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Jihadi Motivation (Disturbing Essay Episode 3) Come On In, It's Short.

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posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by charles1952

In regards to the link in the OP;

The alleged butcher of the off-duty British soldier, Drummer Lee Rigby, defended his carving up of a living human being by claiming that he was engaging in "an eye for an eye" because the British army is killing Muslims in Afghanistan.

"An eye for an eye leave everyone blind!!!"

I'm going to be frank, blunt, and honest. If people do not see that "God" is within, "God" is outside, "God" is this great existence and WOULD NOT COMMAND MURDER. Any religion or belief system that says other-wise is a corruption of Truth and a lie against All That Is One.

We all share DNA. We all share an interconnectedness of our atoms, subatomic particles, and our cause-effect on reality. To kill another is to kill your Self. To love another is to love your Self.


The article finishes with the line:

Every Muslim and every Western leftist who perpetrates the lie about the West killing Muslims as the source of Islamist terror abets that terror.

I see this article as one written with the intention of separation ideologies.

My heart aches for the day when religion, nationality, etc., will be thrown down in favor of a compassionate and joyous world.


posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by charles1952

Maybe I need more coffee. I'm sure you wrote a great post, I just can't figure it out.
Chuck, I didn't mean to embarrass you in your own thread. (you just made it easy).

I can see your avoiding direct questions, so I will just spell out the post in question.

You gave some Lame excuse of Terrorist Deaths as a Reason to Kill all Muslims, when in Fact, more People die from Bee Stings in the US , than from Terrorism.

I gave a Rebuttal response of Entire Muslim Countries being Bombed, As too why they Just may be a Tad Angry at the US.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

Dear ArtooDetoo,

I really have to get more coffee. What in the world does "homophobic" have to do with anything? Besides, It's my understanding that a devout Muslim would prefer a homophobe to a gay.

isnt it plain wrong for an "understanding" and "respectfull" individual like yourself to quote esays written by religious homophobic right-wing nutters. . .
You must be responding to some other web site. If I find an interesting, discussion worthy idea, I think I should be able to post it regardless of who sat at the keyboard. I know you're not suggesting that some people should not be allowed to express their opinions.

Some have posted their disagreements with the essay, a few have even mentioned reasons for that disagreement. Allow me to suggest that you do the same.

With respect,

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by LordDerpingtonSmythe
reply to post by NeoMuslim

I understand this sir.
But you were talking about future events.
Considering Ann Frank was a jew (who apparently are evil) and that you stated everyone in the west would be killed for being bullies, I was understandably confused by your statement.

edit on 29-5-2013 by LordDerpingtonSmythe because: .

You're confusing yourself. I said a Jewish Family is running your life and Government via Federal Reserve. It is also running the lives of billions via their central banking system. These people are Zionists. What you do not realize is that these people are not the common jew, they only care for themselves and will do anything for power and money. These people will strike America and we will only cover for them. Their enemies are not the people of Satan but rather the people of God. and if you believe otherwise then you have not seen the world. Everything is upside down in the society. As for the common Jew, there is no blame to be placed on them if they do not know.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by charles1952

S&F Charles!

There is a bit of hypocrisy in that defense, huh? When your political ideology is so conflicted it’s no surprise your policies contradict themselves. For instance, there was a recent case of a man who gave his girlfriend the equivalent of “the morning after pill” and is being charged with murder. Abortion is legal…the guy gave his girl an “abortion pill”…yet it’s considered MURDER because it wasn’t HIS CHOICE. How flipping stupid is that? Another example is the death penalty. How do liberals support war against murders in the ME yet in the US they are against the death penalty for murderers??

In Prager’s scenario we have a war in Afghanistan against a group that murders thousands of Muslims, yet when we kill them (in defense of innocent Muslims) we’re accused of hatred towards Muslims.

I believe the problem is an ideological one. The left acts as though it has a moral high ground yet seems to always let everyone down. The contradiction in leftist policies makes it impossible to EVER do the right thing because SOMEONE is always on the short end of the stick….and we can’t have that, can we?

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

Dear Tw0Sides,

For a Guy who is never short of words to CONDEMN.
You are Short of Words, When asked to Reply Honestly.

