doing. He has repeatedly come here to make his 'deposits,' and now I have asked him to 'put up or shut up,' for the sake of everybody else's peace.

It is an important lesson that he (Loki) must learn for his own evolution. If he wishes to make baseless accusations, he will be 'caught' and 'found out' and 'embarrassed.'

If I do not expose his antics, he will continue trying to derail other people's threads, with his negative vibes.

So, I have challenged him to answer a single question, within 7 days, using google, the library (he may use the library of congress, if he so wishes), and whatever other manner he deems fit, to provide a single answer comparable to what I have written.

Once he has done this, we may consider him a person who has done something more than simply sit by the sidelines and disrupt other people's sincere intentions.

Let's see what he will do next.

Thank you.

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by King Loki

Originally posted by Initiate
reply to post by Initiate

I warn you only, because I love you. Casting foolish judgments on your fellow brothers, will never bode well with nature (and the Lords Of Karma).

......."As I said I know people can get lonely and bored when they have no one (pm me if you would like some medical advice on your depression), but if you are going to pretend to be someone ... at least make it slightly convincing and less contradictory, at least it would be entertaining then." ..............

An offer extended for free mental/medical advice and scathing sarcasm/critisizm all rolled into one, albeit long, sentence.
edit on 9-6-2013 by grubblesnert because: just cuz

posted on Jun, 9 2013 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Chacruna44
reply to post by Initiate

It would be a lot less disturbing if you would just stop responding to those trying to argue. Ironically, it has not been the negative posters who has made me question your authenticity, it's that you have spent so much time responding to them and defending yourself that HAS made me question it. You could have used that energy to actual respond and interact with those who were interested and had actual genuine questions of you. It is very disappointing. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is feeling this way at this point. Sigh.

It's perfectly fine to engage people in dialogue. Unfortunately, your innards can get exposed. I foresee a spiral downward effect.

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What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

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