You forgot to put the laughing face after your post. You know, like this

You asked for a short reply, even gave me a word limit. Didn't I satisfy you? You asked for an honest answer, i gave you one. What do you want from me?

Anyway, thanks for the chuckle.

With respect,

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

Chuck, I didn't mean to embarrass you in your own thread. (you just made it easy).

The only person you’re embarrassing is yourself!

If a Foreign Invading Force , killed some Family members, raped some others, would you embrace them?

Was that the mission of the US in Afghanistan? I must have missed that memo.

I don’t give a crap what the Afghan people want, honestly, because they were harboring violent extremists. US didn’t go there to kill innocent people. Your hatred for US troops and complete lack of real knowledge about the mission objectives and actual action on the ground are apparent.

Those nuts were strapping bombs to themselves LONG before 2001. You’ve had a bit too much Kool Aid. Turn off MSNBC and get a grip.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by NeoMuslim

Originally posted by LordDerpingtonSmythe
reply to post by NeoMuslim

I understand this sir.
But you were talking about future events.
Considering Ann Frank was a jew (who apparently are evil) and that you stated everyone in the west would be killed for being bullies, I was understandably confused by your statement.

edit on 29-5-2013 by LordDerpingtonSmythe because: .

You're confusing yourself. I said a Jewish Family is running your life and Government via Federal Reserve. It is also running the lives of billions via their central banking system. These people are Zionists. What you do not realize is that these people are not the common jew, they only care for themselves and will do anything for power and money. These people will strike America and we will only cover for them. Their enemies are not the people of Satan but rather the people of God. and if you believe otherwise then you have not seen the world. Everything is upside down in the society. As for the common Jew, there is no blame to be placed on them if they do not know.

Lets make sure we clear up my confusion.
If the "common jew" did know about zionism and we could place blame on them
what would happen to them ?

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Johnkie

Does anyone else see it?

"WE WE WE WE" We do this, We do that, We are responsible for blah blah.

Yet when someone says "Muslims are terrorists" the cries are "You can't say that, that's ignorant, you are blaming them all for the actions of a few."

I never hear muslims say "We did this and we did that" when talking about islamic terrorism. We never do.

Only the self depreciating west will blame itself for being attacked.

Surely, I can't be the only one to see it. It's perhaps just too obvious.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

Dear Tw0Sides,

Thanks for embarrassing me, It's a good thing, keeps me humble and rooted.

I'm honestly not trying to avoid direct questions. I don't think I said that since Muslims have killed some American citizens, all Muslims should be destroyed. In fact, in my second post I said I was hoping for a US withdrawl and trade agreements.

Now, if I were to know that all, or most, Muslims wanted to kill American citizens, I would consider that we would be in a state of war with Muslims. I prefer states of war to be resolved quicky and decisively. .

As too why they Just may be a Tad Angry at the US.
True, but that doesn't resolve the question. Does "Death to Israel, and Death to America" get cancelled when we leave?

With respect,

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

As someone who has fought and killed Muslims for the past 12+ years. I honestly have no idea why we have been conducting these wars.

At first we thought we were bringing to justice those who were responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks. Namely Al Qaeda and their Taliban sympathizers. But after years of that, it was kind of hard to buy into it any more. Especially since Bin Laden was allegedly killed in Pakistan.

When we went into Iraq it seemed acceptable for the 1st year or so on the premise that we had removed Saddam. Arguably in everyone's best interest. The second year, we could still tell ourselves we would at least get cheap gas out of the deal.

Sadly it became obvious that we had no business in Iraq at all, and the violence would continue with or without our presence.

I understand your disenchantment with US actions in the ME and shared it for many years. This is why GENERALS should conduct war operations instead of politicians. Congress should vote and declare war…troops deploy…generals do the strategizing…unit commanders on the ground call the shots using every asset at their disposal….the war is won…..troops come home. When that doesn’t happen (it’s never happened) then we have big, unnecessary problems. Politicians and political agenda’s cause the problems. How many times have you had targets and were told to stand down because some ass-hat with no leadership skills (or nuts) was more concerned about the repercussions of his orders on his own career than he was about the objective or mission? Everyone (all the way up the chain) is more concerned about what some elected fool thinks than what he KNOWS needs to be done. How can you NOT question the motives when the freaking orders don’t make sense???

I could go on but I won’t….just know that I understand your frustration with the way things are handled. I got out for a reason.

Meanwhile Afghanistan became an even bigger goat rope. And it slowly became clear that our policies of intervention and regime change in the middle east over the past 60 or so years had accomplished little more than several thousand dead Americans with nothing to show for it.
Because the objectives change with the direction of the wind, and the people calling the shots become more concerned with public opinion than mission accomplishment.

So, where does all that leave us?
With no end in sight of the killing on both sides.

The OP poses a good question and you really never answered it. Do you think that if we pull out of the ME things will be peaceful and Jihad attacks will stop? Wasn’t it Jihad attacks that got us there in the first place?

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Kgnow

And when do the enemy become the enemy?

That is the real issue.

It is haram to kill an innocent person. So it is denounced. But if someone is the enemy of islam, it is an obligation to kill them where they stand.

The duplicity of the truth in islam is what keeps it well hidden in plain sight. Indeed, if muslims are outnumbered it is acceptable to lie about things that are true to them.

When the numbers are in excess.. hello sweden.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:38 PM

If that is indeed the case, that hatred of the West is the motivator, then pulling out of Afghanistan, the entire Middle-East, or even the world, will not stop Islamic Jihadi attacks. Perhaps the only solution is crushing force, but I'm wide open for another, realistic solution.

For over 2000 years nine plus crusades of the past the West and Islam have never stopped fighting hell even in the last 50 years it only became 'common knowledge' because of politics.

What the modern day conflict is yet again 'politics' because there is no 'separation' of church, and state jihad is killing 'justified' by their religious beliefs.

As with any ideology there are extremists in this case muslim supremacists that is never going to stop.

You can pull out of every middle eastern country, would not make a damn bit of difference.

Pay attention to this map:

That is a lot of territory.

I also wonder if people actually opened up a history book and see maps like this one?

Or watch videos like this one?

Guess some would rather hear dogma than world history.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by charles1952


We could leave EVERY Mideast Land, embrace Sharia Law, and still you will have those who hate the West and are willing to kill because of it.

How many jails in America are filled with murderers? How many killed for just the sport of it?

That is the sad truth to it all.


posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by charles1952

As too why they Just may be a Tad Angry at the US.
True, but that doesn't resolve the question. Does "Death to Israel, and Death to America" get cancelled when we leave?

With respect,
Charles , your a Religious man, Can I let another Religious man answer the Question you poised to me?

"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." -- John Sheehan, S.J.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by neo96

For over 2000 years nine plus crusades of the past the West and Islam have never stopped fighting hell even in the last 50 years it only became 'common knowledge' because of politics.

What the modern day conflict is yet again 'politics' because there is no 'separation' of church, and state jihad is killing 'justified' by their religious beliefs.


How does America figure into this equation? Surely US is to blame! After all, US killed a few people there, right?

Now I’m confused!
[end sarcasm]

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

Afgan Iraq Yemen Syria? Iran ?

Actually the kicker is muslim was killing muslim long before there was ever this country.

Whose heads do those stones land on?
whose faces does that acid land on?
Whose dies when 'arab' springs' seem the flavor of the day?

Then there are invasions of countries by the 'Saddams', and the''Assads', and the 'Mubark's', and the 'Gadaffis'.

So when muslims get killed that's fine by another muslims hands which many people have been killed in the name of that 'jihad' against the west.

Then they turn around, and butcher british soldiers in the streets etc.

The victim card being played for the middle east is hollow as that political trolling remark.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by seabag

WAIT A MINUTE!!! How does America figure into this equation? Surely US is to blame! After all, US killed a few people there, right?

Cause they 'never let a good crisis go to waste'

Yeah this country has issues but the topic in the op has bigger issues.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by neo96

Actually the kicker is muslim was killing muslim long before there was ever this country.
You seem up on History.
Have we ever had Christians killing Christians?
Have Roman Catholics ever killed Roman Catholics?
Have Jews ever killed Jews?

You see Neo, take away the Name of their Religion, and they are just People.

And People have been killing People , before they had Religious Titles..

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides


edit on 29-5-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

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